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      • KCI등재

        베트남 리왕조의 長期化 要因 一考察

        송정남 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2024 東南亞硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        베트남의 리왕조는 베트남 왕조사에서 첫 번째 장기왕조이다. 리왕조는 장기왕조 중에서 두 번째로 오래 존재했던 왕조이기도 하다. 본고는 리왕조가 장기간 존재할 수 할 수 있었던 요인을 국내 요인과 국외 요인, 그중에서도 국외 요인을 중점적으로 다뤘다. 대외 요인은 중국 宋의 무치(武治)가 경시된 지나친 문치주의(文治主義)와 그 때문에 중국이 서쪽, 북쪽, 동쪽의 서하(西夏), 요(遼), 금(金), 몽골 등의 위협에 국력이 소진됐기 때문이다. The Ly dynasty in Vietnam is the first long-term royal dynasty in the history of the Vietnamese dynasty. The Ly dynasty was also the second-longest-existed dynasty among the long-term dynasties. This paper focuses on domestic and foreign factors, especially foreign factors, on the factors that allowed the Ly Dynasty to exist for a long time. The external factor is that China has exhausted its national power due to threats such as Western Xia(西夏), Liao(遼), Jin(金), and Mongolia in the west, north, and east, as well as excessive 文治主義(Governing by law and reason rather than by military force), in which the Chinese Song dynasty’s neglected the 武治(Politics centered on protecting the country and increasing military force).

      • KCI등재

        고소설 향유자의 중국인식과 배경 왕조의 상관 -송․원 배경 작품을 중심으로-

        주수민 한국문학치료학회 2019 문학치료연구 Vol.51 No.-

        This study intends to reveal the correlation between the recognition of classical novel readers' Chinese background knowledge and the context of the works produced during the Yuan Dynasty and Song Dynasty. First, the different authorships in the Song and Yuan dynasties were identified by comparing <Janghanjeolhyogi> with <Jangwalyongeon> which is known for reformation of <Janghanjeolhyogi> . These novels present similar descriptions but differ not only in their background, but also in the setting of concrete figures and events. In addition, the writer’s thought about the Yuan and Ming dynasties in ‘Gundam’ were different in the two works. In other words, if the Yuan Dynasty of <Janghanjeolhyogi> was recognized negatively, the Ming Dynasty of <Jangwalyongeon> was regarded positively for its loyalty. This aspect was seen to arise from the different perceptions about the Yuan and Ming dynasties as a context for readers of late Joseon novels. However, this study aims to confirm that the versions of the <Hyeonsumunjeon> depict different worlds based on a specific background. To this end, it examines the figures of the emperor and the world of composition in the antecedent edition of <Hyeonsumunjeon> and <Hyunxiyangwoongxangrinki> known as the epic source of this work. Each of novels has a same background of the Song Dynasty. However, <Hyeonsumunjeon> is based on the Sin-jong era and <Hyunxiyangwoongxangrinki> is based on In-jong era. Therefore, each novels show different picture of the world regarding the Song Dynasty. And as a result investigating various editions of <Hyeonsumunjeon>, Some editions are based on Sin-jong era and others are not specified by era. So, this paper compared The“Gyeongpan edition” which is one of novel based on Sin-jong era and the “Park Soon-ho edition” which is not specified by era. The Park Soon-Ho edition was found to be more positive about the Song Dynasty than the Gyeongpan edition. This was attributed to Park Soon-ho edition having a limited background of the Song Dynasty and therefore no negative perspective on the Song Dynasty from the Sin-jong era. In addition, despite differences in perceptions about the Song Dynasty, both editions had a similar ending that Song Dynasty was not collapsed. It is different with the previous version, which reflected the Huaiguan(華夷觀) of the late Joseon Dynasty. 본고는 송․원 배경 작품들을 중심으로 고소설의 배경 왕조와 중국인식의 상관성을 밝히고자 한 것이다. 본고에서는 먼저 ‘송말원초’ 배경의 <장한절효기>와 그 개작으로 ‘명나라 성화 연간’을 배경으로 한 <장월용전>을 비교하여 살펴보았다. 두 작품은 서사적 유사성에도 불구하고 배경 왕조를 달리 하는 가운데 주요 인물 및 사건의 세부 설정에서 주목할 만한 차이를 보이고 있었다. 더불어 두 작품의 ‘군담’에 나타난 ‘원나라’ 및 ‘명나라’에 대한 작자인식은 명확한 차이를 보이고 있었는데, <장한절효기>의 원나라가 ‘충’의 대상이 될 수 없는 부정적 공간으로 설정된데 비해 <장월용전>의 명나라는 ‘충’의 대상으로 인식되고 있었다. 본고는 이러한 양상을 고소설 향유자에게 배경 공간으로써의 ‘원나라’ 및 ‘명나라’가 변별적으로 인식된 결과로 보았다. 한편, 본고에서는 <현수문전> 이본들을 중심으로 구체적인 배경 설정에 따른 작중 세계의 변모를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 먼저 <현수문전> 선본과 본 작품의 서사적 원천이라 할 수 있는 <현씨양웅쌍린기>의 작중 세계를 비교하여 살펴본 결과, 둘은 각각 ‘인종’과 ‘신종’ 연간을 배경으로 상이한 송나라 천하를 그려내고 있었다. 더불어 본 작품의 이본들은 ‘신종 연간’과 ‘송나라’를 배경으로 하고 있었는데, 각각을 대표하여 ‘경판본’과 ‘박순호본’의 작중 세계를 비교해본 결과 박순호본은 경판본에 비해 송조를 보다 긍정적으로 묘사하고 있었다. 본고는 이러한 양상을 박순호본이 ‘송나라’만을 배경으로 취함으로써 ‘신종 연간’에서 오는 송조에 대한 부정적 인식을 제거한 결과로 보았다. 더불어 본고는 경판본과 박순호본이 송조에 대한 인식의 차이에도 불구하고 모두 선본과는 달리 송조가 유지되는 결말을 맺고 있다는 사실에 주목하였으며, 이를 조선 후기 화이관의 소설적 반영으로 보았다.

