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      • KCI등재

        고려시대 청주목의 치소와 산성 ―원도심 발굴성과와 문헌자료의 보완 검토―

        임형수 호서사학회 2024 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.109

        In the process of researching the history of a region, revealing how the center of government, Chiso (ruling place), existed is a basic problem to solve. In the case of Cheongju, during the Joseon Dynasty period, there is no disagreement that the town castle area, which was demolished by the Japanese in the 1910s, is considered to be Chiso; however, debates persist over the location of Chiso; e.g in the Seowon- Sogyeong during the Silla Dynasty period, several fortress areas in addition to the town castle were identified as Chiso. On the other hand, the location of Cheongju-mok Chiso in the Goryeo Dynasty period was relatively neglected and only briefly described in conjunction with other periods, but in recent years, it has gradually received attention as a number of related ruins and artifacts have been excavated along with the redevelopment of the original city center. In this context, this paper summed up the location, scale, movement, and relationship of the Cheongju-mok Chiso in the Goryeo Dynasty period by the summary of the excavation results accumulated so far in the original city center of Cheongju and complementary review of them with the literature. Through this analysis, the paper aims to sum up the information about the location, scale, mobility, and relationship with nearby fortresses of Chiso in the Goyreo Dynasty period. While there are no clear traces of Chiso in the town castle area, it is suggested that specific stipulated roof tiles may be associated with Chiso. Additionally, evidence from nearby areas around the town castle, consecutive constructions of Silla and Goryeo relics, and the scale of military buildings near the fortress walls suggest that the scope of Goryeo Chiso might have been larger than the Joseon town castle. Furthermore, it is proposed that the fortresses near the downtown area were not Chiso but were possibly utilized by local residents as alternative defensive fortresses. Based on the above findings, it is concluded that Chiso in Cheongju-mok in the Goryeo was located roughly within the town castle area, and it is unlikely that Chiso was moved like the counties in the coastal region. Despite an increase in the quantity of Goryeo relics and artifacts unearthed in the Cheongju’s original city center, there is still a lack of qualitative answers to several hypotheses. With more unexplored regions remaining, hopefully, future excavation surveys will yield noteworthy results. 한 지역의 역사를 연구하는 과정에서 통치의 중심지인 치소가 어떻게 존재했는지를 밝히는 일은 기본적으로 풀어야 하는 문제이다. 청주지역의 경우 조선시대는 1910년대 일제에 의해 헐린 읍성 구역을 치소로 보는 데 이견이 없으나 신라 서원소경은 읍성 구역 외에 주변의 여러 산성이 치소로 비정되는 등 논의가 분분하였다. 반면에 고려시대 청주목 치소의 위치는 비교적 등한시되어 다른 시대와 맞물려 간략히 서술되는 수준에 그쳤는데, 근래 들어 원도심의 재개발에 따라 관련 유적과 유물이 다수 발굴되면서 서서히 관심을 받게 되었다. 이러한 상황에서 본고는 지금까지 누적된 청주 원도심 일대의 발굴성과를 정리하고 문헌자료와 보완 검토함으로써 고려시대 청주목 치소에 대해 위치와 규모, 이동 여부, 도심 인근 산성과의 관계 등을 정리하였다. 먼저 읍성 내부 구역은 치소의 존재 여부를 가릴 수 있을 정도로 뚜렷한 흔적이 아직 발견되지는 않았으나 특정 명문 기와가 치소와 관련이 있음을 타진하였다. 이어서 읍성 외부 구역에서 신라와 고려의 유적이 연이어 조영된 사례, 성벽 부근에서 확인된 관영 건물지의 규모 등을 통해 막연하나마 고려시대 치소의 범위가 조선시대 읍성보다 컸을 것으로 추정하였다. 다음으로 도심 인근 산성은 치소가 아니라 유사시 관민이 입보 산성으로 일부 활용했다고 보았다. 위의 내용을 바탕으로 고려시대 청주목 치소는 대략 읍성 구역에 위치하였으며 혹여 연해 지역의 군현처럼 치소가 이동했을 가능성은 희박하다는 결론을 내렸다. 그간 청주 원도심에서 발굴된 고려시대 유적과 유물은 이전에 비해 양적으로 증가하였으나 질적으로는 여러 가설에 대해 여전히 해답을 주지 못하는 상태이다. 미발굴 지역이 더 많이 남아 있는 만큼 향후 발굴조사를 통해 괄목할 만한 성과가 있기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        호서지역 서원의 지역적 특성과 정치적 성격

