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        淸代 錦屛縣 加池寨의 經濟的 有力層과 少數民族 社會 ― 『淸水江文書』의 加池寨 斷賣 文書를 중심으로 ―(2)

        정철웅 명청사학회 2020 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.54

        The existence of the Documents of the Qingshui River must have brought new attention to the minority community in the province. The study is aimed at examining the behavior of influential people following the first paper that unearthed influential people based on Jiachi village single-sale documents in the Documents of the Qingshui River. Thus, unlike the first paper, which intensively analyzed single-sale documents among the documents related to Jiachi village, the 1-2-5 series documents, which record only the contents of conflicts, lawsuits and crimes between individuals, was used as the main materials here. The social aspect of Jinping district, which appears in 1-2-5 series documents, was clearly a society where extreme conflict and competition existed, and it was clear that influential people were engaged in mudslinging for their own interests, and the main contents of this paper were as follows. First, we can first confirm that there were serious social crimes, such as murder and rape, as well as crimes such as theft and default on repayment of debts, which were no different from any other Han Chinese society. However, due to the nature of the Jiachi village society, which focuses on forestry, among these various crimes, the most notable were the so-called ‘yuejieqiangkan(越界强砍, cut down a tree by invading the border)’ acts, and most of the lawsuits between individuals, which account for about 80 percent of 132 documents affiliated with 1-2-5, were due to the acts mentioned just above. Second, this illegal lumber barber was more than just an antagonism between individuals, and lawsuits and conflicts developed among the villages. However, it is noteworthy that the main driver of the illegal logging was the gentlemen of Jiachi village, and the participants were the influential figures who had fallen economically in the Jiachi village. For example, documents from 1-2-5 affiliates show that Wang Zhihao(王治浩), originally belonged to a poor class but had been at odds with Jiang Zuoxing(姜佐興) since joining the ranks of the gentlemen, and that once rich Jiang Chaoying(姜朝英) and Jiang Chaobi(姜朝弼) sold almost all of their assets to Jiang Zuoxing. The stories of these characters provide important clues that society has undergone many changes between Daoguang and Xianfeng periods, while social mobility has been quite frequent. Third, illegal practices involving various crimes and timber have been frequent, but on the other hand, it is also confirmed that the powerful have devoted themselves to protecting their forestry, which is the basis of their economic activities. The specific aspects are well illustrated in the measures to prevent the bandits, which have occurred frequently since the Daoguang period. It is the fact that in the joint efforts of the influential people to prevent bandits, forestry must be protected uniformly in addition to routine measures such as cooperation for blocking bandits and blocking entry of suspicious individuals. This clearly means that the most basic purpose of defending against outside invasive forces, such as bandits, was to protect forestry, which is the basis of society, beyond simply maintaining local security. In this regard, it is also very significant that not only fines were imposed on those who violate forestry protection, but also that the fact of the crime was widely publicized to the community. Finally, most of the characters in the 1-2-5 series are obviously members of the Jiang clan, but it is also meaningful to note that they are descendants of Jiang Fuchen(姜輔臣), who are different from the Jiang clan of the Siheyuan(四合院), which was mentioned in the previous article. The reason for this is that the documents are tracking individual figures appearing in Documents of the Qingshui River, breaking away from case-by-case studies such as sale of the forestry fields, the peculiar customs of minority society, occurrence and settlement of disp...

