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        중국의 외자 진입 네거티브 리스트 제도에 관한 소고

        최송자 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        2013년 6월 중국은 미국과의 BIT 담판과정에서 최초로 “진입 前 내국민대우+네거티브 리스트” 제도의 도입을 담판의 전제조건으로 하는데 동의하였다. 그 후 네거티브 리스트 제도는 중국에서 자유무역시범구에서의 시범적 운영을 거쳐 전국으로 확산되는 과정을 거쳤다. 현재 중국에는 자유무역시범구版 네거티브 리스트, 전국版 네거티브 리스트, FTA版 네거티브 리스트 등 3가지 종류의 네거티브 리스트가 병존하고 있다. 네거티브 리스트 제도의 도입은 중국 외상투자관리체제의 대변혁을 의미한다. 네거티브 리스트 제도와 더불어 등록제가 도입되면서 중국의 투자환경은 대폭 개선되고 있다. 동시에 외자에 대한 중국정부의 감독관리 중심은 사전관리로부터 사중사후관리로 신속하게 전환되고 있다. 2018년부터는 네거티브 리스트 제도가 내국기업에도 전면 실행될 것으로 예고되고 있어 중국시장에서의 경쟁은 더욱 치열해 질 것으로 판단된다. In June 2013, China agreed to make the introduction of the “National Treatment before Entry + Negative List” system a precondition for negotiation for the first time in the BIT negotiation process with the United States. Thereafter, the Negative List system has undergone the process of spreading to the whole country through pilot operation in the Free Trade Demonstration Zone in China. Currently, there are three types of negative lists in China: the free trade demonstration version negative list, the national version negative list, and the FTA version negative list. The introduction of the negative list system means a revolution in China's foreign investment management system. With the introduction of the registration system along with the negative list system, the investment environment in China has been greatly improved. At the same time, the center of Chinese government's supervision and management of foreign investments is rapidly shifting from pre-management to post-management. Since the negative listing system will be fully implemented for domestic companies too from 2018, competition in the Chinese market is expected to become more intense.

      • KCI등재


        김성화 ( Cheng Hua Jin ) 한국법정책학회 2014 법과 정책연구 Vol.14 No.3

        Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a major national strategic decision to further deepen reform and expanding opening up and also to enhance the national strength. Shanghai FTA involves many aspects of reform. The legal system is not only the priority of promoting Shanghai FTA and also is an important guarantee of operation in the FTA. Moreover, the operation of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is inseparable from new forms of foreign investment. Indeed, Shanghai free trade zone made many positive and useful attempts to improve the management of foreign investment. For example, in the foreign access legislation, there’s a popular treatment in international bilateral investment agreements, which are “ national treatment before access”, negative list and other rules. there are still a lot of problems in the implementation process, such as excessive control, too few services opened, lacking of support laws and dispute settlement mechanisms. In the future, with the deepening of the legal system works, Shanghai FTA will have new laws and regulations of foreign investment, which can be copied, can be extended and also be updated. Therefore, analyzing foreign investment and its shortcomings at this stage is very necessary, on this basis that future prospects in terms of foreign investment legislation, foreign management, foreign investment dispute settlement mechanisms, and then help us build the perfect FTA legal system.

