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      • KCI등재

        그리스도교적 경험이해를 위한 현상학적 방법론

        박욱주(Wook Joo Park) 한국기독교학회 2017 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.103 No.-

        본고는 하이데거가 『종교적 삶의 현상학』에서 해명한 형식적 고시의 방법을 후설의 현상학과 연계해서 고찰하고, 그로부터 “선포”(κήρυγμα)의 현상을 종교현상학의 핵심주제로 삼은 하이데거의 의도 및 그 종교철학적 함의를 모색하는 데 주력한다. 이로부터 도출되는 함의들은 다음과 같다. 본래적인 그리스도교 신앙은 역사적인 것으로부터 시간이 수여하는 존재적 불안을 직면하게 한다. 이처럼 삶의 경험을 근원적인 불안으로부터 새롭게 이해하는 길을 따를 때, 우리는 우리 안에 신앙의 지배력이 이르는 범위에 대해 보다 명확하게 이해하게 된다. 그리스도교 신앙은 삶의 경험의 최초 출발점인 지향성으로부터, 다시 말해 지향적 행위의 실행에서부터 우리와 세계의 연관을 그리스도교적인 것으로 선포하게 해야 한다. 이런 맥락에서 그리스도교적 실행의 근원적 방식인 선포는 신앙의 핵심적 현상으로 지목될 수 있다. The present paper involves an analysis of Heidegger’s method of “formal indication”, which he articulates in The Phenomenology of Religious Life, with regard to Husserl’s phenomenology. As I show in what follows, Heidegger lays out guidelines for the formal indication of the phenomenon of proclamation(κήρυγμα) in Paul’s Epistle to the Thessalonians to reveal one specific fundamental characteristic of Christian faith. Heidegger asserts that authentic Christian faith would lead us to forthrightly face the ontic anxiety which time renders us out of the historical. He claims that the anxiety then would provide us with a novel understanding of our life experiences, thereby clarifying us the dominance range of faith in ourselves. Christian faith, Heidegger judges, enables us to proclaim our human–world relations to be Christian at the level of the enactment of intentional action, i.e., intentionality that is the origin of our life experiences. Proclamation is being conceived of as the fundamental way of enacting Christian faith by Heidegger in this context.

      • KCI등재

        국내 고시인성 안전의복의 착용 현황 분석 및 시인성 평가를 통한 착용 의무화 제안

        강인형,최병호,오철,육지호 한국의류산업학회 2022 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        In roadside workplaces, more attention should be paid to the safety of workers. The roadside workers under- estimate the effect of the brightness of their clothes and judge that drivers will recognize them easily, and the drivers mis- judge that the roadside workers are far away and that the vehicle can be stopped in sufficient time. Therefore, customized safety education reflecting this and wearing work clothes with certified visibility functions are required. In Korea, it is not compulsory for roadside workers and vehicle guide attendants to wear work clothes with a visibility function. In this study, the distance ahead perceived by drivers was measured using manikins wearing certified and non-certified reflective safety vests. The perception distance of the non-certified reflective safety vest was 1.4 times longer than that of the certified reflective safety vest, thus confirming the importance of wearing a certified reflective safety vest. To prevent roadside workers from suffering traffic accidents, we propose the enactment of a law that makes it mandatory for them to wear high-visibility safety clothing. Specifically, Article 32 of the Enforcement Regulation of the Road Traffic Act should include high-visibility safety clothing in life protection equipment, and additionally, to prevent secondary accidents, we propose the enactment of a law requiring the installation and wearing of certified reflective safety vests in vehicles.

      • KCI등재

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