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        南陽洪氏 益山君派의 春川移居와 定着

        고민정 조선시대사학회 2008 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.46 No.-

        Faction of Iksangun(益山君) in the Hong of Namyang(南陽洪氏) takes Hong Eun-yeo(洪殷悅), a dynastic foundation merit subject of Goryeo, as their putative apical ancestor. When Lee Ja-gyeom’s Rebellion had broken out, Hong Gwan(洪灌), who was assistance to the throne, outspoke to the king, and so, Hong Eon-bak(洪彦博), who also assisted the king, was appointed as councilor. Even other members of Hong’s clan could have opportunities to serve as councilors. Having produced many men of distinguished talents in clan, the faction of Iksangun won nationwide reputation as a major family and elite lineage in the later Goryeo Period. And, arriving even in Joseon Period, the faction of Iksangun had maintained their power producing many elites of distinguished talents, including Hong Eung, the second state councilor, and Hong Heung, inspector general. Direct ancestor of the Hong of Namyang, who moved to Chuncheon, is Hong Ik-jun(洪翼俊), also known as Gunsugong(郡守公); gong denotes a high government official. Hong Ik-jun also passed the erudite examination and gained official rank. Hong Eon-cheol, the sixth-generation of Hong Ik-jun, was a successful candidate of the special examination given on the joyous occasion involving the King, and served in key posts of the palace library and the office of special counselors. In addition to him, Hong Hwon(洪藼) and Hong Chang-jin(洪昌震) were successful in the classics or literally licentiate examination. Factors that they had to move to Chuncheon were presumed as by three causes. First, there were geographical advantages. Chuncheon was the center of administration where the regional military command was stationed. Owing to thriving grain-shipments and post road, distance between Hanseong(present Seoul) and Chuncheon became shorter. Second, they had sound economic basis. Hong Jin-ho owned rice paddies and crop fields at Dongbu- myeon(東府面), Dongsanoi-myeon(東山面) and Buk-myeon(北面). Third, they established good relationships with people in the locality based on their marriage. Hong Jin-ho, the trailblazer, married a lady from the Kim of Seonsan, whose family was elite class and influential in Chuncheon province. They were listed on the register of county(called, Hyangjungjwamok, 鄕中座目), which was started recording from 1656, so then it can be figured out that they were participated in the community activities as residents. In the Samagye (a kind of fraternity circle or an cooperative) which was organized centering on those persons who passed the licentiate examination (also called Samasi; 司馬試), Hong Hwon played a leading role in order to activate Samagye(司馬稧), having invited Lee Gyeong-seok(李景奭) who took up a temporary abode in Chuncheon to join the meeting, and so forth. Hong Chang-jin wrote the preface of a book dubbed, “Samaso Seonsaengan.” And Hong Eon-cheol examined carefully the Samagye, which was interrupted, and participated the meeting in person and even left poetry. Hong Eon-cheol(洪彦喆) strived to exchange closely with those erudite figures resided in Chuncheon, other than activities through Samagye or the community organization. He passed the higher civil service examination, however, before appointed as a public officer, he organized a poetry club, called “Mangokdongsa(晩谷同社),” together with six aristocrats. It shall be meaningful in the aspect that Hong Eon-cheol tried to maintain consistent relationship with those elite and erudite figures residing in the locality thinking that Chuncheon was the town he would like to return when retired. 본 논문은 조선후기 南陽洪氏 益山君派가 춘천으로 이거하여 정착하는 모습을 살펴보기 위하여 춘천남양홍씨가에서 소장하고 있는 고문서를 분석하였다. 남양홍씨가는 洪振湖에 의해서 17세기 중엽에 春川府 東山外面 萬法里에 정착하여 현재까지 세거하고 있다. 이들이 춘천으로 이거해온 요인을 세 가지로 추정해 보았다. 첫째는 지리적 이점이 있었다. 한성부인들에게 춘천의 자연환경은 평상시에 거처할 만한 곳으로 이름나 있었으며 漕運과 驛路가 발달하여 도성과의 왕래가 용이하였다. 둘째는 경제적 기반이 마련되어 있었다. 홍진호는 춘천에 332斗落과 42日耕의 논과 밭을 소유하고 있었다. 셋째는 通婚에 의한 인적기반이 마련되었다. 입향조인 홍진호의 처가는 춘천의 유력한 재지사족인 善山金氏였다. 남양홍씨가는 춘천으로 입향한 뒤에 향촌사회의 일원으로 참여하였으며 司馬稧에서 주도적인 역할을 하였다. 洪藼은 사마계를 재건하기 위하여 노력하였으며 洪昌震은 先生案의 序文을 작성하였다. 또한 洪彦喆은 講會에 참석하여 시문을 남겼다. 이외에도 홍언철은 춘천의 재지사족과 친밀한 교류를 하기 위하여 노력하였다. 그는 춘천의 재지사족들과 친목단체인 晩谷同社를 결성하고 활발한 활동을 벌였다. 이는 홍언철이 춘천을 자신의 고향으로 여기고 재지사족들과 지속적인 관계를 유지하려고 하였다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 이들이 춘천에 정착하는 모습을 살펴보면 지리적으로 조건이 비슷한 경기 북부지방이나 강원 영서지방의 경우와는 다른 경향을 보인다. 경기 북부와 강원 영서의 사족들이 중앙관직에만 관심을 가지고 있어 상대적으로 향촌사회내의 일을 소홀히 여기거나 문중활동에 치우쳤다는 연구결과와 달리 춘천의 남양홍씨가는 관직에 나가 있으면서도 향촌사회의 일도 적극적이며 지속적인 관심을 보이고 있기 때문이다.

