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        중국조선족 대중소설 연구

        안낙일 겨레어문학회 2008 겨레어문학 Vol.41 No.-

        This study aims at uncovering the aesthetic value and historical meaning of Korean-Chinese popular literature through detailed analyses of Korean-Chinese popular novel. During the early immigration history of Korean-Chinese people, Korean-Chinese literature had a close tie with contemporary Korean literature. However, years of Chinese political and cultural influences have shaped Korean-Chinese literature into a rather unique identity in terms of literacy as well as readers. The development of Korean-Chinese popular novel has gone through a quite unique path under the major influence of Chinese communist ideology along with that of North Korean and Russian literature. Each stage of its development exhibits its “localcolor” which is more or less different from Chinese mainstream literature. Especially during the era of post cultural revolution and late 70s, as Chinese government launched its social reforms, Korean-Chinese literature has started to show its interest on the nature of human beings. After South Korea and China established an official diplomatic relationship in early 1990s, Korean-Chinese novel society has further witnessed the maturity and variety in its development via rigorous exchange with its South Korean counterparts. It is well known that years of Cultural Revolution came to an end in 1976 and China stepped into a new era of social reforms. Consequently, Chinese society has gone through political, economical, social and cultural changes to a great extend and it started to embrace some of the capitalistic values and adopt new life style that corresponds to the market economy-based social patterns. Accordingly, Korean-Chinese novel society started to come into shape as popular literature with the increasing demand of novel readers. The contemporary Korean-Chinese novel is characterized by adopting the features and techniques of mainstream Chinese literature as its main frame to portray the changes of Korean-Chinese communities. Through the emerging of novels with distinct features of “reality novel” (depiction of common people’s lives and the real world), “scar literature” and “repentance literature,” readers are exposed to various novels with great shape, both aesthetically and conceptually, of contemporary popular novel. The thematic scope of Korean-Chinese novel was further developed in great breadth and depth as Korean-Chinese community had came into contact with South Koreans, subsequently, the themes and writing styles witnessed the enormous development in its diversity. Novel writers shifted their focus not only to the Korean-Chinese community on its journey of searching its true identity but also the lives of Korean-Chinese people, their pains and joys, under ever changing new circumstances. Especially, the popular novels published recently in Korean-Chinese novel society attempts to meet the readers’ needs from a new perspective whichis rooted in capitalistic life styles. Despite the inevitable conflict in value system between Korean-Chinese and South Korean in the course of direct or indirect exchange of materials and human resources, Korean-Chinese popular novel was able to successfully embrace the new changes and gain the popularity of the readers. Korean-Chinese popular novel has been a faithful witness and recorder of the life style of one minority group in China Korean-Chinese people, in the course of choosing ways to survive in greater China area. It can also be seen as the literary solution for the problems that Korean-Chinese community is currently facing as China experiences rapid changes in ideology and economic development. The study intends to examine not only the arguments about the Chinese-Korean popular novel but also their theoretical foundations and the feature of development. And then I tried to analyze several novels concretely. The purpose of this study is to acquire the adequate literary perspective to popular literature and to grope for ‘open vision’ a... 이 글은 중국의 개혁개방시기 이후로 장착된 중국조선족 소설들 중에서도 현대 대중소설의 개념과 실제에 부합되는 일련의 소설들을 대상으로, 해당 작품들의 미적 가치와 문학적 의미를 구명해 보이고자 하는 것이다. 중국조선족 소설문학은 그 태동기 때부터 한국문학과 밀접한 연관성을 지니고 있었으나 변모된 정치, 문화적 환경 속에서 발전을 거듭하면서 문학적 독자성을 형성하게 되었다. 중국조선족 문학 고유의 특성과 문학적 성과를 거둔 것으로 평가할 수 있는 중국조선족 소설은, 비록 현실적으로는 중국 소수민족 문학 중의 하위 갈래로 인식되고 있지만, 민족문학적인 관점에서 파악할 때 우리 한민족 문학의 범주에 포함시킬 수 있는 ‘우리 소설’에 다름 아니다. 중국의 개혁개방 정책 이후 조선족 소설은 당대 중국사회의 시대 변화에 부응, 급변했던 중국조선족 사회의 변화 양상을 문학적으로 형상화하고 있는데, 이는 결국 생존 방식에 대한 기록이기도 하며, 특히 최근 들어 중국의 산업화, 자본주의화가 급속하게 진행되면서 부딪히는 현실에의 생존적 대응방식이기도 한 것이다. 개혁개방 시기 이후 현재의 중국 사회는 후발 아시아 산업국가 특유의 복합적인 사회 양태를 여실하게 경험하고 있다. 이른바, ‘전근대, 근대, 탈근대의 혼란스런 착종 현상’이 바로 그것으로서, 특히 한중 수교 이후 한국과 불가분의 관계를 맺고 있는 중국조선족 사회는 커다란 가치관의 혼란 상태를 겪고 있다. 개혁개방 이후, 중국이 서구 자본주의 시장경제 체제를 수용하면서 급변하는 조선족 사회의 변화 양상들은, 이후 조선족 소설들의 창작과 독자대중들이 향유하는 거의 모든 과정에 그대로 수용되고 있다. 바로 이 지점에서부터 재중 조선족 소설 문단 역시 대중소설적인 경향을 드러내고 있는 것이다. 특히 ‘도시’의 의미에 대한 천착, 현대사회와 여성의 의미에 대한 다각적 탐구, 변모된 성의식의 대중소설 수용 양상 등이야말로 중국조선족 대중소설들의 특징이라고 할 수 있다. 중국조선족 대중문학의 온당한 문학사적 시각을 확보하고 이를 통해 중국조선족 대중소설에 대한 문학적 가치 부여와 바람직한 기대지평을 모색해보는 것은, 결국 우리 자신과 우리가 살고 있는 현시대를 올바르게 이해하는 일이라고 바꿔 말할 수 있으며, 이 연구의 의미 또한 여기에서 찾을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국과 일본에서 저술된 한국현대문학사의 한국전쟁 인식과 문학사 기술양상: -허쩐후아의 『조선현대문학사』와 사에구사 도시카쓰의 『한국문학을 맛보다』를 중심으로-

