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      • 숄로호프의 『고요한 돈 강』에 나타난 인간의 문제

        문석우(Moon, Seok-Woo) 아시아·중동부유럽학회 2004 동유럽발칸학 Vol.6 No.2

        솔로호프의 『고요한 돈 강』은 프롤레타리아 혁명이후에 지속된 내전의 시기에 러시아의 돈 강 유역을 중심으로 이데올로기에 희생된 까자끄인들과 그들의 다양한 인간성에 대한 탐구과정을 묘사하고 있다. 특히 사회주의 역사관에 투철하지 못한 시대의 희생양으로서 중간자적인 행위를 보이는 주인공 그리고리의 비극적인 운명이 당시 민중을 대표하여 전형적으로 나타나 있다. 그러나 비록 그가 사회주의 역사의 발전과정에서 갈등을 느끼며 실패자로서 절망의 벼랑 끝에 서있지만, 작품 전체에서 지속적으로 보여주는 따뜻한 인간미는 궁극적으로 소설에서 인간적인 승리자임을 보여준다. 그는 까자끄 병사들의 집단 성폭력사건에 격분하며, 포로를 재판도 하지 않고 처형하는데 분개와 환멸을 느낀다. 그를 움직이는 원동력은 적개심이 아니라 소박한 자연에 바탕을 둔 자연스러움과 휴머니즘이었다. 본 논문은 먼저 인간의 개념을 휴머니즘을 중심으로 고찰해보고『고요한 돈 강』의 작품분석에 있어서 까자끄인들의 사랑, 가족애,고향에 대한 향수 등을 통해 민중 안에서의 휴머니즘을 보여주는 다양한 인간의 모습과 역사 안에서 좌우로 흔들리며 이데올로기에 의해 고통을 당하는 인간의 양면성과 그 운명을 분석하였다. 그것은 개개인이 변혁의 시대에서 선택해야만 하는 문제이며, 사랑과 죽음이 복잡한 운명과 뒤섞이면서 혁명의 과정에서 갈등을 야기하게 된 개인의 자유에 대한 문제이기도 하다. 『고요한 돈 강』은 역사소설로서 뿐만 아니라, 가족을 단위로한 가족소설의 형태로 인식된다는 점에서 개인이나 공동체, 또는 혈연간의 갈등 등 심리적, 내적갈등을 기본으로 한 삶의 총체적인 이야기라는 특성을 지니고 있다. 사회주의 혁명의 과정에서 극한적인 갈등이 충돌하는 가운데서도 중요한 것은 인간이나 집단이 따르는 이념이나 역사적 지향이 아니라 따뜻한 인간미의 매력을 지닌 인간에 대한 존엄성으로 보았다. 작가 숄로호프는 전쟁을 배경으로 발생한 수많은 사건들에서 인간이 이데올로기나 신념에 따라 얼마만큼 비인간적이 될 수 있으며, 스스로 인간성을 상실할 수 있는가 를 보여준다. 비록 시대의 흐름과 역사적 상황에 적응하지 못함으로써 비극적인 운명을 맞게 되는 그리고리와 같은 인간은 황폐화해가는 삶의 과정에서도 따뜻한 인간성과 휴머니즘을 보여주었다. Sholokhov's Quiet Don River is a profound work on humanity and society, and an artistic revival of Russia's reality of the internal wars and revolutions that swirled at the time. The historical reality presented in this novel has became a critical moving force between figures and accidents because it is the reality related to characters' direct and indirect experiences. As it is recognized not only in the context of a historical novel, but also in the context of a family novel which takes the family as he unit, this novel have a character of being the whole story of life based on conflict of a person or community and an inner mental conflict like the conflict between blood relatives. There is no eternal winner or loser; in this tragedy, the hero promises loyalty to his homeland and his people, but his belief starts to sway after he feels doubts from the terrible sights of war. Switching allegiance between the Red Guards and the White Guards, the Kazaki farmer, who lacked clear view of history or world recognition cannot but first struggle to defend himself. In the latter half of the novel, he has a chance to escape from his country and go abroad, but he rejects refuge and tries to accept the pain of war because it was the time after he heard that Natalie had killed herself, and he acquired mature human love though her pathetic love. It is also evident that he realizes his life is not his own but is connected with other's fate though times when misfortunes and pains are scattered. Mutual interaction between Gregory and nature reveals his character, which can be summarized as pure passions and humanism. Captured by madness in the war, people insist on a blood revenge logic and acts a violence, but Gregory does not agree to reasonless cruel acts or murder.After his first killing in battle, he suffered a long time. He rages against an outrage on a woman committed by a group of Kazaki soldiers, and feels disillusion and fury at a prisoner being punished without trial. The power moving him is not hostile feelings but naturalism and humanism based on simple nature. It was a whirlpool of internal war and revolution that shook such a hero's life. But the tragic life of Gregory is the same tragic life of the most Kazaki people. Gregory acted according to his inner conscience without understanding the cycle of history, but he was deprived of everything. His gruesome life is the fate of Kazaki people, and moreover, it is the life of modern society, who has lost its identity through historical changes with no concern for the individual's will. If the society does not understand human desire or deprives a living human of everything under the banner of being a necessity of history, it would not be a world which we hope for. Sholokhov tragically depicted the ideologic middle class' fate. The reason why his literature is excellent is that it makes us realize how precious the value is of the person who is full of humanism.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 문학 속의 카자크 담론

