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      • KCI등재

        『유년필독』의 출간 배경과 논리 -국가주의 역사관의 성립과정을 중심으로

        이정찬 ( Lee Jung-chan ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2013 국제어문 Vol.58 No.-

        본 연구는 『유년필독』의 사상적 기저를 이루고 있는 국가주의의 교육관의 기원을 살피고 그것의 의의를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이미 알려졌듯이 이 당시의 국가주의는 `존왕애국(尊王愛國)`이라는 기치를 내걸고 교육 전반으로 확산되었다. 이런 영향으로 인해 초기 근대지(近代知)의 보급과 확산을 목적으로 한 계몽적 교육관은 점차 역사(國史)와 윤리(倫理)를 바탕으로 한 국가주의 교육관으로 변모해갔고 이런 경향을 단적으로 보여준 것이 바로『유년필독』이라 할 수 있다. 일본의 경우 초기 보편적 시민 의식의 함양을 목적으로 한 교육 이념이 보수적 국가주의로 대체되고, 헤르바르트 교육학을 통해 `존왕애국`이 근대적 교육철학으로 분장(扮裝)되면서 교육 전반에서 최상위 목표로 부상하는 양상을 보였다. 그리고 우리나라의 경우에도 교육의 근대화를 추구하는 과정에서 일본의 직간접적인 영향으로 인해 역설적이게도 일제에 저항하는 교육의 내적 논리를 일부분 일본을 통해 수립하는 양상을 보였다. 특히 이러한 모습은 최초의 근대적 교육학 저서라고 할 수 있는 『신찬교육학』을 통해 보다 분명히 드러난다. 본 연구는 근대 초기 국가주의 교육이 성립되는 과정을 현채를 통해 살펴보고자 한다. 물론 이 역시 일부 제한적일 수밖에 없으며 그 이면에는 여전히 복잡다단한 요소들이 존재하고 있는 것도 사실이다. 다만 본 연구가 지향하는 것은 `외세에 대한 저항, 역사를 통한 민족의식의 고취` 등의 비교적 제한적인 요인에만 의존해왔던 기존 학계의 해석에 대해 사회 · 역사적인 측면에서의 새로운 관점을 제시하고 한다. The purpose of this study is considering of the origin of nationalism and developing of its meaning. In this period, the nationalism had spreaded across the education`s society so the education of enlightenment was changed into the education of nationalism that grounded a national history and ethics. Yu Nyeon Pil Dok(1907) was shown this tendency. The loyalty of king and nation had changed into modern pedagogy and it`s value had occupied the most important one by the pedagogy of Herbart. This trend was imported into the our country and it was definitely proved by Sin Chan Pedagogy(1896). Through this process, this study wants to consider Hyeon Chae, The writer of Yu Nyeon Pil Dok(1907). Of cause this study was limited and there are manycomplex elements in the background of Yu Nyeon Pil Dok. But this study aims to arise new interpretation against prior academic circles` one.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대 역사인물화

