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        정신지체인의 적성직종 고찰

        임경원,김삼섭 한국특수교육학회 2008 특수교육학연구 Vol.43 No.1

        이 연구에서는 정신지체인의 훈련 직종, 취업 직종, 직업흥미에 기초한 적성직종, 그리고 직업적성검사 결과 나타난 적성직종에 관한 선행연구들을 종합ㆍ분석하여, 그들이 원만하게 수행 가능하다고 판단되는 적성직종들을 중분류와 소분류ㆍ세분류로 구분하여 제시하였다. 이를 위해 정신지체인의 적성직종 관련 국내 선행연구 및 자료를 수집하여 분석하였으며, 훈련직종, 취업직종, 직업흥미, 직업적성을 고려하여 적성직종을 알아본 연구들에 한정하였다. 연구 결과, 정신지체인의 적성직종은 한국고용직업분류의 중분류 기준으로 모두 15개의 직군이 선정되었다. 또한, 15개의 중분류 직군에 해당하는 소분류 30개와 49개의 세분류를 제시하고 그에 해당하는 직업을 예시하였다. 이 연구의 결과는 정신지체학교의 직업교육과정 운영 및 훈련 직종 선정 등의 과정에서 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 그밖에 장애인 직업재활기관에서도 같은 측면에서 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study set out to put together and analyze aptitude jobs based on training jobs, employed jobs and vocational interests of individuals with mental retardation, as well as the previous studies on aptitude jobs based on the results of vocational aptitude tests. It also aimed to classify the aptitude jobs that would be performed by individuals with mental retardation with no problems into the middle, small and detailed category. For those purposes, previous studies on aptitude jobs for individuals with mental retardation in Korea were gathered and analyzed along with the related data. The studies were confined to those ones that took into account training jobs, employed jobs, vocational interests and vocational aptitude. As a result, the aptitude jobs for individuals with mental retardation included total 15 groups of the middle category in the Korean Employment Classification of Occupations. The 15 groups of the middle category contained 30 small categories and 49 detailed categories, for each of which examples were given. It's expected that the research results will be able to serve as basic data in running vocational training courses or selecting training jobs at a school for individuals with mental retardation. Other vocational rehabilitation institutes for individuals with disabilities will also be able to benefit from the results for the same purposes

      • KCI등재

        사회초년생의 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음과 직업적응의 관계 : 소속감과 직장 내 대인관계의 매개효과

        조현미(Hyunmi Cho),장유진(Yoojin Jang) 한국기업교육학회 2021 기업교육과인재연구 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구는 사회초년생의 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음과 직업적응의 관계를 소속감과 직장 내 대인관계가 순차적으로 매개하는지 확인하기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 직장 경력 5년 미만인 사회초년생을 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하여 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음, 소속감, 직장 내 대인관계, 직업적응을 측정하였다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소속감이 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음과 직업적응의 관계를 매개하였다. 둘째, 직장 내 대인관계가 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음과 직업적응의 관계를 매개하였다. 셋째, 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음과 직업적응의 관계를 소속감과 직장 내 대인관계가 순차적으로 매개하였다. 이러한 결과는 사회초년생이 지닌 정당한 세상에 대한 개인적인 믿음이 직장에 대한 그들의 소속감을 높여주고, 높아진 소속감이 직장 내 대인관계를 원만하게 하여 궁극적으로 직업적응을 돕는다는 점을 보여준다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 한계점과 후속 연구를 위한 제언을 논의하였다. The purpose of this study was to test if a sense of belonging and interpersonal relationships at the workplace would have sequential mediating effects on the relationship between belief in a just world for self and vocational adjustment among career beginners. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted for career beginners with a vocational career of less than five years to measure their belief in a just world for self, sense of belonging, interpersonal relationships at the workplace, and vocational adjustment. The results may be summarized as follows: First, a sense of belonging mediated the relationship between belief in a just world for self and vocational adjustment; Second, interpersonal relationships at the workplace mediated the relationship between belief in a just world for self and vocational adjustment; Third, a sense of belonging and interpersonal relationships at the workplace sequentially mediated the relationship between belief in a just world for self and vocational adjustment. These results indicate that career beginners’ belief in a just world for self increased on the sense of belonging, which in turn improved their interpersonal relationships at the workplace and eventually contributed to their vocational adjustment. Based on these findings, the limitations of the present study and implications for future research were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        베이비붐 세대의 일과 삶의 균형(WLB·Work-Life Balance)을 위한 공공신학적 제안 - 활동적인 삶(vita activa)과 명상적인 삶(vita contemplativa)의 균형 관점에서