        윤송아(Yoon Song Ah) 동남어문학회 2018 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.46

        본고는 중국과 일본에서 저술된 한국문학사 중에서 허쩐후아의 조선현대문학사와 사에구사 도시카쓰의 한국문학을 맛보다를 중심으로, 각국의 한국전쟁 인식과 이에 기반한 한국전쟁문학의 특징적 기술양상을 고찰하였다. 먼저 허쩐후아의 조선현대문학사는 한국전쟁에 대한 중국의 기본인식이 충실히 반영된 문학사로, 기본적으로는 북한문학사의 시기구분과 주 제 분류에 바탕을 두면서도 주체사상에 기반한 유일사상체제와는 일정한 거리를 유지하며, ‘중조우의(中朝友誼)’를 내세운 국제주의적 친선과 ‘항미원조 전쟁(抗美援朝戰爭)’으로서의 한국전쟁의 위상, 인민대중의 혁명적 영웅주의 와 애국주의를 강조하는 입장을 취한다. 즉 한국전쟁에 있어서 중국과 북한의 정치적 결속 및 역사적 상관성, 한국전쟁에서의 중국의 역할을 의식적으로 강조함으로써, 북한문학사를 중국인민의 입장에서 조망하고 그 근접성과 교차점을 모색하려는 노력이 뚜렷이 표출된 문학사이다. 다음으로 사에구사 도시카쓰의 한국문학을 맛보다에서는 한국전쟁에 대한 심도 있는 성찰이 누락된 채 전쟁에 대한 각 문학자의 대응방식을 개인의 내면문제 혹은 문학적 표출양상으로만 환원하여 바라보는 외부자적 시선을 보여준다. 이는 미국의 ‘기지국가(基地國家)’로서 한국전쟁에 관여하면서 ‘조선특수(朝鮮特需)’를 통해 패전 이후 단기간의 경제회복을 이루었음에도 불구하고 이를 ‘평화담론’으로 은폐해온 일본의 무의식적 망각 및 무관심과 연동하는 것으로 보인다. 이처럼 허쩐후아와 사에구사의 문학사는 한국전쟁에 대한 중국과 일본의 정치적 입장과 역사적 인식 태도를 직·간접적으로 반영함으로써 한중일 한국현대문학사를 가로지르는 중층적이고 상호침투적인 교섭과 문화횡단의 한 양상을 보여준다. This study deliberated patterns of describing characteristics of Korean War Literature based on Korean War recognitions of each country, focusing on Taste of Korean Literature by Saegusa Toshikatsu and Choseon Modern Literature History by Huzhenhua among the history of Korean literatures written in China and Japan. First of all, fundamental awareness of China about Korean War was fully reflected in Choseon Modern Literature History by Huzhenhua. Basically, it was distant from unique ideological system. It takes a position to emphasize the status of Korean War as internationalist goodwill and anti-Americanism assistance war which was based on China-Korea Friendship , revolutionary heroism, and patriotism of people. In other words, emphasizing the political ties, historical concern between China and North Korea, and the role of China in the Korean War conscientiously in terms of Korean War, the history of North Korean literature was reviewed from the stance of Chinese people. Its proximity and intersection were tried to find out in the literature. Next, in Taste of Korean Literature by Saegusa Toshikatsu, there is a lack of introspection on the Korean War. But each author s response to the war was just considered it as individual issues or simple literary expressions from outsider’s viewpoints. This seems to associate with unconscious forgetfulness or indifference of Japan, which tried to conceal it as a discourse on peace despite the short-term economic recovery after its defeat in the war by increased demands by Choseon as America was concerned in Korean War as a base . Like this, the history of Huzhenhua and Saegusa s literature reflects directly and indirectly the political position and historical recognizing attitude of China and Japan about Korean War. They show cross-sectional and interpenetrating contact and single aspect of cross-cultural literature in Korea-China-Japan Modern Literature History.