        박계리 미술사학연구회 2006 美術史學報 Vol.- No.26

        A Study on Historical Portrait Paintings of Korean Modern Times 본 연구는 대한제국기와 일제강점기에 이르는 시기의 역사인물화를 분석해봄으로써 이 격동의 역사 속에서 역사인물화들을 주로 그렸던 대표적 화가는 누구이며, 이들을 통해 그려진 역사인물화들이 각 시기에 어떠한 역할을 하였는지 살펴보고자 한 연구이다. 또한 각 시기별 또는 작가별 역사인물화의 특징을 분석하여 이러한 특징이 각 시대의 미술양식과 어떠한 조응 및 영향 관계를 지니고 있었는지 파악해봄으로써 한국근대기 역사인물화의 미술사적 의의를 조명해 보고자 하였다.한일합방 이전시기는 남겨진 역사인물화 작품이 많지 않아서 인쇄미술을 통해 살펴보았다. 특히 당시 교과서로 사용되던 『幼年必讀』에 수록된 역사인물화를 집중적으로 분석하였다. 일제강점기 전반기에는 조선미술전람회 역사인물화를 대표하는 최우석의 역사인물화를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 일제강점기 후반기는 당대 ‘역사화가’로 불리워졌던 이여성 작품을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 『유년필독』의 역사인물화는, 안중식과 그의 제자들을 중심으로 제작된 것이라 판단해볼 수 있었다. 『유년필독』의 역사인물화는 실력양성과 국권수호의 명료한 목적의식과 붓과 펜의 혼용과 같은 東西新舊양식의 절충 형식을 보여준다는 점에서 동도서기구본신참의 구호로 집약되는 광무연간의 시대 이념과 맥락을 같이하는 개화기 양식의 대표적 예임을 알 수 있었다.조선미술전람회에서 명성을 떨친 최우석의 역사인물화는 3폭구도형식과 장식성, 주제와 보조주제의 상호대비라는 특징을 갖고 있었다. 이를 통해 전통 초상화와는 구별되는 근대적 초상의 한 예를 보여 주었다. 그러나 그의 작품의 뿌리가 일본 역사화 속에 있었다는 점도 간과할 수 없다. 이 점은 그의 역사인물화가, 일본 神道미술의 전통 속에 국내 역사인물들을 포함시켜냄으로써 일선융화를 표상하고 있다는 해석의 근거가 되었다. 이여성은 역사풍속화 작업을 통한 역사인물화 작업을 시도하면서. 특정한 역사적 시대와 취재를 정확하게 고증해내려는 근대적 실증주의적 태도를 역사인물화에 확고히 자리매김시켰다. 이를 토대로 당시 보편적 양식이었던 서양화와 일본화적 요소도 필요하다면 수용하여 근대적 신조선화를 창출하려 했음을 파악하였다.이와 같이 한국근대기 역사인물화는 대한제국기와 일제강점기를 거치는 격동의 세계사 속에서 우리의 역사를 되짚어 보고, 그 중 특정 역사인물을 부활시켜내었다. 어떠한 역사적 인물이 선택되었는가 뿐만 아니라 어떠한 양식을 사용했느냐에 따라 각 역사인물화가 각 시대의 사회적 맥락 속에서 어떠한 의미로 대중과 소통되었는지 파악해보았다. 이를 토대로 당대 미술양식과 조응하고, 더 나아가 새로운 미술사적 전통을 창출하려는 시도를 하였다는 점에서 미술사적 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        애국과 친일, 『신찬초등소학』 의 이중성 -개화기 민간편찬 교과서와의 비교를 중심으로-

