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        国家危机管理体系再审视 -以中国危机管理体系建设为视角-

        李 康 根 중국지역학회 2018 중국지역연구 Vol.5 No.3

        After World War II ended, all nations involved have realized the importance and necessity of national crisis and its management. Due to the urgency and uncertainty for occurrence of national crisis, people have continuously deliberated on the solutions to address such issues, therefore, it is necessary to shed a light on and review those issues again in recent days of the 21st century that globalization is being progressed rapidly. National Crisis Management System (NCMS) is applied to three different categories such as developed, developing and under-developed countries. Developed countries in crisis management have expanded the concept of crisis management from the conventional security-focused format to the comprehensive format. This is because both natural and man-made disasters occurred frequently and became large, while the conventional security crisis was significantly reduced due to the end of cold war. It is thought that such a conceptual shift was caused by the change in security perspective, which aims to protect the universal values of humanity such as the rights, welfare and equality of human as much as the conventional security tasks, and by the changes in both economic and welfare perspectives, which aim to improve the public benefit promotion and service quality by maximizing the integrity of emergency management functions. This study investigates current status and issues on the China’s national crisis management based on the research process of national crisis management. With taking the China as an example, the government departments associated with national crisis review the countermeasures to national crisis experienced in the past, study thoroughly on the crisis occurring the China inside, conduct a comparison of countermeasures of representative countries and investigate a necessity of establishing the law for the national crises that may occur in the future. Through such efforts, this study pursues that the people understand and enjoy the fundamental safety rights protected by the Constitution and aims to establish an infrastructure to build a safe country. The objectives of this study are ultimately to improve the efficiency of national crisis management such as crises on security or disasters and to seek the solutions in terms of the policy and law perspectives. 经过两次世界大战, 世界上多数国家都意识到国家危机与风险控制的重要性 与必要性, 国家危机产生的紧迫性与不确定性导致人类对其产生了新的思考, 尤其是在21世纪的今天, 随着全球一体化速度的加快, 对这一问题进行再思考 与再审视显得尤为必要。国家危机管理体系大致分为发达国家、中等发达及落 后国家的危机管理。危机管理发达国家从传统的安全安保为主的危机管理扩展 为全面的危机管理, 主要是因为冷战结束后传统的安保危机大大减少, 而自然 与人为灾难越来越频繁和大型化, 且保护人权、福利、平等等人的普遍价值的 安全观的变化以及将通过最大化危机管理功能的统合性来增进国民利益的经济 及福利观点的变化导致这一需求上升。 本文将以国家危机管理的研究过程为基础来分析中国的国家危机管理现状以 及存在的问题并提出法律提倡方案。以中国为例, 国家危机相关部门将过去所 经历的国家危机的应对方式一一反思, 深入研究中国国内发生危机的发生, 对 比其他代表性国家对国家危机的应对方式, 探索将来可能发生的国家危机在立 法上的必要性。通过这些研究努力, 使公民能够充分认识并享受宪法所赋予的 基本安全权, 力图为建立一个安全的国家奠定研究基础。通过这些研究, 最终 是为了提高管理在中会发生的安保危机或灾难危机等国家危机时的反映时间, 并寻求政策及立法上的终极解决方案。

      • KCI등재

        중국의 국가위기관리 체계에 관한 고찰

        이강근 원광대학교 한중관계연구원 2017 韓中關係硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        동서고금을 막론하고 현재까지 국가의 존폐를 위협하는 사건들은 늘 존재하여왔다. 이러한 국가의 위기사항은 국가와 국가 간의 갈등이 원인이거나 국가 내의 정치적 혼란에 의한 경우에는 전쟁 또는 쿠데타의 발생으로 위기상황이 표출되었다. 또한, 전통 적인 국가위기로는 전염병의 창궐, 지진이나 태풍과 같은 자연재해의 원인으로 국가의 위기와 맞서기도 한다. 하지만, 어떠한 원인으로 발생한 위기일지라도 현대사회에서는 경제적인 문제와 직결되어 1차 원인의 위기가 배가되는 것이 현실이라는 것이다. 중국의 경우 유구한 역사에서 보아 알 수 있듯이, 광활한 영토와 다양한 민족의 풍속 으로 인하여 내부적 갈등이 빈번하였음은 물론, 지진이나 홍수와 같은 자연재해로 인하여 작금으로 많은 손실을 초래하고 있는 실정이다. 특히 최근에 와서는 SARS와 같은 전염병의 발생이나 신장위구르자치구와 같은 특정지역의 분쟁사태, 지진이나 홍수로 인한 자연재해, 무엇보다도 대만과의 지역갈등을 비롯하여, 국제사회에서의 테러에 대 하여 안전문제도 최근에 발생하는 국가위기의 유형으로 부상하였다. 이에 중국은 국가 위기상황의 경험을 기초로 하여 각종 위기상황 유형에 따른 법률을 마련하고, 이에 신속히 대처함으로써 중국인민의 생명과 재산을 보호하려고 노력하고 있다. 지난 한국의 MERS 사태에서 우리는 중국의 SARS 사태를 타산지석으로 삼아 문제 를 해결하려고 노력하였음에도 불구하고, 입법의 부재와 시행착오로 인하여 국민의 생명과 재산에 막대한 손실을 초래하였다. 이처럼 한국과 중국의 지역적 특성과 유사 한 문화권에 속해 있다는 점에서, 그리고 한국의 중국에 대한 무역의존도가 높다는 점에서 중국의 국가위기 관련 법률을 검토함으로써, 국가위기 발생 시에 신속한 대응 조치가 가능할 것이라고 본다. 이러한 관점에서 이하에서는 중국법률상 국가위기의 개념과 유형별 발생현황을 검토하고, 각 유형별 관련 법률을 분석한다. 또한 이러한 분석을 통하여 중국의 국가위기에 관한 법률의 문제점과 시사점을 검토함으로써 앞으로 중국의 위기관련 법률의 발전 을 전망한다. 이를 통하여 한국의 국가위기 발생시 한중간의 협력에도 도움이 될 것이라 본다. Many accidents have always threatened the existence of nations across all ages and nations. Such a national crisis is caused by conflicts between nations or wars or coups derived from political turmoil in a nation. In addition, many nations also face traditional national crises such as epidemic outbreak and natural disasters including earthquakes and storms. However, even the crises caused by a reason are directly related with economic problems in the modern society, so the first crises are actually doubled. From the long history of China, it can be found that inner conflicts have often occurred due to its wide territory and various customs of different ethnic groups, and that much loss has been resulted from natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. In particular, new types of national crises recently appear: occurrences of epidemic such as SARS; disputes in a specific region like the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region; natural disasters due to earthquakes or floods; and above all, regional conflicts with Taiwan, as well as international terrorism. Thus, China has enacted many laws according to all kinds of crises and also tried to protect people’s lives and properties by quickly copping with such crises. Although Korea struggled to resolve the MERS crisis by reflecting on Chinese SARS crisis, people’s lives and properties were seriously damaged due to lack of legislations and trial and error. It may be possible to quickly cope with national crises in Korea by reviewing laws regarding Chinese national crisis, given high level of Korean trade dependency on China, regional characteristics between two nations and the fact that two nations belong to the same cultural area. From such a perspective, it examines the concept of national crisis and occurrences by type of it, on Chinese laws and analyzes the related laws by the type. Moreover, it also presupposes the development of Chinese crisis management in the future, by reviewing problems and implications of the laws regarding Chinese national crisis, based on such an analysis. Thus, such developments are thought to contribute to cooperation between Korea and China, when Korean national crisis occurs.

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