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      • KCI등재

        전후일본의 친미내셔널리즘과 문화보수주의-에토 준의 전후민주주의 비판론을 중심으로-

        서동주 한일민족문제학회 2018 한일민족문제연구 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to analyze the logic of Jun ETO’s criticism of the postwar period and to grasp the state of the change in his perceptions of the postwar history. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes Eto’s political criticism from the 1960s to the 1980s. Throughout the 1980’s, Eto Jun claimed that the Constitution of Japan, enacted in 1946, was enforced by the United States. At the same time, the fact was concealed as a result of close censorship by the occupation forces. He called the postwar period a “closed space of language,” deprived of free expression through censorship. Thus, he understands the significance of the postwar history by reducing it to its origin of defeat and occupation. In 1960, however, Eto was on the side of criticizing intellectuals who reduced history to its roots. After the fall of a campaign against the revision of the U.S.- Japan Security Treaty, Masao MARUYAMA, evoking memories of the moment when the Constitution of Japan was born, insisted on renewing his determination for democracy. On the other hand, he criticized the history of the postwar period, in which significance was given by the establishment of the Constitution, as nothing but “fiction”. It was because he thought history would be driven not by a change in the system, but by a clash of forces. Since the 1960’s, he had maintained the view that “postwar,” what the supporters of postwar democracy would argue, is just a “fiction.” However, in the 1970s, what brought about such “fiction” had shifted from the postwar intellectuals to the Americans. He thought it was impossible for Japan to be truly independent as long as it relies on the United States for security and diplomacy. Therefore, he insisted that the United States forces should retreat outside Japan and regain their right to wage war. However, he did not insist on anti-American nationalism. He said that a demand for a new equal alliance between Japan and the United States came from America. In other words, he predicted that the time would come when the United States would recognize the need for a new alliance with Japan. However, the history after that did not develop in accordance with Eto’s wishes. Eto started to present an ideal national image from a cultural viewpoint, while proposing the ‘forced constitution’ theory through his research on censorship during the occupation period. In other words, he argued that the reconstruction of the postwar nation weakened by the loss of the right to belligerency could also be achieved by realizing a nation that responds to its own Japanese culture without having to do with constitutional amendment. Behind these claims is the recognition that democracy is a product of American culture which is heterogeneous to Japanese culture. Thus, in the 1980s, his criticism of the postwar era reveals the whole picture of cultural conservatism, leading to the loss of keen sense of “history. この論文の目的は、戦後日本の著名な保守知識人である江藤淳の戦後批 判の論理を分析し、また戦後史に対する認識変化の様子を捉えることである。 このため、この論文では1960年から1980年代まで、主に江藤の政治批評を分 析の対象としている。 1980年代を通じて、江藤淳は1946年に制定された「日本国憲法」がアメリカ によって「強制」されたと主張した。同時に占領軍の緻密な検閲の結果、その事 実が隠蔽されてきたと言った。その意味で、彼は戦後を検閲によって自由な表 現が奪われた「閉ざされた言語空間」と呼んだ。このように、彼は戦後史の意味 を敗戦と占領というその「起源」へ還元して理解している。 ところが、1960年には江藤が歴史を起源に還元する知識人たちを批判する 側にいた。安保闘争が挫折された以後、丸山真男は日本国憲法が生まれた 瞬間への記憶を呼び起こしながら民主主義への決意を新しくしようと主張した が、それに対して江藤は憲法の制定によって意味が与えられている戦後史は「仮 構」に過ぎないと批判した。というのは、彼は歴史は制度の変更ではなく、力の ぶつかり合いによって動かされると考えたからである。1960年代以後、彼は戦後 전후일본의 친미내셔널리즘과 문화보수주의 347 民主主義の支持者たちが言っている「戦後」とは「仮構」にすぎないという考え方を 維持し続けてきた。しかしながら、1970年代にはそのような「仮構」をもたらすの が、戦後派知識人から「アメリカ」へと移動した。彼は日本が安保と外交の側 面で、アメリカに依存する限り、日本の真の独立はあり得ないと考えた。した がって、彼は米軍の日本外部への後退と交戦権の回復が必要だと主張した。 だが、彼が反米ナショナリズムを主張したわけではない。彼は日米間の新しい 同綿関係への要求はアメリカから来ると言った。つまり、アメリカが日本との新し い同盟関係の必要性を認識する時期が訪れると予測した。 しかし、その後の歴史は江藤の願いとおりに展開されたわけではない。そうす ると、1980年代に入ってから、江藤は占領期の検閲に対する研究を通じて「押し 付け憲法」論を打ち出した一方、理想的な国家像を文化論の観点から提示し はじめた。言い換えると、彼は交戦権の喪失によって弱体化された戦後国家の 再建は、憲法改正と関係なしで、固有の日本文化に照応する国家の実現に よっても可能だと主張した。こうした主張の背景には、民主主義とはアメリカ文化 の産物であり、日本文化には異質的ものであるという認識が置かれている。こ のように、彼の戦後批判は1980年代に至って、彼は文化保守主義の姿を全面 に打ち出しながら、「歴史」に対する先鋭な感覚を失っていった。

