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        中國 會社法 및 外國人投資法의 最近 動向과 示唆點 - 最近公布된 司法解釋을 中心으로

        吳日煥 한중법학회 2012 中國法硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        With the completion of socialist-market-economy legal system was declared by National People's Congress in China on March 2011, the science of law interpretation is becoming to be a new topic on the development of China laws. In the area of laws related to enterprises, after amount of significant amendments of China company law on October 2005, issues about how to apply this law are trying to be solved by the way of judical interpretation, while in the area of foreign investment law, the efforts to remedy the deficiencies in existing laws related to foreign invested enterprises are being taken by the same way of judical interpretation to the trial of disputes involving foreign-funded enterprises. Therefore, as "Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Company Law (III)" and "Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Trial of Disputes Involving Foreign-Funded Enterprises (I)" have been promulgated by the Supreme People's Court of China recently, this article is intended to introduce the background of its enactment and main contents firstly, and on the basis of which, to give an introduction on some key issues in the application of China company law and foreign-funded enterprise laws, as well as to point out main changes and problems of science of law interpretations reflected on those provisions of judical interpretations. Finally, this article is about to give some implications by analysis of the trend in trials of China company law and foreign-funded enterprises laws. It is hoped that such attempts in this article can supply some references for foreign enterprises about the application of China company law, and would be helpful when reviewing the main issues of and how to improve the judical interpretation system in China.

      • KCI등재


        崔吉子,张尧 한중법학회 2023 中國法硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        Whether the internal recovery rules between co-guarantors should be established has been a long-standing controversial issue in Chinese law. Legislation and judicial interpretations have gradually changed from affirmative theory to negative theory, and the latest judicial interpretation of the Civil Code clearly adopts negative theory. There are three legislative reasons, one reason is if the joint guarantors have not agreed to bear joint and several guarantee responsibilities for each other, the statutory internal recovery right violates the principle of private autonomy; secondly, requiring the guarantor to bear the guaranty responsibility promised by himself does not violate the principle of fairness. Finally, the establishment of the internal recovery rules between co-guarantors will increase the cost of judicial procedures, and it is also necessary to establish some operational detail recovery rules, which are uneconomical. However, the clarity of the legislative attitude still cannot settle the theoretical controversy, not only because the negative theory deviates from the mainstream theory of comparative law, but also because it lacks legitimacy. The co-guarantor’s internal recourse right is an arbitrary norm, which legislative setting should be based on the mainstream transaction model. However, due to the particularity of secured transactions, it is difficult to investigate and make statistics on mutual recovery agreements between guarantors. By comparing double insurance rules which structure is similar to joint guaranty, it can be found the fair value of civil law behind the co-guarantor’s internal recovery rules. The guarantor’s internal recovery rules will not reduce the efficiency of legislation and justice, but will facilitate credit extension. China should abolish the judicial interpretations about the negative theory. From the perspective of legal interpretation, the internal recovery rules of the joint and several debts can be applied by analogy. 共同担保人内部追偿权的存废是中国法上长期争议不休的问题. 立法与 司法解释逐步从肯定说演变至否定说, 最新《民法典》 相关司法解释明 确采否定说. 其立法理由在于: 在共同担保人无约定互相承担连带担保责 任的情形下, 法定内部追偿权违背了意思自治原则; 其次, 要求担保人 独自承担他所承诺的担保责任, 并不违反公平原则. 最后, 设立担保人内 部追偿权会增加司法程序成本, 还需要细化有可操作性的追偿规则, 这 都是不经济的. 然而立法态度的明晰仍不能平息学说上的争议, 不仅仅因 否定说与比较法上主流学说相背离, 更因其缺少立法正当性. 共同担保人 内部追偿权系任意性规范, 其立法设置本应以主流的交易模式为取向. 但 由于担保交易的特殊性, 担保人相互追偿的意思难以被考察与统计. 通过 比对与之类似的重复保险制度可发现共同担保人内部追偿符合民法公平 价值. 担保人内部追偿权制度不会降低立法、 司法效率, 反而有助于资金 融通. 中国应废除否定说相关的司法解释, 解释上可类推适用连带责任人 的内部追偿制度.