      • KCI등재


        郭化冰 원광대학교 한중관계연구원 2019 韓中關係硏究 Vol.5 No.3

        외상투자법은 중국의 외국인 투자 관리제도 개혁을 장기적으로 추진한 결과로서, 외국인 투자 관리에 관한 기본법이다. 이는 외자 진입 전(前) 내국민 대우와 네거티브 리스트 시스템의 도입을 비롯해 외국인 투자에 대한 진입과 촉진, 보호, 관리 등 분야에 서 통일된 규정을 마련했다. 외상투자법의 제정과 시행을 통해 중국은 외국인 투자의 합법적인 권익을 더 잘 보호하고, 법치화, 국제화, 원활화된 경영환경을 마련하여 수준 높은 대외개방으로 경제의 질적 발전을 추진할 것이며, 대외개방을 진일보 확대하고 외국인 투자를 적극 촉진하겠다는 의지와 자신감을 보여주었다. 한편, 외상투자법은 외국인투자에 있어 원칙적이고 일반적인 내용 위주로 규정하고 있으므로 향후 제정되 는 실시세칙과 행정법규 등이 외상투자법의 이행에 있어 아주 중요하다. The Foreign Investment Law is a milestone in the reform of China’s foreign investment management system and a basic law in the field of foreign investment. The law regards the pre-entry national treatment plus negative listing as the basic principle of foreign investment admission, and stipulates fair and equal treatment for foreign investment enterprises from various aspects. The Foreign Investment Law stipulates the principles and basic systems for promoting, protecting and managing foreign investment. Some specific rules, including the foreign investment security review mechanism, the foreign investment information reporting system and the complaint mechanism of foreign investment enterprises still need to be designed, supplemented and improved. A comprehensive review and revision of relevant laws, regulations and rules is necessary.

      • KCI등재


        郭化冰 원광대학교 한중관계연구원 2018 韓中關係硏究 Vol.4 No.3

        2013년 중국(상해)자유무역시범구의 출범에 따라 중국 최초의 네거티브 리스트가 공표되었다. 네거티브 리스트 패러다임은 자유무역시범구에서의 시범적 운영을 거쳐 전국으로 확산되는 과정을 거쳤다. 외자 진입 네거티브 리스트 패러다임의 도입은 내국민대우원칙을 운영단계로부터 진입단계로 확장시켜 투자자유화 수준을 제고시키고 중국에서 외자관리체제의 근본적인 혁신이라 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존문헌을 바탕으로 중국 자유무역시범구에서 실시된 네거티브 리스트 패러다임의 도입한 배경, 추진현황, 문제점 등을 살펴보고 무역 편리화, 외자기업 관리, 중미 BIT 협상, 자유무역구 운영, 외국인투자법의 출범 등 중국 외국인투자 진입제도에 대한 전반적인 영향을 분석하여 이의 개선방안을 제시하였다. Since 2013, the China State Department has begun to conduct a pilot on foreign investment management system in Shanghai FTZ with “pre-entry national treatment + negative list” mode. The promotion of the negative list system will have a great impact on China’s current foreign trade investment policy, legal system and economic system. Specifically, it will affect China’s trade facilitation, foreign-funded enterprise management, The United States BIT negotiations, the construction of free trade zone, the implement of China’s “Foreign Investment Law” and so on. The negative list’s basic connotation is non-discrimination, marketization, trade and investment liberalization and it will be the basis to form a unified market access system which determined whether or not someone can enter the market under the negative list, without being distinguished from foreign capital, state capital, collective capital or private capital.

      • KCI등재

        《大明律》의 법률용어 准 -以와의 비교를 중심으로-

        김영석 한국법사학회 2019 法史學硏究 Vol.59 No.-

        In the Great Ming Code, Zhun(准) and Yi(以) are used in various meanings. In most cases, there is no difference from the usual usage, but in the case of attaching to the name of the crime, the meaning of them may be different from the meaning of everyday life. The topic covered in this article is right this - intermediary role : For some crimes, instead of providing their own punishments, Zhun(准) or Yi(以) brings punishments for other crimes. I have examined what kind of meaning each of these intermediary roles has and what kind of reasons they are used for. In some cases, Zhun(准) and Yi(以) were faithful to the meaning. In other cases, they were replaced with each other for need by criminal policy. 《大明律》에서 ‘准’과 ‘以’는 여러 가지 의미로 쓰인다. 대부분의 경우 일상의 용례와 차이가 없으나, 죄명 앞에 붙는 경우에는 일상의 의미와 달라지기도 한다. 이 글에서 다루는 주제는 准과 以의 이러한 용례로, 구체적으로 말하면, 일부 범죄에 관하여 별도로 형벌을 규정하지 않고 절도・관리수재・관사출입인죄 등의 다른 범죄에 규정된 형벌을 그대로 가져다 쓰기 위한 중개 역할이다. 이러한 중개 역할을 하는 准과 以가 각각 어떠한 의미를 가지고, 어떠한 경우에 어떠한 이유로 사용되었는가 하는 것을 살펴보았다. 准과 以는 의미에 충실하게 쓰이기도 하였으며, 의미에 충실하지 않고 정책상 이유로 准을 써야 할 자리에 以를 쓰거나 그 반대인 경우가 나타나기도 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        新HSK의 이론적 토대 분석과 향후 對外漢語敎學에의 영향 관계 모색