      • KCI등재

        전사자 추모의 `탈전후적` 상상력-에토 준의 야스쿠니 문화론을 중심으로-

        서동주 ( Seo Dong-ju ) 한국일어일문학회 2017 日語日文學硏究 Vol.101 No.2

        Prime Ministers of Japan in the 2000s have justified their visits to Yasukuni Shrine on `cultural relativism,` that these visits should not be criticized as they are part of Japan`s tradition and culture. As this article finds, such cultural relativist argument by Japanese Prime Ministers can be traced back to the work of Eto Jun`s Perspectives of the Living and the Dead (1986) - Japan`s representative post-war conservative culturalist. Briefly put, Eto Jun argues in this article that Prime Ministers` official visits to Yasukuni Shrine should not be contextualized in terms of the constitutionality, whether they are infringing on the principle of separating religions from the state matters. Instead, Eto finds that the discussions on the Yasukuni visits should be addressed in a separate cultural dimension, how these practices are at the essence of how Japanese society have treated the livings and the deads - Japan`s own culture of the livings and their `sense of co-existence/symbiosis with their memories of the deads.` However, what makes Eto`s essay exceptional is not so much of his application of cultural relativism to the Yasukuni issues, but his unique reasoning and approach to history. He criticizes Japanese society`s contemporary tendency to treat the issue of Yasukuni Shrine visits in relation to the 1946 postwar Constitution. Instead, he argues that the meaning of Yasukuni Shrine should be thought as part of important ancient literary theme - symbiosis between the livings and deceased. Put differently, Eto is bringing in a much broader scope and timeframe, extending and connecting the `postwar` frame to the `ancient` period. While this approach seems to highlight Eto`s emphasis on understanding in-depth history, his extensive scope actually generalizes the meanings of individual histories. Based on his personal or fictional extension of history, Eto is trying to construct `history as an event.` Such approach to history can be similarly found in Eto`s other writings on the post-war history. To Eto, post-war Japan has become distorted and `enclosed within set of dictions` under the censorship of GHQ, as well as the `virtual reality` created by bureaucrats who have treated the Yasukuni issues only in the realms of legal principles. By focusing on the origin of occupation and censorship in Japan, Eto seeks to erase the distinctiveness of historical incidents of power politics and struggles in Japanese history.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        일본 현대지성과의 만남을 통해 본 김윤식(金允植) 글쓰기(비평)의 특성, 감각, 진화(進化)

