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      • KCI등재

        불완전한 명문의 복원

        沈載勳(Jae-hoon Shim) 중국고중세사학회 2016 중국고중세사연구 Vol.41 No.-

        New paleographic discoveries still abundant in China provide a new vista in studying early Chinese history. It is interesting to note that some of the new materials help interpreting problematic inscriptions unsolved so far. The recent discovery of the Jin Gong pan 晉公盤 is exactly the case, the inscription of which coincides with that of the controversial Jin Gong zeng 晉公 transmitted only in the rubbing. Introducing the problems in interpreting the Jin Gong zeng inscription, this article primarily focuses on an annotated translation of the Jin Gong pan inscription. Based on the translation, the study further examines the date of the vessels as well as the fabrication issue of the Jin Gong pan raised by Wang Entian 王恩田. In sum, it is safe to conclude that Duke Wen of Jin 晉文公 (r. 636-628 B.C.) cast the two vessels after he became the Hegemon in 632 B.C.

      • KCI등재

        칸들의 선물, 황제의 은혜 : 淸 初期 滿·蒙 관계와 禮物

        이선애 동국대학교 동국역사문화연구소 2022 동국사학 Vol.75 No.-

        In the course of Inner Mongolia being transformed into Mongolian nobles in the outer feudatories of the Qing empire (Waifan menggu ) by Hong Taiji, the gifts exchange between the Manchu Khan and the Mongol princes on an equal footing during the Nurhachi period changed to tributary system. From the fifth year of Tiancong, the custom of asymmetrical gift exchange became prominent, while Hong Taiji generally accepted items of high economic value and immediate necessity such as silk, clothes, and jewelry. The goods obtained by the Manchu regime directly or indirectly from Ming and Joseon were redistributed to the Inner Mongol princes in the form of bestowment and trade. As such, the tributes presented by the Mongol tribes in the Later Jin the early Qing to the Manchu emperor had economic value, and the goods of Manchu, Mongol, Joseon, and Ming circulated in various ways and through numerous channels in the 17th century. The rudimentary regulations for tributes that were established after the first year of Chongde began to take on more developed institutional aspects during the reign of Shunzhi, and were established as a complete system during the reign of Qianlong. The annual visits and tributes by the Mongol nobles in the outer feudatories of the Qing empire, and the system of subsequent banquet ceremony and bestowment as the emperor’s reward were also establsihed through this long-term process. The customs and regulations formed between Manchu and Mongol before the conquest of China in 1644 (or ruguan qian ), became the origins of the system of annual visits and tributes by Mongol nobles in the Qing dynasty. 누르하치 시기 만주 한(han, 汗)와 몽골 왕공이 대등한 관계에서 교환한 예물들은 이후 홍타이지가 내몽골을 ‘外藩蒙古’로 만드는 과정에서 進貢品으로 바뀌게 되었다. 天聰5년 경부터 받는 것보다 더 많이 주거나 받지 않고 주기만 하는 비대칭적 예물교환의 관례가 현저해졌지만 홍타이지는 경제적 가치가 높고 당장 필요한 비단과 의복, 보석 등의 물품은 수령했다. 그리고 만주 정권이 명과 조선으로부터 직간접적으로 입수한 물자들은 하사와 교역의 방식으로 내몽골 왕공들에게 재분배되었다. 이처럼 후금-청 초기 몽골 부족들이 만주 황제에게 바치는 진공품에는 경제적 가치가 내재했으며 17세기 만주-몽골-조선-명의 물품들은 다양한 방식과 통로로 순환했다. 崇德 원년 이후 마련된 조공 예물에 대한 초보적인 규정들은 순치 연간을 거쳐 제도적인 면모를 갖추기 시작해 건륭 연간에 완비된 제도로 정립되었다. 入關 前 만주와 몽골의 관계에서 형성된 관례와 규정들이 청대 외번 조근·조공 제도의 기원이 된 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        초고밀도 디스크 드라이브를 위한 반 진공 작동 환경에서 서보 트랙 기록 방법에 의한 RRO 저감에 대한 연구

        한윤식,강심우 한국소음진동공학회 2004 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.11

        In high-capacity disk drives with ever-growing track density, the allowable level of position error signal(PES) is becoming smaller and smaller. In order to achieve the high TPI(track per inch) disk drive, it is necessary to improve the writing accuracy during the servo track writing(STW) Process through the reduction of track mis-registration sources. Among the main contributors of the non-repeatable runout(NRRO) PES, the disk vibration and the head-stack assembly vibration is considered to be one of the most significant factors. Also the most contributors of repeatable runout(RRO) come from the contributors of NRRO which is written-in at the time of STW process. In this paper, the effect of NRRO on servo written-in RRO is Investigated by experimentally, and the experimental result shows that the written-in RRO can be effectively reduced through a STW process under low dense medium condition such as semi-vacuum.

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