        이해준(Lee Hae-jun) 한국국학진흥원 2007 국학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        본고는 호서(충청)지역의 서원과 사우건립 과정을 통해 성리학의 지역적 발전과정과 정체성을 규명하는 글이다. 호서지역은 임진-병자 양란에 많은 충절인물을 배출하고, 예학을 주도했던 김정생과 김집, 그리고 송시열ㆍ송준길 등 산림계 인물들이 활동한 서인-노론계의 주 활동무대였다. 호서지역은 중앙세력과의 연관도 깊어 정쟁이나 당파적 경향들이 옮겨져 첨예화한 곳이기도 했다. 학문ㆍ혈연적 바탕 위에서 맺어졌던 호서예학, 서인계 학맥은 17세기 중후반에 이르러 정서에 대한 견해, 주자학의 해석에 관한 견해, 그리고 예론 등 현실 인식의 차이로 말미암아 노론과 소론으로 분화하게 된다. 그리고 이를 잘 반영하는 것이 서원 시우의 건립과 활동이다. 호서지역의 서원건립 추이를 살펴보면 서인-노론계의 거점은 공주목과 청주목이며, 홍주목과 충주목이 비노론계인 점과 대비된다. 숙종대에는 노론계 서원의 집중 건립과 송시열 제향이 특징인데 이는 노론계의 지역거점 확대를 잘 보여준다. 한편 호서지역의 소론계(혹은 비노론계) 서원 분포는 공주목보다 홍주목에, 청주목보디 충주목 지역에 집중된다. 소론계 서원의 활발한 움직임은 노-소론이 경쟁하면서 공존했던 숙종 20년 전후와 소론이 집권했던 경종대에 활발하였다. This study closely examined the regional development and identity of Sung Confucianism in relation to the personal connection based on school and factional inclination through the construction of schools and shrines in Chungcheong-do provinces of Korea. Chungcheong-do provinces were the major stage of activities for classic scholars out of power Westerners Faction-Old Doctrine Faction circles such as Song Jun-Gil, Song Si-Yeol, Kim Jip, and Kim Jang-Saeng who produced a number of men of great loyalty during two major wars, Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 and Manchu War of 1636, and pursued the Institution of Courtesy. For this reason, Chungcheong-do provinces were closely connected with the national political powers and the political strife and factional inclinations became tense in these provinces. The school oriented personal network of the Institution of Courtesy circles of Chungcheong-do provinces (Hoseo Yehak) and Westerners Faction circles was divided into the Old Doctrine Faction and Young Doctrine Faction around the mid 17th century due to the differences in the view of reality concerning the interpretation of Confusion classics, in the interpretation and view of the doctrine of Chu-tz, and the view of the Institution of Courtesy. This is well reflected in the construction and activities of schools and shrines. The trend in the construction of classical schools in Chungcheong-do provinces show that the base of Westerners Faction-Old Doctrine Faction circles were Gongjumok and Cheongjumok whereas Hongjumok and Chungjumok were dominated by non-Old Doctrine Faction circles. The characteristics of schools and shrines built in the reign of King Sukjong of the Joseon Dynasty are the construction of schools that belong to the Old Doctrine Faction circles and the shrines for Song Si-Yeol, and this well represents the regional dominance of the Old Doctrine Faction. On the other hand, the schools of Young Doctrine Faction circles (or non-Old Doctrine Faction circles) in Chungcheong-do provinces were concentrated in Hongjumok and Chungjumok than Gongjumok and Hongjumok. The schools of Young Doctrine Faction circles showed great activities before and after the 20th year in the reign of King Sukjong of the Joseon Dynasty when the Old and New Doctrine Factions co-existed and competed with each other and in the reign of King Gyeongjong when the Young Doctrine Faction came to power.

