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        中庸:『禮記』에 나타난 다양성과 조화의 논리

        손성하(孫聖河) 대한철학회 2007 哲學硏究 Vol.103 No.-

        본고는 ‘지난하면서도 평범한’(極高明而道中庸) 진리인 중용이 가지는 현대적 의의를 찾고자하는 시도로 쓰여 졌다. 우리는 『예기』 전편에서 일관되게 파악되는 親親尊尊의 가치 관념이 상호 모순과 상호보완의 이중성격을 동시에 가진 相反相成의 긴장구조를 형성하는 것을 살펴보았다. 예악제도는 이처럼 친친존존의 긴장구조를 중심으로 원칙(經)과 변통(權)의 이중변조로 정립되는데, 이것은 중용이 ‘원칙과 변통’사이의 최적 균형점을 끊임없이 추구해가는 과정논리이자, 상황논리임을 설명하는 것이다. 여기서 우리는 ‘다양성의 조화’(和而不同), ‘상황 최적점’(時措之宜)을 추구해 가는 ‘중용적 합리성’이 일방적 타자 부정에 기초한 대립의 구조가 아니라, 타자 포용(The Inclusion of The Other)을 통해 조화를 추구하는 간주체적 합리성 도출의 성격을 가지고 있으며, 구체적 상황에 따라 가장 적합한 ‘경우합리성’(Situation Rationality)을 도모해가는 상황논리의 성격도 가진다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 우리는 이러한 ‘중용적 합리성’이 첫째, 현대사회에 만연한 근대(동일성)와 탈근대(차이성)의 모순을 극복해가는 원리로써, 둘째, 동서 문명의 충돌이 야기한 가치이성(義)과 도구이성(利)간의 모순을 극복해가는 원리로써, 셋째, 주체와 주체간의 차이성을 인정, 존중하며 간주체적 합리성을 추구해 가는 원리로써, 넷째, 원칙(經)에 기초한 변통(權)의 원리로써, 오늘날 여전히 유효한 패러다임이라고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        Chronotope of Congregation in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan

        Kim, Dae-Joong 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.1

        In this paper, analyzing Obasan written by Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian, I, as an endeavor to get over the binary system of articulation and silence, argue that Obasan dialectically goes beyond contradiction between silence and articulation. Methodologically, I use Walter Benjamin’s explanation of storyteller and storytelling as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical idea of inter-subjectivity. Meanwhile, I discover that death, reminiscence, mourning and healing are central themes of the novel that constitutes a totality of the novel, the chronotope of congregation. There are four narratives in Obasan: aunt Obasan’s silence, Aunt Emily’s political articulation, Naomi’s contradictory narrative, and narrative of Naomi’s mother. In Obasan, chronotope of congregation embedding storytelling connotes complex poetic relations within the totality of commonplaces which include dialogic, heteroglossic, and intersubjective relations as well as eco-imagery and the healing ritual form. Besides, the narratives in Obasan reveal four aspects: corporeality of narratives; death as the center of the chronotope; the spider web structure within chronotope that interweaves stories (narratives) not in a harmonious but dialectical way; and discovering truth via Naomi’s active listening to her mother’s truthful stories.

      • KCI등재

        Chronotope of Congregation in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan

        김대중 한국중앙영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학연구 Vol.55 No.1

        In this paper, analyzing Obasan written by Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian, I, as an endeavor to get over the binary system of articulation and silence, argue that Obasan dialectically goes beyond contradiction between silence and articulation. Methodologically, I use Walter Benjamin’s explanation of storyteller and storytelling as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical idea of inter-subjectivity. Meanwhile, I discover that death, reminiscence, mourning and healing are central themes of the novel that constitutes a totality of the novel, the chronotope of congregation. There are four narratives in Obasan: aunt Obasan’s silence, Aunt Emily’s political articulation, Naomi’s contradictory narrative, and narrative of Naomi’s mother. In Obasan, chronotope of congregation embedding storytelling connotes complex poetic relations within the totality of commonplaces which include dialogic, heteroglossic, and intersubjective relations as well as eco-imagery and the healing ritual form. Besides, the narratives in Obasan reveal four aspects: corporeality of narratives; death as the center of the chronotope; the spider web structure within chronotope that interweaves stories (narratives) not in a harmonious but dialectical way; and discovering truth via Naomi’s active listening to her mother’s truthful stories.

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