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        후과 골절의 존재 여부에 따른 족관절 골절의 결과 비교 연구

        이창수(Chang Soo Lee),서진수(Jin Soo Suh),이정우(Jeong Woo Yi) 대한정형외과학회 2007 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        목적: 족근 관절 골절에 있어서 후과 골절은 원위 경골 관절면을 침범하고 체중 부하 축에 관련되며 정복과 고정도 용이하지 않은 경우가 많다. 따라서 저자들은 후과 골절이 동반된 족근 관절 골절이 그렇지 않은 경우에 비해 조기 관절염의 발생 가능성이 높고 불량한 결과를 초래할 것으로 가정하고 분석을 시도하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2000년 11월부터 2005년 9월까지 족근 관절 골절에 대하여 관혈적 정복술 후 금속 제거술을 시행하였던 142명의 환자 중, 양과 골절 및 삼과 골절이 있었던 52명의 임상적, 방사선학적 결과에 대하여 후향적 분석을 시행하였다. 평균 추시 기간은 25개월이었고, 이중 후과 골절이 없는 양과 골절이 36예였고, 후과 골절이 동반되어 후과 골절에 대해 고정술을 시행한 삼과 골절이 16예였다. 두 군의 평균 연령은 각각 36세, 43세였고 성별 분포, 수상 기전, 흡연 여부 등에 있어서 차이는 없었으며, 수술 후 재활 과정도 동일하게 적용하였다. 결과: 최종 추시시 VAS는 후과 골절이 없는 양과 골절군에 있어서 8.8점, 후과 골절이 동반된 삼과 골절군에서 8.6점이었고(p=0.67), AOFAS score는 각각 84.0점, 83.5점으로(p=0.64) 통계학적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 또한 방사선학적 분석을 위해 금속 제거술을 시행한 환자만을 대상으로 하였는데 최종 추시시 Kellgren-Lawrence scale은 각각 1.00점, 1.31점으로(p=0.29) 역시 유의한 차이는 없었다. 결론: 족근 관절 골절에 있어서 후과 골절이 동반된 경우에도 만족할 만한 정복과 고정을 얻는다면 후과 골절이 동반되지 않은 경우에서와 마찬가지로 양호한 결과를 보였으며 두 군 간의 임상적 방사선학적 차이는 없었다. Purpose: Posterior malleolus fractures of the ankle involve the articular surface of the distal tibia, and are related to the axis of weight bearing, which often causes difficulty in reduction and fixation. It was assumed that patients with ankle fractures combined with posterior malleolus fractures would be more prone to arthritis than those without such fractures. The main aim of this article was to define the relationship between early arthritis and an ankle fracture with a concomitant trimalleolar fracture or bimalleolar fracture. Materials and Methods: Among the patients who had undergone an open reduction and internal fixation of the ankle joint between Nov. 2000 and Sep. 2005, 52 patients had a bimalleolar fracture or a trimalleolar fracture, and underwent metal removal. A retrospective clinical and radiological analysis was performed on the 52 patients. The mean follow up period was 25 months. Thirty-six patients had a bimalleolar fracture without a posterior malleolus fracture, and 16 patients had a trimalleolar fracture with internal fixation. The mean ages of the two groups were 36 and 43 years of age, and there were no significant differences in the gender distribution, route of trauma, and smoking between the two groups. The post operational rehabilitation treatment was applied equally to both groups. Results: The VAS score of thebimalleolar fracture and trimalleolar fracture was 8.8 and 8.6, respectively. The AOFAS score of the bimalleolar fracture and trimalleolar fracture was 84.0 and 83.5, respectively, showing no significant difference. Only the patients who underwent metal removal were included because of the radiological analysis. The Kellgren-Lawrence scale of the bimalleolar fracture and trimalleolar fracture was 1.00 and 1.31, respectively, showing no significant difference. Conclusion: This study showed that patients with ankle fractures concomitant with posterior malleolus fractures had equally favorable outcomes to those patients with ankle fractures without a concomitant posterior malleolus fracture. Studies with more cases, a longer follow up, and prospective approaches will be needed to confirm these results.

      • KCI등재

        온도차이비율과 열관류율 기준을 고려한 공동주택 삼중유리 창의 결로 방지 및 단열성능 향상 방안

        김민희(Kim, Min-Hee),박시현(Park, Si-Hyun),구소영(Koo, So-Young),임재한(Lim, Jae-Han),송승영(Song, Seung-Yeong) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2017 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find effective ways to improve the condensation resistance and thermal insulation performance of triple glazing windows, which can satisfy the required temperature difference ratio(TDR) of the Design Standard for Preventing Condensation in Apartment Buildings and the required thermal transmittance(U-factor) of the Construction Standards for Energy-efficient Green Home. Various alternatives were selected for the tilt & turn triple glazing window directly facing to the exterior in apartment buildings. Both TDR and U-factor were calculated by using heat transfer simulations. As results, glazing and frame technologies were derived, which are effective to improve the condensation resistance and thermal insulation performance. Also, alternatives were suggested, which satisfy the required TDR and U-factor by region.

