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        중국 5·5계획의 편제 과정과 특징에 대한 연구

        곽복선 ( Kwag Bok-sun ),김동하 ( Kim Dong-ha ) 한중사회과학학회 2017 한중사회과학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 중국의 제5차 5개년 계획(1976∼1980)의 편제 과정을 분석하고 그 특징과 평가를 통해 5·5계획의 함의를 도출하는 것을 연구목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위해서 중국이 5개년 계획을 도입한 배경과 과정을 먼저 살펴보았으며, 이어서 5·5계획 편제와 집행 과정의 특징을 살펴보고 이를 근거로 문제점과 성과를 분석하여 평가했다. 이를 근거로 5·5계획이 가진 함의를 도출하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 5·5계획은 <10년규획강요>의 10개년 장기발전계획 중 전반부 계획으로써 입안, 집행되어 기존 5개년 경제발전계획이 보인 특성과는 다른 장기적 관점에서 진행된 경제개발 계획이었다. 둘째, 5·5계획은 중국정부가 선제적이며 주도적으로 경제발전계획 지표를 재조정한 계획이다. 문화대혁명의 종결, 개혁·개방 정책의 착수와 같은 중국 경제체제의 변화가 5·5계획 기간 내에 있었으며, 매번 이에 대응하여 발전계획 목표가 재조정되었다. 셋째, 여러차례의 수정, 조정, 재수정, 재조정 과정에도 불구하고, 5·5계획은 `4대 현대화`라는 기본 방침을 견지한 경제발전 계획이었다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the footing of the Fifth 5-year plan(1976-1980) in China and derive the implications of the plan through the evaluation. To this end, We had looked at the background and process of 5-year plan in China first, followed studying the organization method and the features of Fifth 5-year plans. Also, assessed the plan by analyzing the problems and achievements as basis. Based on this, the implications with the plan were derived at the conclusion of this paper. The first, Fifth 5-year plans was born from 10-year Economic Development plans(1976∼1985). As a result, the plan has long-term perspective and enforced by the first half of 10-years plan in the way of long-term development plan. Also, the plan was quite differently conducted from the other 5-year plans in China. Second, Fifth 5-year plan was replaned and reorganized by Central government with initiative. The government proactively rebalance the indicators in the Fifth 5-year plan. During Fifth 5-year plan, Chinese suffered `the Cultural Revolution` and experienced reform and open-door policy. Respond to the changes in China`s economic system, Fifth 5-year plan was reorganized again to reach the new goal. Third, the plan was experienced many times of modification, adjustment, retouching. Despite the several restructuring process, `4 modernization plan` was basic policy of Fifth 5-year plan.

      • 우리나라의 人力開發 : 第4次 經濟開發5個年計劃과 關聯하여

        鄭柄閏 慶北專門大學 (영주경상전문대학) 1979 慶北專門大學 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The following points may be abstracted as a result of studying the development of human power relate to the fourth five-year economic development plan. The problems on the development of human power transcend time and place, and connected with social and national development. In additon, they can be the significant kernel of economic development and national prosperity. In Korea the share of public school expenses to the national income are not behind in a quasi-advanced countries. But, human power in our countiry has become an issue which is in need of quality rather than quantity of Well-trained men. Therefore, we must reconsider the educational policies such as education centering around humanities and unpreparedness of practice equipment etc. In conclusion, first of all the development of human power must get accomplished by means of attaching importance to diminishment of pressure from surplus population. And the oversea advance of the human resources shall be actively assisted and propelled. Finally, the development of human power can be worth studying further in various sides, especially linked with the economic development plan.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 경제개발5개년계획의 경제운영원리

        신용옥 역사학연구소 2023 역사연구 Vol.0 No.47

        이 연구는 1차 경제개발5개년계획의 입안 과정 분석을 통해 5·16군사정변 주체세력인 군부와 관료·학계 그룹이 융합되면서 한국경제의 발전 지향을 두고 서로의 입장을 조율해 간 과정을 경제운영원리 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 경제 에 대한 정부의 적극적 개입은 제2차 세계대전 이후 세계적 사조가 되어 선진자본주의 국가들에서 여러 유형의 혼합경제체제가 양산되었지만, 신생 후진국들은 경제발전을 위해 사회주의체제와 자본주의체제의 장점을 취사·선택하고자 했다. 그 결과 신생국들은 완전고용이나 사회보장을 바탕으로 한 선진자본주의 국가들의 혼합경제와 다른 유형의 혼합경제를 추구하게 되었으며 다양한 발전 유형을 보이게 되었다. 이 연구도 1차 5개년계획 입안 과정의 경제운영원리를 혼합경제체제의 관점에서 분석하면서 국가 대 민간, 외향 대 내향의 발전전략을 자본주의 발전과정의 경제체제론으로 포섭하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라의 정치경제적 환경과 고용관계시스템 변화에 관한 역사적 고찰

