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        길먼의 『누런 벽지』에 나타난 고딕 가정 공간과 고딕 주체성

        정희원(Heewon Chung) 19세기영어권문학회 2018 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.22 No.1

        This paper reads Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s famous short story “The Yellow Wall-paper” as a fiction of gothic domestic space that constructs the female gothic subject. Since Gilbert and Gubar’s groundbreaking study on the relationship between the architectural space and the female subject, Gilman’s novel has been acclaimed as the exemplar female gothic fiction of the turn of the century. Rather than reading Gilman’s fiction as a female bildungsroman that tends to focus on the liberation of repressed female desire, this study emphasizes how gothic space writes on the subjectivity of the narrator and constructs its textuality. Using Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s theory of gothic space and Eric Savoy’s theorization of American gothic, this paper pays attention to the way the wall(paper) as the metonymy of the house builds the narrator’s consciousness, while she projects herself onto it and, simultaneously, is inscribed by it as gothic subjectivity. Thus this study attempts to map and remap the spatiality represented in the novel in the tradition of the female gothic and American gothic.

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