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      • KCI등재

        한국의 몽골어 학습사 -조선 사역원(司譯院) 폐지 이전을 중심으로-

        강준영 한국몽골학회 2022 몽골학 Vol.- No.68

        The purpose of this study is to contemplate the history of study Mongolian language in Korea from Gojoseon(古朝鮮) to before the abolition of Sayeok-won(司譯院) in Joseon. It is thought that Korea began to study Mongolian language from the Gojoseon period. Since then, the ancient Korean people have learned their languages for exchanges with Proto-Mongolian ethnic groups such as Xianbei, Rouran and Khitan. Goryeo felt the need to study Mongolian language during against the Mongol invasion of Goryeo, and established the Yeokodogam(譯語都監) to educate the Mongolian language. Since then, with the growing influence of the Great Mongol(Yuan) Empire in Goryeo, the enthusiasm for learning Mongolian language has become higher and higher. However, from the early Joseon Dynasty, exchanges with Mongol have decreased. Because of this, those who wanted to study Mongolian language gradually disappeared. With the establishment of the Qing dynasty, study Mongolian language in Joseon become important again. However, the previous Mongolian language study book has become useless, so a new Mongolian language study book was published to replace it. These books are “the three books of Mongolian Studies(蒙學三書)”. And until Sayeok-won was abolished, these books were continuously revised and used as study materials. 본 연구의 목적은 고조선(古朝鮮)부터 조선에서 사역원(司譯院)이 폐지되기 이전까지 한국에서의 몽골어 학습사를 고찰하는 것이다. 한국은 고조선 시기부터 몽골어를 학습했던 것으로 생각된다. 이후 고대 한민족은 선비(鮮卑), 유연(柔然), 거란(契丹) 등 선(先) 몽골계 민족과의 교류를 위해 이들의 언어를 학습했다. 고려는 대몽항쟁기(對蒙抗爭期)에 몽골어 학습의 필요성을 느끼고, 역어도감(譯語都監)을 설치해 몽골어를 교육한다. 이후 고려에서 대몽골(원)제국의 영향력이 커지며 몽골어에 대한 학습열이 높아졌다. 그러나 조선 초기부터는 몽골과의 교류가 줄어들며 몽골어를 배우고자 하는 이들이 점차 사라졌다. 청나라가 들어서며 조선에서 다시 몽골어 학습이 중요해졌다. 그러나 기존 학습서는 이미 무용지물이었기 때문에 이를 대체한 새로운 몽골어 학습서를 간행했는데 이른바 『몽학삼서(蒙學三書)』이다. 그리고 사역원이 폐지될 때까지 『몽학삼서』를 계속해 수정하면서 학습서로 사용하였다.

