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      • KCI등재

        진보언론을 통해서 본 박근혜 정부의 교육정책

        김대용 한국교육철학학회 2018 교육철학연구 Vol.40 No.1

        This study analyzes the educational policies under the regime of former-president Park Geun-hye through the lens of the Korean progressive newspapers. The paper consists of two parts: it first discusses the general tenet of the previous government identified as ‘pro-North ideological attack’ and ‘bossiness’. I then turn into the problems in which such tenet is penetrated in educational polices in South Korea. In this peculiar terminology, pro-North ideological attack indicates the previous government’s strategy to place under surveillance a group of people who criticize the government with a means of the state apparatus such as National Intelligence Service, the prosecution and so forth. Bossiness refers a way of bullying against socially less-privileged people through the misconduct of the power and position. The former government abused its power in such a manner against the nation of Korea. This paper identifies the gist of the previous government’s policies in terms of pro-North ideological attack and bossiness. Such tendency is portrayed in educational policies. It resulted a number of political conflicts and controversies: the previous government was hostile to the superintendents of education who hold the liberal perspectives, and to the Korean Teachers & Educational Workers’s Union; some educational issues such as the state controlled re-writing of the Korean History textbooks or the policy for free-childcare budget put the whole nation into social turmoil. This paper argues that the previous government misconducted its power to force the Korean nation only to conform and to bow down to the power. Education was a means to achieve this unjust aim of the previous government. This paper claims that education must not be used as a political means for power but must teach the younger generation of Korea towards the democratic society regardless of one’s religious or political persuasions. 이 논문은 박근혜 정부에서 추진했던 교육정책의 문제를 진보언론을 통해 살펴보았다. 이 연구는 두 부분으로이루어졌다. 첫째, 박 정부의 교육정책을 분석하는 시각에 대해 논의하였다. 박 정부는 종북몰이와 갑질에 근거한교육정책을 시행하였다. 종북몰이는 국정원·검찰 등의 국가기구를 동원해 그들 정부를 비판하는 세력을 감시하고배제하는 것이다. 박 정부에서는 정부를 비판하면 종북이고 빨갱이라는 이분법적 논리와 폭력이 일상화되었다. 갑질은 종북몰이와 짝을 이루는 것으로서 사회적 강자가 자신의 우월한 권력과 지위를 악용하여 약자에게 횡포를 부리는 것이다. 박 정부는 국가 권력을 동원하여 국민을 상대로 갑질을 자행하였다. 둘째, 박 정부에서 시행했던 종북몰이와 갑질에 기초를 둔 교육정책을 고찰하였다. 국사 교과서 국정화 추진, 진보 교육감과 전국교직원노동조합과의 갈등 그리고 보육대란 등은 모두 종북몰이와 갑질이 복합적으로 작용하여 발생한 것이다. 박 정부 교육정책의 본질은 정치권력에 일방적으로 순응하고 복종하는 ‘국민 바보’ 만들기에 있었다. 박 정부의 교육정책을 통해 확인할 수 있듯이 교육은 결코 특정한 정치권력을 유지하기 위한 도구로서 이용되어서는 안된다. 학교에서는 학생들에게 민주주의를 가르치고, 민주시민으로서 사람답게 살 수 있는 교육을 해야 한다.

      • 조선후기 광주이씨 창시보와 합동계보 -경술보(1610)와 갑진보(1724)를 중심으로-

        朴洪甲 ( Park Honggab ) 한국계보연구회 2017 한국계보연구 Vol.7 No.-

        The majority of renowned families during the Joseon period became prominent in the late Goryeo period. An eminent politician in the late Goryeo period named Dunchon Lee Jip had a successful career in the government and his family as a result acquired durable fame, as well. Therefore, he now is even regarded as the founder of the Gwangju Lee family. As Lee Jip's grandson Lee Yinson and his five brothers all served as the state councilor and minister, the family became the most flourishing family of the time. The first publication of a genealogy which is called Changsibo (Ch. 創始譜) in Korean is usually led by eminent descendent of a family. The first genealogy of the Gwangju Lee family published in gyeongsul year (1610) was a work of a former chief state councilor Lee Jungyeong's grandson Lee Sasu. The Gyeongsul Genealogy can be regarded as a unique example of a genealogy from the time because it only contains patrilineal information. The patriarchal clan system was not established thoroughly at the time. And the fact that the record of Lee Jip's collateral line is contained in a separate annex is also remarkable. However, there are abundant records of the direct ancestors of Lee Sasu in the genealogy. And the names of the family members were listed according to birth order so that male names were not written before female names. The notations of bastardy and adopted sons were marked on the list agreeable to the custom of those days. These features show that The Gyeongsul Genealogy reflects the transitional change of a genealogy between the early Joseon and the mid-late Joseon periods. In the following century, another genealogy from the Gwangju Lee family was published in gapjin year (1724). The fact that The Gapjin Genealogy adopted the system of putting stress on the founder of a family sect means it was a comprehensive genealogy that was published by a collaborated work of various family sects of the Gwangju Lee family. It also contained matrilineage of two generations according to the general custom of the time. The distinguishing feature of The Gapjin Genealogy is that the book recorded various perceptions of the pedigree of each family sect in a separate annex and it gives The Gapjin Genealogy a great historical significance. Following studies on this book is anticipated.