        정윤철 대한중국학회 2010 중국학 Vol.36 No.-

        本文为了探讨新HSK的教学理念, 对《国际汉语能力标准》与《欧洲共同参照标准》进行了比较分析。通过分析,我们得到了以下的结果:第一、这两种标准在制定原则与制定目的上具有同一性质,就是一种制定教学大纲、编写教材和测试学习者语言能力的综合性参照标准,同时是以交际语言能力理论为指导, 注重语言的实际运用的语言标准。第二、这两种标准在框架与等级划分方面却有不同,这表明《国际汉语能力标准》一方面吸收了《欧洲共同参照标准》的基本理念,另一方面还继承了《汉语水平等级标准》的等级标准。新HSK在教学理念上直接受到《国际汉语能力标准》与《欧洲共同参照标准》的影响,而且与《欧洲共同参照标准》一样分为六个等级,而形成了与《欧洲共同参照标准》相似的面貌。那么,新HSK为什么在很大程度上借鉴了《欧洲共同参照标准》?这可能是与国际汉语推广有关系。为了实现国际汉语推广,首先要解决教学课程与能力标准的不一致问题。《欧洲共同参照标准》是已在欧洲各国普遍采取的国际语言能力标准,所以与它接轨的话,就能确保国际通用性。我们认为新HSK是在这样的背景下开发出来的。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        김종혁(Kim, Jong-Hyuk) 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.63 No.-

        词类问题事关语法学体系的建立以及语法规律的说明,是语法研究中的基础性问题,但是也 是语法分析中的老大难问题。汉语的词类划分问题经历了一百多年的探索,正在逐步接近汉语的基 本特征。回顾汉语词类划分标准问题的研究历程,由最初对意义标准的接受到后来的形态问题的纠 结再到后来对词的语法功能的认识,汉语的词类划分正在一步步回归到汉语这种语言本身的特性。 但是即使目前学界普遍接受的词类划分的句法功能标准,也未必能够完全解决汉语的词类划分问 题。语言中的词绝大多数都会与其他词存在着句法组合、聚合的可能性,但不容否认的是,语言中 客观存在着一些主要体现语用功能的词,它们受句法规则的限制较弱,因而句法功能标准对这些词 而言,作用不大,很难根据句法功能标准将它们归入现行词类体系中的任何一类。如,汉语中用于 引进例证的“例如、如、比如”等,它们在汉语中的表现与任何一类词的语法功能都不符。西方语 言学界有关话语标记的研究有可能为认识此类词的功能提供一条可行的思路,“例如”类词是现代 汉语中体现例证功能的话语标记,“真的、说句实话”等是汉语中表达叙实性的话语标记。此类词 语不能从传统的句法功能的角度分析其在语言中的作用,它们的主要功能体现在语用层面。因此, 从词类划分角度看,基于词的语法功能标准,首先应该区分句法功能词与语用功能词,语用功能词 虽然数量远少于潜在地具有句法功能的词,但其语法性质特殊,应该针对其语用性质进行研究,在 词类划分过程中,也不必强行将它们纳入现行词类体系中的某一类。 Part of speech category is a basic task in the study of grammar, and has been considered to be a long-held challenge in grammatical analyses. For the part of speech category in Chinese, an overall consensus has been reached in the academic circles through long years of researches and discussions that ,with semantic criteria basically discarded earlier on, part of speech category in Chinese should be analyzed with functional criteria instead of morphological criteria which are associated with entanglement. While this application of functional criteria seems to solve the difficult problems with the part of speech category in Chinese, it is still open to question whether this application should be viewed as a logical and reasonable approach. Most words in all the languages have the possibility of syntactic combinations, but it is an undeniable fact that there are definitely certain words used in the pragmatic expressions which are rarely subjected to syntactic restrictions. When these words with pragmatic functions are analyzed by the criteria of syntactic functions, they can have no places in the existing part of speech category in Chinese. For instance, words such as “例如、如、比如” in Chinese, which represent the meaning of exemplification, do not fit into any grammatical function of part of speech category. As a new potential for the functions of these words has been presented in the studies which are associated with discourse marks in the Western linguistics circles, The word “例如” in Chinese should be regarded as a discourse mark of exemplification function, and words like “真的、说句实话” as discourse marks which represent facts. These kinds of words should not be analyzed from the perspective of traditional syntactic functions because they obviously represent pragmatic functions. Therefore, part of speech category should be first divided into two classes based on the criteria of grammatical function of words: words with syntactic functions and words with pragmatic functions. Although words with pragmatic functions are greatly outnumbered by words with syntactic functions, they have their own particular grammatical functions and thus should be exclusively studied in accordance with their pragmatic properties, independently from the existing criteria of part of speech category.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        유묘묘,박흥수 중국어문학회 2019 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.67