        이을터(Eul-Teo Lee) 한국경영사학회 2010 經營史學 Vol.56 No.-

        본 논문은 우리나라의 정치경제적 환경과 고용관계시스템의 상호 연관성을 역사적으로 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 우리나라의 중요한 정치경제적 환경변화라고 할 수 있는 1962년 경제개발5개년계획, 1987년 6.29선언, 1997년 IMF 경제위기를 기점으로, 노사관계 양상이 대립적 또는 온건한지 그리고 인적자원관리 행태가 기업 중심인지 혹은 근로자 중심인지 여부를 파악하였다. 그리고 미국, 독일, 싱가포르, 말레이시아의 사례를 통해 우리나라 상황과의 유사성 및 차이점에 대해서도 비교하였다. 연구결과, 1960년대는 정부가 경제개발5개년계획과 수출 지향적 산업화 전략으로 인해 노동운동을 암묵적으로 제약하여 표면적으로는 온건한 노사관계 양상을 보였고, 인적자원관리는 채용과 임금관리 정도의 기초적이며 기업 중심이었다. 하지만 1987년 6.29선언을 기점으로 건국 이래 가장 많은 노사분규가 일어나는 등 노사관계가 매우 극심한 대립적양상을 띠었으며, 그 결과 기업들은 임금인상, 복리후생, 근로자 참여 등 노사화합을 지향하는 근로자 중심의 인적자원관리를 취했다. 하지만 1997년 경제위기로 기업들이 구조 조정을 가속화하면서 기업의 인적자원관리 행태는 인력구조조정, 조기퇴직제, 연봉제, 목 표관리제 등 성과 및 실적을 강조하는 기업 중심으로 변모되었다. 노사관계는 IMF 경제위기이후 약 2년 간은 매우 낮은 파업건수를 기록하는 등 온건한 양상이었으나, 1999년 이후 약 7년 동안 주로 기업의 단체협약불이행으로 인해 다소 대립적 노사관계 양상을 띠었다. 결국 우리나라 IMF 경제위기 이전에는 노사관계 양상이 인적자원관리 행태를 결정하였으나 IMF 경제위기 이후로 기업의 인적자원관리 행태가 노사관계 양상을 변모시켰다고할 수 있다. 해외 사례에서도 국가의 정치경제적 환경과 고용관계시스템 사이의 연관성은 높게 나타났었다. 결론에서는 본 연구의 시사점과 한계점을 토론하였다. This paper explored the relationship between political economic environment and employment relations system after industrialization in Korea. This research divided employment relations system into industrial relations(confrontational or moderate) and human resource management(Firm focused or Employee focused) and identified a changing pattern of industrial relations and human resource management. Especially, this study compared the result of Korean case on the relationship between political economical environment and employment relations system with other countries such as U.S., Germany, Singapore, and Malaysia. As a result, this research found that the pattern of industrial relations and human resources management in Korea depended on and were affected by political environment and economic change. As evidences, there were a lot of massive strike after the Democratization Declaration of June 29, 1987 as changing of political environment. Human resource management also changed into cooperation oriented labor-management by confrontational industrial relations after the Declaration. After the IMF economic crisis in 1997, an opposite phenomenon occurred in which employees could not express their dissatifactory things on company policy, working conditions such as pay, work time and working conditions against the companies, despite companies actively pursued numerical and external flexibility through layoffs, outsourcing, and the use of contingent workers. Human resource management also was affected by the IMF crisis. Companies pursued the internal efficiency oriented human resource management such as performance based pay, early retirement program, irregular staffing and so on. The comparative result of other countries on employment relations system by political economic environment was similar with Korean case. This paper concludes, as a result of the evidence provided by the historical trends and changing pattern of industrial relations and human resource management in Korean companies, that human resource management are determined by a degree of industrial relations which is influenced by the political and economic environment. In conclusion, implications and limitations of the paper were discussed.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        1960-1970년대 한국의 전자산업 육성 정책