      • KCI등재


        魏哲,崔吉子 한중법학회 2023 中國法硏究 Vol.53 No.-

        The effects of the creditor’s subrogation rights under Chinese law have their uniqueness compared to the traditional principles of subrogation. According to Article 537, Paragraph 1 of the *Civil Code*, after a creditor exercises their subrogation rights, the debtor’s counterparty does not fulfill their obligations to the debtor as in traditional theory, but directly to the creditor. Furthermore, after the creditor accepts the performance, they can retain the property given without having to return it to the debtor within the scope of the claim. There are two major controversies in the Chinese academic community regarding the substantive content of this article: one is how to define and describe the effects of the exercise of a creditor’s subrogation rights under Chinese law; the other is how to interpret the rationale or source of this unusual effect. Chinese scholars have proposed several interpretive theories on this issue, but a consensus has not yet been formed. This article will mainly analyze and demonstrate these two issues and draw conclusions. The Chinese academic community generally describes the effect of the creditor’s subrogation rights as “direct compensation,” but a considerable number of scholars also call it “priority compensation.” The concept of priority compensation is somewhat misleading. From a legislative perspective, subrogation rights under Chinese law do not have the effect of priority compensation. Scholars who use this concept to summarize the effects of exercising subrogation rights do not actually advocate that subrogation rights have priority in terms of rights; their explanation is closerto direct compensation or de facto receiving compensation before others. Moreover, the description of direct compensation also cannot fully summarize the effects of exercising subrogation rights, which should be divided into direct effects and indirect effects. Since the effects of exercising subrogation rights under Chinese law do not follow the traditional “put into the warehouse” rule, the Chinese academic community has proposed four different interpretive theories to explain the substantive rationale of the effects, but all four theories have certain flaws and cannot provide a perfect explanation. Due to the peculiarities in legislation, interpretive theories must take into account both the purpose of realizing the claim and the means of subrogation. Therefore, the offset theory is relatively the optimal solution. However, it is still necessary to note that with the limited expansion of the object of a creditor’s subrogation rights under the *Civil Code*, different types of claims can theoretically become both the secured claim (creditor’s claim against the debtor) and the subrogated claim (debtor’s claim against the counterparty). Therefore, there may be situations where a monetary claim serves as a secured claim and a specific claim serves as a subrogated claim, and the two are difficult to offset each other. In this situation, either the Supreme People’s Court continues to interpret the object of the creditor’s subrogation rights restrictively through judicial interpretations, or it can only interpret based on the general effect of a creditor’s subrogation rights, that is, adopting the “put into the warehouse” rule. At present, neither the Chinese academic community nor the judicial authorities have reached a unified conclusion on this issue, and further research is needed.

