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        공주 공산성 공북루(拱北樓) 제영시일고(題詠詩一考)

        李東宰 ( Lee Dong-jae ) 한국한문고전학회(구 성신한문학회) 2020 漢文古典硏究 Vol.40 No.1

        본고는 유네스코 지정 세계문화유산인 공산성의 문화적 위상을 살펴보기 위한 기초 연구의 일환으로 공산성에 있는 공북루 제영시의 현황과 작품세계를 살펴보아서, 공북루의 문화사적 가치를 찾고 문화관광에 활용하는데 기여하였다. 공주 공산성은 금강을 끼고 있는 승경의 공간으로 백제시대에는 왕궁이었으며, 조선시대에는 관찰사의 감무가 있었던 곳으로 공북루 외에도 여러 누정이 있다. 공북루는 1603년 충청도 관찰사 柳根이 공산성 안에 충청도의 감무를 조성하면서 북쪽 금강 변에 세운 누각으로 關防의 기능 이외에 遊息과 餞別의 공간이었다. 공산성 공북루 제영시는 1603년 柳根이 공북루를 낙성하고 지은 이후 20세기 초까지 꾸준히 지어졌으며, 한국고전번역원에서 제공하는 원문정보서비스에 탑재된 DB에 88題 94수가 색인된다. 공북루 제영시의 형식은 5언절구 2제 2수, 5언율시 12제 13수, 7언절구 20제 23수, 7언율시 54제 56수 등으로, 7언율시가 절반 이상을 차지하고 있다. 이는 최초의 공북루 제영시인 유근의 시가 7언율시였고, 이 시를 후대의 문인들이 많이 次韻하여 지었기 때문이다. 공산성 공북루 제영시의 내용은 공북루의 승경을 읊은 시가 24수이고, 여로의 회포를 드러낸 시가 36수이며, 遊息의 정서가 드러난 시가 26수, 회고의 정서를 드러낸 시는 남인계열의 문인들에 의해 이괄의 난을 소재로 한 시로 8수가 있다. 이는 공북루가 백제의 궁성이자, 고려와 조선시대 행궁인 공산성의 城樓로서 금강의 경치를 감상할 수 있는 승경의 공간이고, 공무를 수행하는 관리나 사절들의 휴식 및 접대 장소였으며, 시인묵객들이 머물며 여로의 고단함을 토로할 수 있는 津樓의 공간이었기 때문이다. This study as part of a basic study to examine the cultural status of Gongsanseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site reviewed the current status of Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion in Gongsanseong Fortress and the world of the works, contributing to finding the cultural and historical value of Gongbukru pavilion and utilizing it for cultural tourism. Gongsanseong Fortress in Gongju is a space of beautiful scenery along the river Geumgang, and was the royal palace in the Baekje era, and there was Gammu for the provincial governor in the Joseon era, comprising various pavilions including Gongbukru pavilion. Gongbukru pavilion was a pavilion built north of Geumgang riverside in 1603 by the Cheongcheongdo provincial governor, Yu Geun in the Gongsanseong Fortress as he was preparing Gammu of Cheongcheong-do province, and played a spatial role of Yushik (遊息) and Jeonbyeol as well as functioning as Gwanbang (關防). After Yu Geun completed and built Gongbukru pavilion in 1603, Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion in Gongsanseong Fortress was written steadily until the beginning of the 20th century, and there are 94 poems in 86 subjects in the DB on the original information service provided by the Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics. In terms of the form of Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion, there are 2 poems in 2 subjects in the classic Chinese quatrain with five-character lines, 13 poems in 12 subjects in the five-syllable regulated verse, 20 subjects 23 poems in the classic Chinese quatrain with seven-character lines, and 56 poems in 52 subjects in the seven-syllable regulated verse, showing that the seven-syllable regulated verse accounts for more than half. It is because Yu Geun's poems, the first Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion, were the seven-syllable regulated verse, and the poets of oncoming generations wrote this poetry a lot by rhyme-matching (次韻). In the contents of Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion in Gongsanseong Fortress, there are 24 poems which recited the beautiful scenery of Gongbukru pavilion, and 36 poems that revealed the inmost unburdened thoughts of journey, 26 poems revealing emotions of Yushik (遊息), and eight poems that reveal the emotions of historical retrospectives. It is because it was a space of beautiful scenery where Gongbukru pavilion was the ramparts of Gongsanseong Fortress, the royal palace and rural palace site of Baekje, a space with the view of the river Geumgang, a place of rest and entertainment for officials or envoys who perform public affairs, and the spaces of military camps where poets and experts in calligraphy and ink drawing could stay and expose the fatigue of the journey.

