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      • 亚太地区服务贸易比较及对中国的影响

        梁赫(LIANG He) 세계문화관광학회 2009 Conference Proceedings Vol.10 No.0

        本文运用国际竞争力理论和比较优势理论,计算并分析各国各行业的比较优势指数,通过比较分析发现中国在运输服务,旅游服务等项目上才稍微具有比较优势,而在信息服务,金融服务等资本密集型行业具有明显的比较劣势,而同样是亚太地区国家的印度,日本,东盟等国却在资本密集型项目上具有很强的国际竞争力,这在世界服务贸易格局不断变化的情况下,会给这些国家带去很大的商机,促使它们成为世界服务贸易强国。通过分析,得出了今后中国与各个国家将在哪些服务项目上增加贸易往来以及中国自身为了进入世界服务贸易强国需要采取的应对措施。 On the basis of the International competition theory and comparative advantage theory, to calculate the comparative advantage index in some countries. Through comparing the satad between China and other Asian and Pacific Ocean countries, to conclusion that China has a little comparative advantages just on some labor-intensive progresses. Such as transport and tourism service. For the technology-intensive industries, like computer information and finance service, China has obviously comparative disadvantages. However, in Asian, like Japan, India and ASEAN, they have a strong international competition on those progresses. With the changing in the structure of International service trade, it can give them a big opportunity to become big service trade countries. By analysissing, We can preliminary predict that which service items does china and other counties will increase trading, as well as the countermeasures China should take for getting into the big international service trade countries.

      • KCI등재


        오선자(Wu, Shan-Zi)(吴,善子) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.73 No.-

        反诘语气副词在汉韩两种语言中都是比较特殊的一类,句法位置灵活,语义虚灵,因此是对外汉语教学和韩国语教学的难点之一。本文以中韩两国学生为考察对象,对其在使用汉韩反诘语气副词情况进行了问卷调查,并从句法和语义两个角度考察了汉韩反诘语气副词的偏误情况。句法分布偏误有句首错序偏误和句中错序偏误,句法组合偏误有语气词错用偏误和助动词错用偏误,语义偏误有反诘义理解偏误和现实与非现实义理解偏误。其中句法组合的偏误率最高,这是因为汉韩两种语言的差异在反诘语气副词组合特征上体现得最多,学生受到母语的影响产生诸多的偏误,这部分是汉韩反诘语气副词教学的重点和难点,对偏误率高的个别反诘语气副词需要进行针对性教学。 Rhetorical modal adverbs are a special kind in both Chinese and Korean languages. They have flexible syntactic positions and empty sematic meanings. Therefore, they are one of the difficulties in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and Korean language. Taking Chinese and Korean students as the research object, this paper makes a questionnaire survey on the use of Chinese and Korean rhetorical modal adverbs, and analyses the errors of Chinese and Korean rhetorical modal adverbs from the perspective of syntax and semantics. The syntactic distribution errors include the wrong ordering at the beginning and middle of the sentence. The syntactic combination errors include the misuse of modal particles and auxiliary verbs. The semantic errors include the misunderstanding of rhetorical meaning and the misunderstanding of realistic and non-realistic meaning. Among these, the error rate of syntactic combination is the highest. This is because the differences between Chinese and Korean are reflected most in the combination characteristics of rhetorical modal adverbs. Students are influenced by their mother tongue and have many errors. This part is the key and difficult point in the teaching of rhetorical modal adverbs. It is necessary to carry out targeted teaching for individual rhetorical modal adverbs with high error rate.

      • KCI등재

        科擧制度의 관점에서 본 韓中 소설 試論

        金曉民 한국중국소설학회 2008 中國小說論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        韩中两国在历史上都长期施行了科举制度,这对两国社会文化的影响是极其深远的. 本文以科举制度的视角入手,从小说的作者和小说作品以及科举考试与小说之关系等三个层面,探讨了中国明清小说韩国朝鲜时代小说之与科举制度的关系. 就小说作者而言,两国的,小说作者绝大多数身受科举文化的长期濡染,其中许多人又是科场失意者. 因此,科场的困顿与挫折赋予很多小说作者创作的契机,这也在一定程度上影响到他们的创作心态. 在小说作品层面,由于科举文化对小说作者的影响,小说作品中经常出现有关科举文化的背景和题材,有些作品还抨击科举制度的弊端. 另外,随着小说在士人阶层中的广泛流行,小说甚至直接影响到科举考试或科场文字的书写. 如此,两国的小说都和科举制度有着密切的关系. 当然,除了这些共同点以外,也有一些不同之处. 比如,韩国朝鲜时代的小说,韩文小说占全部小说的大部分,且女性作者和读者比中国多,因此主要在小说作品方面,相对来说,和科举制度的关系没有中国那么显著,尤其是小说批判科举制度弊病的现象明显少於中国. 另一方面,小说直接影响到科举考试及科场文字的书写这一点,在韩国更为突出. 但尽管有这些差异,一个社会制度在韩中两国都和小说有着多方面的关系这一现象,在文学社会学的角度来看,也可以说蕴含着深沉的意味.