      • KCI등재

        결로수 배출구 유무에 따른 삼중유리 시스템창의 결로방지성능 및 기밀성능 실험 평가

        박시현(Park, Si-hyun),김민희(Kim, Min-hee),임재한(Lim, Jae-Han),송승영(Song, Seung-Yeong) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2016 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The condensation risk for windows during winter is high, and such condensation can lead to mold problems, thereby causing discomfort for building occupants. Triple glazing window systems used for energy saving, consist drainage holes placed on glazing beads or gaskets providing a path for condensed water from inside to outside. These holes are considered to be effective in view of draining condensed water. However, these holes may lead to the decrease of air-tightness as well as the increase of condensation risk resulted from the drop of surface temperature due to the intake of cold outside air. Therefore, in this study, the triple glazing window system without the drainage holes was examined as a case with no drainage holes (CNH), and evaluate the condensation resistance and air-tightness compared to a case with drainage holes (CWH). Condensation resistance and air-tightness were tested in accordance with KS F 2295 and KS F 2292, respectively. Temperature difference ratios and infiltration rates between CNH and CWH were compared.

      • KCI등재

        한국 구전서사 속 "부친살해" 모티프의 역방향 변용 탐색

        김영희 ( Young Hee Kim ) 한국고전문학회 2012 古典文學硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        한국 신화의 전통에서 ``부친살해``는 소거되거나 회피되어 있다. 신화의 주인공은 ``부친살해`` 없이 자기 세계 건설에 나서거나 애초에 아버지가 ``결여``된 존재로 드러난다. ``부친살해``의 계기가 마련되지 않는 것이다. 신화적 서사의 전통에서 ``부친살해``는 ``자식살해``로 나아가는 또다른 변용의 조짐을 드러내기도 하는데 이 가운데 가장 눈에 띄는 것이 ``기아(棄兒)`` 모티프다. 부모 세대가 주도하는 분리·독립이라는 점에서 ``기아``는 ``자식살해``의 변주 징후를 드러낸다. ``자식살해``로 나아가는 변용의 구체적인 정황은 <손순매아(孫順埋兒)>와 <동자삼(童子蔘)>류의 효행담과 <아기장수>와 <우투리> 등의 이야기를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 이들 이야기에서 부모는 공동체의 규범과 가치를 수호하고 질서를 유지하기 위해 과감하게 ``자식살해``에 나선다. 그러나 그 양상은 사뭇 다른데, 전자의 이야기들에서 ``자식살해`` 후 이에 대한 윤리적 책임을 회피하는 방어 기제로서 ``보상``이 등장하는 반면, 후자의 이야기들에서는 ``자식살해`` 후 이에 대한 파토스적 회한과 반성의 조짐이 나타난다. 이로 인해 전자가 공동체로의 동화와 순응을 강제하는 억압과 강박의 징후만을 드러내는 데 반해, 후자는 이와 더불어 이 동화와 순응을 비판하고 이로부터 벗어나려는 움직임의 단초를 보여주기도 한다. ``부친살해``의 회피나 역방향으로의 변주 지향은 한국 구전서사의 전통이 공동체적 동일성에 긴박된 주체 생산에 관여해왔음을 짐작케 한다. 특히 내적 동요 없이 ``자식살해``에 나서는 부모의 형상은 공동체적 가치 수호에 적합하도록 몸과 마음이 규율화된 주체 구성의 효과를 추론하는 단서가 된다. 그러나 부조리와 모순으로 점철된 ``자식살해``는 회의와 반항이라는 비판적 효과를 만들어내기도 한다. ``부친살해``를 역방향으로 돌리는 반동적 움직임이 ``부친살해``적 충동을 부추기는 역설적 효과를 만들어내는 것이다. This study is intended to analyze several aspects of reversing variations of the motif of ``patricide`` in the tradition of korean oral narratives. It deals with several aspects varied from the motif of ``patricide`` to the motif of ``filicide``. The ``patricide`` is a general motif in many heroic myths in which heroes creates their own new world. Especially, it is focused on what effects are to be made by variations on the theme of ``patricide`` and ``filicide``. If locutionary acts are going to be described as performances with social and powerful effects, then oral-narrative performances are to be interpreted as perlocutionary and performative acts as well. In korean myths there is not a father of main character to construct his own new world escaping from an old world. And a father of the future successor, the son, abandons him before he leaves his father. Therefore, murdering father does not occur in these stories because the father abandons his son first. The ``patricide`` is avoided in the tradition of korean oral narratives. There is a motif of ``filicide`` in narratives like in the stories of filial duty. First example of this is "Sonsunmaea(孫順埋兒)". In this story, Sonsun finds the bell while he buries his son eating grandmother`s food to take care of his mother very well, with his wife. "Dongjasam(童子蔘)" is the story about a husband and a wife who boil their child in a caldron to do their filial duties to the husband`s sick parents. In these stories, parents kill their child even without any inner conflicts or a moment of hesitation. However, strange enough, they get rich in reward or they get to see their living son again with the help of god later on. In the story of "Agijangsu(아기장수)", a parent kills its son to be a great hero in one community where people regard a baby as a man with possible threat to the society. In the story of "Utury(우투리)", a child who has the possibility of saving the world or becoming a new king fails to be because his mother accidently reveals her son`s secret or because one commander dispatches soldiers to kill Utury with much threat. The values and disciplines of community acquire a stupendous preponderance in these narratives. If the oral-narratives constitute scenarios indicating specific social identities and its performance implies symptoms of the gendered, performing itself is the processes of enacting the gender-identity of male or female and the performative mechanism is the matrix which produces the gendered subject. Furthermore, when the performance of these oral narratives present the structure having an effect of initiation into a society, it works on individual performers as a normalization system based on the criterion and standard of social homogenization.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 강릉부 우계면의 삼공(蔘貢) 관련 완문(完文) 연구

