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      • KCI등재

        征伐이라는 戰爭/征伐이라는 祭祀

        정다함(Chong, Da-ham) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.52

        Contrary to the view of nationalist historiography that has deliberately concealed the aggressive character of 15th-century Joseon, the warfare against Jurchens and Tsushima people was not merely self-defense, but a concrete manifestation of the early Joseon idea concerning its position in the Northeast Asian political order, in which Joseon was deemed a rightful suzerain over Jurchen and Tsushima polities. Such violence was defined as a “war for punishment and correction of the world order”, Zhengfa(Kr. Chongb?l), to establish the self and the other as enforcer vis-a-vis disrupter. This was an appropriation of the rhetoric of the “Sinitic” universal empire by Joseon kings representing their role of an aggressor as a divinely mandated punisher carrying out retribution against those who disrupted Joseon-centered hierarchy. Thus, the proclamations of war were accompanied by assertions that Jurchens were Joseon’s vassal, and that Joseon kings were like benevolent parents, against whom Jurchens were committing parricide. Since each war was a symbolic enactment of this perceived relationship, rituals and traditional sciences during warfare functioned to emphasize this vertical hierarchy. From the departure of soldiers to their return to the capital, Joseon deployed a powerful combination of rituals and technologies, including sacrifices, clocks, calendars, and firearms, to legitimize its execution of war, representing itself as the upholder of heavenly prerogative. Warfare was not simple aggression, but an elaborate ceremony to inscribe a particular power relation, with Joseon made a “lesser suzerain” subjugating Jurchens as its vassal, even as it remained itself a subordinate to the larger Sinocentric world order located around Ming.

      • KCI등재

        조선중기 鹿屯島 확보와 北兵使 李鎰에 관한 일고찰

        李源明(Lee, Won-Myung) 백산학회 2009 白山學報 Vol.- No.83

        This article studies A study of security of Nockdundoe(鹿屯島; down area of the Duman-River) and Lee-il(李鎰) of North commander(咸慶北道兵馬節度使) in the middle age of Chosun Dynasty. Take care of this study, First of all, writer took a system of military affairs and reform of military administration of the middle of Chosun-Dynasty. Accordingly this, we are capable of Limites of the Jin-guan System(鎭管體制; defence of 鎭管) and effective Campaign of defence(制勝方略) in the Jurchen area. And in the 16 century, Accordingly military service and reform bills of military adminstration of lee-li(李珥) and You-sung roung(柳成龍) we have confirmed inconsistency and limitation of defence system of Chosun Dynasty. Second of all, writer took Jurchen campaign of North commander of military Lee il(李鎰) and Nocdundoe(down area of the Duman-River). Third of all, took Life of Lee-il(李鎰) General of military and his activities the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592. Specially this 2, 3 chapter, writer took campaigns and activities Lee-il(李鎰) of North commander of military and Lee-il(李鎰) of General the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592. Accordingly this studies, writer requested truly-valuation of Lee-il(李鎰) of General the early days of Japanese invasions in 1592, and careful judge a person by true materials.

      • 조선 초기의 ‘征伐’: 천명, 시계, 달력, 그리고 화약무기

        정다함 문화사학회 2011 역사와 문화 Vol.21 No.-

        The Logic of Zhengfa: Warfare, Calendar, Clock, and Firearm Weapon in 15th-Century Chosŏn Daham Chŏng(Hanyang University) This paper is to rethink 15th century Chosŏn’s warfare against Jurchens with transnational perspective. Unlike Korean historians’ views that underestimate those wars as self-defense, which originated from nationalists historiography’s hereditary victimhood on “foreign invasion”, those wars were clear representation of the political idea Early Chosŏn created on its position in Northeast Asian interstate order, which situated Chosŏn high above Jurchens. Basically, those wars were defined as “war for punishment and correction of world order”, Zhengfa(Kr. Chŏngbŏl), by the bipolar rhetorics of the language of Universal Empire, which Chosŏn kings dared to appropriate. Accordingly, on the other side of physical violence of war, Chosŏn’s egocentric rhetorics which kept bipolarizing the heavenly mandated punisher and the convict, were repeatedly represented. Along with proclamation of war, it was emphasized Jurchens have belonged to Chosŏn since the dynastic founder. Then, Chosŏn kings were described as benevolent parents, and Jurchens were inevitably characterized with immorality of parricide. It was those particular rituals and traditional sciences which symbolized this vertical hierarchy in this war. From the departure of armies, via battle fields, to their returning to the capital, powerful combination of traditional rituals and sciences including clock, calendar, and firearms, kept justifying physical violence of war, by representing the imagined hierarchy under heaven where divine legacy of Chosŏn king ruled and Jurchens should obey. Through this warfare, Chosŏn kings ultimately tried to build up its “Lesser Suzerain” status in Northeast Asia vassalizing those Jurchens, in a periphery of the bigger frame of Ming Sinocentric East Asian order.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

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