      • KCI등재후보

        한ㆍ중 FTA의 배경 및 효과에 관한 연구

        문철주,김주원 한국중국문화학회 2011 中國學論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        本文是关于了解和掌握中国经营环境变化给在中国的韩国企业经营成果带来的影响。本文以韩ㆍ中FTA促进背景和现况,以及在中国的韩国企业为研究对象,通过调查在中国的韩国企业对韩ㆍ中FTA的看法来掌握在中国的韩国企业经营成果有什么样的影响,并以对在中国的韩国企业经营成果影响因素的实证分析提出韩国企业在中国的企业经营战略。 简单概括本文所得出的结论,第一,在中国的大多数韩国企业都赞同对韩ㆍ中FTA促成,第二,韩ㆍ中FTA促成会给在中国的韩国企业经营成果带来好的影响,第三,对在中国的韩国企业经营成果影响因素的实证分析得出降低关税,韩中两国企业合作交流,对非关税的降低,以及中国产品的低级进口等对在中国的韩国企业经营成果带来影响,而且这些影响因素对在中国的韩国企业经营成果有不同成度的影响。

      • 中國 崔溥《漂海录》中的比较意识

        聂,友军,(NIE Youjun) 강원한국학연구원 2020 국제한국학저널 Vol.8-9 No.-

        崔溥《漂海录》中既有对中国大江南北山川地貌与风土习俗的比较,又有对明代中国与朝鲜在汉字用例、诗赋地位、礼俗制度乃至宦官使用等方面的比较,暗含着对朝鲜坚持传统与恪守礼教的自豪。崔溥采用博观约取的比较策略撰成的《漂海录》与他在中国的言行一道,为他赢得了“跋涉死地也能华国”的赞誉。《漂海录》高度自觉而又贯彻始终的比较意识,为当下的人文学术研究提供了诸如搭建比较的平台、借助他者反观自身、结合语境有效解读等多层面的启示。 In Cui Pu’s Piao Hai Lu, there is comparison of landforms and customs between south and north of the Yangtze River in China, and also comparison of language preference for Chinese characters, status of poems, etiquette system and usages of eunuchs between China and Korea, which implies the pride of Korea in adhering to tradition and ethics. Through using comparative strategy of selecting the essence based on extensive reference, along with his performance in China, Cui Pu’s writing has earned him a great honor. The comparative consciousness of Piao Hai Lu provides some inspiration for the current humanities academic research, such as construction of comparison platform, reflecting on ourselves by taking the other as a mirror, effective interpretation in context and the methodology of making simple things the ultimate.

      • “关键相似度” 的影响和发生 : -韩语 “비교적” 和汉语 “比较 (副)” 的对比及偏误分析

        陈 &#29690 대구대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 人文科學硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        “Bǐjiào” is a word studied by Korean students in very early period but still make many errors in using. The paper compared the meaning and usage between “Bǐjiào” and "비교적" ,and found "비교적" is more similar with the meaning and usage of “Bǐjiào de ” in 1911-1949 Chinese language. According to the statistic in Beijing University’s Modern Chinese Language database, the paper described the development process of “Bǐjiào” from 1911 to now. Furthermore the paper discussed the fatal similarity caused by language contact and borrowing, and point out the deep reason why Korean students make so many errors on this word.

      • “关键相似度” 的影响和发生 : -韩语 “비교적” 和汉语 “比较 (副)” 的对比及偏误分析-

        陈 珺 대구대학교 2008 人文科學硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        “Bǐjiào” is a word studied by Korean students in very early period but still make many errors in using. The paper compared the meaning and usage between “Bǐjiào” and "비교적" ,and found "비교적" is more similar with the meaning and usage of “Bǐjiào de ” in 1911-1949 Chinese language. According to the statistic in Beijing University’s Modern Chinese Language database, the paper described the development process of “Bǐjiào” from 1911 to now. Furthermore the paper discussed the fatal similarity caused by language contact and borrowing, and point out the deep reason why Korean students make so many errors on this word.

      • KCI등재

        중국 비교교육 연구 동향 분석 : <比较教育研究>게재 논문(2010-2019)을 중심으로

        한나(Han, Na),백수은(Baek, Sueun) 한국비교교육학회 2020 比較敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.4