      • KCI등재

        고려 대몽항쟁기 南道지역의 海島 入保와 界首官

        윤경진(Yoon, Kyeong jin) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2013 군사 Vol.- No.89

        Examined in this article are the resettlements on several Islands in the South sea, which were necessitated by the invading Mongol forces. The local governing and military operations during the Goryeo dynasty were traditionally overseen by the local commanders(界首官), and so were the "resident resettlements. "Some units of the primary army were positioned on the islands so that they could preserve their operational capabilities, When it was necessary, they landed on the main land and fought the Mongol forces. Some of the forces occupied mountain fortresses in order to defend crucial inland bases. Nam-gyeong(南京) and the Gwangju-mok(廣州牧) units of the Yang"gwang-do(楊廣道) province moved to the Gang"hwa-do is land, and the Chungju-mok(忠州牧) unit entered the Daebu-do(大府島) island which was under the jurisdiction of A-ju(牙州). In case of Chungju-mok(淸州牧), the units in several areas entered adjacent islands, and some of them entered Chungju Sanseong fortress (忠州山城) and Gongsan-seong(公山城) fortresses as well. In the Jeolla-do(全羅道) province, the Jeonju-mok(全州牧) unit entered both Jo-do(槽島,Ji-do[智島])and Ab"hae-do(押海島) islands and engaged in maritime defense, while the Naju-mok(羅州牧) unit entered Jin-do(珍島) is land to form a defense base. Areas in the Jeolla-do province also entered Ib"am Sanseong fortress(笠巖山城) and Geumseong Sanseong fortress(錦城山城). In Gyeongsang-do(慶尙道) province the Jinju-mok(晉州牧) unit entered the Nam"hae-do(南海島) island, but was not able to enter Dong-gyeong(東京) because of the officials there would not let them into the island.

      • KCI등재

        목지국 위치 비정

        전진국 한국고대사학회 2023 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.111

        Mokjikuk(目支國), ruled by King of Jin(辰王), is considered the largest state among the various states of Samhan(三韓). In Samhan, major large states ruled over smaller states, or smaller states existed within the larger state. This appearance of the major states in Samhan is similar to ‘Mahan(馬韓)’ in the Samguksagi(三國史記) Baekje Annals(百濟本記). The Mahan in the Baekje Annals refers to the major state of Samhan located to the south of Baekje(百濟). It is judged that the Mokjikuk and the Mahan appearing in the Baekje Annals refer to the same entity. The name of Mokjikuk is linked to the Daemokak-gun(大木岳郡) of Baekje, the Mokju(木州) of the Goryeo(高麗) period, and the place name Mokcheon(木川) today. Mokcheon is currently a part of Cheonan(天安), but before the Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty, it belonged to Cheongju(淸州). The largest remains of the Samhan period in Mokcheonand Cheongju are located in the Miho River basin. There was a capital town of Mokjikuk in the Miho River basin in Cheongju, and the entire Miho River basin is presumed to be the direct ruling area of King of Jin of Mokjikuk.

