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        복음주의 진영의 선교적 회중(Missional Congregation) 모색

        박보경(Bokyoung Park) 한국선교신학회 2013 선교신학 Vol.32 No.-

        The current study aims to find ways to build missional congregations. Some times ago, the missional ecclesiology became one of the prevalent and influential theology. As Korean churches have faced rapid declination, church leaders has found its solution in missional ecclesiology. Yet, the advocates of missional ecclesiology have often been criticized for its idealistic approaches and loose connection with the actual life of local churches. Therefore, in this study, the writer suggests the missional congregation as the alternative approach for the missional ecclesiology. The writer convinces that the missional congregation theory becomes the practical expression and relevant application of missional ecclesiology. The concern for missional congregation has been initiated mainly by evangelicals church leaders. However, traditionally, evangelicals has been argued for clear distinction between mission structure and church structure as Ralph Winter suggested in 1974. As ecumenical theologians challenged the view, the first attempt to connect the close relations between mission structure and the church structure was indirectly expressed on the Manila Menifesto in 1989. In 1991, Charles Van Engen, an evangelical theologian, published a book titled God's Missionary People that became an important major voice that argued the missionary dimension of the local church. From the middle of 1990s, in North America, Gospel and Our Culture Network(GOCN) had been a major channel to spread the concept of the missional ecclesiology. In 2004, the Pataya Forum of Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization had been tackled with this issue and developed the idea of missional congregation. The forum suggested various elements of missional congregation. This development had been coincided with the movement of shifting from theory centered missional ecclesiolgy to ministry centered missional congregation theory within the GOCN movement. Concluding, this study has highlighted some important characteristics of missional congregations based on the analysis of Pataya Forum. They are as follows: 1) the missional congregation advocates incarnational approaches; 2) the missional congregation values the relationship with non−believers within the society; 3) the missional congregation relays on the Holy Spirit and emphasizes the prayers; 4) the missional congregation values diversity of the culture, therefore, do not support certain cultural structure over other kinds; 5) the missional congregation is active in evangelism and diligent in developing strategies; 6) the missional congregation values non−hierarchical leadership; 7) and the missional congregation promotes partnership between mission organization and local churches.

      • KCI등재

        A Critical Reflection upon Pyungyang Great Revival in Light of Howard Snyder’s Fivefold Church-Renewal Dimension

        정무성(Musung Jung) 한국선교신학회 2015 선교신학 Vol.40 No.-

        오늘날 이구동성으로 한국 기독교의 위기를 말한다. 종교별 사회 적 신뢰도에서 최하위를 면치 못하면서 동시에 양적으로는 마이너스 성장을 지속하고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 그 어느 때보다도 갱신과 부흥이 한국 교회에 절실히 요청된다. 이러한 시대적 상황 가운데 필자는 평양 대부흥운동을 하워드 스나이더(Howard Snyder)의 이론 과 연계해 고찰함으로써 교회 갱신에 관한 선순환 패턴과 목회적 통찰을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 대전제, 설명, 비교의 순서로 전개된다. 먼저 갱신과 부흥의 대전제로서 하나님의 주권적 역할과 은혜가 소개될 것이다. 다음으로 스나이더의 5중적 교회갱신론이 설명될 것이다. 그에 따르면 참된 갱신은 개인적(personal), 회중적 (corporate), 개념적(conceptual), 구조적(structural), 선교적 (missiological) 차원을 함께 아우른다. 마지막으로 평양 대부흥운동과 스나이더의 이론과의 상관성이 서로 비교되어 논의될 것이다. 본고의 연구 결과, 평양 대부흥운동은 스나이더가 제시한 5중적 차원과 밀접한 상관성을 보인다. 우선 하디 선교사와 길선주 장로를 위시한 개인적 갱신이 선도적으로 일어났고 뒤이어 장대현교회를 중심으로 회중적 갱신이 광범위하게 발생했다. 또한 새벽기도, 철야기도와 같은 개념적 갱신과 사경회(査經會)와 같은 구조적 갱신이 대부흥을 촉발시키면서 동시에 심화시켜 나갔다. 끝으로 상기한 개인적, 회중적, 개념적, 구조적 갱신은 날연보(日捐補)와 100만인 구령운동으로 대표 되는 선교적 갱신으로 승화되었다. 오늘날 한국 교회는 제2의 평양 대부흥운동이 발화하기를 희구한다. 이를 위해서 먼저 갱신과 부흥의 주체되시는 하나님의 은혜를 전적으로 사모해야 한다. 특히 교회 지도자들부터 회개를 통한 개인적 갱신을 철저히 추구해야 한다. 그들은 또한 회중적 갱신에 기여할 개념적, 구조적 갱신에 진력하면서 종국에 는 모든 교회적 활동을 선교적 갱신으로 수렴시켜야 한다. 이와 같은 5중적 차원의 갱신이 일어날 때 한국 교회는 초창기의 영적 능력과 사회적 영향력을 다시금 회복할 수 있을 것이다. The Korean Church is currently in a state of gradual decline in terms of both numerical growth and social credibility. That is, the Korean Church is in urgent need of renewal and revival. In this situation, this paper aims to provide the Korean Christian world with some theoretical and practical insights on church renewal through the correlative exploration between Howard Snyder’s theory and Pyungyang Great Revival. The body of the paper consists of three parts in the following order: 1) the ecclesiological implication of church renewal with special focus on God’s initiative role; 2) Snyder’s fivefold church-renewal dimension alongside with historical illustrations pertaining to each aspect; 3) the investigation of Pyungyang Great Revival in light of the fivefold dimension. As a result of this research, the correlation between Pyungyang Great Revival and Snyder’s theory was discovered in such ways that the 1907 Pyungyang Great Revival was an epoch-making event in Korean Christian history when Snyder’s fivefold church-renewal dimension(personal, corporate, conceptual, structural, missiological) brimmed over in abundance. First, personal renewal occurred in the lives of such Christian leaders as Hardie and Gil. Second, with Jangdaehyun Church as the epicenter, numerous local churches were pentecostally renewed and revived. Third, such conceptual renewal as Saebyuck-kido and Cheolya-kido ignited and continued to kindle the spark of the Great Revival. Fourth, such structural renewal as Sakyungwhe deepened, broadened, and strengthened the revival flame across the nation. Finally, missiological renewal was visualized and actualized into Nalyeonbo and the Million Souls Movement. To experience another Pyungyang Great Revival in this 21st century, the Korean Church as a whole must first turn to God, the alpha and omega of renewal, in repentant and expectant ways. In particular, Christian leaders should be wholly sanctified before God in pursuit of personal renewal. At the same time, they must engage in corporate renewal with particualr reference to Snyder’s tenfold suggestion, while vigoroulsy seeking conceptual and structural renewal, both biblically faithful and contextually relevant, that can ultimately conduce to missiological renewal. When this five-fold renewal dimension takes place in the Korean Church and “a vital urge toward its own health and renewal” is unleashed, it can be the Church which truly reflects the Kingdom and powerfully transforms the Korean society and beyond.

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