      • KCI등재

        슬로베니아에서의 한국문학 교육 방안 연구

        강병융 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2016 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.33 No.-

        This study explores the new educational utility of Korean literature for Slovenian (and European) students. A normally prevalent teaching methodology in Korean studies is 'First-Korean language, Second-Korean literature'. It means that after mastering the language, can literature be studied. But in Slovenia it is hard to find anyone who masters Korean language among students who are interested in Korean literature. So, in this essay, I introduce a new methodology ‘First-Korean literature, Second-Korean Language’. Thanks to LTI Korean and ArKo many works of Korean literature have recently been translated from Korean to English and various European languages. Korean writers have gained international reputations like HAN Kang and SHIN Kyung-sook. So, students in Slovenia also study Korean literature by reading modern Korean fictions in English or in many other European languages. So they can read the Korean literature and write and discuss about it. By following this approach, the students who read Korean works could become interested in the Korean studies. And it becomes easier to understand Korean culture, 'Koreaness' and Korean language. As part of the effort to revitalize Korean studies education, encouraging the reading and discussing of literary works is absolutely viable. 슬로베니아뿐만 아니라, 한국학을 연구하고 교육하는 거의 모든 나라에서 한국어 교육이 한국문학 교육보다 우선시 되어 왔다. 언어가 한 나라를 이해하는 가장 중요하고도 필요한 도구라는 견지에서 볼 때, 이러한 사실은 타당하다고 볼 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라, 한국문학 번역물, 한국 대표 문인의 부재가 해외에서의 한국문학 연구와 교육의 장애물이었다. 하지만, 최근 한국문학번역원, 한국문화예술위원회 등의 노력과 더불어 번역가들의 자발적인 관심까지 더해져 한국문학이 영어 및 다양한 유럽어로 번역되고 있다. 이에 따라 해외에서 한국문학을 교육하는 방식도 재고될 필요가 있다. 모국어 (혹은 영어로) 한국문학을 읽고 연구하고, 토론하고 심지어 한국 작가를 직접 만날 수도 있게 되었기 때문이다. 이에 슬로베니아에서의 한국문학 학습은 어학(한국어)과는 상관없이 진행되고 있다. 실제로 한국문학 작품을 읽고, 토론하고, 해당 작품에 대해 한국어가 아닌 모국어 (혹은 영어)로 과제를 제출하는 이른바, “한국어 없는 한국문학” 수업을 실시하고 있다. 아직은 시범 시행 단계에 가깝지만, 이러한 시도가 한국학의 지평을 넓히는 데는 물론이고, 더 나아가 슬로베니아 인문학 교육에도 긍정적 효과를 줄 것으로 확신한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국인을 위한 한국 문학교육의 한 방법 -해외 한국 문학교육의 사례를 중심으로-

        하채현 한국언어문화교육학회 2010 언어와 문화 Vol.6 No.3

        This study is for what the way a Korean literature education for foreigner. Particularity, it is demonstrates to students majoring in Korean studies a method of educating Korean literature with an example. The first, this study begin to ask for why a literature education selected same time contents all of the literature works. To selected same time for education contents can not show to the student an outline korean literature. Korean literature aims between a language education and a culture education. So Korean literature education need to present many literature works. And then it is that can be a networkness of the education. For the point of the argument, this paper show a syllabus of the point of view a historical literature. And it examines the 「Gujija」 to teach for the senior in Vietnam Hochiminh University. It is appropriate that literature introduce a work of concretion because of literature emotion, sentiment. Literature teaching method should be seen within the historical context of education. And Korean literature for foreigner has to teaching in point of view a comparative literature. When we teach that, can know to an effect to teach for the history of Korean literature because of introduce for a representative Korean literature works. It can be the effective way for "Oversea Korean Literature Education".

