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        이철근 영남대학교 중국연구센터 2016 중국과 중국학 Vol.- No.28

        This paper makes a detailed analyses of the types and function of “V+Guo+O+De+N”, and draws the following conclusions: a. Semantic types of “V+Guo+O+De+N” less than “V+O+De+N”. b. “V+Guo+O+De+N” can serve as subject, object and object of preposition in a sentence, and for different syntactic components, the characteristics of the sentence is also different. c. When “V+Guo+O+De+N” is put in a sentence, “Guo” mainly expresses the pre-time of the relative tense, and its time reference point is usually the time that the event that the predicate verb represents occurred, “Guo” means the event of “VO” occurred and end in front of the event that the predicate verb represents. However, if the predicate of sentence is the relationship verb “Shi”, “You” and other non-action verbs or adjectives, and there are any time tense marks in sentence, the time reference point of “Guo” is the talk time, “Guo” means the event of “VO” occurred and end in front of the talk time. d. In Chinese grammar teaching, we should make an objective description of “V+Guo+O+De+N” and correct the one-sided understanding of the expression on “Guo” to improve Chinese teaching effectiveness and better guide language practice. .본문에서는 “V過O的N”의 偏正短語의 유형과 기능에 대해 상세히 고찰하고 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, “V過O的N”의 語義類型은 “VO的N”보다 아주 적다. 둘째, “V過O 的N”은 주로 주어, 목적어, 개사+목적어 등 문장성분으로 되며 문장성분역할이 달라짐에 따라 나타내는 문법 특징과 언어의 뜻이 달라진다. 셋째, “V過O的N”로 구성되는 구문에서”過 “는 상대적 시제의 前時 기능을하며 그 시간의 참조 점은 일반적으로 謂語動詞에서 나타내는 사건 발생시간 즉 사건시이다. “VO” 사건은 謂語動詞의 사건 발생시간 이전에 발생했으며 그 동작이 이미 완결된 상태다. 만약 구문 중의 술어가 “是”와“沒有”등 비동작성 동사거나 형용사이면 그 문장에는 表時標記가 없으므로 “VO” 사건의 시간 참조 점은 발화시이다. “過”는 “VO” 사건 발화시이전에 발생했으며 동작이 이미 완결되었음을 나타낸다. 넷째, 현대한어문법 교육에서 “V過O的N”에 대한 객관적인 설명과”過 “의 상대적 시제前時 기능에 대한 설명이 제대로 이루어져야 한다고 본다. 이렇게 해야만 “過”에 대한 의미와 그 표현 기능에 대한 편면적인 인식을 바로잡고교육현장에서 올바르게 지도함으로써 교육수준의 제고에 도움이 된다.

      • KCI등재

        "V득(得)A了"구조에 대한 소고(小考)

        정주연,이수진 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.35

        從形式上看, ``V得A了``結構伴隨``了``出現, 這與結果補語結構有些相似, 同時此結構用``得``爲連接使用, 從這種角度上看又與程度補語有些類似。本文對1172個形容詞進行調査分析, 得到了能구進入這種結構的形容詞使用情況、特點以及其所表示的語法意義。其結果如下: 第一, 在1172個形容詞當中, 與``VA了``相比, 能구進入``V得A了``結構的形容詞比率高18.1%。 而從音節上看, 單音節的低55.2%, 雙音節的高32.3%。這種結果表示 "V得A了"結構在形容詞音節數和動態性方面所受的影響不大。能구進入``V得A了``結構的單音形容詞相對少的原因是大部分單音形容詞可以使用``VA了``結構卽可表示變化, 因此考慮語言的經濟性原則, 不必用更複雜的形式表示。第二, 單音節形容詞進入``V得A了``結構後, 可以受到程度副詞和其他成分的修飾, 加强了傳達信息的功能。雙音節形容詞進入``V得A了``結構後, 可以表示變化, 也可以受到程度副詞修飾而加强傳達信息的功能。第三, ``V得A了``所表達的句法意義是動作完成後産生的``變化``, 這種意義具有比較功能。這種功能通過一些句法手段更明顯地呈現出比較意義, 比如表示``指示點``的標記``已經……了``、 ``就……了``或者表示相同比較的標記``也``等。第四, 敎學語法上``흔``, ``非常``, ``十分``等程度副詞不能근``了``同現。而在``V得A了``結構中常現這些程度副詞和``了``一起使用的現象。``V得adA了``所表示的意思是動作完成之後所産生的變化的狀態程度。

