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      • KCI등재

        장뤼(張律, ZhangLu)영화와 디아스포라 이중의식

        申東順 한국중국소설학회 2013 中國小說論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        论文通过中国朝鲜族导演张律和他的电影〈芒种〉、 〈沙漠之梦Hyazgar(边界)〉、 〈重庆〉、〈裡里〉、 〈图们江〉讨论了张律导演的离散(Diaspora或者diaspora)意识及其种族身份。 我们把离散的双重意识分别为他的爷爷和父亲的国家祖国朝鲜所引起或者内在化的“朝鲜”意识和现在属于中国的国民即母国概念的“中国”意识。 这些他的离散意识的双重性决不是‘朝鲜’和‘中国’来固定或者确定的, 它们在张律导演的意识和电影意识中不断流动着或者位置于境界之间。 本论文按这样的前提之下探讨和观察导演的文化和民族身份。 张律导演自己愿意被呼名或者命名为中国名字“张律Zhanglu”, 从国籍角度看他是个中国朝鲜族, 但他的文化民族身份为朝鲜或者韩国, 他自己说明自己的祖先之根是韩国, 还他把自己的一些作品命名为“韩国电影”等。 他从延边过来到北京, 生活在北京里他是个外地人, 又回到延边, 其他朝鲜族把他看为外地人, 他的文化身份又延边和北京之际流动着。 论文首先分析了朝鲜人‘昌浩’和‘顺姬’形象和围绕他们发生的强奸和死亡事件的意义。 通过顺姬与中国人、 朝鲜族、 蒙古族男性的关系表现了沟通的失败之地点, 这些不断追求沟通但是不断失败, 发现了张律导演‘朝鲜’离散意识中的忧郁感, 而探索〈图们江〉里的‘桥’和韩国、 北韩、 延边的当地歌运用意义, 从中看到导演或者电影中的离散‘朝鲜’意识中的融合与归还意识。 然后论文再看了他进行中国的展示方式, 也试图和观察了张律导演与中国如何结为关系及其所含的意义, 从中显示了张律导演和他的电影中的‘中国’意识及一些“暴力”或者“暴力性”。 有人说他的电影美学中的暴力性, 电影中的昌浩、 顺姬、 〈重庆〉中的金氏、 苏艺、 珍瑞或者卖淫女性的暴力处境, 其中我们会发现张律导演的影子, 从中可以想象他们是否张律导演的民族身份和离散意识的代言人, 也可以发现张律导演的民族身份和离散意识中的不安与焦虑情绪。

      • KCI등재

        真实型领导力对员工离职倾向的影响研究 - 以上级-下属互换质量的中介效应为中心 -

        柳兰,(Liu, Lan),金春洙(Kim, Chun-Soo) 글로벌경영학회 2016 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        随着世界经济的不稳定增长和经济体的丑闻事件的曝光,真实型领导力这一构成概念开始被人们所 关注。中国各种食品安全丑闻等一些列信任危机给中国企业诚信形象带来了巨大的挑战;而作为企业 核心的管理者被人们寄予了巨大期待,期望他们能领导组织及成员摆脱这种不稳定低信任困境。 同时,社会离职率居高不下也是近些年来困扰社会的一大难题。高离职率给企业发展带来了很大阻 碍,企业效率低下、不必要成本支出增多、组织内部凝聚力下降、组织和成员的压力增加等现象无不 说明降低离职率、提高员工忠诚度的对策研究势在必行。关于离职率的影响因素分析大多来自工作满 意度等态度变量,但是工作中上级领导的行为态度、与上级的关系、与同组织成员的关系都有密切关 联。因此,本文主要研究上级的真实型领导力对员工离职倾向的影响,并引入了上级-下属互换理论作 为中介变量。 本文采用问卷调查法,调查对象是中国企业和政府的基层员工,样本主要集中在吉林、北京、厦 门、上海等地。有效问卷共143份。本文使用SPSS进行了实证分析,得到结论有:1)在组织中,真 实型领导力及其4个维度(诚实不欺、自我意识、内化道德观、下属导向)能有效减少员工离职倾向 的产生;2)在组织中,高水平的上级-下属互换质量将有效减少员工离职倾向;3)在组织中,真实型 领导力与上级-下属互换质量存在正向相关;4)在组织中,上级-下属互换质量在真实型领导力与员工 离职倾向之间起中介作用。 With the world economy s unstable growth and the exposure of the scandal of the economy, the concept of authentic leadership has begun to be concerned by people. A series of food safety scandals in China has brought great challenges to the integrity of Chinese enterprises. Managers as the core of enterprise has been placed great expectations for leading people to get rid of these unstable and low trust difficulties. At the same time, the high rate of social turnover is also a major problem in recent years to haunt the community. High turnover rate has brought a lot of obstacles to the enterprise development, such as the low efficiency of enterprises, the increase of unnecessary cost expenses, the decrease of the internal cohesion, the increase of the pressure of the organization and the members. All of these imply the necessity to make a study to solve these problems. Most of the influencing factors of turnover rate were mainly from the attitude variables such as job satisfaction. But it also highly related to the behavior and attitude of the superior, the interaction with superior and the interaction with coworkers. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the impact of the higher level of authentic leadership on employee turnover tendency. And it also made sense of the mediating effect that the leader-member exchange made in the relationship between authentic leadership and turnover tendency. In this article, we use the questionnaire survey method, and the targets are the employees who work in the enterprises and government in China. The samples are mainly from Jilin, Beijing, Xiamen, and Shanghai. We recovered a total of 143 questionnaires. This article uses SPSS to carry on the empirical analysis. The results of the research were, 1) the authentic leadership and its 4 dimensions can effectively reduce the turnover tendency. 2) High level of leader-member exchange will effectively reduce the turnover tendency. 3) Authentic leadership is positively related to the leader-member exchange. 4) Leader-member exchange has a mediating effect on the relationship between authentic leadership and turnover tendency.

