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      • KCI등재

        1920∼1930년대 초 電力統制政策의 수립과정

        吳鎭錫(Oh, Jinseok) 한국사학회 2012 史學硏究 Vol.- No.108

        본 연구는 1930년대 초에 수립되어 이후 한국의 전력공급시스템을 획기적으로 변모시킨 분수령으로 평가되는 電力統制政策의 수립과정에 대해서 상세하게 검토한 글이다. 경제정책에서 전력이 차지하는 비중을 감안할 때 전력통제정책 연구는 일제하 공업화의 성격과 경제체제의 특질을 해명하는 단초를 제공하기 때문에 중요한 연구사적 의의를 가지고 있다. 전력통제정책은 기존의 연구에서 지적하듯이 1930년대 초 宇垣一成의 총독 부임에 따라 급작스럽게 실시된 정책이 아니었다. 1920년대부터 수력전원의 효율적인 개발을 위해 전력통제정책의 필요성이 대두하고 있었고, 그 근간이 될 朝鮮電氣事業令의 제정이 여러 차례 시도되고 있었지만, 업계의 협조를 얻지 못해 법안의 제정에는 성공하지 못하고 있었다. 1930년 11월에는 민관합동으로 朝鮮電氣事業調査會제1회의가 조직되어 전력통제정책의 주요 내용이 논의되기에 이르렀지만, 전력회사의 기업형태를 둘러싸고 ‘국영론’과 ‘민영론’의 심각한 대립으로 인하여 합의를 이루지 못했다. 그러나 각지에서 전기요금인하운동이 공영화운동으로 확대되면서 전력업계의 위기의식은 증폭되었다. 업계는 공영화운동을 저지하기 위해서는 총독부의 전력통제정책 수립에 협조하여 지역별 배전통합에 따른 지역 독점과 민영 유지를 확보해야 한다고 생각했던 것으로 보인다. 한편, 1931년에는 일선만블록체제 구축과 ‘산업개발정치’를 표방하던 宇垣一成이 총독에 부임하고, 그의 전폭적인 지지를 받은 今井田淸德정무총감이 전권을 가지고 전력정책을 주도하면서 분위기는 급변하였다. 今井田은 대표적인 ‘민영우위론자’였으므로 총독부는 발송전 합동사업은 복수의 민영회사에 맡기고 배전은 수 개의 지역으로 나누어 통합하여 민영을 유지하는 방안을 마련하고 있었다. 이러한 변화된 분위기 아래에서 1931년 10월 朝鮮電氣事業調査會 제2회의가 개최되었다. 그러나 국영론자의 세력도 만만치 않았다. 결국 조사회의 답신안에는 ‘송전간선 국영’을 기본 원칙으로 제시하고 ‘발전?배전?송전지선은 민영’으로 경영하기로 하여 양측의 합의를 이끌어 냈다. 다만, 발송배전을 일체로 경영하는 것이 적당할 경우에는 이를 민영에 맡길 수 있도록 예외조항을 추가하였다. 그러나 총독부의 원래 정책 구상에 ‘송전간선 국영’원칙이 없었던 데에서 드러나듯이 총독부는 ‘송전간선 국영’원칙을 지키고자 하는 의지가 전혀 없었다. 사실상 ‘발송배전 민영’이 기본 원칙이고 ‘송전간선 국영’은 부수적 원칙이라고 해도 과언이 아니었다. 이런 점에서 볼 때 기존 연구에서 “송전간선은 국영, 발전?배전?송전지선은 민영”이라는 기업형태 원칙을 지나치게 강조해 왔던 사실은 재검토할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. This paper examines the establishment process of the electric power control policy(hereafter EPC policy) during the 1920’s and the early 1930"s. The research about EPC policy has the important significance for ascertaining the characteristics of the industrialization and economic system during the Japanese rule. EPC policy was not suddenly enforced by inauguration of the Governor-General of Joseon of Ugaki Kazushige [宇垣一成] during the early 1930’s. The necessity of EPC policy had been indicated for the efficient development of hydro-electric power, and the enactment of Joseon Jeongi Saeopryeong[Joseon Electric Business Act] had been repeatedly tried to realize from 1920’s, but was not succeeded in. The sense of crisis of the business world of electricity was amplified as the movement of reducement of overall price of electricity was magnified to the municipalization movement. The business world of electricity thought that it must cooperate to establish the EPC policy and be guaranteed the local monopoly and the maintenance of private management by the Government-General of Joseon for the prevention of the municipalization movement. But government management theorists and private management theorists of electric power industry was conflicted. Finally both sides agreed to determine the basic principle that electric transmission mainline is government management, and the production of electric power, distribution of electricity and electric transmission branch line are private management. Exceptively appropriate cases are granted that integrated business of the production, transmission and distribution of electric power is managed by private companies. As a matter of fact, the primary principle is that the production, transmission and distribution of electric power is private management, and the secondary principle is that electric transmission mainline is government management. In this respect, existing researches have been emphasized that electric transmission mainline is government management, and the production of electric power, distribution of electricity and electric transmission branch line are private management, but this stand needs to be reconsidered.