      • KCI등재

        몽골어, 만주어의 의문첨사 비교 -몽어노걸대, 청어노걸대를 중심으로-

        주수현,T.Otgontuul 이중언어학회 2018 이중언어학 Vol.70 No.-

        In this paper, interrogative sentences were abstracted from the 『蒙語老乞大』 and the『淸語老乞大』to compare questions and interrogative particles in the Mongolian language and the Manchu Language. The questions in the Mongolian language and Manchu language divided into those with and without interrogatives. We focused on the comparison of interrogative particles shown in interrogative sentences without interrogatives, because interrogative particles do not appear in sentences in the case of interrogative sentences with interrogatives. For the development of the discussion, the interrogative sentences without interrogatives were divided into the general interrogative sentences and the negative interrogative sentences and the forms that interrogative particles are combined with predicates and substantives were analyzed. In the study the following commonalities and differences were found. 1) In the Mongolian language and the Manchu language, present and past tenses are not distinctively distinguished. The same is applied to the questions and the present and future question form is the same. As it is applied to both general interrogative sentences and negative interrogative sentences, care must be taken of in the interpretation. 2) When asking about a certain event in the past at present, ‘nau/neu’ is used the Mongolian language and ‘mbi+o’ is used in the Manchu language. Those forms are generally used to make a present question and a future question, but the speaker can also use this form when asking the past event at present to make the listener recall the past. 3) ‘buyu(bui+uu)’ in the 28Mongolian language and ‘bio(bi+o)’ in the Manchu language can be used as the meaning of auxiliary verb and substantive verb. They can mean present or future according to the context. 4) When making a negative interrogative sentence, ‘ugei uu’ in the Mongolian language and ‘akūn’ in the Manchu language are the most common form. They are ① inclusive negatives to negate predicates and substantives ② the vowel deletion by the preceding verb is seen ③ alternative interrogatives are commonly used to make a negative interrogative sentence. Differences are as follows; it is common to have space between the preceding part of speech and the interrogative particle in the Mongolian language, while in Manchu language there is no space between the interrogative particle and the preceding part of speech. Additionally, the followings were identified; 1) when ‘ni’ combines with the interrogative particle ‘o’ in Manchu language, ‘nio’ is used to make an interrogative sentence or to distinguish meaning, 2) When ‘ra/re/ro’, which are known to future indicative particles, are used in negative interrogative sentence, they can mean both of present and future. 본고에서는 『蒙語老乞大』와 『淸語老乞大』에서 의문문을 추출하여 몽골어와 만주어의 의문문, 의문첨사를 비교하는 연구를 진행하였다. 『老乞大』는 본래 한어로 쓰였으나 내용과 어학 교재로서의 우수성 덕분에 몽골어와 만주어로도 번역되어 조선시대 외국어 학습서로 널리 쓰였다.(최동권, 2012:5) 이들은 구어체를 문어로 기록한 문헌이기에 당대에 사용되던 어휘나 생활상, 문화상을 파악할 수 있는 귀중한 자료가 되며 국내외에서 18세기 만주어, 몽골어, 한국어의 연구에 활용되어왔다. 노걸대 언해본들은 문헌 특징상 대화체로 된 회화교재이므로 대부분이 묻고 답하는 형식으로 되어 있다. 따라서 서술문과 의문문이 문헌 전반의 대부분을 차지한다.(김성란, 2006:19) 의문문의 사용 빈도가 높아 본 연구에 적합하고 『老乞大』라는 교재를 기준으로 몽골어와 만주어로 번역하였기에 기본적인 내용과 형태가 일치하므로 알타이어족에 속하는 양 언어의 비교연구 자료로서 사용하게 되었다. 본고에서는 의문첨사의 형태 분석을 위해 의문사의 유무에 따라 문장을 분류하여 의문사가 없는 의문문에 나타나는 의문첨사 비교에 중점을 두었는데, 이는 의문사가 있는 의문문의 경우 문장 내 의문첨사가 나타나지 않기 때문이다. 의문사가 없는 의문문은 크게 일반의문문과 부정의문문으로 구분하여 의문첨사가 용언과 체언에 결합하는 형태를 비교분석하는 방식으로 양 언어의 유사점과 차이점을 밝혔다. 용언의 경우 동사의 시제에 따라 분류하였으며 일반의문문-부정의문문의 순서, 용언-체언의 순서로 논의를 전개하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어와 몽골어에 있어서의 언어예절에 대한 비교연구 - 호칭을 중심으로-

        D. Otgontsetseg 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2010 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.15 No.-

