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        초등 역사교실수업에서 사료학습의 실행과 그 의미

        송인주 ( In Ju Song ),이성형 ( Sung Hyung Lee ) 역사교육학회 2013 역사교육논집 Vol.50 No.-

        The purpose of this study is explore for ways for elementary school students to experience an historian research through working with historical resources in the history classroom and educational significances of such experiences. While previous studies have focused on the notion and nature of historical resources, this study focuses on looking into the procedure of a real classroom work with them and examining students` responses and work results. One of the most common responses by students in the historical resource class is difficulty and fun of working with unfamiliar historical materials. Students` feeling of unfamiliarity implies lack of opportunities for the students to be exposed to such kind of classroom practices. Development can realize through meeting unfamiliar rather than familiar things and eliciting potentiality from self. Working with historical resources provides students with ``fun`` a motive power making possible for them to experience being immerged into learning. Students could have chances to think, search, and study like a historian while working with historical resources. Historical experiences make historical memory emerge. It became clear that working with historical resources can be a medium that involves into the field of ``history`` the students who have been marginalized from it because of their history class far from authenticity.

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