        박기주 ( Ki-joo Park ) 경제사학회 2020 經濟史學 Vol.44 No.1

        본 논문은 1960-1970년대에 정부가 어떤 지향을 갖고 전자산업의 성장을 주도하였는지를 산업 정책의 목표와 방안을 중심으로 설명하였다. 1970년대에 한국의 전자산업은 저임금 노동력을 사용하여 수입 부품과 재료를 조립 생산하고 그것의 대부분을 수출하는 단순조립 단계의 수출산업이었다. 국내의 요소 부존도와 세계시장이 허용한 것은 국제 하청 생산이며 반도체와 같은 첨단의 전자산업이 아니었다. 내국인 업체는 아직 자본과 기술이 취약하였던 반면 정부는 개발의지가 강했고 국내시장과 기업이 성숙하지 못한 상황에서 산업의 발전을 선도하는 역할을 하였다. 정부는 외자 유치에 의한 수출 증가를 통해 산업의 규모를 확장시켜 가면서 자국민주의적 정책을 통해 내국인 업체의 성장을 가져왔다. 또한 지정품목 육성방식을 통해 전자산업을 첨단 분야로 인도하고 그것을 지원하기 위해 정부출연연구소를 신설하였다. 이처럼 한국의 전자산업은 개발 국가의 산업 정책을 잘 보여 주는 사례였다. In this paper, I focused on the goals and plans of the industrial policy to establish the direction in which the government led the growth of the electronics industry in the 1960s-1970s. In the 1970s, the electronics industry in Korea was a simple assembly export industry that imports parts and materials, assembles them using low-wage labor, and exports most of them. It was the international subcontract production that the domestic factor endowment and world market allowed, not the advanced electronics industry such as large-scale integration semiconductors. While domestic enterprises were still short of capital and technology, the government had strong willingness to play a leading role to develop the industry under the condition of immature domestic markets and enterprises. Though the government had to attract foreign capital to expand the electronics industry through increasing exports, it brought the growth of Korean companies through nationalist policies. The government led the industry to the high technology field by fostering designated items and established the government-funded research institutes to support it. The Korean electronics industry thus can be regarded as a good example of the industrial policy of a developmental state.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 경제개발 5개년 계획 기간의 소련 공산당 세포조직의 발달

        강윤희(Kang Yoon Hee) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2002 슬라브학보 Vol.17 No.2

        This paper discusses how the party at the regional level reacted organizationally to the new demands made upon it during the first Five Year Plan period. It aims to show the organizational changes that were reflected in Leningrad's enterprises. It also offers an explanation of the organizational reversal of 1932-1934. During the first FYP, the Soviet society and economy underwent fundamental changes. With the launch of the industrialization drive, the party became more enmeshed in the control and supervision of the rapidly expanding economy: it increased its level of complexity, and introduced organizational changes to meet social, political and economic circumstances. Especially after 1929, party organizations evolved into much more elaborate structures in response to the demands placed upon them. With the rapid expansion of party membership and the party's increasing involvement in the economy came the organizational development of primary party cells in industrial enterprises. As the party sought to reach every workshop and shift in every factory, the primary cells were broken up into smaller units from 1928 onwards. As a result, the primary cells in the enterprise, which were relatively few in the mid-1920s, proliferated during the first FYP and factory party organizations became far larger and more complex organizations. However, new and often experimental party structures in the industrial enterprise proliferated only until 1932, when there, was a major simplification of all aspects of the factory party organizations.

      • KCI등재

        5ㆍ16군사정부의 상업차관 도입과 운용

        이정은(Lee, Jung-eun) 한국역사연구회 2012 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.84

        The Military regime announced that it would achieve rapid economic growth, and was in dire need of securing the capital that would enable it. Inviting a Commerce loan was considered and selected as a viable option. Yet a commerce loan required a civilian financial partner that would invite it in for the government. Monitoring such need of the government, the existing huge capitalists and entrepreneurs, who were on the verge of being prosecuted and punished for charges of accumulation of wealth through illicit means, organized themselves and jumped at the opportunity. They were not punished, and instead major projects of the Stage 1 Economy Development Plan went to them, the huge entrepreneurs who had more experiences in negotiating for a foreign loan, and who were also better equipped to secure the needed capital. Since mid-1962, loans for projects that were not specified in the development plans (“non-planned projects”) were also sought for and employed. Most of them went to the aforementioned huge entrepreneurs, yet the competitions among civilian financial companies were fierce. And in the wake of all that, a foreign currency crisis broke out, and after that the authorities considered the ‘prospect for successful export’ most strongly in their examination and permission process of all the loans. The huge capitalists continued to ask for inviting foreign loans, and the government had to change the outcome of the selection process or even shift the policy direction itself. The company’s request for ‘non-planned plans’ loans reflected their preference in their investments of capitals, and constituted a substantial part of the economic development in the 1960s.

      • 한국전쟁 이후 이승만 정부의 경제부흥 전략

        박태균 ( Tae Gyun Park ) 서울대학교 국제문제연구소 2007 세계정치 Vol.8 No.-

        This thesis explains what the economy development plans enacted in the 1950s under the Rhee administration were in detail and why these policies could not work. There are three reasons to explain that these policies couldn`t work. First, there was lack of ability enough to enact and execute proper policies for economy development. Most policies, for example, were unrealistic at the very beginning time of enacting. Second, there was lack of Rhee administration`s will for execution. Above all, the president Rhee didn`t have strong desire to execute this plan. He focused on inducing foreign investment for maintaining stable government. Finally, there was not enough financial resource for the plan by reducing assistance from United States, which Korea government had hugely depended on. Likewise, considering the domestic and international situation in the 1950s, the reason that the economic development plans didn`t work can be boiled down to the disharmony among 3 elements: Lee administration`s ability, his will and U. S. assistance policy.

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