        This study’s purpose is to explain the similarities and differences in the two countries’ use of honorific titles and raise awareness of manners in Korean language to Mongolians learning Korean and help them use Korean language correctly. Such attempt is meaningful in that it is important for Mongolian students to use honorific titles correctly in using Korean as an everyday language and to deepen their understandings in Korean language and its language manners. Therefore, there is purpose in helping Mongolians learning Korean have sounder and deeper understanding in Korean language and in a more systematic comprehension of cultural and social factors reflected in both languages through comparative analysis of title use in Korean and Mongolian. In the first chapter of the thesis, we emphasized the necessity of cultural education. This is because explaining with cultural comparison of learners’ mother tongue to the foreign language they learn would not only help improve their language proficiency but also will work as an important study material for introducing the language’s culture and literature and play a crucial role in understanding the culture and customs of the nation’s people as well. In the second chapter, we discussed the purpose and necessity of this study and made it clear that manners in language are important in teaching Korean to foreigners. In the third and fourth chapters, we examined honorific titles in both languages and looked over similarities and differences in actual characteristics in application. Moreover, through such comparative analysis we wanted to examine differences in honorific customs between the two languages and also shed a light on potential difficulties in learning languages or mutual cultural misunderstandings that could arise due to such differences. In the fifth chapter, we explained on forms and characteristics of honorific titles in Korean and Mongolian, and asserted that people learning Korean language must pay attention to the innate characteristics of Korean honorific titles. Therefore, we wanted to present Mongolian students principles to follow when using Korean titles which lack Mongolian counterparts. 본 연구는 양국의 호칭어 사용 특징의 공통성과 차이성을 밝히고 몽골인 학습자들의 올바른 언어 사용 및 한국의 언어 예절에 대한 인식을 높이는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 이러한 시도는 몽골인 학습자들이 한국어를 일상 언어로서 구사함에 있어 올바른 호칭어를 사용하고, 나아가 한국어에 대한 인식과 한국의 언어 예절에 대한 이해를 심화하기 위해 중요한 의미가 있다고 생각된다. 따라서 한국어와 몽골어에 있어서의 호칭어 사용을 비교 분석함으로써 몽골인 한국어 학습자들에게 한국어에 대한 더 깊고 확실한 이해를 돕고 언어에 투영된 서로의 사회와 문화적인 요소를 좀 더 체계적으로 이해하는 데 도움을 주려는 것에 그 목적이 있다. 논문의 1장에서는 외국어 교육에서 학습자의 모국어와 목표 언어를 문화적인 관점에서 비교하여 가르치는 것이 학습자들의 언어 능력의 향상에 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라, 목표 언어의 문화와 문학을 소개하는 유일한 수업 자료가 되고 그 나라 민족의 문화와 풍습을 이해하는 데 매우 중요한 역할을 지닌다는 것을 밝히면서 문화 교육의 필요성을 강조하였다. 논문의 2장에서는 연구의 목적과 필요성에 대하여 논의하고 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육에서 언어예절의 중요성을 정리하였다. 논문의 3과 4장에서는 양 언어의 호칭법을 검토하고 실제 응용적 특징의 공통점과 차이점을 살펴보았다. 아울러 이러한 대비적 분석을 통해 두 언어의 호칭 경어관례의 차이점을 규명해보고 그로 인해 유발될 수 있는 잠재적인 상호 문화적 오해나 학습의 어려움 또한 밝혀보고자 하였다. 논문의 5장에서는 한국어와 몽골어 호칭법의 형태 및 특징을 밝히면서 한국어를 배우는 학습자는 한국어 호칭어의 고유한 특징에 주목하여야 한다고 주장하였다. 그래서 몽골인 학습자가 한국어의 호칭과 지칭을 올바르게 사용하는 데 있어서 몽골어 호칭에 없는 한국어 호칭을 쓸 때 지켜야 할 원칙들을 제시하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        현대 할하 몽골어 보조동사의 목록 연구 -기존 현대 할하 몽골어 보조동사 검증을 통한 목록 제시-

        송병구 ( Byeong Gu Song ) 중앙아시아학회 2014 中央아시아硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        This paper tries to inquire the characteristic of auxiliary verb in Mongolian language through the linguistic theory and to determine the auxiliary verb list in modern Mongolian Language and its system and meaning. This study reconfirmed the characteristic, the classification and the basic set of the auxiliary verb in modern Mongolian language that was illuminated through the former time research and to verify the auxiliary verb list that was confirmed up to now basing on this standard in the Mongolian linguistics. Up to now, the list of auxiliary verb in Mongolian language was not determined. Then, the list of 34 auxiliary verbs is extracted from the study and the work of Mongolian language scholar in this study. Also, each auxiliary verbs are verified through the characteristic, the classification and the basic set of the auxiliary verb in Mongolian Language basing on the modern linguistic theory. Among 34 auxiliary verbs, 19 auxiliary verbs that have been a lot of debate among scholars are determined as the final list of verification except 15 auxiliary verbs. Of these, 10 auxiliary verbs have been verified through former study, and this study has verified the rest of 9 auxiliary verbs. As a result, 22 of 34 lists that are disclosed as the auxiliary verb in modern Mongolian language determined as the final auxiliary verb in this paper. It is difficult to find new auxiliary verbs behind the list of auxiliary verb that Mongolian scholars present. Because author of this paper is not a speaker of Mongolian language. Considering that the list of auxiliary verb basing on the characteristic and the basic set of the auxiliary verb not existed in Mongolian linguistics, this study expect to provide fodder for the regular research of auxiliary verb in Mongolian language.