      • 임란 被虜人 홍호연은 누구이며 어떻게 피랍되었는가

        신윤호(Shin Yun-ho) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2010 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.14

        홍호연(洪浩然, 1582~1657)은 雲海라고도 한다. 1593년, 제2차 진주성전투 이후 나베시마 나오시게 군대에 붙잡혀 일본으로 끌려가 佐賀藩主 나베시마의 家臣이 되어 서예가로 활약했던 인물이다. 그는 조선으로 돌아오려고 하였으나 그 소원을 이루지 못하고 생을 마쳤다. 그가 12세의 어린 나이에 일본으로 건너갔기 때문인지 조선에서의 행적이 남아있지 않다. 그의 출신에 대해서는 거의 알려진 바가 없으며 다만 고향이 산음(현재의 경남 산청지역)이라는 것뿐이었다. 따라서 홍호연의 출생지 및 가족관계를 조사하였으며, 이 과정에서 산청군 오부면 중촌리에 南陽洪氏 마을이 있다는 사실을 발견하였다. 임진왜란 시기에 ‘洪雲海’ 라는 이름이 실려 있는 『南陽洪氏族譜』와 그 일가 인물들의 문집 등을 확보하여 일본 측 사료인『洪浩然傳』과 내용을 대조·분석하였다. 그 결과 홍호연의 아버지는 안제이며, 형제는 맏형 성해, 둘째 형 천해, 동생 진해라는 가족관계를 밝혔다. 400여 년이 지난 이 시점에도 홍호연의 출신을 밝힐 수 있었던 것은 그가 조선 에서 쓰던 성명을 일본에서도 그대로 사용했기 때문이며 그 후손들도 현재까지 홍씨 성을 그대로 유지하고 있었기 때문이다. He is Hong Ho-yeon, penname Un-hae. After(or When) second Jin-ju fortress war broke out at 1593, he was caught by Japanese troops. He became a servant of Saga s Nabesima and then gained a reputation as a calligrapher. He wanted to come back Joseon but ended his life in Japan. At the age of 12, he crossed into Japan. And so, We couldn t find his birth but just knew that his hometown is Saneum (Present Sancheong region, Gyeongnam ). For this reason, I searched for Hong Ho-yeon s birthplace and family relations which almost had disappeared. From these, we found that he had lived in Saneum (Sancheong, Gyeongnam). Comparing「Namyang Mr.Hong genealogy」that includes Hong Un-hae (洪雲海) with「A Hong Ho-yeon s biograpy」written in Japanese, I concluded that his father is An-je, first brother is Sung-hae, second brother is Cheon-hae and younger brother is Jin-hae. He used Joseon name of his own in Japan. so we have easily found Hong Ho-yeon s birth over the past 400 years.