      • KCI등재

        공주 공산성 拱北樓 題詠詩一考

        이동재 한국한문고전학회 2020 漢文古典硏究 Vol.40 No.1

        This study as part of a basic study to examine the cultural status of Gongsanseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site reviewed the current status of Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion in Gongsanseong Fortress and the world of the works, contributing to finding the cultural and historical value of Gongbukru pavilion and utilizing it for cultural tourism. Gongsanseong Fortress in Gongju is a space of beautiful scenery along the river Geumgang, and was the royal palace in the Baekje era, and there was Gammu for the provincial governor in the Joseon era, comprising various pavilions including Gongbukru pavilion. Gongbukru pavilion was a pavilion built north of Geumgang riverside in 1603 by the Cheongcheong‐do provincial governor, Yu Geun in the Gongsanseong Fortress as he was preparing Gammu of Cheongcheong‐do province, and played a spatial role of Yushik (遊息) and Jeonbyeol as well as functioning as Gwanbang (關防). After Yu Geun completed and built Gongbukru pavilion in 1603, Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion in Gongsanseong Fortress was written steadily until the beginning of the 20th century, and there are 94 poems in 86 subjects in the DB on the original information service provided by the Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics. In terms of the form of Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion, there are 2 poems in 2 subjects in the classic Chinese quatrain with five‐character lines, 13 poems in 12 subjects in the five‐syllable regulated verse, 20 subjects 23 poems in the classic Chinese quatrain with seven‐character lines, and 56 poems in 52 subjects in the seven‐syllable regulated verse, showing that the seven‐syllable regulated verse accounts for more than half. It is because Yu Geun's poems, the first Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion, were the seven‐syllable regulated verse, and the poets of oncoming generations wrote this poetry a lot by rhyme‐matching (次韻). In the contents of Jeyeongsi poetry of Gongbukru pavilion in Gongsanseong Fortress, there are 24 poems which recited the beautiful scenery of Gongbukru pavilion, and 36 poems that revealed the inmost unburdened thoughts of journey, 26 poems revealing emotions of Yushik (遊息), and eight poems that reveal the emotions of historical retrospectives. It is because it was a space of beautiful scenery where Gongbukru pavilion was the ramparts of Gongsanseong Fortress, the royal palace and rural palace site of Baekje, a space with the view of the river Geumgang, a place of rest and entertainment for officials or envoys who perform public affairs, and the spaces of military camps where poets and experts in calligraphy and ink drawing could stay and expose the fatigue of the journey. 본고는 유네스코 지정 세계문화유산인 공산성의 문화적 위상을 살펴보기 위한 기초 연구의 일환으로 공산성에 있는 공북루 제영시의 현황과 작품세계를 살펴보아서, 공북루의 문화사적 가치를 찾고 문화관광에 활용하는데 기여하였다. 공주 공산성은 금강을 끼고 있는 승경의 공간으로 백제시대에는 왕궁이었으며, 조선시대에는 관찰사의 감무가 있었던 곳으로 공북루 외에도 여러 누정이 있다. 공북루는 1603년 충청도 관찰사 柳根이 공산성 안에 충청도의 감무를 조성하면서 북쪽 금강 변에 세운 누각으로 關防의 기능 이외에 遊息과 餞別의 공간이었다. 공산성 공북루 제영시는 1603년 柳根이 공북루를 낙성하고 지은 이후 20세기 초까지 꾸준히 지어졌으며, 한국고전번역원에서 제공하는 원문정보서비스에 탑재된 DB에 88題 94수가 색인된다. 공북루 제영시의 형식은 5언절구 2제 2수, 5언율시 12제 13수, 7언절구 20제 23수, 7언율시 54제 56수 등으로, 7언율시가 절반 이상을 차지하고 있다. 이는 최초의 공북루 제영시인 유근의 시가 7언율시였고, 이 시를 후대의 문인들이 많이 次韻하여 지었기 때문이다. 공산성 공북루 제영시의 내용은 공북루의 승경을 읊은 시가 24수이고, 여로의 회포를 드러낸 시가 36수이며, 遊息의 정서가 드러난 시가 26수, 회고의 정서를 드러낸 시는 남인계열의 문인들에 의해 이괄의 난을 소재로 한 시로 8수가 있다. 이는 공북루가 백제의 궁성이자, 고려와 조선시대 행궁인 공산성의 城樓로서 금강의 경치를 감상할 수 있는 승경의 공간이고, 공무를 수행하는 관리나 사절들의 휴식 및 접대 장소였으며, 시인묵객들이 머물며 여로의 고단함을 토로할 수 있는 津樓의 공간이었기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재