      • KCI등재

        제주방언 속의 몽골 차용어에 대한 연구사적 검토

        배영환(Bae, Young-hwan) 중앙어문학회 2016 語文論集 Vol.68 No.-

        이 연구는 제주방언 속에 존재하는 몽골 차용어에 대한 그동안의 연구 성과를 점검해 보고 앞으로 이 분야의 연구 방향을 전망해 보는 데 목적이 있었다. 이를 위해 먼저 한국어와 몽골어의 언어적 관계를 정립해 보고 나아가 제주방언 속의 몽골 차용어의 성격 또한 생각해 보았다. 한국어와 몽골어의 관련성은 두 가지 측면에서 생각해 볼 수 있다. 친족 관계에 따른 관련성과 언어 접촉에 따른 차용어 측면에서 접근이 그것이다. 다만, 언어 접촉에 따른 차용어는 현재 일상어로 쓰이는 단어는 많지 않고 여러 문헌에 나타나는 문헌어로만 존재한다. 제주방언과 몽골어 사이의 관계 역시 친족 관계에 따른 관련성과 언어 접촉에 따른 관련성이 존재하는데 특별히 언어 접촉에 따른 차용어가 다른 방언보다는 널리 발견된다. 한국어 속의 몽골어 차용어는 대체로 문헌 속에 나타난다는 점이 특징이다. 여기에 해당되는 어휘는 약 80개에 해당되는데, 말[馬], 매[鷹鶻], 그리고 군사에 관련된 용어에 집중되어 있다. 이들은 현대국어에서는 거의 쓰이지 않더라도 사전에 표제어로 올라 있는 경우가 많다. 제주방언 속에 존재하는 몽골 차용어는 일상 생활에 쓰이는 어휘라는 특징이 있다. 이들은 ‘말’이나 ‘민속’과 관련된 어휘, 그리고 ‘지명’에 대한 논의가 많았다. 그러나 기존의 논의의 문제점은 몽골어와 음상만 비슷하다면 차용된 어휘로 보려는 경향이 강했다는 것이다. 특히 지명의 경우는 지나치게 차용어로 보려는 경향이 강해서 이에 대한 문제점을 지적하였다. 한편, 앞으로 제주방언 가운데 몽골 차용어로 새롭게 발굴될 가능성도 제시하였다. This study aims to review the outcome of research on Mongolian loanwords in Jeju dialect, and explore possibilities for future research in this area. In establishing the linguistic relationship between Korean and Mongolian languages, the characteristics of Mongolian loanwords in Jeju dialect were also considered. The relationship between Korean and Mongolian languages can be approached from two perspectives: a relationship based on kinship, and the attribute of loanwords arising from language contact. Loanwords arising from language contact are currently not used in daily life, however, are observed in various literature. Additionally, in the case of Jeju dialect, there are two types of linkages, arising from similarity to the common Korean language, and from language contact. Specifically, similarities arising from language contact are more widely observed than with other dialects. Mongolian loanwords in Korean language are mostly found in literature. There are approximately 80 Mongolian loanwords, and this study focuses on words related to horse, falcon, and military. These are rarely used in modern Korean language. Even when acknowledged, a lot of them are listed as a new word in dictionaries. With respect to Mongolian loanwords in Jeju dialect, there have been many discussions regarding names of places and words related to folklore, apart from words related to horse. However, existing discussions tended to consider a word a Mongolian loanword when the phonological shape was similar to the Mongolian language. Especially, in the case of names of places, the strong tendency to considering them as Mongolian loanwords has been criticized. At the same time, the words that could be viewed as Mongolian loanwords in Jeju dialect were instead included in the Jeju language dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        몽골어, 만주어의 한계부동사 어미비교 - 司譯院 蒙學書, 淸學書를 중심으로