      • KCI등재후보

        탈식민의 굴절된 렌즈에 갇힌 이야기

        김명석 대한중국학회 2009 중국학 Vol.34 No.-

        "2046"是电影题目,也是电影中周慕云写作的小說題目。在电影的末尾加进去仿佛科幻片的未来小说<2047>。王家衛香港回归以后也不离开香港,透影过去一百年与将来五十年当作影片中的寓言。观众不容易理解的风格仿佛1930年代早已构思"摆脱情节的影片"爱森斯坦的晦涩,难以理解,但与已进入後期产业化社會的香港的后现代气氛不谋而合。本书稿立足于“国家寓言”的观点,是将王家衛影片与香港的中国回归联在一起的。在≪2046≫的登场人物之间悲欢离合中記憶和歪曲,离散,语言障碍与认同性问题等多种多样的殖民主義現像是混杂性因素。如在影片中黑白镜头表象過去,以忘却之窟窿变黑白色王家衛展示出抹杀時空之界限。且王家衛为跨越时空而抹杀过去与未來之界限多用跳切,在未來城市镜头还运用计算机图形。影片中登場人物之间記憶的歪曲与忘却会引起在殖民環境香港对現實的歪曲。≪2046≫的登場人物之间发生的記憶与忘却,可以说是对香港人的集体潜意识的記憶与歪曲, 忘却。既用粤语, 又时而混用国语与日语,在≪2046≫展现出各种语言混用的國際城市香港的多种语言环境。在此,可见香港回归后向往二十一世紀的香港人的意识不局限于中國而扩展到全亚洲。但影片的最后场景暗示在五十年后未来也用共用语言粤语与英语。如此在影片中不能抹杀象征香港人认同性的代表媒介粤语痕迹。但登場人物之间常出现沟通问题。或许因此,在≪2046≫加进去被有人偷看的視線连接空間的場面。 真正的解放来自正確的現實認識。在东方饭店香港人,中國人与日本人一起登场,且2046列车是忘却歧视与痛苦的地方,由此可以说是想像的故乡。到影片的下半场,被失戀的王静雯终于与日本男友結婚,此戏剧性的逆转是香港人的认同性完成为亚洲人的时刻。亚洲人是到世界主义者的过渡进程。从而只有作为离散人,边际人体会香港人的反省与其命运界限,才能达到亚洲人, 进而获得世界主义者的自由。

