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        음렬 음악과 배음렬 음악의 쟁점들

        김진호 한국서양음악학회 2008 서양음악학 Vol.11 No.1

        This article studies on 10 points at issue of Serial Music and the Spectrum Music: (1)The serial musicians work with the traditional categories such as pitch, intensity, harmony, etc., which are only discrete symbols of the sound and time. While the spectral composers work with the sound and time as a musical reality; (2)The works with discrete symbols lead an order, not perceptual but conceptual. To work out the problem which the Serial Music in excess of concepts presents, Tristan Murail proposes a principle by which one reflects on the ideal relation between conception and perception; (3)The Spectrum Music based on the musical reality represents a socially unstable situation. While the Serial Music is based relatively stable concepts, which represents the fact that this music ignores the socially unstable situation which the Spectrum Music found; (4)The Serial Music stresses on the pitch parameter, but the Spectrum Music doesn't. As a result, the Spectrum Music ignores the important concepts of the Modern Western Music such as development, variation, repetition, recapitulation. So we can say that this music is atmospheric and transitional; (5)The early spectrum musicians show a music of oblivion, while the younger spectrum musicians show a structural music; (6)For the serial musicians, the timbre represents a field where one connects the traditional categories such as pitch, duration, intensity, with aid of compositional thoughts. While for the spectrum musicians, the timbre exists only in what one names instrumental synthesis; (7)For the younger spectrum musicians, the new way of musical structuration can be obtained by controling the process of transition between one timbral state and another: The process of transition is based on the mathematical functions; (8)The Spectrum Music supposes interaction, continuity and monism between musical material and thinking, takes the musical material and thinking from the inner structure of the acoustic sound, auscultated by the electronic techniques or the computer; (9)The serial musicians propose the music based on the artificial conceptual order, which is against the nature, but the spectrum musicians propose the music based on the nature: For the musicians of spectralism, artist must take an interest in embodying of the organic structuration and the unity for his art; (10)According to Hugues Dufourt, the Spectrum Music is conceived by the synthetic point, but the Serial Music isn't.

      • KCI등재

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