      • KCI등재

        1910~1920년대 전력산업정책과 전력업계의 동향

        오진석 한국근현대사학회 2012 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.63 No.-

        This paper examines the electricity industry policy of the Government-General of Joseon and the movement of companies in the electricity industry during the 1910’s and the 1920’s. The Government-General of Joseon implemented the license system about establishment and management of electric company and overall price of electricity by Jeongi Saeop Chuiche Gyuchik[electricity business regulation rule]. The Government-General of Joseon regulated the electricity industry by administrative guidance without the enactment of Joseon Jeongi Saeopryeong[Joseon Electric Business Act]. The Government-General of Joseon had guaranteed the local monopoly of electric companies by the principle that a single region is one electric company. The electric companies with the local monopoly earned high return during 1920’s thanks to rapid increase of demand of electric lamps and electric power. But general industrial capitalists expressed dissatisfaction over the electric companies for higher price of electricity, lack of electric facilities, frequent blackout and unkind service. They commenced the movement of reducement of overall price of electricity and municipalization movement. The Government-General of Joseon must settle this conflict. The Government-General of Joseon induced electric companies to reduce overall price of electricity, and guaranteed the local monopoly of electric companies. Ultimately the Government-General of Joseon made plan of hydroelectric power plants for reducement of overall price of electricity. Against this backdrop, the Government-General of Joseon needed to enact Joseon Jeongi Saeopryeong[Joseon Electric Business Act] and establish the electricity control policy. This paper examines the electricity industry policy of the Government-General of Joseon and the movement of companies in the electricity industry during the 1910’s and the 1920’s. The Government-General of Joseon implemented the license system about establishment and management of electric company and overall price of electricity by Jeongi Saeop Chuiche Gyuchik[electricity business regulation rule]. The Government-General of Joseon regulated the electricity industry by administrative guidance without the enactment of Joseon Jeongi Saeopryeong[Joseon Electric Business Act]. The Government-General of Joseon had guaranteed the local monopoly of electric companies by the principle that a single region is one electric company. The electric companies with the local monopoly earned high return during 1920’s thanks to rapid increase of demand of electric lamps and electric power. But general industrial capitalists expressed dissatisfaction over the electric companies for higher price of electricity, lack of electric facilities, frequent blackout and unkind service. They commenced the movement of reducement of overall price of electricity and municipalization movement. The Government-General of Joseon must settle this conflict. The Government-General of Joseon induced electric companies to reduce overall price of electricity, and guaranteed the local monopoly of electric companies. Ultimately the Government-General of Joseon made plan of hydroelectric power plants for reducement of overall price of electricity. Against this backdrop, the Government-General of Joseon needed to enact Joseon Jeongi Saeopryeong[Joseon Electric Business Act] and establish the electricity control policy.

      • KCI등재

        1910-30년대 조선총독부의 전력정책과 식민지 기술관료들의 조선개발 인식

        오선실 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2020 인문과학연구논총 Vol.41 No.1

        This paper explores the electricity policy of the Government-general of Korea, which was one of the most important component of the electric power system becoming indigenous. The introduction of the electricity industry in Korea took place very quickly during the Korean Empire, but full-fledged growth could not begin until the colonial period. At that time, the government-General of Korea, which is responsible for fostering and managing the electricity industry of the colonial Korea, did not transplant Japan's electricity technology or Electricity policy. Rather, it used the colonial Korea as a venue for policy experiments for address the problems facing Japan's electricity industry. The principle that a single region is one electric company, the initial power policy of the Governor-General of Korea, was derived from the diagnosis that the free market put Japan's power industry into excessive competition and overlapping investment. However, the half-baked policy experiments, could not prevent the monopoly’s closure, and in the end had to be revised in the face of resistance from citizens. In setting up a new electricity control policy, technocrats submitted a huge package of "super-electric power links," which had never been attempted in Japan. They considered the colonial Korea to be still blank, unlike Japan, which has already complicated its industrial structure. So they regarded the colonial Korea as a place to realize an ideal technology society, ‘high modernism’ by efficiently developing it through the powerful control of the colonial Government. But colonial Korea was not in a blank state, and the complex interests that had been deleted from their "reasonable" designs frustrated their designs. 이 연구는 식민지 조선에서 전기시스템이 토착화하는데 가장 중요한 역할을한 구성요소 중 하나였던 조선총독부의 전력정책을 분석한다. 한국에서 전기산업의 도입은 대한제국 시기 매우 빠르게 이뤄졌지만, 본격적인 성장은 식민지시기가 되어서야 시작될 수 있었다. 이때 식민지 조선의 전기산업을 육성하고관리할 책임을 가진 조선총독부는 일본의 전기기술 혹은 전력정책을 그대로 이식하지 않았다. 오히려 식민지 조선을 일본의 전기산업이 처한 문제를 해소하기위한 정책실험의 장으로 삼았다. 조선총독부의 초기 전력정책인 1지역1사업 원칙은 자유로운 시장이 일본의 전력산업을 과잉경쟁과 중복투자에 빠뜨렸다는진단에서 도출된 것이었다. 그러나 조선총독부의 설익은 정책실험은 초기 전기사업자들이 지역독점권을 바탕으로 소규모배전시스템을 구축하는 조건을 마련했지만, 독점의 폐단을 막을 수 없었고, 결국 시민들의 저항에 부딪쳐 수정되어야했다. 새로운 전력통제정책을 수립하며 식민지 기술관료들은 ‘초전력연계’라는 거대한 종합계획서를 제출했는데, 그것은 일본에서도 시도 된 바 없는 것이었다. 그들은 이미 산업구조가 복잡해진 일본과 달리 아직 백지 상태에 있는 식민지 조선을 조선총독부의 강력한 통제력을 통해 효율적으로 개발함으로써 이상적인 기술 사회, 하이 모더니즘을 실현해 볼 수 있는 공간으로 여겼다. 그러나 식민지 조선은 백지 상태가 아니었고, 그들의 “합리적인” 설계에 삭제되었던복잡한 이해관계들에 의해 계획은 변형될 수밖에 없었다.

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