        With the development of networking media, “准”in modern Chinese not only as a morpheme of word formation combined with other morphemes, but also as an affixoid to form a large number of new words in the form of “准X”. Firstly, on the basis of previous studies, this paper explores the morpheme meaning of “准” and its development through the investigation of five dictionaries. Secondly, a total of 4000 “准X” corpuses are selected from BCC corpus, and 144 “准X”words which meet the semantic requirements of “准”affixoid are selected by combining corpus intelligence statistics with manual analysis. This paper classifies 144 “准X”words and investigates the syllable composition, morpheme composition and the internal relations among morphemes in the “X” part. It also examines the structure, meaning and characteristics of the word “准X”as a whole. The word “准X” has five characteristics: Firstly, nouns referring to people are dominant. Secondly, Most words have the nature of spoken language. Thirdly, there are some words combined with network neologisms. Fourthly, there are some words combined with other affixes. Fifth, there are professional terms in a certain field. Finally, this paper analyses the motivation of the emergence and development of “准X”, which can be divided into internal and external motivations. Internal motivation is mainly the concreteness and diversity of meaning, as well as the productivity of word formation. External motivation includes two aspects: the need to express new things and new ideas and the exchange of different cultures. 随着网络媒体的发展,“准”在现代汉语中,除了作为构词语素与其他语素结合成词,还作为类词缀以“准X”的形式大量构成新词。 首先,本文在前人研究基础上,通过对五部词典的考察,深入探讨“准”的语素义及其发展。其次,从BCC语料库中抽选包含“准X”的语料共4000条,并采取语料库智能统计与人工分析相结合的方式,共筛选出符合类词缀“准”语义条件的“准X"形式的词语共144例。对这144例“准X”类词进行分类整理,从内部结构关系的角度出发,考察“X”部分的音节构成,语素构成及各语素之间的内部结构关系。并从整体上考察“准X”词的结构、意义及特征,“准X”词语的五个特征:第一,指人的名词性词占优势。第二,多数词口语色彩明显。第三,存在部分与网络新词新语结合构成的词。第四,存在部分与其他类词缀结合构成的词。第五,存在收录于某领域的专业术语。最后,本文分析“准X”族新词的产生、发展动因,具体可分为内部动因和外部动因。内部动因主要是意义的具体性和多样性,以及构词的能产性两个方面,外部动因则有对新事物新思想表达的需求和不同文化间的相互交流两个方面。

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