        이상훈 ( Lee Sang Hoon ) 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2017 기독교사회윤리 Vol.37 No.-

        샌드위치 세대로서 우리나라의 베이비부머들은 부모와 자녀들에 대한 경제적 돌봄의 책임을 동시에 떠맡아야 해 정작 자신들의 노후는 제대로 준비되지 못하고 있다. 베이비부머들은 불충분한 노후준비로 퇴직 후 재취업의 필요성은 높은데 반해 연령주의와 좁은 기회의 문 등 비우호적인 사회경제적 현실로 실제 구직 가능성은 낮은 데다 구직에 성공한 임금 근로자의 40%가 단순노무직으로 분류돼 재취업 환경이 좋지 않은 실정이다. 비우호적인 사회경제적 현실과 조건은 일과 직업에 대한 기존의 생계 혹은 경제적 측면에 치우친 시각을 연장시키는 원인으로 작용할 수 있다. 이에 기본적인 생활의 확보를 위한 일자리가 제공되면서 동시에 이러한 경제 활동이 삶의 다른 분야와 균형을 이루도록 돕는 `일과 삶의 균형`(WLB·Work-Life Balance)이 제안되고 있다. 그런데 `일과 삶의 균형`(WLB·Work-Life Balance)은 본질적으로 양자의 이원론적 분리와 이질성을 전제하기에 여전히 한 쪽으로 치우칠 여지와 가능성 속에 머물고 있다. 기존의 일 중심적 정체성의 한국의 베이비부머의 경우 계속되는 생계의 이유로 어쩔 수없이 뛰어드는 제2의 경제활동은 일과 삶의 불균형 혹은 비인간화시키는 노동과 `고된` 일을 반복해야 하는 경우일 가능성이 높다. 이러한 이유로 본 눈문은 `일과 삶의 균형`이 낳을 수 있는 도식적이고 기계적인 혹은 이분법적 이해와 틀을 극복 하고 직업인들의 “자기주도성”과 자기 개발을 통한 `성장`을 동시에 가져오기 위한 시도로서 `활동적인 삶(vita activa)`과 `명상적인 삶(vita contemplativa)`의 유기적 관계 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 그리고 베이비부머들이 일/직업적으로 의미 있는 성취를 이루면서 동시에 삶의 질과 행복을 얻기 위한 이러한 양자의 통합적 관점의 이론적 근거를 제안하는 시도로 일에 대한 `성령론적` 이해에 주목하되 공공신학적 관점에서 접근하고자 한다. This paper aims to come up with a public theological approach to work-life balance for Korean baby boomers(1955 to 1963 birth cohorts) from an integrated or perspective of vita activa and vita contemplativa. Many Korean baby boomers are not financially prepared for retirement because they have been held responsible to care for their children longer than they planned, as well as now also believed to assume the role of caretaker for their elderly parents. They are often considered sandwiched between aging parents who need care and/or help and their own children in their twenties to thirties who are not economically independent. It can be assumed that many boomers living in this sandwiched generation continue to experience economic insecurity and have to work past the official retirement age. Though in need of urgent reemployment, they have difficulties in returning to the active labor force than younger workers amid persistent challenges such as ageism or age discrimination and high unemployment. Unfavorable labor market conditions may compel baby boomers who need to be reemployed to support themselves economically often to engage in dehumanizing labor and let them fall into the category of what is defined as animal laborans. It is in this context that work-life balance practices are introduced to support the efforts of employees to split their time and energy between work and the other important aspects of their lives. This study seeks to develop and offer an appropriate understanding of work-life balance by drawing on a pneumatological harmony of vita activa and vita contemplativa. It will reveals that there is no need of inherent conflict and dichotomy in a dualistic thinking between work and life in cluding leisure, worship, and rest; rather they are mutually complementary. This holistic perception of work and life relationship can be adequately dealt with and persuasively formulated in a pneumatological theology of work reinterpreted from a public theological perspective.

