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      • KCI등재

        日韓·日中接触場面における聞き手言語行動の相互的構築 - 共話を成す「問い返し」発話を中心に -

        李舜炯 ( Lee Soon-hyeong ) 한국일어교육학회 2021 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.54

        本稿では、日韓·日中の初対面の異文化接触場面における聞き手言語行動の共話的反応型のうち「問い返し」発話の役割と機能に注目した。そして、会話スタイルの比較のために、共話は成していないものの相手に応答を求めて働きかける「質問」発話についても合わせて分析し、社会的役割関係(初対面、目標言語の母語話者と日本語学習者)や異なる文化背景により、どのような異同がみられるのかも比較考察した。 その主な結果は次のようにまとめられる。 1. 接触場面における「問い返し」と「質問」発話を出現数から見た場合、水谷や植野などで日本の文化、アイデンティティの一部とも言われてきた共話(特に「問い返し」)ではあるが、その運用に成功している会話が10例ほど確認できた。また、日本語学習者の「質問」発話の場合は、日本語母語話者よりはその出現数が少ないが、日本語学習者も平均10回以上使用していることが分かった。 2. 役割交替に関与する「問い返し」と「質問」発話について考察した結果、日本語学習者も母語話者も「どの」「どうして」「何年(目/生)」などの疑問詞を含んだ「質問」発話を使用していることが確認できた。 3. 日本語学習者は推測に基づき相手の話を延長し補完する「問い返し」が目立つが、日本語母語話者は日本語学習者のように途中で終了している相手の話を推測し、追加するのはもちろん、連続的に質問を繰り返すことで関連情報を引き出そうとする特徴が明らかになった。 4.日韓接触場面では共通して「補完·拡張の共話的」な「質問」発話が優勢であるが、日中接触場面では日本語母語話者は「話題限定·話しやすい話題提供」が優勢で、中国人日本語学習者は「明確化·詳細化を図る」「質問」発話が優勢であることが分かった。 This study focuses on the role and function of “counter-questioning” utterances among co-construction response types in listeners’ linguistic behavior. These are in situations of Japanese-Korean and Japanese-Chinese contact which are first-time inter-cultural contacts. This project also analyzes utterances that request replies from counterparts for the purpose of comparing dialogue styles. Focusing on function, we analyze whether the social role relationships and different cultural backgrounds influence the operational aspects of the utterance of questions, even when questions are viewed as universal linguistic behavior. The major results are summarized as follows. 1. When researching the utterance frequency of “counter-questioning” and “questions” in contact situations, we can identify co-constructions (especially “counter-questioning”) which have been considered as an aspect of Japanese culture and identified by Mizutani and Ueno in the form of natural conversation by Japanese learners. Japanese learners were found to use counter-questioning over 10 times on average. 2. When analyzing “counter-questioning” and of “question” utterances which involve role replacement, it was found Japanese learners and Japanese native speakers attempt role replacement using of “question” utterances including interrogatives such as “how”, “what happened?” and “how many years”. 3. When reviewing the characteristics of the co-construction function of “counter-questioning”, it was found that Japanese learners stand out in using “counter-questioning” which extends the story of their counterpart based on estimations, while Japanese native speakers not only added and supplemented the other's story but also attempted to extend it by repeating “counter-questioning” and “questions” continually. 4. In situations of Japanese-Korean contact, “co-construction for supplementation and extension” of “question” utterances prevail, while of “question” utterances restricting the topic, providing the theme, or seeking clarification and specification prevail in Japanese-Chinese contact situation. The linguistic facts newly identified by this research may contribute to the reduction of misunderstandings and conflicts in situations of Japanese-Korean and Japanese-Chinese contact. As such contact will only increase in the future, the findings are applicable to Japanese education for Korean as well as Chinese learners.