      • KCI등재후보


        홍명수(Hong, Myungsu) 협성대학교 교양학연구소 2021 교양학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        이합사는 중국어 어휘 중 비교적 특수한 단어로, ‘이 와 ‘가 가 ‘합 할 수 있는 특수한 성질을 지녀 한국어를 모국어로 하는 중국어 학습자에게 하나의 어려운 점이 되어있다. 현재 중국어 수업에서 이합사는 아직 제대로 중시되지 않았고 수업 중 이합사 용법에 대한 교수법과 연습도 충분하지 않아 이합사는 대외 중국어 어휘 교습의 취약 부분으로 남아있다. 이 글에서 필자는 이합사의 특징과 관련 있는 교육 전략과 방법을 연구하여 이합사 교수법에 적용하고자 한다. Concatenated words are a group of relatively special words in Chinese vocabulary and their special characteristics make it a difficult point for students to learn Chinese. In the present teaching of foreign Chinese, conjugate words have not been given due attention. The teaching method of conjugate words is not sufficient, so conjugate words have become a weak link in the teaching of Chinese vocabulary. This paper mainly discusses the characteristics and related teaching methods of conjugate words.

      • KCI등재
      • 班固评屈 “露才扬己” 说当为贾逵语

        汤,洪(Tang Hong) 한양대학교 수행인문학연구소 2008 수행인문학 Vol.38 No.2

        Among a variety of critical assessments of Qu Yuan by writers in the Han period, one of the principal critique is produced by Ban Gu His high appraisal of the ancient poet as the poet of ‘lu cai yang qi’ (露才揚氣), deriving from the viewpoint of Confucianism, was in effect acknowledged as the mainstream of literary criticism on Qu Yuan for Han critics and writers. This paper tries a comparative analysis between Ban Gu’s two texts, Li Sao Xu (『離騷序』) and Li Sao Zan Xu (『離騷贊序』), by reference both to the corrections by Wang Yi in his Li S;/O Hou Xu (『離騷後敍』) which is in turn cited in Hong Xin Zu’s Chu Ci Bu Zhu (『楚辭補注』) and to a question Hong Xin Zu raises as he denies of Ban Gu as the designer of the phrase ‘lu cai yang qi’ My decision that the phrasal critique was originated by Jia Da is made, along with considering Jia Dais academic tendency and literary career, on the basis of an analytic comparison of the words from the extant version of Li Sao Xu with those cited in “Bian Sao” (“辨騷”) part in Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long (『文心彫龍』).

      • KCI등재


        이양(Lee Yang,李杨,) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2015 圓光法學 Vol.31 No.4

        In the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law, comprehensively deepening the reform and promoting the rule of law were put forward. The decision also provides a good opportunity to compile Civil Code. In the context, it is very imperative to clarify the relationship between civil obligations and civil liability, and properly position them. In the complicated and varied relationships between civil code principle and rules of civil code, there are two cognitive modes between civil obligations and civil liability, and the cognitive modes are separation and integration respectively. This paper will distinguish civil obligations and civil liability which is of great value. I will basically analyze it from four perspectives which are the root causes of civil obligations and civil liability, whether civil obligation is mandatory and punitive, the boundaries between legality and illegality as well as the competencies base between them. 《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》中提出全面深化改革和全面推进依法治国的重大决定,该决定为中华人民共和国民法典的编纂提供了良好契机。在此背景下,厘清民事义务与民事责任之关系,并对其进行合理定位,成为亟待解决的理论问题。在民法原则与民法规则复杂多变的关系中,民事义务与民事责任之间存在分离抑或融合这两种认知模式。通过对民事义务与民事责任产生的根源;民事义务是否具有强制性与制裁性;合法与违法之界线;义务与责任之能力基础等四个视角作出初步分析,区分民事义务与民事责任,具有重要价值。 <중국공산당중앙으로 부터 전면적인 개혁을 추진하고 법률에 의해 국가를 다스리는 중대한 문제에 관한 결정>에서 전면적인 개혁 및 법률를 통한 나라를 다스리는 중대 결정을 제시하였다. 해당 결정은 중화인민국화국 민법전을 편찬하기 위한 좋은 기회를 제공하였으며, 이러한 배경하에 민사의무 및 민사책임 간에 관계를 정리하고 더불어 양쪽의 합리적인 위치를 규정하는 선결 문제가 제기되었다. 민법원칙 및 민법규칙 간에 복잡하고 빈번히 변화하는 관계속에서 민사의무 및 민사책임 간의 분할 또는융합 과정이 존재하고 있다. 민사의무 및 민사책임을 발생하는 근원 어디에 있는지,민사의무가 강제적 또는 제재적 성질을 가지고 있는지, 합법과 위법 간의 경계를 어디에 두어야 하는지, 의무와 책임능력 기초 등을 포함하여 분석하려고 한다. 민사의무및 민사책임을 구분하는 것은 중요한 가치를 가지고 있다.