        박민영 ( Min Young Park ) 우리어문학회 2014 우리어문연구 Vol.48 No.-

        이 논문은 애국과 친일의 상반된 입장이 개화기 민간편찬 교과서 신찬초등소학 (1909)에 어떠한 양식으로 존재하는지 기간된 민간편찬 교과서와의 비교를통해 살펴본 연구다. 『신찬초등소학』은 전체 단원의 1/4 가량이 앞서 간행된민간편찬 교과서의 단원과 유사하다. 필자는 동시대 민간편찬 국어교과서 간의 영향관계를 파악함으로써 『신찬초등소학』의 성격을 상대적인 입장에서 비교 분석하고, 애국과 친일의 양상을 보다 입체적인 관점에서 판단하고자 했다. 2장에서는 『초등소학』(1906∼7)과의 연계성을 살펴보았다. 『초등소학』의적극적인 반일감정은 『신찬초등소학』에서 많은 부분이 여과된다. 반일이 곧애국이었던 『초등소학』의 관점에서 본다면 『신찬초등소학』에서는 애국심 역시희석되고 있는 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 『신찬초등소학』에서는 반일이 아닌 "부국"으로써 애국을 실천하고자 했다. 이 점에서는 오히려 『초등소학』보다도 일본에 대해 냉정한 시각을 견지한다. 그러나 『신찬초등소학』에서 강조하는 인내와 노력, 겸손함과 현명함이 "부림을 잘 받는 피지배 계층"의 양성을 목적으로 한 것이 아닌가 하는 의구심을 불러일으키기도 한다. 한편으로는 일본을 뛰어넘는 부국을 지향하면서 다른 한편으로는 당시 지배체제를 인정하는 듯한 태도는 애국과 친일이라는 상반된 의식이 충돌하며 공존하는 『신찬초등소학』의 특징이라고 볼 수 있다. 3장에서는 『유년필독』(1907)과의 연계성을 살펴보았다. 『신찬초등소학』에는 『유년필독』에서 다룬 일본과 싸운 영웅들의 이야기는 없다. 그러나 왕인과같이 역사적으로 일본을 선도한 위인의 이야기는 재수록돼 있다. 과거 일본보다 앞선 나라로서의 자긍심을 고취하고 있는 것이다. 또한 『유년필독』의 서희나 강감찬 같은 위인들의 이야기를 재수록함으로써 나라가 아무리 어려운 상황이라도 용기 있게 대처하면 반드시 극복할 수 있다는 신념을 전하고 있다. 한편으로는 정치적으로 논란이 될 수 있는 반일 감정을 여과시키면서 다른 한편으로는 나라의 부강을 지향하고, 궁극적으로 외교와 학문으로써 구국을 염원하는 현채의 다중적인 집필태도를 가늠할 수 있다. 이렇게 『신찬초등소학』은 반일감정으로 일제를 자극하지 않으면서도 우리민족에게 애국심을 고취하고 민족계몽을 실현시키고자 했다. 개화기에서 일제 강점기까지 사용된 유일한 민간편찬 국어교과서 『신찬초등소학』이 지금까지 친일적인 면으로만 부각됐다면, 이제 그 이면에 존재하는 애국적인 요소에 대해서도 주목해야할 것이며, 그에 따라 새롭게 평가받아야 한다. Shinchanchodeungsohak is a language arts textbook privately published in August, 1909 by Hyun Chae(1856-1925). This study examined the aspects of the contrasting patriotism and pro-Japanese collaboration in Shinchanchodeungsohak co-exist in comparison with the already-published privately-published textbooks. About one fourth of the whole chpaters in Shinchanchodeungsohak is similar to those in the existing textbooks published by private publishers. The aim is to compare and analyze the characteristics of Shinchanchodeungsohak in a relative sense by grasping the interactive relationships between the contemporary language arts textbooks from various dimensions and to make evaluations of the aspects of patriotism and pro-Japanese collaboration in Shinchanchodeungsohak.Chapter Two examines the relationship with Chodeungsohak (Elementary School Textbook). The acute anti-Japanese sentiment in Chodeungsohak was filtered out to a great degree in Shinchanchodeungsohak.From the viewpoint of Chodeungsohak which identifi d Anti-Japanese sentiment with patriotism, it seemed that patriotism was diluted in Shinchanchodeungsohak. However, Shinchanchodeungsohak tried to practice patriotism by means of "enriching the nation", not of taking on anti-Japanese color. In this sense, it kept more calm attitude than Chodeungsohak. Still, the qualities-patience, efforts,modesty and wisdom-Shinchanchodeungsohak stresses might be misunderstood for its goal to foster "the good subjugated class."It can be capsulated as one of the characteristics of Shinchanchodeungsohak with two contrasting values of pro-Japanese collaboration and patriotism at war in that it admitted the status quo of Japanese ruling while pursuing a rich country that transcends Japan.Chapter Three looks at the relationship with Yunyeonpildok (AMust-Read for Children) (1907). Shinchanchodeungsohak does not have tales of heros who fought against Japan. However, such great figures as Wang In, who enlightened Japan in history, are selected and incorporated. Its attempt is to proote the national pride over Japan as the more powered than Japan. Those stories of Seo Hee and Gang Kam-chan from Yunyunpildok entered it again so that it could spread the belief that courage would overcome any troubles however difficult situations the country is in. It cane be said that Shinchanchodeungsohak keeps multi-faceted attitudes as it filters out politically controversial anti-Japanese sentiments while it promotes national riches and wishes for the salvation of the country through diplomacy and education.Likewise, Shinchanchodeungsohak attempted to inspire patriotism in Korean people and realize enlightenment for the nation while not trying to stimulate the Japanese colonial government with explicit anti-Japanese sentiment. Given that Shinchanchodeungsohak, the only privately-published language art textbook in use from the Enlightenment Period until the Japanese Colonial Period, was evaluated only for its pro-Japanese aspects, but its patriotic elements underlying the facade should be given attention now and it deserves new evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        교과서 출판인 백당 현채의 출판 활동에 대한 연구