      • KCI등재


        杨凯,선종수 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        네트워크 과학기술의 급속한 발전, 나날이 세계가 밀접해지고, 네트워크 기 술의 발전은 인류에게 아주 큰 편리를 가져다줄 뿐만 아니라, 동시에 또한 문 제도 가져다주었다. 전통적 테러도 인터넷 기술의 발달로 인하여 네트워크 영 역까지 확대되었으며, 여기에서 사이버테러가 출현하게 되었다. 미국은 가장 빨리 사이버테러의 개념을 제기하였으며, 이후 학계는 사이버테러에 대한 상당 한 연구를 진행하였다. 그러나 지금까지 사이버테러에 대해서 여전히 명확한 정론이 없다. 테러리스트들이 첨단 네트워크 과학기술을 이용하고, 인터넷을 통하여 테러리즘 사상을 전파하며, 테러행위를 계획하고, 테러리스트를 모집하 며, 서로 연락하는 것을 사이버테러에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 행위방식이다. 네트 워크는 전세계에 존재하며, 사이버테러의 영향도 국가의 범위를 초월하여 나타 나며, 국제평화와 안전에 중대한 위해를 미친다. 이에 대해 국제사회도 중요하 게 보고 있으며, 국제회의에서 국제입법 등 일련의 수단을 추진하여 사이버테 러 확대에 대한 대응을 강구하고 있으며, 유엔안전보장이사회는 전 세계의 테 러방지 업무를 중요한 의제로 삼고 있다. 최근 테러 관련 결의에서도 여러 차 례 사이버테러를 언급하였다. 유럽연합법 중 사이버테러의 입법에 초점을 맞 춘 국제적으로 앞장선 규정이 있다. 중국은 사이버테러공격의 행동과 사이버 테러행위에 대한 국제사회와 국제정치에 적극적으로 참여하고 있다. 중국은 지역보안협력을 통하여 유엔안전보장이사회 등을 통하여 자신의 네트워크 안 보관을 알리고 사이버테러 방지 협력을 추진하고 있다. 동시에 중국은 끊임없 이 시대에 맞는 국내법률을 완비하였으며, 「형법수정안(9)」의 시행으로 일련의 테러와 관련된 죄명을 새로 추가하였다. 이러한 죄명은 행위방식으로 모두 규 정하고 있지 않아서 테러리스트들이 네트워크 실행을 이용한 사이버테러행위 도 법률적 조정범위 내에 존재하는 것이었다. 신형법수정안은 사이버테러범죄의 위해성과 그에 대한 처벌 정 도를 명확하게 하였으며, 사이버테러를 중시하 고 있음을 더욱 명확하게 표명하였다. 그 밖에 중국은 사이버테러 공격에 대해 반드시 네트워크 과학기술 수준을 높여야 하고, 외국어, 법률, 외교적 이해에 부합한 인재를 대대적으로 양성하여야 한다. 대외적 교류에 적극적으로 참여 하고, 국제입법 촉진을 통하여 국내입법을 단계적으로 완비하고, 국내입법의 완비를 통하여 진일보한 국제입법을 추진하게 되면 법률상으로는 사이버테러 관리에 대한 순조로운 순환이 달성되는 것이다. 더욱이 사이버테러의 발전에 대한 적절한 대응으로 사이버테러의 글로벌 거버넌스와 인류운명공동체 건설 을 추진한다. With the rapid develop of network science and technology, the world is getting closer. The development of network technology not only brings great convenience to mankind, but also brings some problems. The traditional terrorism also began to expand the field of cyberspace, there has been cyber-terrorism. The United States is the first to put forward the concept of cyber-terrorism, but so far after many researches, the concept is still not have a clear conclusion. The terrorists use internet to dissemination of terrorist ideas, preparing act and recruiting, communicate with each other. The international community has adopted a series of means, such as international law to deal with cyber-terrorism. The United Nations Security Council has been the world's anti-terrorism as an important issue in the work, on the resolution of the Security Council, cyber-terrorism has been mentioned several times. China participated in it and issued our own voice, promoted the legislation of cyber-terrorism international law. Furthermore, China improved its domestic law to answer the cyber-terrorism. In the number.9 amendments to the Criminal code, added many new charges to copy with the cyber-terrorism. In order to promote global governance of cyber-terrorism and promote the construction of human destiny community.

      • KCI등재


        趙曉舒,高敏,赵晓舒 한중법학회 2017 中國法硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        중국 「민법총칙(초안)」은 후견제도 부분에서 성년후견제도를 보완하였으며 피후견인의 범위는 미성년자와 정신질환자에만 국한되지 않고, 동시에 후견인의 범위는 후견인책임을 지기 원하는 개인과 관련 조직에까지 확대하였다. 이것은 중국 후견 사회화의 상징이다. 그러나 규정 중에 구체적으로 열거한 관련조직은 대부분 공익성의 사회복지기구이다. 이러한 기구는 비록 후견의향과 능력이 있지만, 실제적으로 전문적인 후견신탁기구와 비교할 때 흔히 전문적인 자금 관리능력과 효과적인 감독체제가 부족하다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 미래의 중국이 진정한 후견 사회화를 실현하려면 후견신탁제도를 구축하는 것이 더욱 시대의 발전추세에 부합된다. 본 논문은 전통적인 단일한 후견제도를 수정하고, 피후견인 이익에 제일 유리한 원칙에 따라 아래에 서술한 봐와 같은 사고방식에 근거하여 중국 후견신탁제도의 구축방안을 제시하고자 한다. 구체적으로, 우선 단일 후견제도와 신탁제도의 국한성을 지적함으로써 본 연구의 논의를 시작하기로 한다. 다음에는 중국법의 시각에서 후견신탁의 개념과 기능을 자세히 살펴보고 분석하고자 한다. 마지막으로, 역외 국가와 지역의 입법동향을 참고하고, 중국의 실정을 결합하며, 위탁인, 수탁인과 감독인의 각도에서 중국 후견신탁제도의 구축에 대해 건의를 제출하고자 한다. RPC General Provisions of the Civil Law (draft) perfects the adult guardianship in the part of guardianship system. On the one hand, the person under guardianship is not limited to the juvenile and the mentally disabled. On the other hand, the draft adds individuals and relative organizations who/which have the will to be guardian. This new regulation means the socialization of adult guardianship. However, these relative organizations mostly are social welfare institutions with guardianship will and ability, but also have some limits and shortages as guardian, because they are actually lack of professional fund management ability and effective supervision mechanism. Therefore, it is far from enough to add these relative organization examples as guardian. So we consider that guardianship trust system is more comply with the trend of guardianship socialization. With the principle which benefits to the person under guardianship, this paper explores the construction of guardianship trust system in China, according to the following line of thinking. Firstly, point out the deficiency of the traditional guardianship system and trust system. Then introduce the conception of guardianship trust and discuss its function. Finally, use extraterritorial experience for reference, and combine with the situation of China to put forward some suggestions about the construction of guardianship trust system in china from the trustor, trustee and supervisor angles.