      • KCI등재


        Li Zheng(李政) 충북대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The court investigating and collecting evidences by authority is one of the universal system in country of continental law. The civil procedure law about court investigating and collecting evidences has experienced from the comprehensive and objective investigating and collecting evidences to the evidences which the parties and their agents can not investigate and collect by theirselves, or the evidences which the people's court shall investigate and collect according to the needs of the case. From the legislation, the investigation of court by authority is limited, which reflects the changes in the concept of the rule of law. How do construct the reasonable system between the judge neutrality and investigating evidences by authority? Through comparison and reference, This paper argues that the civil procedure law should stipulate the court as the main body of investigating evidences and non-collection of evidences, and establish "the separation system of mediation and trial", strictly regulate the witness appearing in court. 法院依职权调查证据,是大陆法系以及源于大陆法系国家普遍通行的一种制度。中国大陆民事诉讼法关于法院依职权收集和调查证据,经历了从全面地、客观地收集和调查证据,到当事人及其代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的证据,或者人民法院认为审理案件需要的证据,人民法院应当调查收集。从立法规定看,法院的职权调查受到了限制,同时反映了法治观念的变化。如何在确保法官中立和依职权调查证据中,架构合理的制度,通过比较和。鉴,本文认为中国大陆民事诉讼法应当明确规定法院是调查证据的主体,而非收集证据的主体,并确立"调审分离"制度,严格规范证人出庭,从而保障司法公正和提高审判效率。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김인순 소설의 젠더서사와 디아스포라 정체성:『춘향』과 『녹차』를 중심으로

        노정은(Roh, Jung-Eun)(魯貞銀) 대한중국학회 2021 중국학 Vol.74 No.-

        이 글은 김인순 소설에 나타난 젠더서사의 특징을 통해, 젠더인식이 작가의 디아스포라 정체성을 어떻게 담고 있는가를 논의하였다. 『춘향』과 『녹차』에서는 가부장제의 폭력구조가 젠더관계를 중심으로 반복적으로 서사되는데, 이러한 서사 구조가 아버지에 대한 거부와 동시에 어머니에 대한 부인, 이를 바라보는 딸의 서술을 통해서 전개되고 있다는 점을 제시하였다. 이 글은 작가의 어머니에 대한 묘사가 ‘희생자’와 ‘전복자’ 사이에서 이중적으로 극단화되고 있는 것에 반해, 냉정한 위치에서 객관적인 서술자로 등장하는 딸에 대한 묘사는 극히 제한적이라는 점을 주목하면서, 어머니와 딸 사이에서 발생하는 서사적 간극을 분석하였다. 이 간극은 김인순의 민족정체성에 대한 내면의 시선이자 고백이라고 볼 수 있으며, 작가가 자신의 정체성에 대한 상처를 극복하고자 하는 과정이라고 하겠다. 김인순 작품에 반복적으로 제기되는 민족제재, 전기체 서사, 여성서사, 모녀서사 등은, 김인순 문학의 디아스포라 위치와 좌표를 구성하는 요소라고 할 수 있다. This study aims to intends to define the characteristics of the gender narrative in Kim In-soon’s novels, and discusses how the gender narrative of her novels contains the diasporic identity through the form of female characters. Specifically, in her novels such as Chunhyang and Green Tea, it described that the patriarchal violence structure is repeatedly narrated, which is described as representing gender relations, and furthermore examined that it is being developed through the narrative style of the daughter, which represents to rejection of the father and denial of the mother. The paper focuses on the narrative differences between description of mother and daughter. Kim portrays the mother as sacrificial and subversive images, but the description of the daughter was extremely cold and objective. It is clear that Kim In-soon’s novels can be seen as a kind of introspection and confession of national identity, and also be a process in which Kim tries to reveal and overcome the wounds of her identity through writing. At this point of view, the diasporic position and coordinates of Kim In-soon’s novels can be found in the national subjects, biographical descriptions, female narratives, mother-daughter narratives, which is repeated in her works.

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