        박도식 ( Doh Sik Park ) 한국고문서학회 2012 古文書硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        As Wanmun is official document issue to Hyanggyo(鄕校, the confucian temple and school to teach local students in the Choseon Dynasty period), Seowon(書院, a memorial hall for confucianist services to honor distinguished scholars and statesmen), association(結社), village(村) an individual by the government office. It is characteristics of certification, prescription or disposition which ascertains whether something is true and even accept right or privilege. Wanmun was unilaterally issued in office, but usually published by the appeal or petition of a person or a group concerned. This Wanmun is a material related to Samgong(蔘貢, jinseng`s tribute) in Gangneungbu-Woogyemyun in late Choseon Dynasty. Samgong assigned at Gangwondo in early Choseon Dynasty and gathered by the Minjeong(民丁) had been offered to the Gamyeong(監營, provincial capital). But as days go by it was difficult to collect ginseng, and each Gunhyun(郡縣, regional reign) paid ginseng dealers and made them Bangnap(防納, blocking the delivery of the tribute). It was the reason why it was hard to gather ginseng, also ginseng became rare due to the extension Hwajeon(火田, fire-field agriculture) and gradually reducing the ginseng-producing area. Gangneung was the most suffering area because of surcharge of ginseng tribute. Gangneung dedicated in ginseng 55nyang(a denomination of weight), but the harvested ginseng got less and less than 20nyang. So the ginseng dealers had to buy it out of town and paid it to government. The ginseng dealers, moreover, could`` pay the tax to government with fixed ginseng price 80nyang paid by each Gunhyun bacause of the jinseng the prices. Thus although Gangneung raised them to 2,354nyang aside from paying 5,004nyang annually, they demanded moer and more every year. According to fluctuation in ginseng price and raising taxes, Gangneung received Sikrichon(殖利錢, moneymaking money) 6,100nyang which was financial aid from the national government and lent it to Minho, and got back principal with three-tenth interest. Gangneungbu especially established Bosam-gungwan(補蔘軍官) with 756members and collected 1nyang 5jeon per man. Villagers living in Ssanggye(雙溪)·Bukdong(北洞)·Ohgog(梧谷), Woogyemyun, Gangneungbu based upon Sanjeon(山田, a field in the mountains). They paid money in taxes instead of Whasok(火粟), Samgyeol(蔘結) and Wolgwahwasok-yeoncheong(月課火粟烟淸, the monthly honey tribute in fire-field agriculture). For example, Hhasok was 1jeon(錢) 2pun(分) each bok(卜), Samgyeol was 3jeon each bok. Althouch Yeongdong area in Gangneung was not essentially imposed with Wasamjeon(火蔘田), this must pay it bacause ginseng was produced in Naemyun(內面), Gangneung. After losing Hwajeonse(火田稅) and ginseng picker, Gangneung collected the ginseng taxes from Mingyeol of Yeongdong. Most local residents, who ground under the heavy burden of ginseng tax which was imposed on Hwajeon in Woogyemyun, even had become bankrupt owing to the years famine. Villages finally faced pulling apart. Aroung then, to solve the problem of jinseng tax, Go Jin-Chang and Lee Tae-Won with other 14members organized the Geumokgye(金玉契) and paied ginseng taxes instead of them.

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