      • KCI등재

        コミュニケーション上の問題の引き金となり得る 日本語母語話者の会話参加に関する一考察 ―日韓接触場面の意味交渉を中心に―

        나가타 사오리 한국일어교육학회 2016 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.35

        This study attempts to investigate how the conversation participation of Japanese native speakers can be a trigger for communication problems in the two aspects of language production and reception in contact situations between Japanese and Korean. On the basis of 18 Japanese conversations between Japanese native speakers and Korean non-native speakers of Japanese, this paper investigates language production and reception by Japanese native speakers that lead to communication problems in situations where negotiation of meaning occurs. The results suggest that (1) language production by Japanese native speakers that can cause communication problems includes the use of code-switching, the utterance that depends on context, and the utterance that needs pragmatic interpretation, (2) language reception by Japanese native speakers that can be a trigger of communication problems includes the lack of a native speakers' knowledge or information and the suggestion of words or expressions that is inconsistent with the intended meaning of non-native speakers. 本稿は、日韓接触場面における、コミュニケーション上の問題の引き金となり得る日本語母語話者の会話 参加の実態を、言語産出と言語理解の二つの側面から明らかにすることを目的とした研究である。 分析資料は、日本語母語話者と韓国人日本語非母語話者の1対1の自由会話18件の録音データとその文字化 データである。本稿では、「聞き手が話し手の発話を聞き取れない、もしくは理解できない場面」と「聞き手 が話し手の発話意図を誤解した場面」を意味交渉場面と定義し、意味交渉場面における、母語話者の会話参 加の問題点について、会話の前後関係から質的に考察した。 その結果、母語話者の言語産出においては、相手言語へのコード·スイッチング、文脈依存の発話、語用論 的意味の理解を必要とする発話といった母語話者の発話が、非母語話者とのコミュニケーションにおいて、 問題となり得ることが明らかになった。また、母語話者の言語理解においては、母語話者の知識や情報の欠 如と、非母語話者が意図した意味とは食い違う語彙·表現の一方的な提示が、問題の引き金となり得ることを 指摘した。以上の結果を踏まえ、接触場面において母語話者は、自身の言語規範を基底規範としながらも臨 機応変に相手言語規範も取り入れ、非母語話者が理解しやすいよう、言語産出を調整する能力と、非母語話 者の発話を最後まで聞き、聞き取れない箇所は聞き返しを行うなどして、非母語話者が本当に言いたいこと を引き出せる能力が求められることを提言した。

      • KCI등재

        日韓接触場面における日本語非母語話者の不理解表明に対 する日本語母語話者の調整行動 : 会話参加者間の親疎関係に着目して 

        永田沙織 한국일어교육학회 2020 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This study attempts to investigate the adjustments by Japanese native speakers in situations where nonnative speakers express incomprehension, focusing on intimacy of conversation participants. On the basis of 16 Japanese conversations between Japanese native speakers and Korean nonnative speakers of Japanese (8 conversations were held in close relationship and the other 8 conversations were held in unfamiliar relationship), this paper investigates how the adjustments by Japanese native speakers are different between familiar and unfamiliar relationship. The results suggest that (1) Japanese native speakers use ‘explanation’ (‘explanation of meanings’, ‘clarification’), ‘paraphrase’ (‘lexical paraphrase’, ‘structural paraphrase’), ‘repetition’, ‘codeswitching’ and ‘comprehension checks’ in situations where nonnative speakers express incomprehension, (2) Japanese native speakers in close relationship prefer to use ‘explanation’, especially ‘clarification’, whereas Japanese native speakers in unfamiliar relationship prefer to use ‘paraphrase’. 本稿は、日韓接触場面において、日本語非母語話者から不理解が表明された際に日本語母語話者が とった調整行動を、会話参加者間の親疎関係に着目して考察した。 分析資料は、日本語母語話者と韓国人日本語非母語話者の1対1の自由会話16件の録音資料と文字化 資料である。会話参加者間の関係は、親の関係(基本的にダ体を使用する友人関係)と疎の関係(初対面 または顔見知りの関係)に分け、それぞれ8件ずつとした。非母語話者の不理解表明から始まる意味交渉 を、会話中に現れた非母語話者の聞き返しを基準として抽出し、その過程において母語話者がとった 調整行動を分析した。 その結果、母語話者の調整行動として「説明」(「意味説明」、「追加説明」)、「言い換え」(「単語言い換 え」、「構文言い換え」)、「反復」、「コード・スイッチング」、「理解チェック」の7種類が観察された。調整 行動の出現頻度を見てみると、親の関係においては「説明」が多く使用されており、その中でも「追加説 明」の使用が最も多かったのに対し、疎の関係においては、「言い換え」の使用が多かった。母語話者の 調整行動が現れている会話を考察した結果、親の関係においては、相手の日本語習得レベルに合わせ ながら会話を進めるというより、接触場面であることをあまり意識せず、自然に会話を進め、不理解が 発生したら調整を行うという傾向が見られた。一方、疎の関係においては、意味伝達を優先させ、非母 語話者に理解可能なインプットとなるよう、調整しながら会話に参加している様子が窺えた。