      • 淸州牧 刊行의 「大學章句或問」에 관한 硏究

        朴文烈 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文科學論集 Vol.55 No.-

        This study analyzes on the 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 which was published in Cheongju in the winter of the 41st year of King Seonjo’s reign(1608). The major findings are as follows: (1) In the 26th year of King Sejong’s reign (1444), the people of Cheongju were very enthusiastic when it came to learning that they even requested books of Confucianism from the government. The publication of 「Myeongsimbogam」 in Cheongju in the 2nd year of King Danjong’s reign (1454) was not only the result of learning with the books awarded by the government but also exemplifies the keen interest among the people of Cheongju toward books back then. (2) The most urgent issue for the Joseon Dynasty that went through the Imjinwaeran or the Japanese Invasion of Korea (1592~1598) to restore the country was to educate future generations. It appears that the publication of 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 was driven by the strong need to compile and publish educational books for the coming generations. (3) Published in the form of woodblocks, 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 is the country’s first combined version of 「Daehakjanggudeajeon」 and 「Daehakhokmun」 to facilitate reading and learning. (4) The compilation of 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 was started before the first month of the 40th year of King Seonjo’s reign (1607), at the latest, and the publication was finished in the winter of Gwanghaegun’s ascension to the throne (1608). (5) The beginning of the 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 includes <Daehakjangguseo> and <Dokdaehakbeob> written by Master “Zhu,” which details how the book should be studied. The first volume of the book includes a chapter of Gyeongmun and five chapters of Jeonmun of 「Daehak」, including the related <Janggu> and <Hokmun>. Meanwhile, the second volume of the book includes five chapters of Jeonmun and related <Janggu> and <Hokmun>. (6) As the imprint of 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 mentions the names of those involved in the compilation and publication of the book—Yu Jeong-shin, Park Yi-geom, Park Chun-hyeong, Song Il, Hong Yi-sang, Jeon Sik, Shin Sik, etc., to name a few—along with their titles, the public significance of the book is verified. (7) Along with the publication of 「Myeongsimbogam」 during the reign of King Danjong, the 「Daehakjangguhokmun」 can also be used as basic literature for the study of Cheongju. Moreover, it also provides a glimpse of the academic aspiration in Cheongju.

      • KCI등재

        忠淸監營과 淸州牧의 간행도서에 관한 분석

        김성수 한국서지학회 2010 서지학연구 Vol.45 No.-

        This research analyzes the books published in Chungju and Gongju where the provincial offices of Chungcheong-do were located, and Cheongju which was the geographical and strategic center of Chungcheong area in the Joseon Period. The findings of this research are as follows:First, books were very frequently published in Chungju and Gongju, when provincial offices were located in these cities. It proves that one of the most significant functions of provincial offices was to publish books. Second, about 71 percent of books published in Cheongju which was the geographical strategic point of the central area in the Joseon Period lack the dates of publication. It proves that its regional government rarely published books, and many books in the class of 'Miscellaneous Topics' were locally published to meet the continuing need for everyday life in the local area. The books published in Chungcheong area in the Joseon Period show that those books published in Chungju and Gongju were mostly government publications ordered by the central government and most books published in Cheongju were for local demand. 이 논문은 조선시대 충청도의 감영이었던 충주와 공주 및 지리적인 요충지이며 거점도시였던 청주목에서 간행된 도서에 관하여 분석한 연구이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 충주와 공주의 도서 간행의 가장 큰 특징은, 감영이 위치하였을 당시에만 도서의 간행이 매우 빈번한 특징을 보였다. 따라서 ‘감영의 기능 중에서 도서의 간행 업무가 중요한 사업 중의 하나임’을 입증할 수 있다. 둘째, 청주의 간행본에서는, 간기미상의 도서가 특히 많았음을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 刊記未詳의 도서가 71%을 점유하고 있다는 점은, 간기(刊記)가 명확한 관찬도서의 간행의 거의 없고, 자부(子部)의 도서 등 오직 이 도시에서 지속적인 필요에 의하여 간행된 자료가 많기 때문임을 파악할 수 있었다. 따라서 조선시대 충청도의 도서 간행은, 감영이 위치하는 도시에서는 중앙정부의 명령에 의하여 관찬서적의 간행이 활발하였고, 그밖의 거점도시에서는 도시 자체의 필요성에 의하여 간기미상의 자료들이 지속적으로 간행되었다는 것이 그 특징임을 파악할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

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