        권성우 한국현대문학회 2023 한국현대문학연구 Vol.- No.71

        이 글은 김윤식의 저작 『한일문학의 관련 양상』(1974)과 『내가 읽고 만난 일본』(2012)에 대한 집중적인 분석과 검토를 통해, 두 차례(1970, 1980)에 걸친 김윤식의 일본 유학시절에 이루어진 일본 지성(문인)과의 만남이 지닌 의미에 관해 탐구한 논문이다. 김윤식은 일본 유학을 통해 당시 일본에 대한 생리적인 혐오감과 콤플렉스에 휩싸인 한국의 풍토에서 한국 근대문학을 온전히 연구하기 위해서는 한국문학과 일본문학의 관계에 대해 탐구하는 것은 피할 수 없는 과정이라는 사실을 확연히 깨닫는다. 김윤식은 일본 유학과정에서 오무라 마스오, 고바야시 히데오, 에토 준, 모리 아리마사를 직접 만나거나 그들의 저작을 접했다. 이 만남과 독서는 김윤식의 근대문학 연구와 글쓰기에 소중한 영향과 자극을 주었으며 새로운 도약의 계기로 작용했다. 김윤식(金允植, 1936~2018)은 1970년 일본에서 처음 만난 오무라 마스오와 오랜 세월 동안 학문적 우정과 신뢰를 쌓으며, 한국 근대문학 연구과정에서 커다란 도움을 받았다. 오무라 마스오는 김윤식의 글을 일본어로 번역한 『상흔과 극복: 한국문학자와 일본(傷痕と克服: 韓国の文学者と日本)』(1975)을 펴냈는데, 이 책은 한국문학을 공부하기 위한 일본인의 한국유학에 의미 깊은 계기로 작용했다. 또한 김윤식은 고바야시 히데오의 글을 통해 비평이라는 글쓰기의 본질과 특성에 대해 깊이 고민할 수 있었다. 고바야시와의 만남은 그에게 비평이라는 글쓰기 행위에 대한 남다른 자의식을 부여했다. 에토 준의 삶과 글쓰기를 통해 김윤식은 모든 열정을 건 글쓰기, 즉 죽음 외에는 휴식이 없는 글쓰기와 꾸준한 월평 쓰기의 의미를 감지하는데, 이러한 글쓰기 철학은 김윤식에 의해 한층 치열하고 본격적으로 수행됐다고 할 수 있다. 김윤식은 2차 일본 유학 시절 모리 아리마사의 에세이를 접하며 커다란 매력을 느낀다. 모리 아리마사에 저작에 대한 탐닉을 통해 김윤식은 글쓰기와 사유를 둘러싼 현장 감각과 경험의 소중함을 깨달으며 표현으로서의 글쓰기(예술기행)로 본격적으로 나아간다. 한국근대문학 연구와 비평, 예술기행, 평전 연구 등 광범위한 분야에서 우람한 성과를 보인 김윤식의 글쓰기에 대한 정확한 이해와 온전한 해석은 아직 제대로 이루어지지 않았다. 이런 의미에서 진정한 의미의 ‘金允植學’은 지금부터 시작되어야 한다. This article examines Kim Yun-sik’s encounters with Japanese intellectuals during his two periods of studying in Japan through an analysis of his books “Related Aspects of Korean-Japanese Literature”(1974) and “Japan I Read and Met”(2012). During his studying in Japan, Kim met Omura Masuo, Kobayashi Hideo, Eto Jun, and Mori Arimasa in person or through their writings. These encounters and readings provided valuable influences and stimuli for Kim’s research and writing on modern literature and marked a new leap forward. Kim Yun-sik developed a long-standing academic friendship and trust with Omura Masuo, whom he first met in Japan in 1970, which helped him greatly in his research on Korean modern literature. In addition, through the writings of Kobayashi Hideo, Kim Yun-sik came to think deeply about the nature and characteristics of critical writing. His encounter with Kobayashi gave him a heightened awareness of the act of writing criticism. Through the life and writings of Eto Jun, Kim sensed the meaning of writing with all his passion and writing monthly reviews consistently. This philosophy of writing was practiced more intensely and earnestly by Kim Yun-sik. During his second year of studying in Japan, Kim was fascinated by the essays of Mori Arimasa. Through his indulgence in Mori Arimasa’s writings, Kim moved toward writing as an expression (art travel article).

      • KCI등재

        전후 담론에 나타난 ‘고도성장’의 표상 - 가토 노리히로의 「아메리카의 그늘」을 중심으로 -

        오미정 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        本論文は批評家の加藤典洋が展開した戦後談論で、戦後日本をどのように認識しているかを考察した。彼の批評「アメリカの影-高度成長下の日 本」は、1980年代バブル経済の好況期という日本の政治的、国際的環境の中で登場した。江藤淳の批評に対する分析から、加藤が自分自身の批評を始めると点で興味深い。 加藤の戦後ナショナル・アイデンティティーの新しい構築に向けた視線は、1960年代以降日本の「高度成長期」をどう認識するかから出発する。加藤は、日本社会が高度成長を通じて経済的自立を成し遂げたにもかかわらず、依然として政治的には米国の影響下にあると認識している。この認識は江藤の戦後観と非常に似ているが、同一ではない。両方とも、日本の新しいナショナル・アイデンティティーを再構築しようとする欲望が批評の原動力であること、西欧体験を通じて西欧を相対化している点、戦後日本と「米国」という他者を不可分の関係として設定する点では同じである。しかしながら、加藤の場合は、日米関係に「アジア」という、もう一つの軸を設定し、日米一辺倒の関係に亀裂をもたらすという点で異なるといえる。にも関わらず、一国ナショナリズムに収斂する点で限界も明らかで、1980年代の新しいナショナル・アイデンティティーの構築の様相を加藤の批評から読み取ることができる。 This article analyzed how Japan was recognized and rebuilt in the 1980s discourse by Norihiro Kato, who appeared 40 years after World War II. Kato Norihiro’s literary criticism, The Shadow of America: Japan under High Growth(1985) was published in the 1980s, the economic boom. Interestingly, Kato begins his own criticism from Jun Eto (1932-1997) of his analysis of high-growth period literature. This article analyzed Kato’s discourse on criticism of Eto and considered his perception of postwar Japan. Kato’s view on building a new national identity after the war began with the recognition of Japan’s high-growth period since the 1960s. He recognizes that despite the fact that the Japanese society has achieved economic independence through high growth, he is still politically influenced by the United States. This perception is very similar to Eto’s postwar view, but not the same. Both are identical in terms of the desire to build a new national identity in postwar Japan and this is the driving force of criticism, the relativization of Western Europe through Western experiences, and the relationship between Japan and the United States after World War II. However, in the case of Kato, it can be said that Japan- U.S. relations are different in that it creates a split between Japan and the United States by setting up another axis called “Asia.” In this respect, it may be said that Kato’s criticism is how the new national identity was built in the 1980s.

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