      • KCI등재

        각국의 직업선택의 자유와 실질적 보장에 관한 노동법상 고찰

        이희성(Lee Hee-Soung) 한국비교사법학회 2004 비교사법 Vol.11 No.4

          In the modern capitalistic countries that pursue the idealistic state of welfare, the freedom of occupational options is considered a right for survival that is required to security the substantial freedom beyond any formal or abstract perception of it under the near-modern civil law system. Moreover, it is also recognized as a basic right of workers to satisfy their ego by developing and sharpening their aptitude and capacity through job and to achieve their demands and goals to improve their environment by upgrading the social and economic status. The occupation or job in this sense shall not be confined only to certain kinds that have been traditionally accepted by society but should be comprehended as that which is, despite the socio-environmental changes, continuously requested to earn means for mental as well as physical sustenance without sacrificing public interests. Such freedom of occupational options is guaranteed by statutes in countries like Korea, Germany and Japan. Even in the USA and Canada where no security of freedom for occupational options is provided in a statutory form, it is regarded as one of inherent rights that are generally guaranteed.<BR>  Today, there are still disagreements as to significance and detailed contents of the freedom of occupational options in view of labor-related features among scholars specializing in labor law. Majority of them, however, stand for the view that "the freedom of occupational options should be so extensively and comprehensively interpreted that it may encompass free decisions of workers to select, perform and change occupation, their free choice of vocational training place, free secession from working place, holding concurrent posts and standing in competitive position". In such interpretation, the freedom of business may also be categorized as a sort of freedom to perform job. On the other hand, employers who own and utilize production means are deemed to have the legal choice to employ workers with the right of management. In this situation, it is essential for labor and management to agree to unite production means and working force in compliance with the capitalistic legal system.<BR>  The labor law of the modern welfare countries has the top priority to realize the freedom of occupational options by providing whole citizens with jobs to improve their economic status and realize social justice. The government should be able to offer to members of the nation job opportunities that may security certain level of working conditions and help them choose jobs that suit their aptitude and improve their ability. It must be assured further that workers can transfer to all upgraded position in return for their laborious work.<BR>  It may be concluded that the freedom of occupational options, together with the national policy for realization of full employment, conforms with the legal obligations of the nation toward the labor right. It is, thus, imperative to detail the concept and contents of the right to work and prepare criteria for interpreting the positive laws by reformulating the freedom of occupational options under the contemporary paradigm.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        항공사 승무원의 직업선택동기 성취정도가 전반적인 직무만족 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향

        김영미(Young Mi Kim),김성섭(Seong Seop Kim),박혜정(Hye Jung Park) 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2009 호텔경영학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        This study focused on following objectives: first, it aimed to identify motivations considered to select a job as an airline cabin crew. Second, it attempted to see whether or not they achieved motivations during work. Third, it attempted to investigate what motivations had the most significant effects on increasing overall job satisfaction and decreasing turnover intention. For an empirical research, questionnaire survey was administered. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed to those who were currently working as airline cabin crew. Of these, 446 were used for data analyses. To investigate the motivations considered to select a job as an airline cabin crew, exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation was used. Then, multiple regression analyses were employed to see the most influencing factors on overall job satisfaction and turnover intention. As a result of factor analysis, five factors were identified. The `interest seeking` was defined as intrinsic motivation whereas `company benefits`, `job benefits`, and `self-satisfaction` were defined as extrinsic motivations. Meanwhile, the `self-development` was defined as an integrated motivation. Among them, it showed that two extrinsic motivation factors such as `company benefits` and `job benefits` were achieved. With regard to overall job satisfaction, it was significantly influenced by three motivation factors such as `company benefits`, `self-development`, and `interest seeking`. Lastly, it exhibited that turnover intention was negatively affected by two factors such as `self-development` and `company benefits`. In sum, airline cabin crew were currently satisfied with extrinsic motivation factors. Meanwhile, intrinsic motivations were identified as important factors to increase overall job satisfaction as well as to decrease turnover intention. Thus company should benefit them by providing better work environment.

      • KCI등재

        영화 여주인공의 의복이미지에 나타난 전문직업여성의 복장 유형의 변화연구(1)

        김문영 대한가정학회 2002 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.40 No.11

        This study is an attempt to establish an aesthetic and fashion sense of the heroine's image and fashion according to the social environment which is related to fashion transformation. Also, this study modern society's need for specific social occupational roles through fashion and clothing in cinema. First, individual people are estimating their social position and ability by his/her fashion style. Modern fashion styles are changing into various, complicated, gorgeous and attractive styles; however, the needs of professional women's clothing styles are fairly conservative. Second, classical, closed, and unobtrusive fashion styles are appearing in modern cinema's clothing depending on professional women's expertise in fashion styles. Third, changes of styles are varied by their colors and clothing design. Colors had not changed very much during the last 30 years; however, in the 1980's, while and grey colors, in the 1990's black and achromatic colors, and in the beginning of this century dark green and brown and also diverse colors have been used. But the brightness is so light and expressed by a quiet and cold style, Furthermore, the inner images are judged by their forms which is determined by how people choose their clothing styles. Consequently, women's clothing styles easily appear as a result of their preconceived ideas formed by their professional knowledge and ability.

      • KCI등재

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