        주수현 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2022 인문학연구 Vol.- No.53

        This paper compared and analyzed the suffixes for terminal converbs examples of the Mongolian language and the Manchu language which appeared in the 蒙學書(『蒙語老乞大』, 『捷解蒙語』, 『蒙語類解』) and 淸學書(『淸語老乞 大』, 『三譯總解』, 『同文類解』), published for studying materials in 18th century Choseon ’ s foreign language institution, on the aspects of form, structure and meaning, distinguishing the differences and the similarities between the two languages that belong to the Altaic language family. After comparing the examples shown in the references, we were able to deduce the following results. 1) Fundamentally, the form of the suffixes for terminal converbs in the Mongolian language and the Manchu language are similar. (Mongolian: -tal-a/- tel-e, Manchu: -tala/-tele) 2) In both languages, the suffixes for terminal converbs attach to the to the verb stem, according to the rules of vowel harmony. 3) It is also same in both languages that the suffixes for terminal converbs attach not only to the lexical verb stem, but also to the auxiliary verb stem and functions as an assistant verb. 4) The extended applications and roles of concepts such as ‘reaching point (degree, time), ‘point of time ’ , ‘range (of period, of space), which are not covered in preexisting research, have been explained and these semantic roles also appear identically in both Mongolian and Manchu languages. One difference is that in the Manchu language, when ‘-tala/-tele/-tolo ’ is attached to a noun/pronoun, it can be used as an adverb. 본고는 18세기 조선시대 사역원에서 몽골어와 만주어의 학습교재로편찬하였던 蒙學書(『蒙語老乞大』, 『捷解蒙語』, 『蒙語類解』)와 淸學 書(『淸語老乞大』, 『三譯總解』, 『同文類解』)에 나타난 몽골어와 만주어 한계부동사어미의용례를 형태와 구조, 의미 측면에서 비교·분석하여 알타이어족에 속하는 양언어에서 나타난 유사점과 차이점을 밝혔다. 구체적으로는 단순히 음운이나 단어의 유사성이 아닌, 동사에 연결하여 사용되는 연결어미 자체의 형태가 거의 유사하고, 선행하는 품사의 종류 또한 동일할뿐더러 실제로 사용되는 의미도 같은 몽골어와 만주어의 한계부동사어미를 용례를 통하여 비교해보았다. 문헌에 나타난 예시를 비교해봄으로써, 다음과 같은 결론을 도출해낼 수 있었다. 1) 기본적으로 몽골어와 만주어의 한계부동사어미는 형태가 유사하다.(몽골어: tal-a/tel-e, 만주어: tala, tele, tolo) 2) 두 언어에서 모두 한계부동사어미가 모음조화 법칙에 따라 동사어간에 연결된다는 점이 공통적이다. 3) 일반동사 어간뿐만 아니라 조동사 어간에도연결되어 보조동사로서 기능하는 측면 또한 동일하다. 4) 기존의 연구들에서 다루지 않은 ‘도급(정도, 시간) ’ , ‘시점’ , ‘범위(기간, 공간) ’ 등의 의미의 확장과 역할들을 설명하였는데, 이러한 의미적 역할 또한 몽골어와 만주어에서 동일하게 나타나고 있다. 차이점으로는, 만주어의 경우 명사/대명사에 한계부동사어미가 연결되어 부사로서 사용되기도한다는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        전통몽골문 교육의 현황과 당면 과제 ― 한중일의 몽골어 교육을 중심으로 ―

        한승연,김경나 중앙아시아학회 2024 中央아시아硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        With over 800 years of history, the traditional Mongolian script has been regarded as a symbol of the Mongolian people's linguistic and cultural pride. Since the 1930s, following the advent of socialism, Mongolia has adopted Cyrillic Mongolian, utilizing the Cyrillic alphabet from Russia. Since transitioning to a democratic society in the 1990s, Mongolia has made various efforts to reinstate its ethnic identity and heritage by implementing educational policies and legislation to use the traditional Mongolian script alongside Cyrillic Mongolian. Starting January 1, 2025, a law will be enacted requiring all official documents in Mongolia to be bilingual, using both Cyrillic and traditional Mongolian scripts. Mongolia's designation of the traditional Mongolian script as an official national script is not only aimed at solidifying the native language and national identity of Mongolians. Still, it is also a significant matter for scholars researching Mongolian studies. In-depth studies in areas such as Mongolian language, history, folklore, literature, and culture necessitate the examination of materials recorded in the traditional Mongolian script. This paper examines the curriculum and regulations of traditional Mongolian courses currently implemented in universities and institutions in Mongolia, China, Japan, and Korea, focusing on basic textbooks for traditional Mongolian. The findings reveal that traditional Mongolian script education has been systematically included in the curriculum in Inner Mongolia, China, and Japan. In Korea, it was found that Dankook University and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies offer traditional Mongolian courses in the first and second semesters of the second year. Additionally, it was noted that Mongolian studies departments in Japan are established in national universities, whereas in Korea, they are run by private universities. Although it is challenging to place Mongolian language education in Korea, China, and Japan on the same level, future Mongolian language education in Korea should advance towards comprehensive learning of Cyrillic Mongolian along with an understanding of the traditional Mongolian script, especially when compared to other countries.