        박혜경(Park Hye-Kyung) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2013 슬라브학보 Vol.28 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to explain a conflict of Cossackdom and the soviet ideology in M. Sholokhov’s And Quiet Flows the Don. Cossacks have a specific meaning historically and socially in comparison with other minor ethnic groups in Russia. Most of Russian historians agree that Cossacks are not a national group but a social group, because they are ethnically Russians originated from eastern Slavs and believers of Orthodox Church. Though they stirred up a few revolts in the medieval time, they generally showed a patriotism and a loyalty to the tsar. The representative Russian writers of 19<SUP>th</SUP> and 20<SUP>th</SUP> century dealt with Cossacks’ double characteristics in their novel. In Gogol’s Taras Bulba, Tolstoy’s Cossacks, Babel’s The Red Cavalry and Sholokhov’s And Quiet Flows the Don we can find a various approach to Cossackdom. The former three writers see their traditions and a way of life from the eyes of outsiders, but Sholokhov shows a different approaches. Because he was born in Cossack village and grew up with other cossacks, he can see them as a person belonging in their community. In his novels Cossacks are not just described as violent warriors, but human beings at the same time. In the period of Bolshevik revolution and in the beginning of Soviet era, Cossacks expressed an enthusiasm for gaining a freedom and a national autonomy. And Sholokhov’s And Quiet Flows the Don is a great story of this upheaval times. In this novel Sholokhov chose the value of national identity instead of soviet ideology. There has been always two essential images in Cossack nature ? one of them is violent warriors and the other is peaceful peasants. The main character Grigory Melekhov would not adapt to violence and cruelty in the war, so he discarded the honor as a war hero, instead chose a way of life as a peasant. This is not an abandonment of Cossack identity and not a denial of Soviet ideology, but a revelation of a higher value as a human being. We have to admit that the pursuit of a home and the earth is another indication of their national identity.

      • KCI등재

        숄로호프와 혁명, 그리고 문학 : 카자크 작가인가 소비에트 작가인가

        박혜경 한국러시아문학회 2016 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.54 No.-

        Тhis paper examines the relationship between political opinions and literary life of Mikhail Sholokhov. He was one of the most famous and widely loved Soviet novelists and also achieved a worldwide fame as a winner of the 1965 Nobel prize in Literature. As a writer who comes from a Cossack village, he knew well about tough situation and tragic fate of Don Cossacks during the Russian Revolution, the civil war and the period of collectivization. Though he participated actively in various operations of Bolshevik and soviet government, in his literature we can read different point of view on the political situation of the time. Especially the main characters of And Quiet Flows the Don and Virgin Soil Upturned experience an inner conflict between a soviet reality and an identity as a Cossacks. In Russian history Cossacks were always apprehended a special group, because they were on the one hand violent soldiers protecting Russian territory and Russian tsar, and on the other hand anti-Russian ethnic group always dreaming an independent state of Cossacks. In his works Sholokhov shows that Cossacks eventually lose their national identity and become Soviet people, but he never depicts this process in the view of socialist realism. Though he was not a Cossack, but with a sympathy for them he tried to prove that Cossacks were people of free spirit.