        이종국(Lee, Chong-Kook) 한국출판학회 2010 한국출판학연구 Vol.36 No.1

        교과서를 말하여 교수.학습 활동에 사용되는 주된 수단이라고 한다. 어느 나라나 어떤 민족을 막론하고 교과서처럼 큰 영향력을 행사하는 책도 없을 것이다. 교과서를 통하여 배우지 않은 사람이 없는 형편이고, 교과서 없이 교육받은 경우도 또한 찾아보기 어렵다. 교과서는 교육 수단으로서 주된 존재일 뿐만 아니라, 학습 세대의 필수품으로서도 가장 중요한 조건일 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 이와 같은 인식이 교과서를 생각하는 일반적인 관점이기도 하다. 따라서 어느 나라이 든 자국의 근대화 과정에서 보다 적극적인 개안을 촉진시킨 가장 중요한 교육 수단으로 역할한 것도 교과서였음을 유의하게 된다. 상대적인 면에서 피식민 경험이 있는 민족이나 국가의 경우, 그릇된 이데올로기의 함정 속으로 몰아넣은 매체 또한 교과서였다.우리의 역사 중 근대 시기에로의 구획은 보는 이의 관점에 따라 여러 견해가 있으나 보통 19세기 후반에서 20세기 초까지를 일컫는다. 이 시기를 좀 더 단축해 보면 19세기 말기에서 구한국 말(1880년대 초~1910)까지로 그어지며, 이 기간을 보통 ‘신문화 유입기’라 일컫기도 한다. 우리에게 있어, 이러한 시대적 조류는 외세에 의한 식민주의로 덧입혀진 암울한 전이 과정(轉移過程)을 경험케 했다. 그러한 특수 시대를 이해하려면, 당연히 교과서 편찬.발 행에 대한 문제를 말하게 된다. 이는 민족 교육을 지향하여 개명을 앞당기고자 한 매우 중차대한 관건이었기 때문이다. 이와 관련하여 당시 교과용 도서 출판 활동에 큰 족적을 남긴 백당(白堂) 현채(玄采,1856~1925)를 상기하게 된다. 그는 교과용 도서의 번역자이며 저술가인 동시에 이를 직접 제작.보급한 출판인이었기 때문이다. 백당 현채는 민족의식과 애국심 고취에 앞장선 민족주의 사학자, 대표적인 번역 사학자, 개화 사상가, 국권 회복을 주창한 애국 계몽 운동가 등으로 평가되고 있다. 그는 원래역관(譯官) 출신이지만, 단지 서로 다른 언어를 사용하는 둘 이상의 화자(話者) 사이에서 소통을 매개해 주는 ‘통변자’만으로 머무르려 하지 않았다. 그의 탁월한 외국어 능력은 신문물을 소개하는 여러 훌륭한 해외 저작물들을 번역, 출판하는 역량으로 뒷받침되었다. 그렇게 하여 이룩된 내용물들을 직접 편집.출판하고 보급하는 등 치열한 출판인으로 자신을 실현했던 것이다. 요컨대, 현채를 출판인으로 보고자 하는 뚜렷한 이유가 바로 그러 한 모습을 통해 재발견하게 된다는 점에서 특별한 유의미성이 있다. People say that textbook is a major means used for teaching and learning activity. Regardless of a country and a nation, there might be no a book exerting an important influence upon but a textbook. There is no one not educated through textbook, and it is also difficult to find someone educated without textbook;Because textbook is not only the major existence as an education means but the most important condition as requisites for the learning generation. This cognition of textbook is a general point of view. Thus it is the only textbook that plays a role in the most important education means enlightened more positively in the process of one's native modernization in any country. On the other hand, in case of nations or countries experienced in colonizing it is also textbook that is a medium driving into the pitfall of mistaken ideology. Modern ages in our history usually stands for the division with in the latter half of the 19th century to the early part of the 20th one, while it is disagreed according to the points of views;In condensing this period into more concretely, it ranges in the latter half of the 19th century to the end of the Greater Korean Empire(the early part of 1880~1990), and this age is usually called 'the period of new culture inflow'. In that current of the times, we experienced the gloomy transition period colonized by foreign powers. In order to understand that specific times, we justly bring in the problems on the compilation and publication of textbook. Because it is the key of great importance in advancing its civilization toward its national education. In relation to that, it reminds us of Baek Dang Hyeon Chae(1856~1925) who left his big footprints in the publishing activity for textbook;Because he was a translator and writer of textbook as well as a publisher producing and distributing it for himself. Baek Dang Hyeon Chae receives high praise as a historian of the principle of self-determination of peoples leading to inspire national consciousness and patriotism into the hearts of people, a representative translation historian, a civilized thinker, a patriotic leader for enlightenment advocating restoration of its sovereignty, and so forth. He was originally an officer affiliated with interpretation, but did not remain to act as only an interpretor mediating a mutual understanding between more than two speakers using the different languages. His excellent capacity of a foreign language was backed up the translations of some excellent foreign books introducing the new civilization, and the publishing ability. He has realized himself as a keen publisher editing and publishing, and distributing for himself the contents achieved through them. In short, it is taken in the specific significant meaning in view of that the clear reason why we regard Hyeon Chae as a publisher is rediscovered through those features.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대한제국 말기 玄采의 역사교육론 - 한국사 교육을 통한 ‘復我舊日文化’ -