      • KCI등재

        국어교과서와 ‘(국)문학’ 이데올로기 - 4차 교육과정기 국어교과서의 ‘국문학사’ 인식 및 수록 작품을 중심으로

        정종현 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2011 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.41

        In the 4th curriculum period(Dec. 1981~Jun. 1987), the texts in ‘Korean’ textbook are serving in allowing national culture and Korean to be essential. The Korean textbook was the thoroughly gendered text. Important branches of textbook are formed by the rhetorical writing and the expository writing of being emphasized masculine rationality, by the knowledge(learning) in ‘firm’ shape, and by the nationalistic vision of being suggested with male patriot's voice as well as the simple dimension as saying that the majority of writers in textbook texts are men. ‘Literature’ is performing a role of contributing emotionally to such ‘masculine’ national culture and nationalistic vision. ‘Literature’ as the aesthetic text is reduced. On the other hand, the weight of ‘(Korean) literature history’ as knowledge increased. The knowledges related to Korean literature history such as Jo Yun-jae, who emphasizes continuity of Korean-alphabet literature by having Chinese literature as the other, as the discussion of Jeong Byeong-uk, who makes it essence for the shape of the main agent, which accepts a foreign thought creatively, and as the writing of Kim Yun-sik, who lays the cornerstone of ideology in national literature by emphasizing continuity of Korean literature, specify the shape of national literature history as the progress that has realized modernity itself based on the internal development theory and the theory of the embryo of capitalism since the 1960s. Narrators in Korean literature history aimed to restore heritage of Korean and the Korean alphabet, which were abandoned in the culture of centering on Chinese writing. As well as the discussion of Jo Yun-jae, Jeong Byeong-uk and Kim Yun-sik, 「oral literature and record literature」 in Jang Deok-sun, who emphasizes on oral language and literature, are one of accurate cases of showing the aspect that a flow of romanticism-based humanities is institutionalized in the academic circles since the 1970s. ‘Korean literature(history)’ in the Korean textbook was keeping ideology of literature together as culture of pursuing universal ideal at the same time while functioning as ideology of national creation based on national literature. ‘Literature’ ideology, which was based on culture of pursuing freedom fundamentally in the Korean textbook into which the national ideology was penetrated, did need to be removed or trimmed sprouts. The specific literary works, which address the theme called genuineness and transcendence, which is selected to be recorded in real textbook, are cases of circumstantially proving this. 4차 교육과정기(1981.12~1987.6) ‘국어’ 교과서의 지문들은 민족문화와 국어를 본질화하는 데 복무하고 있다. 국어교과서는 철저하게 젠더화된 텍스트였다. 남성적 이성이 강조되는 논설문, 설명문 등과 ‘단단한’ 형태의 지식(학문), 남성 지사의 목소리로 제시되는 민족주의 비전 등이 교과서의 중요 갈래를 형성하고, ‘문학’은 그러한 ‘남성적’ 민족문화와 민족주의적 비전을 정서적으로 보조하는 역할을 수행하고 있다. 미적 텍스트로서의 ‘문학’이 축소되어 있는 데 비해 지식으로서의 ‘(국)문학사’의 비중은 증가했다. 한문학을 타자로 하여 국문문학의 연속성을 강조하는 조윤제, 외래 사상을 창조적으로 수용하는 주체의 형상을 본질화하는 정병욱의 논의, 한국문학의 연속성을 강조하며 민족문학의 이념을 정초하는 김윤식의 글 등, 국문학사 관련의 지식들은 60년대 이래의 내재적 발전론과 자본주의 맹아론 등을 기반으로 하여 근대성을 자체적으로 실현해온 진보로서의 민족문학사를 구성한다. 국문학사의 서술자들은 한문 중심의 문화에서 버려진 국어와 국문의 유산을 복원하고자 했다. 조윤제, 정병욱, 김윤식의 논의는 물론이거니와, 구술적 언어와 문학에 대해 강조하는 장덕순의 「구비문학과 기록문학」은 70년대 이후 학계에서의 낭만주의적 인문학의 흐름이 교과서에 제도화되는 양상을 보여주는 적실한 사례의 하나이다. 국어교과서의 ‘국문학(사)’는 민족문화에 기반한 국민 창출의 이데올로기로 기능하면서도, 동시에 보편적 이상을 추구하는 교양으로서의 문학의 이념을 함께 간직하고 있었다. 국가 이데올로기가 관철된 국어교과서에서 근원적으로 자유를 추구하는 교양에 기반한 ‘문학’ 이데올로기는 제거되거나 순치되어야 했다. 실제 교과서에 선별 수록된 순수와 초월이라는 주제를 다루는 구체적인 문학 작품들은 이를 방증하는 사례이다.

