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      • KCI등재

        러일 비밀협약과 러시아의 몽골 정책

        석화정(Seok, Hua-jeong) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2014 군사 Vol.- No.92

        The third secret treaty which Russia and Japan signed on July 8, 1912 maximized their imperial interests in East Asia. and precisely defined their boundaries in Mongolia compared to the previous Treaty of 1907. After the secret agreement with Japan, Russian government readily made Mongolia as a buffer area against China through Russo-Mongolian Treaty in 1912 and the Declaration and Exchange of Notes by Russia and China in 1913. ‘Autonomous Mongolia’ under the suzerainty of China was ratified in 1915 at the Tripartite Treaty of Kiakhta by Mongolia, Russia, and China. In reality, Russia had assumed that China would played a role in acting as the guarantor of Outer Mongolian autonomy. Inner Mongolia, however, lost its local autonomy forever. Mongolia might think that it cleverly was making use of China and Russia to advance its own interests, but it was evident that these two big powers in the early twentieth century had their own agendas for holding their private negotiations on Mongolia’s sovereignty. In short, the Russo-Japanese Secret Treaty and the Russo-Chinese cooperation as their outcome, served to deny Mongolian independence and sovereignty. As the pawn of imperialistic geopolitics, Mongolia had to bear the result of the Russian-Japanese-Chinese conspiracy and cooperation over its independence and sovereignty and try to barely survived on the edge of the balance of power.

      • KCI등재

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