      • KCI등재후보

        광주 이씨 시조와 본관에 대한 쟁점 검토

        박홍갑 청계사학회 2023 청계사학 Vol.25 No.-

        With the case of Gwangju Lee, this study seeks to explore the process of compiling a genealogy. By compiling the Gyeongsulbo in 1610, the Dunchon Yi Clan's descendents took the initiative in the genealogy project. Gyeongsulbo worked with the benefits and drawbacks that were not specifically related to Dunchon separately because he wanted to use Dunchon Lee Jip as its founder. Gapjinbo w as p ut toget her in 1 724 b y Dunchon's descendants. Banggye, which was not directly connected to Dunchon, was also asked t o be i ncluded in t he g enealogy d uring t he process, but i t was disappointed. Then, in 1725, Banggye released Eulsabo on his own. This Eulsabo, who has little historical support, proposed the sijo as a stronghold of interest during the Silla era. 본 연구의 목표는 광주 이씨의 사례를 통해 족보 편찬 과정을 살펴보는 것이다. 둔촌 이집의 후예들은 1610년 경술보를 편찬함으로써 족보 편찬을 주도했다. 경술보는 둔촌 이집을 시조로 삼고자 하는 욕망이 앞섰기 때문에, 둔촌과 직접적으로 연계가 되지 않은 이점과 이손 등은 별도로 처리하였다. 1724년 둔촌의 후예들은 갑진보를 편찬하였다. 이 과정에서 둔촌과 직접적인 연계가 되지 않은방계 역시 족보에 넣어줄 것을 요청하였지만 좌절되었다. 그러자 방계는 1725년을사보를 따로 간행하였다. 이 을사보는 시조를 신라 시기의 이자성으로 내세웠는데, 역사적 근거가 희박한 인물이다.

      • 경주김씨(慶州金氏) 상촌공파(桑村公派)의 족보(族譜)와 문벌(門閥)의 형성(形成)

        李迎春 ( Lee Youngchoon ) 한국계보연구회 2017 한국계보연구 Vol.7 No.-

        The Gyeongju Kim's(慶州金氏) family genealogy, which was published in four books in 1784, is the oldest genealogy book of this family. It is a synthesis of the various branch genealogies of Gyeongju Kim's four main tribes. It has the primitive form of Dae-dongbo(大同譜). Thereafter, there was no practice of publishing pavo(派譜), the branch genealogies separately, in this family. So, It became a precedent and standard for the compilation of Gyeongju Kim's genealogy books. The genealogy of the two ruling families is very detailed, but the records of the other two groups are very abbreviated. Unlike the general Daedongbo, the list of all the members was arranged according to the order of the branches rather than arranging according to the general order. 적자 서자 child born of a concubine It looks similar to the early genealogy books of the various families which were compiled in the 16th century. The children were recorded in the order of birth without distinction of sons and daughters. And after recording all the children born of regal wives and then the children born of concubines were recorded with the indication 'Seo (庶: illegal)' separately. In addition, the regal wives were indicated with the mark of 配(wife) and the seals were always attached to the surname of theirs. However, the concubines or the wives of the illegal sons were indicated with the mark of 娶(partner) and did not write their surname, This system of genealogy was followed up even further to 1871. The genealogies published thereafter did not show any such discrimination. In the traditional era, the ‘distinguished family(門閥)’ refers to a prominent family group, which was composed mainly of blood relatives. In order to grow into a distinguished family in the traditional era, it was necessary to have various conditions such as the success in the highest-level state examination, the high office, scholarship, morality, merit and the marriage with economic base. Since the Joseon Dynasty was a society of ethics, moral practice was also emphasized. Therefore, not to mention the fidelity of loyalty, firial pity and the faithfulness, it needed a strong personality, a kindness of courtesy and a spirit of integrity. If a great man appears here and dramatic events or interesting narratives are added, the status of the family would ascend higher. Kim Jae-su(金子粹), usually called Sangchon(桑村), was well-known for his upright character and dedicated his life for the Koryo Dynasty, made himself a legend. His great grand son, Kim Se-pil(金世弼) was honored to be a wise man in 1498, and Kim Hong-uk(金弘郁), one of Kim Jae-su’s descendant in 8 generation, met with miserable death after claiming the victimized of Gang Bin(姜嬪), the wife of crown prince Sohyeon(昭顯世子). This tragic event raised the reputation of the whole family and became a halo to the descendants. Kim Hong-uk's descendants were able to go to high office with their efforts and the halo of their ancestors, and became acquainted with the royal family and contemporary clan families. Among them, there were dignitaries such as Kim Han-gu(金漢耈), the father of Queen Jeongsun(定順王后), Kim Hansin(金漢藎), the husband of a princess, Kim Heungkyeong(金興慶), the prime minister, Kim Jeonghee(金正喜), a brilliant scholar. Even if it was merely a hallmark, the number was incalculable. Many other dignitaries and scholars have also emerged in other branches besides. In this way, the clan formed a huge bureaucracy and achieved a powerful fervor as a group.

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