      • KCI등재

        从“情理法”到“法治生活方式” - 中国法观念的发展逻辑 -

        陈子盼 한중법학회 2019 中國法硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        중국의 전통은 ‘정리법’ 사회이며 법률은 도덕적 감정과 밀접한 관련이 있으 며 독특한 법적 관념을 형성했다. 반대로, 현대의 법치는 사람들의 권리와 의 무를 소중히 여기며 전통적인 ‘정리법’과 다른 가치와 관념을 제시한다. 이 논 문은 전통적인 ‘정리법’의 중국 법률 관념에서 현대 “법치생활방식”으로 바꾸는 데 중점을 두고 있으며 여섯 가지 부분으로 나뉜다. 첫번째 부분은 기존의 법 치생활방식의 연구 성과를 간단하게 살펴본다. 이는 주로 무엇이 법치생활방 식인지, 어떻게 실현할 수 있는지를 포함한다. 두번째 부분은 전통적인 ‘정리 법’과 현대의 ‘법치생활방식’을 비교하여 그의 차이점을 분석해서 ‘법치생활방 식’이 갖는 핵심적인 장점을 나타낸다. 이는 주로 법률의 지위, 공평과 정의 문제 및 ‘인치’와 ‘법치’ 문제를 포함한다. 세번째 부분은 주로 ‘정리법’에서 ‘법 치생활방식’ 즉 ‘사람 중심’의 가치관으로의 전환의 핵심에 대해 논의한다. 중 국 법과 그의 실현에서 ‘인간 중심’을 개선할 필요가 있으며 가치와 실천 등 측면에 주의를 기울여야 한다. 네번째 부분은 중국 법 관념 발전에 있어 권력 제한의 핵심 지위를 다룬다. 이는 권리 본위, 권한 범위, 법에 따른 처벌 등 측면에서 전개된다. 다섯번째 부분은 ‘법치생활방식’의 양성에 있어서 공민 참 여의 역할을 설명하고 개선의 의견을 제시한다. 이는 공민의 참여에서 주관적 절차의 정의를 증가시키고 ‘법치생활방식’의 장점을 나타내는 것이다. 여섯 번 째 부분은 논의의 결론으로 중국 법률 관념에서 일어나는 긍정적인 변화를 한 걸음 나아가 더 분석한다. 이 길은 순조롭지는 않지만 “역사의 질곡”과 “문화의 방해” 하에서, 중국의 법 관념과 법치생활방식의 형성은 여전히 갈 길이 멀다. Traditional China is a “human feelings, reasons and the law” society, law is closely related to moral emotions, formed a unique legal concept. In contrast, the modern rule of law values the rights and obligations of the people, presenting a different value and concept from the traditional “human feelings, reasons and the law”. The paper takes the turning from traditional “human feelings, reasons and the law” to the modern “rule of law” as the core, divided into six parts. The first part briefly described the research results of the existing rule of law lifestyle, including what is the rule of law lifestyle and how to achieve the rule of law lifestyle. The second part compared the traditional “human feelings reasons and the law ”with the modern “rule of law lifestyle”, analyzed the differences between the two, shows the core advantages of the “rule of law lifestyle”, including the status of law, the issue of fairness and justice, and the issues of “rule of man” or “rule of law”. The third part mainly discussed the core of the transition from “human feelings, “human feelings, reasons and the law ”to “rule of law lifestyle”, that is, the “people-oriented” value. In view of the fact that “people-oriented” needs to be in Chinese law and its practice, it is necessary to start from the values to the practice. The four part discussed the key position of power restriction in the development of Chinese legal concept, from the aspects of rights standard authority regulation, and punishment according to law. The fifth part expounded the role of citizen participation in the development of “rule of law”, and propose perfect suggestions to enhance subjective procedural justice in citizen participation and highlight the advantages of “rule of law lifestyle”. In the last conclusion part, we further analyzed the positive changes that are taking place in China’s legal concept. Although this distance is not smooth, under the “history of shackles” and “cultural ties”, the concept of Chinese rule of law and lifestyle is still waiting for shaping, there is a long way to go.