      • KCI등재

        V2V 통신을 이용한 상대 차량 상태 추정 알고리즘 개발

        권우진,조아라,이경수 사단법인 한국자동차안전학회 2022 자동차안전학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This paper describes the development of a target vehicle state estimation algorithm using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. Perceiving the state of the target vehicle has great importance for successful autonomous driving and has been studied using various sensors and methods for many years. V2V communication has advantage of not being constrained by surrounding circumstances relative to other sensors. In this paper, we adopt the V2V signal for estimating the target vehicle state. Since applying only the V2V signal is improper by its low frequency and latency, the signal is used as additional measured data to improve the estimation accuracy. We estimate the target vehicle state using Extended Kalman filter (EKF); a point mass model was utilized in process update to predict the state of next step. The process update is followed by measurement update when ego vehicle receives V2V information. The proposed study evaluated state estimation by comparing input V2V information in an experiment where the ego vehicle follows the target vehicle behind it.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘A地V’와 ‘V得A’구문의 인지모형 비교 연구

        채예령(YE RYEONG CHAE) 한국중국문화학회 2024 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.81

        本文考察了"A地V"和"V得A"句子的特点及其认知模型。首先考察了形容词语义功能差异和句法特征,然后从"认知语法"的角度出发,根据"过程与结果"、"描述与评价"、"边界性强弱"、"时间顺序规则"解释了认知模型出现差异的原因。结果如下。 第一,在"A地V"和"V得A"语句中,形容词表示状态或与动作进行并行时,可以自由互换为副词和补语。但也存在无法互换的情况, 如果补语表示对特定动作行为的结果表示判断,就会受到句法的制约。 其次,"A地V"可以对动作过程进行描述,但不能起到评价的作用。相反,"V得A"语句则把焦点放在了对动作引起的事件的主观说明和评价上。可以看出,在强调、描述动作状态或叙述新信息时,主要使用副词句,如果将焦点放在对事件结果的评价或判断上,则使用辅词句。 第三,是"A地V"、"V得A"语句在边界性上也存在差异,前者由于边界化减弱,需要添加能够显示终止的'相'或其他成分才能成立,但后者边界化相对较强,不需要额外的量化概念。 第四,说话者选择句子时,如果关注事件的方式、行为者的态度,则采取"A地V"形式,相反,如果观察者对事件的结果状态或目标、行为的评价,则采取"V得A"形式。 以上, 发生"A地V"、"V得A"语句中的形容词可以互换的情况和不兼容的情况的原因就是受到过程和结果、描述和评价、警戒性强弱等认知方式的影響。 This study examined the characteristics of the phrases A地V and V得A and their cognitive models. The differences in syntactic attributes and semantic functions of adjectives in the phrases were explored, after which the reasons underlying the variations in grammatical meanings and functions were illuminated based on the differences in the cognitive models. More specifically, from the perspective of cognitive grammar, this research clarified how the mind understands processes versus results, how it describes and evaluates things, the strength with which it recognizes boundaries, and how it adheres to the principle of sequencing. The results showed that adjectives are compatible with adverbs and complements when adjectives represent a state in A地V and V得A or parallel the progress of an action. However, there are cases wherein compatibility is impossible, and syntactic restrictions are imposed when a complement expresses a judgment of a specific behavior. The comparison of syntactic characteristics indicated that A地V can describe the process of motion, but it cannot carry out evaluation. Conversely, V得A focuses on the subjective explanation and evaluation of an event caused by motion. In this case, the adverb phrase is used as the main expression when emphasizing or describing the state of motion or describing new content, whereas the complement phrase is the primary expression adopted when evaluating or judging the outcome of an event. Finally, the boundaries of A地V and V得A differ, and syntax is established only when trademarks and other components that suggest termination are incorporated given the weakened boundaries of A地V. The boundaries of V得A are relatively strong, thus eliminating the need for additional quantitative concepts. The compatibility or incompatibility between adjectives in A地V and V得A is influenced by cognitive aspects, such as processes and results, descriptions and evaluations, and boundary strength.