        鄭光弼(Jung, Kwang-pil) 역사교육연구회 2022 역사교육 Vol.161 No.-

        This study aims to understand substantial meaning of “Reestablishing Korean Traditional Culture” in Joondeunggyogwa Donggooksaryak. Through this, the history educational view of Hyun Chae could be understood. First of all, “Reestablishing Korean Traditional Culture” was Hyun’s aim in history education. Hyun thought that Korean culture superior of Japan’s in the past, but gradually declined and fell short of Japan’s level. And to reestablish Korean Ethnic culture, he emphasized learning “Korean National History.” Yoonyunpildok which deals with “Korean National History,” is a textbook that gives a glimpse into the historical view of Hyun. Hyun highlighted the past culture of Korean country which led that of China and Japan with abilities and enjoyed a high level of culture. He also paid attention to the traditional Confucian values. He tried to achieve “Reestablishing Korean Traditional Culture” by fostering abilities. He also stressed that individuals have to improve their scholarship independently to foster abilities. Ultimately, “Reestablishing Korean Traditional Culture” is the aim of history education set by Hyun to foster abilities of nation and solve the challenges of the era of independence and restoration of national sovereignty.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hyeon Chae’s Growth as One of the Main Agents of Modern Translation

        Kyoung PARK 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2014 탈경계인문학 Vol.7 No.1

        This article examines the process by which Hyeon Chae (玄采), who had been a yeokgwan (譯官) in Joseon, emerged as a modern intellectual through his works on foreign book translation and textbook compilation. Hyeon worked at the Hakbu (學部) as a translator and compiler of textbooks after the 1894 Kabo Reforms. He did not limit himself to performing a passive role as a government official. Hyeon has been concerned about the organization of textbooks and worked to give new meaning to his translation work within the context of his times. He translated foreign books for the purpose of educating people and ultimately making the Daehan Empire a rich and powerful independent nation. Hyeon’s consciousness and knowledge which have accumulated through translations manifest clearly in the Yunyeonpildok(幼年必讀), an introductory textbook for children and the general public. Hyeon attempted to organize the material in a clear and straightforward manner suitable for the level of children or those new to modern education. He intended to evoke people’s patriotism through various contents in this book. Hyeon also recognized the necessity of industrial and scientific education in reaching the goal of building a rich, powerful, and independent nation, Hyeon Chae, who had been a lower level official in the premodern era, transformed himself into an active modern intellectual who would lead the introduction, processing, and circulation of modern knowledge through translation.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hyeon Chae’s Growth as One of the Main Agents of Modern Translation

        PARK, Kyoung 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2014 탈경계인문학 Vol.7 No.1

        This article examines the process by which Hyeon Chae (玄采), who had been a yeokgwan (譯官) in Joseon, emerged as a modern intellectual through his works on foreign book translation and textbook compilation. Hyeon worked at the Hakbu (學部) as a translator and compiler of textbooks after the 1894 Kabo Reforms. He did not limit himself to performing a passive role as a government official. Hyeon has been concerned about the organization of textbooks and worked to give new meaning to his translation work within the context of his times. He translated foreign books for the purpose of educating people and ultimately making the Daehan Empire a rich and powerful independent nation. Hyeon’s consciousness and knowledge which have accumulated through translations manifest clearly in the Yunyeonpildok(幼年必讀), an introductory textbook for children and the general public. Hyeon attempted to organize the material in a clear and straightforward manner suitable for the level of children or those new to modern education. He intended to evoke people’s patriotism through various contents in this book. Hyeon also recognized the necessity of industrial and scientific education in reaching the goal of building a rich, powerful, and independent nation, Hyeon Chae, who had been a lower level official in the premodern era, transformed himself into an active modern intellectual who would lead the introduction, processing, and circulation of modern knowledge through translation.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 독본과 근대 서사의 형성