      • KCI등재

        외국인이 보는 한국 구비문학

        나수호 한국구비문학회 2008 口碑文學硏究 Vol.0 No.27

        본 논문의 목적은 한국에 살고 있는 외국인이 어떻게 한국 구비문학을 보는가하는 질문에서 시작하여 그 질문의 저류에 있는 보다 깊은 문제를 파악하고 그에 대한 답을 제시하는 데에 첫걸음을 내딛는 것이다. 이를 위해 한국 거주 외국인 대상으로 설문조사를 실시했으며 응답자 중에 두 명을 선택하여 직접 인터뷰를 했다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 설문조사 1부는 응답자에 대한 통계학적 정보를 얻기 위한 것으로 국적, 인종, 한국 거주 기간, 직업, 연령, 성별, 한국어 능력 등의 정보를 수집했다. 2부는 한국 전통·현대 문화와 구비문학에 대한 질문이었다. 한국 전통 문화는 유교문화로 특징되고 현대 문화는 기술로 특징된다는 답이 우세했다. 전통 구비문학 장르의 인지도는 설화, 속담, 판소리, 민요, 탈춤, 무가, 인형극 순으로 나타났으며 문화축제나 예술극장에서 접했다는 답이 많았다. 한국 현대 구비문학에 대한 의견은 대략 세 가지로 분류할 수 있다. 전통 장르 중에 설화나 판소리와 같이 아직도 살아 있는 구비문학을 지적한 것, 대중음악이나 드라마와 같은 현대적인 장르를 지적한 것, 그리고 전통과 현대의 만남이라고 지적한 것이 그것이다. 인터뷰 내용은 대략 두 가지 문제를 다루었다. 첫째는 어떻게 하면 외국인이 한국 구비문학에 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있을까하는 것이며 둘째는 한국이 진정한 다문화주의 사회로 가려면 어떻게 해야 하는가하는 것이었다. 첫째 질문에 관하여 기본적으로 인터뷰 대상자 모두 비슷한 의견을 제시했다. 즉, 한국 구비문학을 알리는 것이 일방통행 길이 되면 안 된다는 것이다. 외국인의 입장을 고려해야 하고 어떻게 하면 외국인의 입맛에 맞게 할 수 있을까하는 문제를 다루어야 한다는 의견을 제시했다. 둘째 질문에 대하여서도 비슷한 맥락에서 한국을 외국인에게 알리는 것보다 한국에 살고 있는 외국인을 이해하려는 노력이 필요하다고 주장했다. 또한 타자가 한국 문화나 문학을 재해석하는 것이 인정되어야 한다고 했다. 외국인이 한국 구비문학을 어떻게 보고 있느냐는 질문은 결국엔 타자와의 만남을 다루는 문제이다. 일방적으로 외국인에게 한국 문화나 구비문학을 알리겠다는 생각을 하기 보다는 타자와의 만남 속에서 그 문화와 구비문학을 공유하는 단계를 목표로 삼아서 서로 간의 이해와 교류가 있는 세상을 이루어가는 것이 바람직하다고 하겠다. This paper begins with the question of how foreigners in Korea view Korean oral literature and goes on to deal with the issues underlying that question, ultimately aiming to take the first step in providing an answer. To this end, a survey was conducted that targeted foreigners residing in Korea; in addition, two of the respondents were interviewed. The results are as follows. The first part of the survey dealt with demographic information, with questions on nationality, ethnicity, length of stay in Korea, occupation, age, and Korean language proficiency. The second part dealt with views and opinions on traditional and modern culture and oral literature. Most respondents chose Confucian culture as the defining characteristic of traditional Korean culture, while technology was seen as the defining characteristic of modern Korean culture. Recognition of traditional genres of Korean oral literature was as follows, from highest level of recognition to lowest: tales and stories, proverbs and sayings, pansori, folk songs, mask dances, shaman songs, and puppet plays. Opinions on modern Korean oral literature can be placed into one of three general categories: those that focused on a traditional genre that survives to the present, such as tales and pansori, those that focused on a modern representation, such as pop music or television dramas, and those that saw modern oral literature as a meeting of past and present. The interviews dealt mainly with two questions: how can we make Korean oral literature more accessible to foreigners, and what does Korean need to do to become a truly multicultural society? With regards to the first question, the interviewees had similar views, namely that bringing Korean oral literature to foreigners cannot be a one-way road. They also mentioned that the views of foreigners must be taken into consideration and thought given to the issue of how to make oral literature more palatable to foreigners. Replying to the second question, they stressed the need to come to a greater understanding of foreigners living in Korea rather than efforts to simply advertise Korea to foreigners. They also noted that Koreans needed to accept the possibility of a reinterpretation by the Other of Korean culture and literature. The question of how foreigners view Korean oral literature ultimately deals with a meeting with the Other. Rather than engaging in a one-way education of foreigners on Korean culture or oral literature, it would be better to aim for a place where culture and oral literature are shared within a meeting with the Other, and to work to create a world of mutual understanding and communication.