      • KCI등재

        거란문자의 자료와 연구현황

        이성규 한국몽골학회 2015 몽골학 Vol.0 No.40

        The language that is most related Korean language in the world is Altaic language, among which Mongolian language has become the focus of comparative study along with Manchu language. However, since Mongolian language, as the language data before the 13th century, has had no record of complete sentences, the research on Khitan language which is assumed to be the origin of Mongolian language, is of vital importance not only for the research of ancient Mongolian language but also the research of Korean language. This article examined research outcome and existing material on Khitan script as the prerequisite for the research of Khitan language based on the fact that the research of Khitan language is of importance to that of Korean language and Mongolian language. What has been discussed until now shall be organized for the conclusion of this. Khitan script which was created in 920 and had been used till 1191 had been used during not only the period of Liao Dynasty but also the period of Jin Dynasty. While the created year and the data of Khitan large script usually coincide, Khitan small script needs additional research since there is a gap of 130 years between presumed year of its enactment and existing material.The most reliable data among the existing data on Khitan script is inscription, and much of the rest is likely to be false. While the research of Khitan small script has been actively underway since the publication of <Research of Khitan small script>, the research of Khitan large script remains in the fledgling stage. In regard to the assumption of phonetic value of original letters, considered as the core in the research of Khitan small script, there is much discord between scholars, and therefore much research is needed to narrow this different opinion. Previous study regarded Khitan large script as ideograph and therefore studied as such, however recent study assumes it to be syllabic pinyin writing like Khitan small script. The basic language for the decipherment of Khitan script is Mongolian language. However, as can be seen in the decipherment of previous Khitan script. there is much data which can’t be decoded in Mongolian language, and therefore they are thought to be solved through the linguistic knowledge of Altaic language, Chinese language, and the language of Xixia etc. Unknown linguistic character of Altaic language including Mongolian language are being revealed through the research of Khitan script. Among them, the difference of grammatic factors according to the discrimination of gender etc is very similar to the middle Mongolian language, and therefore another linguistic character are expected to appear as the research of Khitan script progresses in the future. Though recent 30 years has witnessed much research conducted, the decipher rate falls short of 50% and therefore diverse research methods are required. Recently research outcome of newly discovered data turns up and reinterpretation work on previous study is conducted, and therefore it will not be long before the goal of deciphering Khitan script is achieved.