      • KCI등재

        接触場面における談話標識「ナンカ」の使用傾向 : 母語話者と学習者の比較を中心に

        琴鍾愛 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2011 日本硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        本稿では会話の中で発話内容や発話者に対する態度を弱め、相手のフェイスを配慮することで、円滑なコミュニケーションのために使用される談話標識である「ナンカ」を取り上げ、母語話者、学習者を対象に、その使用頻度の違いを明らかにした。 検討の結果、「ナンカ」の使用頻度は母語話者で高く、学習者でやや低いことが分かった。これは言い換えると母語話者は会話の中で発話内容や態度を弱めることで相手にポライトネスを表す配慮表現の一つである「ナンカ」を学習者より多く使用していることであり、まだ日本語を学習している学習者は母語話者に比べ少なく使用していることを表している。 佐竹(1995)では母語話者は「~じゃないですか」「~とか」「~みたいな」「だしぃ」「~たりして」「~ほう」「意外と」「けっこう」などのぼかし表現を使用し、明言や断言を避けることで表現を和らげ、相手とのコミュニケーションを円滑に行うことで、相手との円満な関係を維持しようとしていると説明している。 つまり、母語話者は「ナンカ」を多用することで発話内容や発話者に対する話者の態度を弱め、相手のフェイスを配慮することで、円滑なコミュニケーションを行なおうとしているのであり、そうすることで相手との円満な関係を維持しようとしているのであろう。しかし、まだそのようなストラテジーの習得段階にある学習者は「ナンカ」の使用率が母語話者に比べ、やや低くなっているのではないかと考えられる。 今後は対象を広げ、また、ポライトネス·ストラテジーを表すほかの表現にも注目し、研究を進めていきたいと考える。

      • KCI등재

        日韓接触場面における緩和表現の使用様相 - 発話機能との関連を中心に -

        NAGASHIMANORIKO 한국일어교육학회 2020 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.53

        本稿は発話の強度を和らげる表現、即ち「緩和表現」に着目し、日本語母語話者と日本語非母語話者 (韓国語母語話者)が相手の言語で書いた作文を推敲する際の接触場面の会話において、両者の緩和表 現の用い方にどのような共通点及び相違点があるのかを発話機能と関連付けて比較・分析した。 その結果、緩和表現の使用は発話内容に影響されることが明らかになった。「提供」に関する発話機能 においては、日本語母語話者の発話と日本語非母語話者の発話ともに緩和表現の出現率が最も高く、 その差も大きかった。更に、「提供」に関する発話機能を詳細に分析した結果、同じ「提供」に関する発話 機能でも「意見提供」において日本語母語話者の発話と日本語非母語話者の発話間の緩和表現の出現率 の差が大きく、日本語非母語話者が日本語母語話者に意見を伝える際に、断定的な物言いによって日 本語母語話者が押し付けがましく感じる可能性があることが示唆された。また、相手の発話の意味や 意図を確認する発話機能である「内容確認」に限っては、日本語非母語話者のほうが緩和表現の出現率 が高かった。これは日本語非母語話者が相互理解の不成立を言語的な主導権を握る日本語母語話者に ソフトに伝えることで、日本語母語話者と良好な関係を維持しながら相互理解を成立させようという 姿勢の表れではないかと推察される。 このように緩和表現の使用を発話機能と関連付けたことで、どのような発話をする際に緩和表現が 多く使われるのか、そして日本語母語話者と日本語非母語話者間で緩和表現の使い方に差が出るのは どのような発話なのかを把握することが可能になった。 The study focuses on expressions that soften the intensity of utterances, that is, “hedges”, and compares and analyzes the differences in the use of hedges in the contact situations between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese speakers (native Korean speakers) in associating with functions of utterance. The result shows that the appearance rate of hedges in the functions of utterance related to “providing” was the highest for both in the utterances of native Japanese speakers and in one of non-native Japanese speakers. It also shows that the difference in the appearance rate of hedges between them was large. Furthermore, the result of detailed analysis shows the difference in the appearance rate of hedges was largest in between the utterances of native Japanese speakers and one of non-native speakers in “providing opinions”. This suggests that native Japanese speakers might be offended by straightforward expressions when non-native Japanese speakers tell their own opinion to native Japanese speakers. In addition, only in the utterances concerning “confirmation of contents” that confirm the intention of utterances, the appearance rate of hedges was higher in the utterances of non-native Japanese speakers. It is presumed that non-native Japanese speakers try to establish mutual understanding by a soft manner of communication. By associating the use of hedges with functions of utterance, it has become possible to understand in what kind of utterances hedges are often used and what kind of utterances make a difference between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese speakers in the use of hedges.