      • KCI등재

        세계문학으로서의 한국문학 현황과 전망

        곽효환 한국문예창작학회 2022 한국문예창작 Vol.21 No.1

        Korean literature has a history of overseas introduction for as long as 130 years and has been through a policy of overseas introduction project for over 40 years. Such a long-cherished desire for Korean literature, “overseas introduction of Korean literature” or “globalization of Korean literature,” should go in a new direction of “Korean literature as world literature” and strategies are required accordingly. This may mean that considering the situation of more than 40 years of supporting projects for overseas introduction of Korean literature, it is necessary to organize the achievements in the meantime and find a new level of awareness and search the direction based on them. This is all the more so in that the expression “overseas introduction of Korean literature” or “globalization of Korean literature,” which has been used to introduce Korean literature in terms of policy, ignited the desire to enter the center of world literature. Based on this background, this article examined the experiences accumulated by Korean literature in the world literature market which was built after 2010s, along with efforts to enter the world literature center, and achievements that received attention, and established its meaning. This is expected to serve as an opportunity to examine the possibility that Korean literature, which has reached the process of “globalization of Korean literature” from “overseas introduction of Korean literature,” can take a step further into “Korean literature as world literature.” 한국문학은 길게는 130여 년의 해외소개 역사를 가지고 있고, 40여 년의정책적인 해외소개 사업을 거쳐 왔다. 이 같은 한국문학의 오랜 숙원인 ‘한국문학의 해외소개’ 또는 ‘한국문학의 세계화’가 ‘세계문학으로서의 한국문학’이라는 새로운 방향으로 가야 하고, 그에 따른 전략이 요구되고 있다. 이는 정책적인 한국문학 해외 소개를 위한 지원 사업을 펼쳐온 지 40여 년이넘는 상황을 고려할 때 그간의 성과를 정리하고 이를 바탕으로 새로운 차원의 인식과 방향 모색이 필요하다는 의미일 것이다. 한국문학을 정책적으로소개하면서 사용해온 ‘한국문학의 해외소개’ 또는 ‘한국문학의 세계화’라는표현이 세계문학의 주변에서 중심으로 진입하려는 열망을 발화시킨 것이라 는 점에서 더욱 그렇다. 본고에서는 이 같은 배경을 토대로 2010년대 이후 이루어진 세계문학 시장에서 한국문학이 쌓은 경험과 세계문학 중심으로 진입하고자 한 노력 및주목받은 성과들을 살펴보고 그 의미를 자리매김하였다. 이를 통해 ‘한국문학의 해외소개’에서 ‘한국문학의 세계화’ 과정에 이른 한국문학이 ‘세계문학으로서의 한국문학’으로 한 단계 더 나아갈 수 있는 가능성을 살펴보는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        동유럽에 있어서 한국문학 수용과 한국문학교육 -체코 공화국을 중심으로

        오세영 ( Sae Young Oh ) 한국문학교육학회 2004 문학교육학 Vol.13 No.-

        The first mentioning of Korea in Czech records was in 1847. The introduction of Korean literature in the Czech Republic since late 19th century could be divided into three periods. The first period is from when Korea first came to notice in the Czech Republic, until the department of Koreanology was established at Charles University in 1950. The second one is from 1950 to 1990 when Korea and the Czech Republic entered into diplomatic relations with each other. And the last one is from then until now. During the first period, there were three groups of people who introduced korean culture and literature to the Czech Republic. The first group consisted of travellers who visited Korea, whether accidentally or intentionally. The second group consisted of the Czech legionnaires, stationed in far east Vladivostok, who got in contact with K o m refugees bading a wandering life. The last group consisted of Korean intellectuals and students who left their country during the late years of Japanese colonial period. The first group introduced the existence of Korea to the Czech Republic, although their introduction was distorted by the colonialist s imperialistic view. The second group spoke against Korea s circumstances under Japanese colonial rule and introduced Korean oral literature to Czech for the first time. The third group sowed the seed of Koreanology by influencing Czech intellectuals and translated Korean written literature into Czech. During this period, the introduction of Korean literature in the Czech Republic was limited in Korean traditional children`s story(fairy tale) or oral literature through Russia. It means the interchange between Korea and Czech was staying on a spontaneous generation level during that period. The motivation of translating literary works was nothing more than an exoticism or satisfaction of curiosity about foreign country. In the second period, the department of Koreanology was established at Charles University and the one-sided diplomatic relation between North Korea and Czech Republic was established. The introduction of Korean literature during this period was inevitably affected by these two fact either directly or indirectly. During this period, Koreanologists centering around the Department of Koreanology at Charles university took the role of introducing Korean literature. Affected by leftist Korean intellectual refugees, and the international situation in those days such as the one-sided diplomatic relation with North Korea, and Czech domestic circumstances that the Czech Republic itself was one of the communist countries, the early Koreanologists` introduction of Korean literature took the Marxist route, or North Korea friendly route. In case of Korean traditional literary works were rather free to introduce, while in case of korean modern literary works, none of the South Korean writers works were translated And even the works written before the liberation of Korea(written before the partition of the Korean peninsula) were excluded from introduction if it wasn t evaluated in North Korea or if it didn t belong to proletarian literature. In this period when the Korean War broke out, the Czech writers wrote many poems to cheer and encourage the North Korea. Milan Kundera, the world famous writer, was not an exception. These works were also contributed to introduce Korean culture to Czech in some degree, when it comes to materials. But as a matter of fact they retrocedes the history of cultural interchange by distorting and criticizing the reality of South Korea. The other distinctive feature of this period is an formation of a new class of readers. They were different from previous readers who read Korean oral tradition literary works to satisfy exoticism or curiosity about foreign country. This new class of readers, who were well acquainted with Korean literature and interested in pure literature, aimed to study it. As new class of readers appeared, Korean literature were translated