      • KCI등재

        중국법상 공동보증인간 구상권에 대한 연구

        崔吉子,张尧,김유리 한중법학회 2023 中國法硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        Whether the internal recovery rules between co-guarantors should be established has been a long-standing controversial issue in Chinese law. Legislation and judicial interpretations have gradually changed from affirmative theory to negative theory, and the latest judicial interpretation of the Civil Code clearly adopts negative theory. There are three legislative reasons, one reason is if the joint guarantors have not agreed to bear joint and several guarantee responsibilities for each other, the statutory internal recovery right violates the principle of private autonomy; secondly, requiring the guarantor to bear the guaranty responsibility promised by himself does not violate the principle of fairness. Finally, the establishment of the internal recovery rules between co-guarantors will increase the cost of judicial procedures, and it is also necessary to establish some operational detail recovery rules, which are uneconomical. However, the clarity of the legislative attitude still cannot settle the theoretical controversy, not only because the negative theory deviates from the mainstream theory of comparative law, but also because it lacks legitimacy. The co-guarantor’s internal recourse right is an arbitrary norm, which legislative setting should be based on the mainstream transaction model. However, due to the particularity of secured transactions, it is difficult to investigate and make statistics on mutual recovery agreements between guarantors. By comparing double insurance rules which structure is similar to joint guaranty, it can be found the fair value of civil law behind the co-guarantor’s internal recovery rules. The guarantor’s internal recovery rules will not reduce the efficiency of legislation and justice, but will facilitate credit extension. China should abolish the judicial interpretations about the negative theory. From the perspective of legal interpretation, the internal recovery rules of the joint and several debts can be applied by analogy. 공동보증인간 구상권의 존폐 여부는 중국에서 오래 논의되어 왔다. 이에 대하여 중국 입법 및 사법해석은 긍정설에서 부정설로의 변화를 거쳐 최신 중국민법전 사법해석은 부정설을 취하고 있으며 그 이유는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공동보증인간 상호 연대책임을 부담하는 것에 대한 약정이 없음에도 법에서 공동보증인간 연대책임을 부담하도록 규정하는 것은 의사자치원칙에 위배된다. 둘째, 보증인이 본인이 승낙한 보증책임을 본인이 부담하는 것은 공평원칙에위배되지 않는다. 셋째, 공동보증인간 구상권을 행사하려면 실행 가능한 세부적인 구상규칙을 제정해야하므로 사법비용이 발생하며 경제적이지 않다. 하지만 학계에서는 부정설은 비교법상 다수설과 상이하고 그 입법취지가 부적절하다는 이유로 부정설을 반대하는 학설도 존재한다. 공동보증인간 구상권은 임의법규이므로 보편적인 거래방식에 따라 입법을 해야 하나 보증거래의 특수성으로 인하여 보증인간 상호 구상 의사표시가 있었는지를 알아내거나 통계하는것은 어렵다. 하지만 비교분석 및 유사한 중복보험제도로부터 공동보증인간구상은 민법의 공평가치에 부합됨을 알 수 있다. 공동보증인간 구상권제도는입법 및 사법 효율을 감소하는 것이 아니라 오히려 융자에 도움이 된다. 따라서 중국법상 부정설 관련 사법해석규정을 폐지하고 공동보증인간 구상권제도를 유추적용할 수 있도록 하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보