        근대 헤르바르트 학파 교육학 수용의 한 양상 - 유근(柳墐)의 「교육학 원리」와 그 ‘저본’으로서 나카지마 한지로(中島半次郎)의 『교육학 원리』 -

        전성규 ( Jeon Seongkyu ),김수경 ( Kim Sookyung ) 국제한국문학문화학회 2020 사이 Vol.29 No.-

        The pedagogy of the Herbart school, including Herbart, was important in the establishment of pedagogy in modern East Asia. In Korea, which sought to change the education of the time by learning foreign educational methodology in the modern enlightenment of the Korean language, the pedagogy of the Herbart school played an important role. The Herbart School's pedagogy was read and actively accepted in various branches by intellectuals in East Asia during this period. One purpose of this study is to clarify “Principles of Education” serialized in the Daehan Self-reliant Monthly Magazine (Daehanjaganghoewolbo) written by Yoo Geun(柳瑾, 1861~1921) was a sort of translation of the “Principles of Education” Written by Nakajima Hanjiro(中島半次郞, 1872~1926), A professor at the Tokyo Vocational College. Nakajima Hanjiro's “Principles of Education” was a kind of “lecture book” created to give lectures at the Tokyo Vocational College. It could be considered to have been published between 1897 and 1904, by estimating the dates. Yoo Geun's “Principles of Education” series began in December 1906, so it can be said that Nakajima Hanjiro’s “Principles of Education” textbook was published earlier than Yoo Geun's “Principles of Education”. Both educators similarly played an important role as pioneers in the study of pedagogy in modern Joseon and modern Japan. These two played an important role in constructing not only a methodology of education about knowledge(知), morals(德), and body(體) but a methodology of education about knowledge(知), emotion(情), and volition(意) which succeeded and more focused on the expansion of mentality. When translating the “Principles of Education” by Nakajima Hanjiro, Yoo Geun changed the order of translation and focused on the translation in the education of knowledge and education about emotions. This is the point in which the Herbart School's acceptance of pedagogy in modern Joseon differed from the focus on discipline.

      • KCI등재

        『옥봉집(玉峯集)』 서문에 보이는 백광훈(白光勳)의 문예인식

        김종서 ( Jong Seo Kim ) 근역한문학회 2009 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.29 No.-

        There are three prefaces of Yugun(柳根), YiJeonggu(李廷龜), Shinheum(申欽) and one epilogue of Yunguanggye(尹光啓) in Okbongjib. These prefaces show the trend of literary thought such as Dang style(唐風), Jeongeum(正音), Jeongseong(正聲) and the estimation of Okbong(玉峯) Paek Kwang-Hun(白光勳)`s literature. Okbong tried to change his situation through the poetic success. He thought that the absolute accomplishment was Dang poetry(唐詩). He made hard effort on the implication and the suggestiveness of poetry. So he gained the fame as a poet of Dang style(唐風). The sound of poetry was changed by the temper and the life environment. The sound of emotion was changed by the background of the work and the state of the feeling. This is Jeongeum(正音): the poetic embodiment of the harmony between sound and feeling. Okbong refined the poetic diction and made careful poetic idea and he accomplished perfect and natural poetic stage.

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