      • KCI등재

        터키 문단과 언론에 나타난 한국문학 -현황과 전망 그리고 제안

        이난아 ( Nan A Lee ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2009 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        It has already been 50 years since Korea and Turkey made interactions but there has not been much exchange in culture and art. That is because only a few introductions about the history of Korean literature have been written in the Turkish literary magazines in the 1990s. Also, the translated Korean literature started to be published after the year 2000. Thus, the history of Korean literature in Turkey is not very long. In this current situation, translation and exchange is almost impossible as there is no systematical long-term planning. In 2007, there were many interviews of Korean book authors and critiques about Korean literature in leading Turkish newspapers. This can be attributed to the Korea-Turkey 50th anniversary of Ties which shed light on the cultural exchange of the two countries and thereby attracting much attention. We should accelerate on the little achievements that we have already achieved through this positive commencement. Also, we should continue to make strategies and long-term plans&insights to upgrade the views on Korean literature in Turkey. Many long-term methods are required to enable Korean literature as one of the most popular literature spheres for Turkish readers. First of all, in order to introduce Korean literature to the Turks, there must be thorough understanding of the characteristics of the Turkish literary world. That is, introducing Korean literature through Turkish literature magazines or book reviews can strategically be very effective in a country like Turkey where magazines and newspapers are developed fairly well. In Turkey there are a variety of newspapers developed in different aspects. Also there are many literature magazines which have vast readers who possess different ideas. Thus, literature trend and the popular style of literature is much varied in comparison to Korea. We should take the characteristics of the Turkish literature magazines and newspapers into consideration and introduce the Korean literature trend by considering the ideological background of the Turks. By introducing the Korean literature through the book review part or the cultural part of a newspaper, and if it is spread well through out the Turkish readers, it will be able to attract many general readers. Moreover, it is also necessary to search for a different alternative of communication methods like the Internet which can spread the Korean literature and also in which people can be interested in. Then, there needs to be a plan to train Korean literature translators and researchers by co-developing it with the departments that is related to literature in Turkey. Korean literature in Turkey will be able to stand on itself and develop itself by drawing voluntary research and translation. Considering the economic interactions between the `Korea-Turkey` bilateral relationship, the recognition of Korean literature in Turkey is currently not at a satisfying level compared with the Turkish literature in Korea. Yet, it is predicted to continue its momentum on development. This is due to the fact that much Turkish literature are being introduced to Korea and it is showing positive reaction, grasping many readers` eyes. Then, if you think of it conversely, there also exists a potential that Korean literature can receive positive evaluation from Turkey. Especially, when considering the two countries` active economic interactions and its historical background, the introduction of Korean literature can be effectively pushed forward. If countries are connected by literature and if the country`s identity and ethnicity are shared among individuals so that they may deeply understand each other, there will be less chaos in the world today. It is hoped that the high level literature in Turkey will be loved by many Korean readers, and in turn, it is also desired that Korean literature be well known among the Turkish readers, and consequently that the two countries can better understand each other and be more close to each other through literature.