      • KCI등재후보

        12세기 중국의 기후변동과 기근

        김대기 한국생태환경사학회 2022 생태환경과역사 Vol.- No.9

        본 연구는 기존의 연구성과를 바탕으로 12세기 중국의 기후변동과 기근의 특성을 살펴본 것이다. 최근의 연구에 따르면 12세기는 ‘중세온난기’ 중에서 약 100년간의 한랭기로 분석된다. 『송사(宋史)』 의 자료를 분석하였을 때, 12세기는 이상기후의 발생 빈도가 가장 높았다. 이상기후 현상을 기록한 사료를 분석하여 기사 별로 등급화 하였다. 그 결과 높은 등급의 이상한랭 현상도 12세기에 가장 많았다. 특히 1180-1199년 기간에 등급3 이상의 이상 한랭현상이 5회로 가장 많았다. 1160년대 이후부터는 겨울철 이상 온난 현상의 횟수도 송왕조 기간 중에서 960년대와 1080년대 두 시기를 제외하고는 가장 높았다. 12세기 한랭화 기간 중에서 1160년대-1190년대 40년간 기후 변동의 폭이 상대적으로 가장 컸다고 추론할 수 있다. 12세기는 등급 높은 기근의 발생 수도 가장 많았다. 이 시기 기근으로 굶어죽은 사람이 다수 발생한 사건의 수 역시 12회로 송대 다른 세기와 비교하여 월등히 많았다. 송왕조 기간(960-1279) 중에서 12세기는 한랭기였다. 이 시간 기후변동성은 상대적으로 컸고 등급 높은 재해와 기근 그리고 미곡 가격의 등귀는 당시 하층민들을 매우 혹독한 환경으로 밀어넣었을 것으로 추정된다.

      • KCI등재

        天命思想을 통해 본 宋 太祖 趙匡胤의 皇帝卽位 記錄

        양종국(Yang Jong-Kuk) 호서사학회 2010 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.57

        Chao K'uang-yin became emperor in a peaceful way and was recognized as the figure who completed the Thought of Heaven's Decree by drawing a conclusion that the emergence of Sung was a must and Heaven's decree with the traditional principle of dynasty circulation. It is no surprise that historical records contain efforts to grant him legitimacy and lawfulness, which should be accepted as a natural phenomenon. The Thought of Heaven's Decree is reflected in the records about Chao K'uang-yin in many different ways. The findings so far can be sorted out as follows: Chao K'uang-yin was made emperor passively by the greed of a group of generals regardless of his own will; he still paid close attention and made efforts to make sure the political change would progress peacefully for his loyalty for Late Chou Dynasty and his love of people; despite his efforts, unexpected events took place such as the murder of Han t'ung. Chao K'uang-yin thoroughly investigated those events to find out who to blame and demonstrated his strong will; as a result the common people praised and accepted him as their emperor; with those changes, Chao K'uang-yin continued to hang on to his personal worries; he finally ascended to the throne thanks to the assistance from his close warriors and prime ministers of Late Chou; in the enthronement process, some little problem happened. Placing great value on loyalty, Chao K'uang-yin applied strict criteria to deal with the problem; and after the enthronement, he named his dynasty Sung, chose Fire Virtue, and worshiped Red Color, thus completing the Thought of Heaven's Decree. One, however, should be aware that facts and distortions are tangled up with one another in a complex way around the Thought of Heaven's Decree in those historical records. Thus there is a need to scientifically analyze such records, which cannot be trusted blindly nor denied entirely, based on the right methodology for history study. That way historical truth hidden in historical materials will surface to some degree. Employing such an attitude, this study reviewed several historical records about the enthronement of Chao K'uang-yin in connection to the Thought of Heaven's Decree. The investigator wonders how many of the problems with the raw materials were overcome with the study and expects comments from other interested researchers.