        [연구목적] 본 연구는 단기간에 비약적인 성장을 거둔 중국 비교교육 연구동향을 분석하여, 한국 비교교육에 시사점을 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. [연구방법] 이를 위해 중국 비교교육 대표 학술지인 <比较教育研究>에 2010년부터 2019까지 발간된 논문 1861편을 대상으로 주제별 동향, 지역 및 국가별현황, 국가 간 비교연구로 범주화한 후 계량서지학적 방법을 통해 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. [연구결과] 첫째, 주제 면에서 고등교육 관련 논문 비율이 가장 높았으며, 국가핵심 정책과 맞물린 연구가 활발하게 진행되었다. 또한, 중국 비교교육학과의 정체성 확립 및 발전을 위하여 지속적으로 논의를 진행하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 세계화와 고유 전통 문화 간의 균형을 맞추기 위한 노력도 엿볼 수 있었다. 둘째, 지역과 국가에서는 압도적인 서양 중심에서 아프리카, 동남아, 중앙아시아 등으로 연구지역 범위가 확대되었으며 자국 연구도 함께 증가하였음을 알 수 있었다. [결론] 본 연구 결과가 한국 비교교육에 주는 시사점은 다음과 같다. 먼저 비교교육학과 발전과 정부의 체계적인 지원은 비교교육학과 전공 개설이 미미한 한국의 실정과 대비되는 부분이며, 국내 비교교육의 정체성 확립과 위상 강화를 위한 학자들의 적극적인 노력과 행동이 요구된다. 다음으로, 지역 및 국가의 다변화 역시 필요하다. 이를 위해 지역 전문가 양성을 통한 다양한 국가와의 협력체제구축 및 학술교류의 기회를 확대할 필요가 있다. 특히 지리적으로 가까우면서도 상이한 사회문화 체제를 갖는 한중간의 비교연구에 대한 학자들의 관심이 필요하다. 마지막으로 국제무대에서 한국 비교교육학자들의 적극적인 참여가 요청된다. 본 연구는 한정적인 기간의 연구 동향을 바탕으로 하였다는 제한점을 가지고 있지만, 중국 비교교육학의 전반적인 이해 및 향후 한·중 비교교육 학술 교류에 기여 가능하다는 점에서 의의가 있다. [Purpose] This study aimed to investigate research trends of comparative education in China and present implications for comparative education in Korea. [Method] The researchers analyzed 1,861 articles published from 2010 to 2019 by International and Comparative Education Research (bijiaojiaoyu), one of the most authoritative publications in the field in China, utilizing the bibliometric analysis method. Topics, regions and countries studied, and countries compared were used as the categorization of the articles. [Results] The results were as followed: First, higher education occupied as the highest rate. Also, research related to government policies was actively conducted. Besides, Chinese scholars put efforts into the establishment of their own identity in academia and tried to make a balance between internationalization and traditional culture. Second, the research trend by and large focusing on western countries gradually broadened to various regions. [Conclusion] Based on the results, implications for comparative education in Korea are as follows: First, the development of comparative education as a discipline is inevitable. As comparative education as an academic discipline has yet to be established in Korea, great efforts from scholars and government are needed to elevate the status of this important field. Also, it is recommended to build up a cooperative system and facilitate academic interchange with various countries. Especially with China, as Korea and China have common and different features due to geographical, cultural, and political influences, comparative studies could be a good source for scholars in Korea. Lastly, it is needed for Korean comparative scholars to actively participate in international comparative education studies and conferences. Despite the limitation that this study only focused on research trends of a ten-year period from a single publication, it still contributed to the general understanding for trends of comparative education in China and as well as offered recommendations on further academic interchange of comparative education for both countries.

      • 中外旅游职业教育比较研究

        王忠林(Wang Zhonglin) 세계문화관광학회 2009 Conference Proceedings Vol.10 No.0

        本文主要以旅游职业教育要适应旅游产业的发展并为其提供强有力的支持为出发点,通过对国内外旅游职业教育的课程设置、师资培养、综合素养等多个角度进行比较,分析目前我国旅游职业教育中存在的问题,从而提出发展我国旅游职业教育的建议和对策。 The paper states the point that tourism vocational education should adapt to the development of tourism industry and provide its powerful support as well. Comparing the curricula designs, teacher trainings and comprehensive qualities at home and abroad, the study analyzes the problems in Chinese tourism vocational education and consequently puts forward some suggestions and strategies to improve Chinese tourism vocational education.

      • KCI등재

        동사용법의 변화에서 본 현대 중국어의 발전 추세

        정강 명지대학교 인문과학연구소 2007 인문과학연구논총 Vol.28 No.-

        本文使用语料库语言学的方法, 通过在大规模真实文本中的语言学和统计学的分析, 总结了"一样"等词的用法在近几年的变化,指出”一样”为代表的一类含有平比意义的形容词已经语法化成引入比较物件的助词。 通过历史分析, 本文考察了这类词在现代汉语中的发展,揭示了它所代表的语法化的进程。 본고에서는 코퍼스언어학의 방법을 사용하여 신뢰도가 높은 다량의 자료를 언어학과 통계학적 분석을 통해 "一樣"용법의 최근 몇 년간의 변화를 정리하였다. "一樣"은 동등비교의 의미를 내포하는 형용사에서 비교대상을 끌어내는 조사로 "어법화"되었으며 본고에서는 통시적 분석을 통해 이러한 단어가 현대중국어에서 어떻게 발전했는지 고찰하고 대표적인 "어법화" 과정을 살펴보고자 한다.

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