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      • 日本の障害者條例 - 偏見と差別に対する法の役割 -

        고영아 ( Goh Youngah ) 아세아여성법학회 2018 아세아여성법학 Vol.21 No.-

        In Japan, the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities was enacted by the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006, but local governments have enacted the Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. The first ordinance was enacted in Japan in 2006, and since then, many local governments have been enforcing the ordinance of prohibiting discrimination against persons with disabilities with the aim of creating a society where people with and without disabilities can live together. This move has also had a major impact on the Act on Removing Discrimination Against Person with Disabilities enacted in 2013. In the ordinance, it is also possible to specify any parts that are not prescribed by the law, and it is also possible to provide any regulation that makes it more effective than the law. However, it should be cautious to implement an ordinance. Many ordinances prohibit discrimination on the grounds of disability, but also aim to create a society where non-disabled people can live together. Discrimination and prejudice against persons with disabilities do not disappear just by forbidding such discrimination and prejudice without sufficient understanding. On the issues about what kind of behavior is an act that brings discrimination or disadvantage to the disability and to what extent the reasonable consideration should be done, it is necessary to establish a standard that can be discussed and understood by all of them.

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