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        『옥봉집(玉峯集)』 서문에 보이는 백광훈(白光勳)의 문예인식

        김종서 ( Jong Seo Kim ) 근역한문학회 2009 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.29 No.-

        There are three prefaces of Yugun(柳根), YiJeonggu(李廷龜), Shinheum(申欽) and one epilogue of Yunguanggye(尹光啓) in Okbongjib. These prefaces show the trend of literary thought such as Dang style(唐風), Jeongeum(正音), Jeongseong(正聲) and the estimation of Okbong(玉峯) Paek Kwang-Hun(白光勳)`s literature. Okbong tried to change his situation through the poetic success. He thought that the absolute accomplishment was Dang poetry(唐詩). He made hard effort on the implication and the suggestiveness of poetry. So he gained the fame as a poet of Dang style(唐風). The sound of poetry was changed by the temper and the life environment. The sound of emotion was changed by the background of the work and the state of the feeling. This is Jeongeum(正音): the poetic embodiment of the harmony between sound and feeling. Okbong refined the poetic diction and made careful poetic idea and he accomplished perfect and natural poetic stage.

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