      • KCI등재

        `V득(得)` 결과구문과 사동구문의 상호교체 및 의미 분석에 관한 소고(小考)

        이소임 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.79 No.-

        결과성을 가지는 `V得` 구문 중에서 결과부(구 구조)가 행위·상태변화의 주체를 서술하는 `V得` 결과구문은 그 주체 논항이 `V得` 뒤에 위치하는 `V得`사동구문(`后指`형)과 상호교체가 가능하다는 특징을 가진다. 이에 본고는 인과관계로 결합된 사건이 두 가지 형식의 `V得` 구문으로 표현되는 언어현상에 주목하여, 주체 논항이 `V得` 앞에서 주어로 쓰이는 결과구문과 행위주가 `V得` 뒤에서 목적어로 쓰이는 사동구문의 의미적 특징과 차이를 살펴보았다. 그 중에서 `외부요인`의 개입여부는 이 두 구문을 구분 짓는 결정적 요소로, 이로 인해 `V得`사동구문(`后指`형)은 사건발생이 주체논항의 자주적 의지에서가 아니라 어쩔 수 없이 발생된 것이고(사건발생의 수동성), 그 발생의 책임을 주체 논항 자신에게 두는 것이 아닌 외부요인에게 돌리고 있다(책임전가 및 회피)는 의미적 특징을 갖게 된다. The purpose of this study is to comparatively analyze the differences between two `V-de` construction of `V-de` Resultatives and `V-de` Causatives. It is said that some `V-de` Resultatives can be changed into `V-de` Causatives through the moving of its `acient/experiencer` argument, and simultaneously the active voice into the causative voice. This paper examined the semantic differences between `V-de` Resultatives and `V-de` Causatives, and clarified that `external component` acting as a `causer` is the critical factor in determining `V-de` constructions. There also occurs an semantic changes between two `V-de` constructions of Resultatives and Causatives, with the intervention of `External Causer`: `Passive Occurrence of an Event` and `Passing and Avoiding Responsibility`.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        경어 「おvになる」와 「vれるㆍられる」의 사용실태분석

        안진희(安眞嬉)(Ahn, Jin-He) 일본어문학회 2011 일본어문학 Vol.55 No.-

        「おvになる」敬語は「vれるㆍられる」敬語より尊敬度が高く言われているが、敬語使用も親疎度と密接な関係があるとも言われる。本稿では敬語を使う状況を5つに設定して各々初対面と一定の時間が経ってからの敬語使用を52人の日本人にアンケートをした。この研究の目的は敬語と親疎度の関係を明らかにする以外にも「おvになる」「vれるㆍられる」の2つの形が一緒に使えない単語があって、その範囲の拡張はないのか捕らえることもできる。調べてみると親疎度よりは個人の今後の関係による敬語使用がもっと多く敬語レベルを使っているように思われる。また、「着く,書く」のように、敬語レベルが大体守られている単語群と、「歌う」のように使われる状況に応ずる単語の性格があって尊敬度が高い「おvになる」形が避けられる単語群があると見られる。24個の単語の中、使うにおかしい形で分類されたのは、「おvになる」は14個に反して「vれるㆍられる」は7個だけで、なお、設定した初対面の状況でも「vれるㆍられる」の使用がたくさんあることから、「vれるㆍられる」敬語が幅ひろく使われていることが分かる。初級教材の「ひっこす, やめる, 乗る」のような単語も「おvになる」形が避けられていることから「おvになる」, 「vれるㆍられる」敬語の使用範囲が拡張したり縮小したりしていることが認められる。

      • P-131 Overexpression of V-ATPase B2 prevent bleomycin induced lung injury/fibrosis by attenuate lysosomal membrane permeabilization(LMP) and enhancing collagen degradation

        박성우,김미소,이지민,백애린,이준혁,장안수,김도진,박춘식 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2017 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.124 No.-

        Background: Excessive oxidative stress cause lysosomal membrane permeabilization that lead to cell death.Vacuolar ATPase is the enzyme responsible for pumping H+ into cytosol,that maintain intracellular PH.We had reported that V-ATPaseB2 subunit expression is upregulated in TiO2 nanoparticle exposed alveolar epithelial cells. Aims:We investigated the role of lysosomal V-ATPaseB2 subunit in the H2O2 induced cell death in alveolar epithelial cells and following acute lung injury/fibrosis mouse model. Methods: Transgenic human V-ATPaseB2 mice were treated to bleomycin.Histological examinations, collagen assay, cytokine measurements were performed.Apoptosis, lysosomal functions and collagen uptake/degradation activates were evaluated in the V-ATPaseB2 overexpressing and knock down stable cells. Result: V-ATPaseB2 overexpression cells increased survival of H2O2 induced apoptosis and diminished LMP by oxidative stress. Overexpression of V-ATPaseB2 increased lysosomal activities, increased cellular PH, and lysosomal degradation activity against H2O2. In contrast, silencing of V-ATPaseB2 subunits increased H2O2 induced cell death by increasing LMP. V-atpaseB2 overexpressing macrophage enhanced uptake and degradation of collagen. V-atpaseB2 overexprssing transgenic mice showed significantly inhibit BLM induced increased lung inflammation and fibrosis. Conclusion: V-ATPaseB2 is critical for maintain lysosomal activities against excessive oxidative stress. Our finding revealed a previously unrealized role of V-ATPase subunit in lung injury/fibrosis model. Grant:2016R1E1A1A01943481