      • KCI등재

        송·원대의 과학에 대하여 I -송에서 금까지-

        김영욱,Kim, Young Wook 한국수학사학회 2015 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.28 No.1

        This survey is the first part of the history of science of Song and Yuan dynasties and covers the period starting from Song to Jin. The major science in the Song period consists of calendrical astronomy, mathematics and medicine, and mathematics is also related to water supply technology. In this survey we follow Yabuuchi's work on the history of science of Song and Yuan period and Du Shiran's work on the history of science of China. We will try first to see how academic science flourished in the Northern Song, what caused the public science to prevail in the Southern Song, and then how the academic trend continued in Jin. We will continue to cover the Jin-Yuan period in the ensuing survey.

      • KCI등재

        高麗時代에 이루어졌던 對外政策의 諸類型

        장동익 한국중세사학회 2015 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.42

        This essay looked into the change of international situation and patterns of the foreign policy of the koryo dynasty in Northeast Asia between 10th and 13th. The summary of this essay is as follows. Firstly, the Manbugyo(萬夫橋) case that is understand a foreign policy of Taejo Wang Geon(太祖 王建), the founder of the Goryeo Dynasty is hard to judge a proper political action. And it is also difficult to understand ina viewpoint of national interests. The action of Taejo was an immediate opposition to proposal of the other nation. It signified that he had adopted a hardline. Secondly, the meeting between Seo Hee(徐熙) and So Sonnyeong(蕭恒德) is regarded as a model of diplomacy. It was a practical policy and an important indicator in subsequent foreign policy. The foreign policy of Seo Hee and Songjong(成宗) is earning many positive reviewsthat it was maintained peace and was extended the border to the extent of the Amrok River(鴨綠江). It will havehighly praised as good foreign policy for peace and co-existence. But it will have criticized that lost independency. Thirdly, after Goryeo repulsed the Kitan in 1019, Three Kingdoms in Northeast Asia kept the peace. But it did not derive from similar military power. In the situation of Northeast Asia from the late 10th century to the early 11thcentury, the going north of the Song and Goryeo was frustrated by Kitan with strong force. As a result, the Song dedicated an annual tribute to Kitan for defense the border. And Goryeo treated Kitan with the utmost courtesy. Fourthly, when the Jurchens appeared, the Song and Kitan had not aggressive offensive. It seems that they promoted reversal through the medium of Goryeo. But they could not get any help from Goryeo. Under the difficult circumstances, Goryeo also had little influence. They did not maintaina solid friendship with the other nation, and became the oppressed people. Finally, the military regime of Goryeo in the first half of the 13th century did not know about information and reality of Mongol, the newly rising a supreme ruler. As a result, Goryeo had not responded adequately to the diplomatic negotiation with Mongol, and had been occupied by Mongol empire.

      • KCI등재

        陶瓷执壶的造型特性研究 -以中国宋代为中心-

        장몽,김승욱 한국도자학회 2016 한국도자학연구 Vol.13 No.2

        From history of Chinese ceramics, Ho(arc)'s function and plastic expressed in various forms by era and by fusing new elements according to age(or era) at the same time accepting characteristic. From unique expression of Ho, the features and molding of chinaware can be seen that the changing process. Since the mid-Tang Dynasty, Gimeung(ware) and teapot were recognized as universal molding form from development of ceramics culture. Thereafter Teapot(Jipho) was the most common type ceramic on Song Dynasty. Formatively strict and elegant Song dynasty's teapot was delicacy and antique deeply influence the modern Chinese porcelain and other arts. According to this history, this research subject is the teapot's formative characteristics which it from Song Dynasty,golden age of chinaware. Looking at Song Dynasty's teapot(arc line), maintained a unique charm that is full of elegance while having a solid form and became even more delicate than the previous period. In addition, high and thin body mainly has shown the 4-6 line. The handle is easy to hold because of higher than water polo and if you inject and eject the liquid is also convenient advantage to control the amount and rate of the liquid. Song Dynasty tea pot's elegant appearance could be influence of the historical background of the time (political, economic, social, cultural, etc). 中国的陶瓷器随着时代的变化呈现出不同的面貌,在继承了前代陶瓷特性的同时又不断汲取 新的营养持续演变发展。在以器皿为首的陶瓷文化发展史中,执壶1)在唐代中期开始已形成了 大众普遍认可的造型样式,至宋代成为最具代表性的生活器皿。执壶以它独有的细腻感与古朴 气质对现代中国陶瓷器及其它艺术领域都给予了深远影响。 本论文主要针对素有中国陶瓷的黄金时代之称的宋代的陶瓷执壶造型特性进行整理研究。宋 代执壶的壶身较前代相比更加优雅又不失稳重之感;壶身通常具有四至六条瓜棱2)线,把手部 分由于高于注水口使得使用更加便利。综合看来,宋代执壶受当时时代背景(政治、经济、社 会、文化等)的影响,其器型呈现规整、秀美、古朴、优雅之感,堪称造型美的典范。

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