      • KCI등재

        베트남에서의 한국문학 소개 및 연구 -현황과 향후 과제-

        응우옌 티 히엔 열상고전연구회 2020 열상고전연구 Vol.70 No.-

        While Korean popular culture named “Hallyu” resounds through the world, Korean literature is not widely known to Vietnamese. Introduction and research of Korean literature in Viet Nam are facing many difficulties. There are not many Korean literature works translated and introduced to Vietnamese readers compared with other languages such as Engligh, Chinese, Japanese and French. Korean literature is being taught as one subject of Korean Studies at some Vietnam Universities. Korean literature research is conducted by two different generations who know and does not know Korean language. Now it needs to improve Korean literature teaching, research and translation both in quality and quantity. The translation of Korean literature in Vietnam began from 1992, after two countries began diplomatic relations. However at the first stage, Korean literature was executive from the third language and only a few books, all of which were children (classic/folktale) or social and economic contents. From 2000s literary works of Korean literature began to be translated directly from Korean language in earnest. Most of works especially have been translated and published under the support of Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI) and the influence of Korean Wave. Introduction of Korean literature in Vietnam is increasing steadily from 2010. The translation genres have become diverse, including poetry, fiction, essay, classic, autobiography, picture-novel, and children books. Though Korean language researchers in Vietnam are from Korean language and Korean studies major, researchers in Korean studies such as Korean culture, society, economy, politics as well as Korean literature research are still divided into older generations (other majors) and new generations (Korean studies related major). Studies on Korean economy, culture and society are more important than Korean literature, and more than half of researches done by who are in other majors. Since emergence of researchers from Korean Studies major recently, number of researchers is increasing and research papers have become diversified about the subject and methodology, be extensive from oral literature to contemporary literature, from Korean poetry to essay, from literary theory to literature education. Korean literature research in Vietnam after 2010 accomplished both quantitative and qualitative achievements compared to the previous period. However, there still remains the gap between two research generations. In the near future, to promote the introduction and research of Korean literature in Vietnam, it is necessary to develop professionals, establish domestic and foreign research networks, and raise awareness of the status of Korean literature. 최근 “한류”라는 한국 대중문화 열풍이 전 세계에 울려 퍼지고 있지만, 한국문학은 아직까지 베트남 독자들에게 널리 알려져 있지 않다. 베트남에서 한국문학의 소개와 홍보는 많은 어려움에 직면하고 있다. 영어, 중국어, 일본어나 프랑스어와 같은 다른 언어권에 비해 베트남어로 번역되어 소개된 한국어 문학 작품은 많지 않다. 일부 베트남 대학에서 한국문학은 한국학의 한 과목으로 가르치고 있다. 한국문학 연구는 한국어를 알고 모르는 두 세대에 의해 수행되어 왔다. 이제 양적, 질적인 면에서 한국문학 교육, 연구 및 번역을 개선할 필요가 있다. 베트남에서 한국문학의 번역은 두 나라가 외교 관계를 수립한 1992년부터 시작되었다. 첫 단계에서 한국문학은 제 3언어를 통해 중역되었으며, 대상 작품은 몇 권의 동화(고전/민화), 또는 사회경제 분야의 서적이었다. 2000년대부터 한국문학 작품은 본격적으로 한국어를 통해 직접 번역되기 시작했다. 특히 한국문학번역원의 지원과 한류의 영향으로 많은 작품이 번역 및 출판되었다. 베트남에서 한국문학의 소개는 꾸준히 증가하고 있다. 시, 소설, 에세이, 고전, 자서전, 그림책 및 아동 도서 등 번역 장르가 다양해졌다. 베트남의 한국어 연구 인력은 한국어와 한국학 전공자들이다. 한국문화, 사회, 경제, 정치, 한국문학 등을 전공으로 한 한국학 연구자들은 여전히 기성세대(다른 전공)와 신진세대(한국학 관련 전공)로 나뉘어져 있다. 아쉽게도 한국 경제, 문화 및 사회에 대한 연구는 한국문학 연구보다 더 큰 비중을 차지하며, 절반 이상의 연구논문은 한국학 전공자가 아닌, 타 전공자들에 의해 집필되었다. 2010년 이후 베트남의 한국문학 연구는 이전 시기에 비해 양ㆍ질 면에서 큰 성과를 거두었다. 최근 한국학 출신 신진 연구자의 출현으로 한국문학 연구자들의 수가 증가하고 있으며, 연구논문도 주제와 방법론 면에서 다양해지고 있다. 연구영역에서도 구비문학에서 현대문학, 한국시에서 에세이, 문학이론에서 문학교육에 이르기까지 광범위하다. 그러나 두 연구 세대 사이에는 여전히 거리가 남아 있다. 앞으로 베트남에서 한국문학 소개와 연구를 촉진하기 위해 전문 인력을 육성하고 국내외 연구자 간에 네트워크를 구축하며, 더 나아가 한국문학의 위상에 대한 인식을 제고할 필요가 있다.

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