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      • KCI우수등재

        고려 최씨 정권기 私兵의 운영과 家奴

        이정민 역사학회 2022 역사학보 Vol.- No.256

        This study explores the management of private army(私兵) during the Choe military regime in Goryeo period and changes in the characteristics of its members. This study also intends to reveal the limitations of the regime’s running of private army. There are precedent studies that have analyzed the Choe regime’s management of private army, but they have not dealt with its members’ propensity. Therefore, the reason for the fundamental change in the attitudeofsoldiershasnotbeenproperly considered. The Choe military regime’s private army was largely composed of Dobang(都房) and House army(家兵). All members of Dobang were connected to the central bureaucracy, but the House army was not. Dobang had a bond with the Choe military regime in exchange for public offices, and could turn its back on the Choe military regime depending on the political situation. In preparation for such a situation, Choe military regime bestowed an office on domestic slaves(家奴), the conductor of the House army. However, these domestic slaves, newly involved with the bureaucracy, broke away from the Choe military regime and caused the fall of the regime. The limitation of the private army management was that Choe’s military regime used the centralized royal bureaucracy for its own benefit, but could not possess it. 본 연구는 고려 최씨 정권기 사병의 운영과 그 구성원의 성격 변화를 추적하여 최씨 정권의 사병 운영 한계점을 밝혔다. 기존 연구에서도 사병의 운영을 분석하는 작업이 이루어지기는 했지만, 구성원의 성격과 함께 분석되는 작업이 별로 행해지지 않아 그들의 행동 변화가 근본적으로 왜 일어났는지에 대한 고찰이 제대로 이루어지지 못했다. 최씨 정권의 사병은 크게 도방과 가병이 있었다. 도방의 구성원은 모두 중앙의 관료제와 관련되었으나, 가병은 그렇지 못했다. 도방은 관직을 반대급부로 하여 최씨 정권과 결합관계를 맺었는데, 정치적 상황에 따라 최씨 정권을 이탈할 수 있었다. 이를 대비하여 최씨 정권은 가병의 지휘자인 가노에게 관직을 주었는데, 새롭게 관료제와 연결된 가노가 최씨 정권을 이탈하면서 최씨 정권은 무너지게 되었다. 사병 운영 한계는 최씨 정권이 국왕 중심적 성격의 관료제를 자신에게 유리하도록 활용했지만 소유할 수 없는 점에 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        金俊勢力의 形成과 金俊政權의 三別抄 改編 -高麗武人執權期 金俊政權 硏究(一)-

        강재광 한국중세사학회 2013 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.36

        Kim Jun played an active role as a soldier of the House Troops(家兵) of Choi military ruler. He became Jeonjeonsungji(殿前承旨), director of House Troops in Choi Woo(崔瑀)’s rule, through meritorious service on his master and recovery of Bukgye(北界) territory against Mongol invader. Kim Jun succeeded in power succession of Choi Hang(崔沆). Owing to this meritorious service, he was offered Byoljang(別將) which was military official. And he was entrusted the mission of commander of House Troops by Choi Hang. Kim Jun strongly formed human bonds with commanders of Choi House Troops and officers of Sambyulcho units in Choi Hang’s rule. Kim Jun allied commanders of House Troops, Sinuigun(神義軍), Yabyulcho(夜別抄), and EungYang Troops(鷹揚軍) who were discontented with Choi Yui(崔竩) Political Power’s foreign and internal policy. And he combined with Daesasung(大司成) Yu Kyung(柳璥) and King Gojong(高宗). Kim Jun formed so called an anti-Choi Yui alliance force(反崔竩連帶勢力). The anti-Choi Yui alliance force eventually raised Muojungbyun(戊午政變) in the 45th year March of King Gojong. The hardcore strength of Muojungbyun were commanders of Choi House Troops and Sinuigun. The majority of these strength were fully invested to Wuisagongsin(衛社功臣). Kim Jun banded together with Sambyulcho generals who were invested to Wuisagongsin through Joongbang(重房) in the beginning of Yu Kyung’s reign. At that time, Kim Jun and Yu Kyung removed remnants of pro-Choi Yui escort force(親崔竩擁衛勢力). Before long, Kim Jun and his brother Kim Seungjun(金承俊) toppled Yu Kyung because of abuse of authority over human resources. In the early part of Kim Jun’s political power, Kim Jun allied with Park Heesil(朴希實), Yi Yeonso(李延紹), Park Songbi(朴松庇), Yim Yeon(林衍), and Yi Gongju(李公柱) who held high rank of Wuisagongsin. But, Kim Jun did not forget to keep in check these high rank Wuisagongsin. Also, he succeeded in drawing out Cha Songwoo(車松祐) and Kim Hongchui(金洪就) who held low rank of Wuisagongsin, as confidential followers. Kim Jun was appointed to Gyojeongbyulgam(敎定別監), Munhasijung(門下侍中) based on trust and support of King Wonjong(元宗) in 1264~1265. After this, he considered himself as Younggong(令公) when he was invested to Haeyanghoo(海陽侯). At that time, Younggong Kim Jun made a decision on his own and reinforced his power. Furthermore, he recruited greatly competent archers. Through this recruitment, in latter part of Kim Jun’s political power, we could be thought that Sambyulcho was reorganized to detailed units. The evidence that Kim Jun reorganized Sambyulcho, could be find into wood letters(木簡) of Mado Ship No.3(馬島3號船). One out of this wood letters was written to the phrase, “Wusambeonbyulchodoryungsirang(右三番別抄都領侍郞)”. This phrase show us that Wubyulcho(右別抄) was divided to 3 units. The reason that Kim Jun reorganized Sambyulcho, included following circumstances. First, Kim Jun needed to public strong military power that can refuse Jogun(助軍), census(戶口調査) and Gaegyunghwando(開京還都) demand of Mongol Empire. Second, he wanted to put the brakes on the aim of King Wonjong that was intended to remove Goryeo military rule, drawing authority and influence of Mongol Emperor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        新羅 金庚信 家門의 平壤 進出

