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      • 미생물 기탁과 분양의 법적 문제점

        박영규(Young-Gyu Park) 세창출판사 2009 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.54

        Das Problem der ausreichenden Beschreibung mikrobiologischer Erfindungen stellt sich international. Obwohl in den meisten Ländern der Weg der Hinterlegung als einer Ergänzung der Patentbeschreibung gewählt wurde, variierte die Praxis sehr. Die Rechtslage war für die Anmelder nicht nur kaum überschaubar, sondern brachte durch den vielfachen Zwang zu wiederholten Hinterlegung auch große Nachteile mit sich. Um diesen Rechtszustand zu beenden, ist der Budapester Vertrag zustandegekommen. Was am Anmeldetag und Prioritätstag als Erfindung zum Patent angemeldet wird, sollte unabhängig von Besonderheiten des jeweiligen Patentrechts auch am Anmeldetag und Prioritätstag feststehen und grundsätzlich nicht zu einer Beweisfrage werden können. Deshalb erscheint es auch patentrechtlich sachgerecht, die Hinterlegung des Mikroorganismus spätestens am Anmeldetag bei einer anerkannten Hinterlegungsstelle zu fordern. Die Frage der Folgen der Freigabeerklärung bei Zurückweisung oder Rücknahmen der Anmeldung stellt sich im US-amerikanischen Patentrecht praktisch nicht. Das koreanisches PatG nimmt bei Zurückweisung oder Rücknahmen der Anmeldung nach deren Veröffentlichung in jedem Falle keine Rücksicht auf die sachenrechtliche Komponente des hinterlegten Materials. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt wird das hinterlegte Material ohne jede Beschränkung jedermann zugänglich. Jeder Entnehmer von Proben wird so behandelt, als ob er an diesen Proben Eigentum erworben hätte. Diese Folgen der Zurückweisung oder Rücknahmen der Anmeldung sind abgelehnt worden.

      • 미생물 분류 및 분양을 통한 R&D 지원, 생물자원뱅크

        이정숙 ( Jung-sook Lee ) 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2023 No.0

        생물자원은 인류의 당면 난제인 에너지, 환경, 식량 등을 해결할 바이오 연구 및 산업의 필수 핵심 요소로 인식되어 있으며 그 중요성이 나날이 높아지고 있다. 그래서 생물자원을 바이오경제 시대를 지지하는 무궁한 가치를 지닌 미래 자원이라고 말하고 있다. OECD도 생물자원의 확보 및 보급의 중요성을 인식하고 2001년 세계 각국에 고품질의 생물자원 및 정보를 관리하고 보급하는 생물자원센터(Biological Resource Center, BRC)를 설치하도록 권고하였다. 생물자원센터는 생명공학 및 관련 산업의 성장을 견인하는 핵심으로 국가 차원에서 지원해야 하는 중요 연구 기반 시설이다. 특히 미생물을 관리하는 뱅크들이 전 세계적으로 널리 운영되고 있다. 미생물은 바이오 연구와 산업의 핵심 자원으로 미생물자원뱅크는 미생물의 정확한 분류와 보존관리, 분양을 통해 바이오 연구와 산업에 기여하고 있다. Biological resources are recognized as an essential core element in bio research and industry to solve the challenges faced by mankind, such as energy, environment, and food, and their importance is increasing day by day. Therefore, it is said that biological resources are future resources with infinite value that support the era of the bioeconomy. The OECD also recognized the importance of collecting and supporting biological resources, and in 2001 recommended that countries around the world establish Biological Resource Centers (BRCs) to manage and support high-quality biological resources and information. Biological Resource Centers are key to driving the growth of biotechnology and related industries, and are important research infrastructures that must be supported at the national level. In particular, banks managing microbes are widely operated around the world. Microorganisms are a key resource for bio research and industry, and the Microbial Resource Bank contributes to bio research and industry through accurate classification, preservation management, and distribution of microorganisms.

      • KCI등재

        특허절차상 생물학적 물질 기탁제도에 관한 연구

        심미랑,장태미 한국지식재산학회 2012 産業財産權 Vol.- No.37

        When filing a patent application for an invention relating to biological materials including microorganisms, the applicant is obligated by law to deposit the relevant material or microorganism at an institution designated by the Patent Office Commissioner, in principle, in order for the specification to meet the disclosure requirement as well as for third parties to have access to samples of the biological materials. Concerning this, the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is an international treaty signed in Hungary on the 28th of April, 1977. The treaty came into force on August 9, 1980. This treaty is commonly known as the Budapest Treaty. The Treaty makes the patent system of the contracting state more attractive because it is beneficial to the depositor if s/he is an applicant for patents in several contracting states. The deposit of a microorganism following the procedures in the treaty will save money of the depositor. It also helps in increasing the security. With the recent development of the biotechnological industry, however, the patent deposit system of a biological material has been criticized as having not completely responded to the changes in the circumstances of the times, and improvements are required both in terms of the system and related regulations. The Current Korea Patent law, related regulations and rules don't enough reflect the Budapest Treaty, therefore, the related procedures are unclear. In this research and study, based on the analysis of the Budapest Treaty and the law relevant to the deposit of biological materials in the patent procedure in he United States, European Union and Japan, we propose an ideal legal improvement of the patent deposit system for biological materials in Korea.

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