      • KCI등재

        『고요한 돈강』과 『태백산맥』에 나타난 인간의 문제

        문석우 세계문학비교학회 2001 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        Both The Taebaek Mountains and Quiet Don River are novels with rural, not urban, settings, dealing with civil war and the problems of life of those of the same bloodline. Their similarities and differences are as follows. First, Quiet Don River picturesquely describes the 'Voshenskaia' Steppe in the Don River Valley and the seasonally changing forest. In The Taeback Mountains, the streets of Beolgyo, a small county seat in Jeolla Province, is lyrically depicted and the nature of Mt. Jiri is very beautifully described. Second, Quiet Don River depicts the Cossack farmer's strong attachment to the land and The Taebaek Mountains deals with the dissatisfaction and anger of poor peasants who live in Jeolla Province and are calling for land reform, the people's pain and anger at the lack of the necessaries of life and economic instability, and struggle for these things. Third, in both works, illicit love and morality play an important role in the plot. In Quiet Don River, the burning love tour of hero Grigory and his lover Aksinia is described in detail. The illicit love of Jeong Haseob and Sohwa and the relationship between Yeom Sanggu and Oeseodaek depicted in The Taebaek Mountains are not very different from that of Quiet Don River. Fourth, both novels seriously describe the occurrence of infection and frostbite among soldiers or partisans during wartime and their remedy. Quiet Don River deals with the occurrence and spread of typhus and its misery and frostbite in winter. The Taebaek Mountains also describes the occurrence of recurrent fever and the struggle for existence of partisans who use all their wisdom to eliminate infection under poor conditions. It also mentions how to remedy infection in winter through main characters' experience. Fifth, death of a pair of lovers in both works impresses readers. The death of Anna and Bunchuk in Quiet Don River and that of Kim Heja and Chunjeombagu in The Taebaek Mountains are depicted solemnly and humanly. Sixth, the antagonism of family is described in full on the side of writer: the conflict of Grigory and Koshevoy in Quiet Don River and that of Yeom Sangjin and Yeom Sanggu in The Taebaek Mountains. In particular, The Taebaek Mountains adopts Yoem Sanggu's inferiority complex and revenge toward his brother, Yeom Sangjin, from childhood as its important theme. Finally, apathy and transcendence to a number of battles and death in an extreme situation attract attention among the main characters. Also, the characters' personality is contrasted in both novels. Kim Bumwoo and Grigory have a careful personality, strong comradeship, and have an immoral, weakly faithful, but strenuous life force, whereas Yeom Sanggu and Koshevoy show such common characteristics as cruelty, inhumanity, and heartlessness. Also, there is an intense comparison of loss of humanity. While The Taebaek Mountains describes apathy to death in a battle, Quiet Don River reflects apathy to Koshevoy's murder. Human beings have different individual opinions, so they think it is right to live by their own ability or to live, work, and eat equally. But, it is not a matter of whether or not it is right, but a matter of choice. Brothers and friends stand face to face due to support of Socialism and come into intense conflict at the crossroads of life and death. Most important is not what ideology people or groups follow, but warm humanity. Sholoxov's creation shows that he understands popularity, pathos of humanism, confidence in people's morality, and difficulty in overcoming morality when people face only their conscience alone, surrounded with enemies. And writer makes us think of human problem with which the whole human as well as Russian is faced through Cossack's destiny. Two writers, Sholoxov and Jo Jeongrae, are continuously concerned about human problem, showing how human beings can become cruel according to ideology or faith, how they lose humanity by themselves, how they keep humanity and humanism even under extremely run-down situations caused by conflict and antagonism, and how important they are as the equal people regardless of ideology. Two novels are concluded with open space without impelling readers to draw conclusions about locals' hope in a war-devastated area or ideology.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Несколько замечаний к теме ≪Шукшин и Шолохов≫

        ( Глушаков П. С. ) 한국러시아문학회 2012 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.39 No.-

        The theme ≪Shukshin and Sholokhov≫ already has the research tradition. But some settled positions as it is represented, need additions and specifications. Life and Shukshin creativity by many threads it is connected with Sholokhov`s figure. Shukshin and Sholokhov`s relationship, according to researchers, is caused by a country origin, love for the country, sensation of the roots. For Shukshin Sholokhov was the classic. Its products were included into the school and high school program, and the personal image of the writer was perceived by Shukshin very positively. According to other scientists, Shukshin communication with Sholokhov`s creativity is defined by affinity of ideologically-esthetic positions. Meanwhile it is necessary to consider and to the critic Shukshin of an image Sholokhov. For it it is a difficult image and the difficult person. In article statements of writers are analyzed. Special value is given to their meetings. Creative contacts here are very important.