        강경구 한국고대사학회 2004 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        Controlling role of General Kimiusin(金庚信) and his family on the Koguryo area is thoroughly introduced from his powerful role during the Unification war. Kimiusin is ordered as 'director - general(摠管) on the Two - River Road(兩河道)' during the Silla - Koguryo war in 661, which shows his supreme director role on the war area. After then he is regarded as chief commandor on the Pyeongyang Colony(平壤郡開國公), i. e. colony on the capital of the Koguryo kingdom. It means he is regarded as a new king of Pyeongyang distrc!. Chinese general Shu(薛仁貴) is also appointed as commandor on the Pyeongyang County(平壤郡). But he and his army are soon defeated after 669. Thenceforth whole the Pyeongyang district is occupied by the Kimiusin family. Pyeongyang Colony is directed under the control of general Uonsul(元述), 2nd son of Kimiusin since the war 668 thereafter. The ",my which is controlled by the Kimiusin family is named as Kimiusin army. General Uonsul was defeated by the chinese army at the first war in Pyeongyang(672 A.D.). But finally he blew up the chinese invader completely in 675 at Maichoseong(買肖省). During the Silla - Balhai(渤海) war in 8th century, also the chief power group is the Kimiusin army. General of the Silla army during that war is Kimiunchung(金允忠), the grandson of Kimiusin. Kimiung(金融), son of Kimiusin's grandson, is driven out because Pyeongyang distret is re - planned as a new territory of the royal family of Silla. And it was absorbed by the government of Silla thereafter. They reorganized the Pyeongyang district as Paigangzin(浿江鎭).

      • KCI등재

        출토문헌(出土文獻)에 나타난 병명(病名) ‘가(瘕)’에 관한 고찰

        이경(Lee, Kyung) 한국중어중문학회 2017 中語中文學 Vol.0 No.68

        China has a long history and culture, in the past left a large number of historical relics, preserved a wealth of historical information and spiritual thinking. Since the 20th century, a large number of cultural relics unearthed further proof of this, we also have a closer observation, study the opportunity of ancient culture. It is particularly noteworthy that the large number of unearthed documents contained therein have great research value in the fields of history, archeology and philology. This information on the ancient medical culture research also has important value. Ancient Chinese medicine literature in the existence of the disease name “Jia” first appeared in the "Yellow Emperor", then after another in a variety of handed down medical books. But the disease is similar to the name of many symptoms and fuzzy, so the views of medical scientists have. For decades, the medical literature unearthed in the records of the common disease, these records give us the opportunity to prove the specific symptoms of Jiaxing disease. Therefore, this paper will try to collect the unearthed materials related to “Jia” disease, through the handed down literature and unearthed literature between the comparative study, will prove the true face of “Jia” disease.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        고려 최씨정권기 도방의 운영과 지휘체계

        박재우 한국중세사학회 2024 한국중세사연구 Vol.- No.77

        This study examines the operation and command system of the Tobang during the Choi regime of Goryeo. The military power of the Choi regime was called by various terms. Tobang, established by Choi Chung-heon, was the core organization of the Choi regime’s private military power. Mabyeolcho, a cavalry unit, was also organized. The household retainers clearly show that the private military power of the Choi regime was brought in from outside. Private slaves were owned by the Choi family and served as bodyguards. Private army was the most comprehensive term for private military power. The Tobang was organized by selecting civil servants, military officials, hanryang, and soldiers. Afterwards, the scale was expanded by recruiting people from the country. The Tobang included public figures and had the effect of dominating the bureaucratic society. The Tobang worked for the personal interests of the Choi regime. Civil servants and military officials performed their own duties, and under the orders of the ruling military official, the Tobang engaged in public activities. The Tobang was operated according to the orders of the ruling military official. The official positions of civil servants and military officials were respected even in the provincial capital. It was commanded by the Sangjanggun and Daejanggun, and the generals and subordinate military officers led the military. In Tobang, the ruling military official handled matters by directly issuing orders to generals, regardless of hierarchy. In Tobang, the influence of the party was great. Although his relatives were not included in Tobang, they were closest to the ruling military official and thus exercised strong influence. Although the bodyguards were outside of the command system of Tobang, their influence in the private order of the Choi regime was significant.

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