      • KCI등재

        몽골국의 문자 정책 소고 - 몽골어에 관한 법을 중심으로 -

        유원수 한국몽골학회 2016 몽골학 Vol.0 No.47

        This paper briefly describes the debates within the Mongolian society for the selection of the national script between the present Cyrillic Mongolian script and the traditional Mongolian script. This paper also introduces the major legal and administrative procedures which resulted in the “Law on Mongolian Language,” enacted by Ulsyn Ih Hural, or the Parliament of Mongolia, on February 12 2015, and which became effective as of July 1 of the same year. The author discusses the main points of the “Law on Mongolian Language” in the following order. 1. Structure of the law 2. Official language of the nation 3. Selection of the national script and the meaning of the script names 4. Preparation for the future use of two scripts 5. Orthography of both writing systems The author recognizes the difficulties of using two official writing systems in a single country but he argues that the knowledge and mastery of the traditional Mongolian script by Mongolians should improve greatly by 2025 through the efforts of both schools and society, and with the enforcement of various steps provided by the “Law on the Mongolian Language.” The author expects efforts by Kazakh students, families, and schools, as well as the cooperation of the entire Mongolian society, will help improve the Mongolian proficiency of the Kazakh citizens of Mongolia. In the appendix, a full Korean translation of the “Law on the Mongolian Language” is provided along with related articles on the “Law on Violation.” 몽골에서는 민주화와 더불어 시작되어 25년 이상 지속된 활발한 토론과 여러단계의 법적, 행정적 절차를 거쳐 마련된 “몽골어에 관한 법(Монгол хэлний тухай хууль)”이 2015년 2월 12일 국회를 통과하여 그해 7월 1일부터 시행되고 있으며같은 해 12월 4일 제23조(위반자에 대한 벌칙)에 대한 개정을 추가하였다. 전부 7 장 24조로 이루어진 이 법은 곧 ‘몽골 겨레의 정신문화의 소중한 유산, 겨레의 문화 문명의 뿌리와 줄기, 나라의 통합된 상태, 겨레의 안녕, 자주 독립의 한 확증인 (제5조 제1항) 몽골어를 제대로 배우고, 가르치고 사용하고, 물려주고, 물려받기’ 위해(제5조 제2항, 제3항) 마련된 장치로서 그 지위가 대한민국의 “국어기본법” 에 상당하는 것으로 보인다. 이 법이 제정, 공포되기까지 여러 의미 있는 법적, 행정적 절차, 시책이 있었고시행착오도 거듭되었음은 물론이다. 예를 들어 몽골인민공화국 바가 호랄1)의1991년도 제36호 결정(“몽골인민공화국에서 공무를 몽골어로 처리 시행할 것과그 준비하는 일을 보장할 데 대하여”), 이에 근거한 1994년도 몽골 국회 제66호 결정(“국가 바가 호랄의 1991년도 제 36호 결정의 실천을 논의한 데 대하여”), 다시이에 근거한 “몽골문의 기본 계획” (1995~2005), 그 시행착오를 점검하여 다시 마련한 “몽골문의 기본 계획 2” (2008~2015), 2003년 5월 15일 국회를 통과하여2015년 6월 30일까지 발효된 국가의 공식 언어에 관한 법, 2013년 2월 2일의 몽골정부의 제37호 결정 (“몽골어문의 교육을 향상시킬 대책에 관하여”), 2003년 6월25일 공포된 대통령령 제105호(“칭기스 칸께서 보우하신 몽골 국의 문자를 사용한 800돌을 기념할 데 대하여”)과 같은 것들이다.2) 이 발표에서는 이 법의 주요 내용과 법이 마련되기까지의 논의를 본론삼아 소개하고, 이 법을 통해 실현하려는 몽골 어문 정책의 미래를 결론 삼아 전망하려고한다. 발표문의 끝에는 부록으로 이 법과 개정 조항의 우리말 번역, 그리고 위반에 관한 법 중 해당 조항의 번역을 제공함으로써 몽골의 어문 정책을 한국의 다양한 방면의 연구자들이 이해하는데 도움을 주고, 좀 더 나은 번역을 위한 조언도 받을 기회로 삼고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 현대 몽골어 연구 20년

        김기성 한국몽골학회 2010 몽골학 Vol.0 No.29

        In this thesis I have investigated modern Mongolian research made by Mongolian and Korean scholars for the past twenty years (from 1990 to 2010.3) and tried to classify them by their fields(1.phonology-phonetics, 2.morphology-syntax, 3.lexis-semantics, 4.etc) and period. I examined their works thoroughly and came to the conclusion that they could be divided into four parts. First, modern Mongolian research has been done continuously by Mongolian and Korean scholars in every field. Second, morphology-syntax greatly surpassed the other fields as a result of this analysis. Third, comparative study about Korean language greatly surpassed the study dealing with only Mongolian as a theme. Forth, the number of young Mongolian scholars studying modern Mongolian and Korean language is increasing while the number of young Korean scholars is nearly the same. Also in the future comparative study we have to come to the point that how much modern Mongolian and Korean language have similarity and difference, that is, how much affinity modern Mongolian has with Korean language. Since there are so many similarities and differences between the linguistic and cultural habits which have been developed based on the long-term political conflict and living environment that it is a little awkward to come to the conclusion that modern Mongolian has an affinity with Korean language just depending on comparative study between Mongolian and Korean language Therefore we should investigate inclusive study grafting not only current accomplishment of modern Mongolian but also the historical events passed and changed through past, middle ages, modern ages.

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