        최금진 한중법학회 2010 中國法硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        中国的商业银行之所以能取得良好的业绩,很大程度上得益于国家对商业银行改革与发展的高度重视和大力支持。因此,商业银行在制定发展战略时,应义不容辞地把承担社会责任放在重要的位置上。商业银行的社会责任从实证的角度来看,主要指商业银行对其利益相关者所承担的经济、法律、道德和慈善方面的责任。经济责任是企业必须肩负的生产、盈利和满足消费者需求的责任,经济责任是企业社会责任的基础,是其承担法律责任、道德责任和慈善责任的前提。法律责任要求企业遵守包含基本伦理道德的法律规定,在法律要求下履行经济使命,其重要内容之一是明确企业负有依法而牺牲其利润的义务。道德责任和慈善责任是企业在实现经济责任、法律责任的基础上,在社会责任方面的升华,它直接体现了企业的社会责任意识,处于企业社会责任的较高层面。企业社会责任日益成为全世界关注的热点,作为特殊企业的商业银行的社会责任在我国刚刚开始,而国外商业银行在履行社会责任方面就比较成熟。我国商业银行在履行社会责任方面还有很多不足之处。我国商业银行虽然在一定程度上认识到履行社会责任的重要性,但从披露的社会责任信息来看, 这种认识应该说还多停留在表面层次,并没有普遍上升到战略高度。在履行社会责任方面,部分银行一定程度上还秉持着“行善赚钱”的思想,将慈善行为作为银行改善公共关系的一种“广告”,其目的还在于获取利润或其他收益,企业社会责任不过是一种获利手段。商业银行履行社会责任需要多重力量,需要政府的社会的推动,法律和制度的强制,也需要商业银行内部自律机制。在推进其承担社会责任的初始阶段,法律制度的强制必不可少,使商业银行意识到履行经济和法律责任是其法定的义务,是必须履行的,否则将受到法律的制裁。同时,还要加强政府、行业及其他组织的监管职能。在商业银行内部层面,应当要调整商业银行的治理结构。 Chinese Commercial Banks can achieve good performance, largely thanks to national attention and support to Commercial Banks reform and development. Therefore, when the Commercial Banks formulate the strategy,they should put social responsibility stress on the important position. The social responsibility of commercial banks mainly include the responsibilities which commercial banks should fulfill their renposibilities for stakeholders, in the economic, legal, moral and philanthropic. Economic responsibility is the foundation of legal liability, moral responsibility and liability charity. The Commercial Bank as a paticular coorporation should obey the relevant regulations including ethics provisions, and perform its economic mission. It is very important that they should give up their profits according to law sometimes. Moral responsibility and philanthropic liability are sublimated on the basis of realization of economic responsibility and legal liability. it directly reflects the social responsibility of the enterprise. Corporate social responsibility is increasingly becoming the hot issue all around the world, while social responsibility of commercial banks which is a special corporate in China is more important. Our Commercial Banks in the social responsibilities still have many shortcomings. Our country Commercial Banks, in a certain extent, realize the importance of social responsibilities,while it still stays in the surface and do not rise to the strategic height in accordance with disclosure information. And when carrying out their social responsibilities, a several of Commercial Banks, in a certain extent, still cling to the “do good thing and earn money” which is a “advertisement” to improve their public relations. Their purposes lie in profit or other benefits,corporate social responsibility is just a means of profit. It need several elements for commercial banks to fulfill their social responsibility, such as, the power of government, mandatory laws and institutions, the internal self-regulatory mechanism in the commercial banks. In the initial stage of social responsibility, it is very important for Commercial Banks to realize that carrying out the economic and legal liability is legal obligations, or will be punished by the law. At the same time, we should exercise a closer supervision over the government, industry and other regulatory function. In the Commercial Banks internal level, we should adjust the governance structure of Commercial Banks.

      • KCI등재후보

        两岸间经济贸易에 관한 法的研究

        王 瑞 한중법학회 2010 中國法硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        After the grand election in 2008, Ma Yingjiu was elected as the “President” of Taiwan and have terminated Chen Shuibian era, who advocated Taiwan’s independence from China. Ma advocates a moderate policy toward the Cross-Straits Relations which toke an positive effect on Cross-Straits Relations both politically and economically. On 4th. Nov. 2008,China-Taiwan Three Direct Links Agreement was signed which may works as the milestone for the Cross-Straits Relations and gives a great impact on Cross-Straits Tractions. This paper analyzes the legal issues under WTO system which came With the development of Cross-Straits Relations and Trade, and toward the expending Cross-Straits Trade relation, this paper also elaborated the possibility for China-Taiwan FTA or CEPA under “One China Principle” and the impact that may work on China-Korea FTA.

      • KCI등재

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