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      • KCI등재

        모성의 관계적 본질과 교육인간학적 의의

        황지영(Hwang, Ji Young),강기수(Kang, Gi Su) 한국홀리스틱융합교육학회 2021 홀리스틱융합교육연구 Vol.25 No.3

        이 연구는 모성의 정의와 기능을 이해하고 관계적 본질을 고찰한 다음, 그에 근거한 교육인간학적 의의를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 모성은 여성이 어머니로서 자녀에게 가지는 본능이며 실질적인 양육 활동 속에서 학습되는 경험으로, 어머니가 아이와 맺는 관계 속에서 형성된다. 모성은 인간을 탄생시키고, 그 생명을 보호하고 보존하며, 인간을 지적ㆍ정서적ㆍ신체적으로 양육한다. 모성은 생물학적 성(性)과 본질적인 동시에 비본질적인 관계를 맺고 있으며, 모성과 재생산 가능성의 관계를 통하여 성별을 지닌 존재로서의 인간을 이해하게 한다. 인간은 탄생성과의 관계를 통하여 이 세상에 태어나며, 어머니는 결핍된 상태로 낯선 시공간 속에 태어나는 아이를 돌봄으로서 모성을 실천한다. 유아는 모성적 돌봄이 행해지는 따뜻한 가정 속에서 자라나야 하며 그 경험이 발판이 되어 고유한 개별적인 존재로서 안정적으로 독립할 수 있게 된다. 모성의 교육인간학적 의의를 제시하면, 모성은 성(性)을 가진 인간에 대한 이해를 확장시켜 주며, 탄생성과 그로 인한 교육의 책임을 인식하게 한다. 또한 모성적 돌봄과 교육을 통해 인간이 자기완성에 이르게 하며, 개인화되고 물화(物化)된 현대사회에서 모성적 관계의 중요성을 시사한다. The purpose of this study is to understand the definition and function of motherho d, to examine the relational nature, and to reveal the educational anthropological significance based on it. Motherho d is an instinct that a woman has for her child as a mother, and it is an experience that is learned through practical parenting activities, and is formed in a mother s relationship with her child. Motherho d creates humans, protects and preserves their lives, and raises humans intel ectual y, emotional y, and physical y. Motherho d has an es ential and non-es ential relationship with biological sex, and makes humans understand as beings with gender through the relationship betwe n motherho d and reproducibility. Humans are born in this world through the relationship with birth, and mothers practice motherho d as caring for children born in unfamiliar time and space in a state of deficiency. Infants must grow up in a warm family where maternal care is performed, and the experience becomes a stepping stone and can be stably independent as a unique individual being. Presenting the educational anthropological significance of motherho d expands the understanding of humans with sex and makes them aware of birth and the resulting responsibility for education. In addition, through maternal care and education, humans reach self-completion. And this suggests the importance of maternal relations in a personalized and materialized modern society.

      • KCI등재

        鐵凝소설에 나타난 ‘가족’ 담론

        崔銀晶 한국중국소설학회 2014 中國小說論叢 Vol.44 No.-

        본 논문은 철응 작품을 대상으로 하여, 가족해체의 원인을 추적하고 철응이 기대하는 새로운 가족이란 무엇인지에 대해 살펴보았다. 그녀는 가족해체의 원인을 가부장제 가족이데올로기에 따른 불합리한 성별인식, 수직적인 가족질서, 모성 결손 여부의 문제에서 찾는다. 이로부터 그녀는 성별에 따른 가족질서의 해체, 돌봄과 보호를 속성으로 하는 ‘모성’, 여성(어머니)을 주체로 인정하는‘아들’을 통해 완전한 가족을 상상한다. 이 과정에서 ‘엄마다움’이 가족해체 또는 통합의 한 꼭지가 되는 것은 논란의 여지가 있다. ‘어머니’가 의미하는 가부장적 가족이데올로기를 재현할 소지를 안고 있기 때문이다. 이러한 점에서 볼 때, 다음 두 가지를 주목할 필요가 있다. 하나는 주체적인 ‘어머니’와 이러한 ‘어머니’에 대한 가족들의 존중이다. 다른 하나는 ‘실천’으로서의 모성을 호명하고 있다는 것이다. 이로 보자면, 철응의 가족 상상은 아버지(남성)/어머니(여성)의 상하관계 종결 및 각각 주체로서 수평적인 가족관계가 바탕이 된다. 또한, 성별을 떠나 모성적인‘실천’을 강조함으로써, 어머니(여성)에게만 일방적으로 요구되던 모성의 의미를 다시 쓰고 있다. 철응의 이러한 가족 상상은 해체와 부정 이후의‘가족’에 대한 사유를 요청한다. 철응은 ‘가족’을 찾아 집으로 오거나 ‘가족’을 품고 사는 가족을 묘사함으로써, ‘안식처로서 가족’이라는 결론을 도출한다. 인간에게 있어 가족은 때로는 굴레이지만 세우지 않으면 안 되는 가장 오래된 공동체이기도 하다. 때문에 ‘안식처로서 가족’이라는 그녀의 가족 상상은 다소 낡았지만 여전히 유효하다. 바로 여기에 가족에 대한 철응식의 상상이 의미를 갖는 이유가 존재한다. This research is to discover the cause of family dissolution and examine the meaning of new family which Tie Ning expects in the works of Tie Ning. She finds the cause of family dissolution in the problems such as absurd gender awareness, vertical family order and maternal deficiency. From this point, she imagines the perfect family through the family dissolution by gender, ‘the motherhood’ which has the properties of care and protection and ‘the son’ who accepts a ‘female(mother)’ as a subject. Through this process, the fact that the ‘mother-likeness’ becomes one of the factors for family dissolution or integration can be an issue because it can reproduce the patriarchal family ideology which ‘a mother’ means. In this respect, it is necessary to note two facts as follows. One thing is the independent mother and the family’s respect for the mother. And the other is the calling of the motherhood as a ‘practice’. Thus, the ‘family’ imagination of Tie Ning is based on the termination of hierarchy between ‘the father(male)’ and ‘the mother(female)’ and the horizontal family relationships of each subject. And also, by emphasizing the maternal ‘practice’ regardless of gender, it reuses the meaning of motherhood which was demanded only from the mother(female). The family imagination of Tie Ning asks for the thinking about ‘the family’ after the disorganization and denial. Through the description of the family which comes back home to meet their family or holds the family in their heart, it draws the conclusion of ‘the family as a haven’. The family is sometimes a restriction but it is also the oldest community which person should establish in the end. So her ‘family imagination’ of ‘the family as a haven’ is somewhat old but still effective. In this point, ‘the family imagination’ of Tie Ning has the reason.