      • KCI등재

        Несколько замечаний к теме «Шукшин и Шолохов»

        파벨 글루샤코프 한국러시아문학회 2012 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.39 No.-

        The theme «Shukshin and Sholokhov» already has the research tradition. But some settled positions as it is represented, need additions and specifications. Life and Shukshin creativity by many threads it is connected with Sholokhov's figure. Shukshin and Sholokhov's relationship, according to researchers, is caused by a country origin, love for the country, sensation of the roots. For Shukshin Sholokhov was the classic. Its products were included into the school and high school program, and the personal image of the writer was perceived by Shukshin very positively. According to other scientists, Shukshin communication with Sholokhov's creativity is defined by affinity of ideologically-esthetic positions. Meanwhile it is necessary to consider and to the critic Shukshin of an image Sholokhov. For it it is a difficult image and the difficult person. In article statements of writers are analyzed. Special value is given to their meetings. Creative contacts here are very important.

      • KCI등재

        『고요한 돈』의 한국어 번역 판본 비교

        최유찬(Choi, Yu-Chan) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2012 한국학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        The Quiet Don was written by Michail Aleksandrovich Sholohov between 1925 and 1940. The first part of The Quiet Don appeared in serialized form around 1928. This part named And Quiet Flows The Don. The complete novel deal with the life of the Cossacks during the early 20th century. They lived in the Don river vally as "free pople" depending piracy, unregulated fishing and hunting. They were a frontier military organization until the early 20th century. The plot of the great Don epic revolved around Grigori Melekov and Aksinia who fall in love with. But the story, after a while, enlarge to the world war and Russian civil war. The Korean translation of the great epic appear in 1949. The poet, Baek, Seok translated to the 5th part of the whole text which is composed with eight part. Though the edition disappeared in South Korea, owing to. Korean war and the ideological confrontation. In 1985, the relaxed period of the oppression of socialist ideology, two publisher put out translations of The Quiet Don. These editions seem to be translated from the Japanese editions. Comparing with Baek, Seok"s translation, their style constantly described events and scenes with prosaic mood. The atmosphere of the novel didn"t communicated to the readers by the prosaic expression. Baek, Seok"s style differ with the translation of the Japanese edition. In each other parts. the poet use the varying technique. The description about natural affairs give an impression as if the scene is a facet of lyrical poem. But the language to describe an action and event used to convey the aspects of the matters objectively. Especially, the phrase and composition to make a long story short near to be a poetical expression. Baek, Seok effectively combine the characteristics of the peculiarity of the each parts. So much his translation acquire rhythmical narrative structure. The use of the local languages and customs, repetition of the same vocabulary have service to acquire the rhythm.

      • KCI등재

        『고요한 돈』의 한국어 번역 판본 비교 - 백석 번역본을 중심으로

        고려대학교세종캠퍼스 한국학연구소 2012 한국학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;The Quiet Don was written by Michail Aleksandrovich Sholohov between 1925 and 1940. The first part of The Quiet Don appeared in serialized form around 1928. This part named And Quiet Flows The Don. The complete novel deal with the life of the Cossacks during the early 20th century. They lived in the Don river vally as &quot;free pople&quot; depending piracy, unregulated fishing and hunting. They were a frontier military organization until the early 20th century. The plot of the great Don epic revolved around Grigori Melekov and Aksinia who fall in love with. But the story, after a while, enlarge to the world war and Russian civil war.</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;The Korean translation of the great epic appear in 1949. The poet, Baek, Seok translated to the 5th part of the whole text which is composed with eight part. Though the edition disappeared in South Korea, owing to. Korean war and the ideological confrontation. In 1985, the relaxed period of the oppression of socialist ideology, two publisher put out translations of The Quiet Don. These editions seem to be translated from the Japanese editions. Comparing with Baek, Seok&quot;s translation, their style constantly described events and scenes with prosaic mood. The atmosphere of the novel didn&quot;t communicated to the readers by the prosaic expression.</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Baek, Seok&quot;s style differ with the translation of the Japanese edition. In each other parts. the poet use the varying technique. The description about natural affairs give an impression as if the scene is a facet of lyrical poem. But the language to describe an action and event used to convey the aspects of the matters objectively. Especially, the phrase and composition to make a long story short near to be a poetical expression. Baek, Seok effectively combine the characteristics of the peculiarity of the each parts. So much his translation acquire rhythmical narrative structure. The use of the local languages and customs, repetition of the same vocabulary have service to acquire the rhythm.</P>

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