      • KCI등재

        日韓両言語における相づちの使用実態に関する研究 - 母語場面と接触場面を中心として -

        ( 朴成泰 ) 한국일본어문학회 2022 日本語文學 Vol.94 No.-

        In this study, I investigated actual back-channel usage using utterance data in both Japanese and Korean languages. Specifically, based on the discourse materials derived from one-on-one face-to-face and non-face-to-face dialogue (phone conversations) collected from the native language situation and the contact scene, five cross-analyses were conducted to determine the correlation between mother tongue speakers and the dialogue method, mother tongue speakers and the number of syllables, mother tongue speakers and the language used, mother tongue speakers and the dialogue method according to the spoken language, and mother tongue speakers and the number of syllables according to the spoken language. The results are as shown in (1) to (5) below. (1) No correlation was found between the native speaker and the dialogue method. (2) A correlation was found between the native speaker and the number of syllables. (3) A correlation was found between the native speaker and the spoken language. (4) When using the native language, there was no correlation between the native speaker and the dialogue method according to the spoken language. When using a foreign language, no correlation was found between the native speaker and the dialogue method according to the spoken language. (5) When using the mother tongue, no correlation was found between the native speaker and the number of syllables. When using a foreign language, a correlation was found between the native speaker and the number of syllables according to the spoken language.

      • KCI등재

        接触場面に見られる韓日の「ほめ」行動 ― 初対面会話におけるやり取りを通して ―

        安善柱 한국일본근대학회 2013 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.39

        Compliments have the function of smoothening the communication between people, by pleasing the one who gets praised and allowing them to feel psychologically closer. However the understanding of compliments can differ by cultural aspects, and this could possibly result in causing displeasure or misunderstanding in situations of intercultural communication. The majority of recent research on ‘the compliments of Japanese and Korean’, focuses on the occasion of two native speakers communicating in their language, however doesn’t focus on the contact scene, when one of the speakers is not a native speaker. In this study, which is based on the previous studies, it investigates compliments focused on frequency, objects, expression and responding, in the first meeting conversation between a native Japanese speaker and Japanese learners. The results showed that the conversation between two native speakers, and the contact scene(in which one of the speakers is not the native speaker) are different in terms of compliments. In the contact scene, it seemed that the native Japanese speaker was more likely to praise and give compliments to the learner. Both the native speaker and the learner tended to give compliments mostly about the ‘ability’ and ‘people related to it’. As the ‘expression’, the native Japanese speaker used ‘positive appraisal’ and other information, and as the ‘responding’, it was shown that the one who was praised, denied the compliments, or acknowledged. Like this, it is hard to assume that compliments in the contact scene are relevant to the speakers’ native language. It is indicated that ‘giving compliments’ depended on the ability of the learners to speak Japanese, and the fact that the native Japanese speaker was conscious of the contact scene. Furthermore, it is important to note that the speakers have met for the first time. The learner who spoke Japanese fluently seemed to be familiar with the cultural aspects of Japanese language, and the native speaker as well, didn’t seem to be aware of the fact that the learner is not a native speaker.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        日韓の母語場面と接触場面における重なりと相槌 ―話者交替を中心として―

        朴成泰 한국일본어문학회 2021 日本語文學 Vol.90 No.-

        In this study, I investigated the relationship between discourse overlap phenomena and speaker turn taking and back-channel use based on natural utterance data in Japanese and Korean. Specifically, I conducted a cross-analysis to examine the correlation between speaker turn taking and overlap back-channels based on utterances in native Japanese and Korean situations, utterances in contact situations, and face-to-face/non-face-to-face utterances. The results are as follows. 1) There is a difference in the overall overlap value for both Japanese and Korean native speakers depending on whether the conversation method is face-to-face or non-face-to-face. 2) There is a difference in the back-channel value by native speaker. 3) There is a difference in speaker turn-taking value by native speaker. 4) There is a difference in the overall overlap value between Japanese and Korean native speakers when using their native language versus a foreign language. 5) Whether using a native or foreign language, no difference was found in the overall overlap value of the conversation method by native speaker. 6) There is a difference by native speaker in the back-channel value when using a foreign language, but no such difference is present when using the mother tongue. 7) Whether using the mother tongue or a foreign language, there is a difference by mother tongue in the value of the speaker’s turn taking.

      • KCI등재


        Komatsu Nana 한국일본언어문화학회 2022 일본언어문화 Vol.61 No.-

        This paper investigates the usage pattern of the elementary Japanese sentence pattern “to omou” in discussions in contact situations, and its effect on the conversation. In particular, the characteristics of Korean learners were analyzed in comparison with native Japanese speakers. The analysis revealed that although the usage frequency of “to omou” for the expression of opinions in conversations did not differ between learners and native speakers, learners tended to use the form “normal form + to omou / omoimasu” learned as a beginner’s sentence pattern. In addition, native speakers tended to use “to omou” accompanied by elements with the function to soften their argument before or after the word, whereas learners tended to add a sentence-ending particle immediately after “to omou” on its own. Observations of conversational examples confirmed that these utterances by learners sometimes contributed to smooth discussions, while at other times they were strong arguments against their conversational partners. Based on the above results, this paper made suggestions on how to improve the teaching of “to omou” in the educational field in the future.

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