      • KCI등재후보

        단맛을 통한 모성부재의 양상과 치료

        전혜선 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2014 영어권문화연구 Vol.7 No.3

        Maternal absence is one of characteristic motifs of Toni Morrison's works. Shown in case of Cholly and Pecola in The Bluest Eye, Son in Tar Baby and Sula and Nel in Sula, most of main characters did not receive maternal benefit during their childhood. So did Guitar and Milkman Dead in Song of Solomon. But one interesting thing in connection with maternal absence is the fact that maternal absence is supplemented by the sense of taste. Those children who did not receive their mothers caring are forced to quench their deficiency with the sweet taste. Children who have a sweet tooth like sweet things are generally liable to get into tasting ‘sweet’ as a comfortable meaning or ‘delicious’ as feeling good through a sweet taste, which at the same time, makes them stimulate associations of happy memories such as comfort, consolation, stability, expectation and amused recollection. The main characters, Milkman and Guitar of the family in this novel however have undergone opposite way to the sweet taste. In this paper, by carefully examining the experiences of Milkman and Guitar, it will be proved that the sweet taste is presented on the one hand as assimilation with the white-oriented value and on the other hand as the reaction of exclusion and rejection. In Song of Solomon, Milkman is represented as the case of the former and Guitar as that of the latter. The maternal affection experienced by the two young boys is colligated with the experiences of a sweet taste by becoming corrupt with possession and distortion. From the perspective of Morrison, the western conception of love is brimful of property and perversion. That is another murder without shedding blood. This paper will focus on Milkman's growth journey through questing out his true identity by shedding off his white-oriented vanity value, and at the same time will make Milkman contrast with Guitar who is fitted with hostility and aggression due to the fixed memory of a sweet taste in his early period. It is worth noticing the fact that the common experience of maternal absence shared by the two main characters ended up with opposite results. Through the analysis of this work, this paper will show that it is Pilate Dead who provides the true maternal care to Milkman and the experience by Pilate's maternal care made Milkman possible to venture to make a southern journey. In addition I will show that this experience through southern journey, especially the hunting at night made possible not only for Pilate towards Milkman to do the maternal role latent in her, but also for Milkman to achieve human relations in a family and a society. Therefore, Milkman's growth is meaningfully influenced by Pilate's maternal care and through southern journey, while Guitar's vision of society and human relationship narrows to the point where he believes that segregation and disenfranchise to African-Americans determine everything regardless of their efforts. In this paper, these relationships are analyzed by object relations theories based on the theories of Melanie Klein and John Bowlby. Object relations theories have their root in psychoanalysis, but their theories differ each other in terms of time period and emphasis. Object relations theories are more appropriate in analyzing child growth and the growth-related problems in Morrison's novels than other psychoanalytic theories because they especially focus on relations rather than instinct. Hereby, Morrison illuminates past, present, and future of African-American children who are neglected by their own family members, especially by their mother, and society. In this paper, motherhood is presented as a solution of child's ideal and desirable growth while lack of maternal care is suggested as one of the most important causes of social problems related to African-Americans.

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