      • KCI등재

        스마트 그리드환경에서 전기자동차 양방향 충전기술의 보안과 개인정보 보호에 관한 연구

        이성욱 국제문화기술진흥원 2020 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.6 No.1

        Vehicle-to-Grid(V2G) 기술은 전기자동차의 배터리를 분산발전원 및 에너지 저장장치로의 이용하려는 기술 로 스마트그리드의 주요한 한 부분을 차지하고 있다. V2G 네트워크는 양방향의 통신망을 사용함으로 피할 수 없는 보안 취약점과 개인정보보호의 문제를 가지고 있다. 본고에서는 V2G 시스템의 구조, 사용되는 개인정보, 보안취약점 및 보안 요구사항에 대해 자세히 알아보고 분석한다. 그리고 V2G 시스템의 특성을 고려하여 효율적인 V2G 시스템 의 구조와 운용방안을 제안한다. 제안하는 방식은 대칭키 암호와 해쉬 알고리즘을 이용하여 개인정보의 유출을 방지 하고 양방향 인증을 수행하며 개인정보 유출의 위험성을 최소화 한다. With help of Vehicle-to-Grid(V2G) technology battery in electric vehicle can be used as distributed energy resource and energy storage in a smart grid environment. Several problems of security vulnerability and privacy preservation can be occurred because V2G network supports 2 way communication among all components. This paper explains and makes analysis of architecture , privacy sensitive data, security vulnerability and security requirement of V2G system. Furthermore efficient architecture and operating scheme for V2G system are proposed. This scheme uses symmetric cryptosystem and hash algorithm to support privacy preservation and mutual authentication.

      • Novel adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation for removal of gaseous toluene by V-doped TiO<sub>2</sub>/PU under visible light

        Pham, Thanh-Dong,Lee, Byeong-Kyu Elsevier 2015 Journal of hazardous materials Vol.300 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In this study, V was used as a dopant to defect into the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> lattice, leading to formation of Ti<SUP>3+</SUP> and V<SUP>4+</SUP> in the lattice. The presence of Ti<SUP>3+</SUP> and V<SUP>4+</SUP> introduced into the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> lattice increased the electron–hole pair generation capacity and electron–hole pair separation efficiency of the TiO<SUB>2</SUB>, leading to enhancement of the photocatalytic activity of the photocatalyst. Porous polyurethane (PU) was used to immobilize the V-doped TiO<SUB>2</SUB> by creating chemical bonds. The use of porous substrate contributed to the increased adsorption ability of the enhanced photocatalyst, as well as expanded its application for the removal of toluene from aerosols. Under dark conditions, the V-TiO<SUB>2</SUB>/PU only exhibited adsorption ability for toluene treatment in aerosol. Under visible light conditions, the V-TiO<SUB>2</SUB>/PU exhibited high photocatalytic oxidation ability for the removal of toluene in aerosol. The photocatalytic oxidation ability was found to depend on the V to TiO<SUB>2</SUB> ratio. The optimal V content in V/TiO<SUB>2</SUB> for enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO<SUB>2</SUB> was determined to be 6wt%. Even under visible light irradiation, the 6% V-TiO<SUB>2</SUB>/PU sample could photocatalytically remove 80% of the toluene in 200-ppmV inlet gas, while 89.3% of the removed amount was mineralized into CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> V doping was used to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO<SUB>2</SUB> photocatalyst. </LI> <LI> The enhanced TiO<SUB>2</SUB> was fixed on porous polyurethane (PU) by chemical bonds. </LI> <LI> The PU was used as a substrate to increase the adsorption ability of the photocatalyst. </LI> <LI> V-TiO<SUB>2</SUB>/PU adsorbed and photocatalytically oxidized toluene gas under visible light. </LI> <LI> The V/TiO<SUB>2</SUB> ratio of 6wt% was optimal for enhancing the photocatalytic activity. </LI> </UL> </P>

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