      • 조선전기 洪任의 관직 활동

        임선빈 ( Yim Seonbin ) 한국계보연구회 2023 한국계보연구 Vol.13 No.0

        본고는 15세기 중엽부터 16세기 초기까지 관료로 활동한 홍임에 대해 가계와 초기 사환, 성종대 목민관으로서의 활동, 연산군·중종대 정치 격변기의 관직 생활에 대해 살펴보았다. 홍임의 선대는 고려 중·후기에 고위직 관료로 많은 활약을 했으나, 고려말에는 쇠락하였고, 조선 초기의 인물인 홍임의 할아버지와 아버지는 사적(史籍)에서 흔적을 찾을 수 없다. 음관으로 벼슬길에 나아간 홍임은 뛰어난 무재(武才)와 이재(吏才)를 지니고 있었으며, 성종대에 서반직과 목민관으로 활약하면서 서서히 조선왕조의 새로운 관료군에 편입되어 갔다. 특히 아버지의 사환을 배경으로 문과에 급제한 아들 홍경주가 중종반정에 참여하여 정국일등공신으로 책훈되자, 이후 홍임은 공신의 아버지로서 음직 가자(蔭職加資)까지 더하게 되었고, 재상급 관료로 중앙조정의 정책논의에도 참여하면서 정치 관료로서의 역할도 수행했다. 이와 같은 홍임의 관직 진출과 활동은 남양홍씨 가문의 이해는 물론, 홍임-홍경주 부자의 관력(官歷)을 통해 여말선초에 한때 쇠락했던 가문이 득세하는 과정을 볼 수 있으며, 조선왕조 관료제 사회의 일면을 이해하는 데에도 도움을 준다. This article examines about Hong Im, who served as a bureaucrat from the mid-15th century to the early 16th century, in the field of his family tree, his early governmental job, his activities as a Mokmin-gwan during King Seongjong's reign, and his life as a public servant during political upheaval in Yeonsan-gun and Joongjong periods. Hong Im’s predecessors played a lot of political roles as a high office during the middle and late Goryeo Dynasty, but their prestige collapsed with the end of the Goryeo Dynasty. Hong Im’s father and grandfather, who were figures of early Joseon Dynasty, were not found in any historical records. Hong Im held a government post by benefiting from ancestors’ virtue system(Um-suh system). He had outstanding abilities both in martial arts and governing people, so he gradually incorporated himself into the new bureaucracy of the Joseon Dynasty while he worked as Surban-jik and Mokmin-gwan during King Seongjong’s reign. In particular, when his son Hong Kyung-ju, who had passed the civil service examination in the background of his father’s governmental post, was awarded as Prime Jooonggook Gongshin for participating in the Joongjong Rebellion, Hong Im, as a father, was elevated to higher position in public office in a way called Umjik-Gajah. As a result, he held a role high as a prime minister and participated in policy discussions on central coordination. Hong Im’s activities as bureaucrat can help understanding not only in the way of studying the Namyang Hong Family, but also in the way of how once-decreased family in early Joseon can regain its power back by using Hong Im and Hong Kyung-jus’ governmental power. Furthermore, it helps in understanding the aspects of Joseon Dynasty’s bureaucratic society.

      • KCI등재

        中國의 郡望制度와 韓國의 本貫制度 비교

        安光鎬(An, Gwang-Ho) 부산경남사학회 2016 역사와 경계 Vol.98 No.-

        본고에서는 중국 역사상 唐나라 말기까지 존재하였다고 알려진 淸河崔氏의 역사와 한국 사회에서 전통기 시대부터 현재까지 계속해서 이어져 오고 있는 南陽洪氏의 역사를 통하여 중국의 郡望制度와 한국의 本貫制度를 비교해 보았다. 이 두 制度는 그들이 역사상 존재하였던 시기는 서로 다르지만 그들이 가지고 있는 성격은 참으로 유사하였다. 그리고 이 두 制度는 그들이 각기 기반을 두고 있는 사회에 출현한 이후 그 사회가 가지고 있는 성격에 따라 각기 다른 방향으로 변하여 갔다. This paper is focused on the historical comparison between the Chinese choronym system (Junwangzhidu) and the Korean choronym system (Pon’gwanchedo), which respectively existed in Chinese history from ancient to T’ang times and in Korean history from the traditional period to modern times. Although the two systems existed in different time periods, there are many similarities between the two. And, the two systems have changed based on the characteristics of their own societies after they appeared in their society.

      • KCI등재

        헌종비(憲宗妃) 효정왕후(孝定王后)의 국혼(國婚)과 남양(南陽) 홍씨(洪氏)의 역할

        임혜련 ( Lim Hye-ryun ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.62

        Queen Hyojeong was the 24th king Heonjong's wife of Choson dynasty. Three of the queens of the 19th century were from Andong Kim's family. They were the Sunjo's Queen Sunwon, Heonjong's first wife Queen Hyohyun and Chuljong's wife Queen Chulin. However, Queen Hyohyeon was not Andong Kim's family among the four queens from Sunjo to Chuljong. This was a very unusual case at the time. Queen Hyojeong was the daughter of Hong Jae Ryong, Namyang Hong's family. The characteristic of the royal marriage of Queen Hyojung was that Queen Hyohyun died and was taken without holding three-year mourning. The reason was Heonjong without having a son. The choice of Queen Hyojung as the queen was the great queen dowager Sunwon. It was very important to hold or keeps power that any pedigree becomes relatives on the mother's side in 19th century. The family of Queen Hyojung did not have much strong power. There were not many members of the family, and no one was in high ranking position. Nevertheless, It was able to royal marriage because having weak power was not a threat to Andong Kim's family. After that, chosen the Queen of chuljong again from Andong Kim's family, and provided a justification for the selection of a spouse for the royal family.

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