        송명진(Song, Myung-jin) 국어국문학회 2012 국어국문학 Vol.- No.160

        This paper aimed to open a new horizon of narrative in the Enlightenment Era through studying narratives in the Basic Readers. The main theme of narratives in the Basic Readers were subdivided into nation and life. This was controlled by Japanese imperialism. Gukminsohakdokbon and Yuyeonpildok emphasized national consciousness for the purpose of resisting Japanese imperialism. But Sinjungsimsangsohak, Gukeodokbon and Sinchanchodeusohak were emphasized modern life. The narrative modes in the Basic Readers were history, biography, fable, educational story. The contents of History and biography were changed by intention of educational goals. But these narrative modes supported the national consciousness. The contents of fable were connected with a moral lesson and the educational story stressed the modern knowledge. But the contents of fable and educational story were incomplete because these only emphasized modern life and knowledge lacking the nation needing in the Enlightenment Era. The narratives in the Basic Readers were possessed of two characteristics. One was the hard-hitting contents by enlightening tone. The other was uncomplicated style by omitting satellites constituting subsidiary story. This simple narratives in the Basic Readers were canons in the Enlightenment Era because this narratives were relation with the other such as narratives in the newspaper. It is significant that this paper studied contents and forms of narrative in the Basic Readers. Because these narrative were the canons in the Enlightenment Era.

      • KCI등재

        1900년대 동아시아의 『越南亡國史』 유통과 수용- 한국, 중국, 월남을 중심으로 -

        강영심 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2014 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.49

        History of the Fall of Vietnam was commonly written in Japan by Yang Gye Cho(Liang Qichao) of China, a political refugee to Japan and Phan Hoi Chau of Vietnam, a political refugee to Japan, and published in November, 1905 in Shanghai. It accused the process of the invasion of France and the fall of Vietnam, and exposed to the world the threat of the western empires against Asia. After its publication, it was widely circulated and read in 1900's in Vietnam, as well as in the East Asian countries of China, Korea and Japan. Five editions were issued from 1905 to 1911 in China, and then more of the various editions were issued and distributed several times. In Vietnam, though it was under the French regime, the book was secretly circulated and read in copies, and were utilized as a promulgating material of the anti-France revolution as one of the guidances for the national campaign. In Korea the History of the Fall of Vietnam was also widely read. As many of three Korean versions were published in Hyunchae translation in November 1906, Ju Shi Kyung translation in November 1907 and Lee Sang translation in December 1907. One of the elements that the book caught attention simultaneously in Korea, China and Vietnam was the influence of the co-author, Liang Qichao. The book was rapidly accepted in these three countries because the people of those three countries were taking his reformism as a new idea for transformation of the society. Another element seems to be that China and Korea must have been endeavoring to make good use of the Vietnamese case for an instrument to cope with the crisis of losing their own countries. The way of accepting the book however was not the same among the three countries. Liang Qichao's original was circulated and accepted in China, of which issuance of up to the 5th edition in 6 years until 1911 shows its big influence to the Chinese people. Whenever the national crisis increased at that time, China used to publish the collapsing histories of other countries to let the people share the feeling of the crisis. Re-edition of the “History of the Fall of Vietnam” contributed to enhancing Chinese people's sense of nation, and also served as a source of a new culture, causing the birth of the 20 century's reformed play of the “History of the Fall of Vietnam”. In Vietnam as well, the Liang Qichao's original was circulated and accepted, but in secrecy under the colonial regime of France. The book was used as a material for the national education, a guidance for anti-colonial movement, and even a maesn for the propaganda to reveal the despotic colonial rule of France and to agitate public opinion. It was distinctive in Korea that the original was interpreted in Korean way, to be translated into and issued as an another version of the “Fall of Vietnam” which was not the same as the former. Hyunchae's translation version, for instance, a part of Liang Qichao's “Brief History of the Fall of Chosun” was inserted, and was published under the name of the “History of the fall of Vietnam - Addendum, New theory on a Disappearing Country”, which played a role to invigorate the anxiety of saving the country. Analyzing the fact that China, Korea and Vietnam of the East Asia in 1900's shared the experience of losing the country, and that they newly interpreted and accepted the “History of the Fall of Vietnam” according to the situation of each Country, shows us the real image of the knowledge exchange in the late 1900's.

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