      • KCI등재

        淸代 貴州省 錦屛縣의 少數民族社會와 栽手 ― 淸水江文書의 林業租佃契約을 중심으로 ―

        이승수 명청사학회 2018 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.49

        중국 貴州省 동남부 錦屛縣에서 발견된 淸水江文書는 이 지역의 소수민족을 연구할 수 있는 중요한 사료이다. 청수강문서의 林業租佃契約에 등장하는 임업 소작인 栽手는 금병현의 산악지대에서 杉木을 造林했던 사람들이다. 재수에 관한 연구는 대체로 임업조전계약 또는 청수강유역의 林農學을 연구하는 과정에서 이루어졌다. 하지만 청대 금병현의 少數民族社會 속에서 재수에 중점을 둔 연구는 국내외에서 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 이에 본 논문은 청수강문서를 통해 淸代 금병현에서 산지를 조림하던 재수들의 생활상과 그들의 사회적 지위를 살펴보고자 한다. 금병현의 기후는 온화하며, 강수량이 많고 청수강이 흘러 수량이 풍부한 산악지대이다. 옹정연간 개토귀류 이후 금병현에 하도가 개통되면서 목상들이 금병현으로 몰려들었고, 그 결과 청 중기 금병현은 번영을 구가하게 되었다. 이 과정에서 금병현의 소수민족사회는 목재수요를 지탱하고자 삼목을 인공조림하기 시작했다. 이러한 인공조림은 명말부터 시작되어 청 중기에 본격화된 것으로 보인다. 또한 소수민족사회가 번영하면서 외지의 인구가 금병현으로 유입되기 시작했는데, 이들 가운데 일부가 재수로 활동한 것으로 보인다. 재수는 산주와 임업조전계약을 맺어 삼목을 成林단계까지 길러내고 이를 달성하면 일정량의 삼목을 얻을 수 있었다. 때문에 임업조전계약은 삼목이 成林하기 이전의 佃契와 成林한 이후의 分合同으로 나뉜다. 재수는 삼목이 성림하기 이전에 佃契를 맺어 생계를 유지할 곡식을 확보하고, 성림 이후에는 分合同을 체결하여 제 몫의 삼목을 확보하고자 했다. 이 과정에서 재수들은 자신의 토지가 저당잡히는 것을 감수하면서 조림활동에 종사했으며 거리가 멀어 山主가 직접 삼목을 조림할 수 없는 곳에 이르기까지 산지를 조림하기도 했다. 그러나 산주가 계약을 통해 재수의 생활을 규제했으며, 違約時 재수에게 실질적인 조치를 가했다는 점에서 산주의 지위가 재수보다 높았다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 재수들이 산악지역 곳곳을 개간하여 부지런히 생활했음에도 그들 자신은 생계를 유지하기 어려웠던 것으로 보인다. 우선 금병현 소수민족사회로 진입한 재수들은 임업의 장기적인 구조를 극복해야 했다. 재수는 임업조전계약을 통한 조림활동도 중요했지만, 나무가 자라는 시간 동안 생계유지를 위해 곡물을 생산해야 했다. 때문에 林糧間作이 필수적이었다. 그런데 나무가 자라면 곡물을 기를 수 없기 때문에 생계를 유지할 수 없었다. 결국 재수는 주기적으로 成林한 나무를 처분하고 다른 지역으로 이동할 수밖에 없었다. 또한 시간이 흐를수록 산주와 재수의 分成비율조차 1 : 1에서 3 : 2로 변화하고 있었다. 이러한 상황에서 식량이 부족한 재수는 어쩔 수 없이 다 자라지 못한 나무를 팔아 식량을 얻기도 했다. 게다가, 금병현 소수민족사회의 宗族化 과정에서 대부분의 재수들은 불평등한 처우를 받았던 것으로 보인다. 우선 문두채와 평오채에 속한 姜氏 이외의 성씨를 가진 과반의 재수들은 姜氏인 재수들에 비해 불리한 分成비율을 감수해야 했다. 뿐만 아니라 재수들 가운데 대다수는 산주로 성장하지 못했던 것으로 보인다. 심지어 산주로 성장한 재수들은 모두 姜氏이다. 즉, 다수의 재수는 임업의 긴 주기뿐 아니라 소수민족사회의 종족화라는 장벽에 부딪힌 것이다. 요컨대, 재수는 청 중기 ... The Qingshuijiang Documents, discovered in Jinping County of the southeast Guizhou Province, are important records for studying the ethnic minorities of this region. The planters of forestry, the tenants for forestry who appear in the forestry tenancy contract of the Qingshuijiang Documents, afforested mountain areas to plant the China-fir trees in Jinping County. Researches on the planters of forestry have mostly been conducted in the process of researching the forestry tenancy contract or the agrisilviculture in the Qingshuijiang River basin. However, studies have hardly ever been conducted on the planters of forestry in the minorities society of Jinping County in the Qing period either in the domestic or foreign field. Thus, this study examines the life and the social status of the planters of forestry who afforested mountain areas in Jinping County in the Qing period. Jinping County, located in the southeast Guizhou Province, has a moderate climate and a high precipitation. Also, the county has plenty of water because Qingshuijiang River flows through the area and it is abundant in forest resources such as China-fir trees. Timber merchants flocked to Jinping County due to the dredge of the stream of Qingshuijiang River in Yongzheng years(1722-1735). In this process, the minorities society of Jinping County began to reforested the mountains to support the demand for wood. This artificial reforestation seems to have been started in the late Ming period and boosted in the middle of the Qing period. Jinping County in the Qing period enjoyed prosperity, strangers began to inflow, some of them seem to have acted as the planters of forestry. The planters of forestry signed a contract with the forest owners, grow trees up to Chenglin(a term of the contract which means the time when China-fir trees become about 5 years old), When this was achieved, they could get a certain amount of China-fir. Because of, the planters of forestry tried to secure food by making a contract called Dianqi(tenancy contract). After Chenglin, they tried to secure their share for China-fir by making the Split Contract. They engaged in afforestation risking mortgaging the lands. They even afforested the faraway mountain areas where the forest owners couldn’t afforest by themselves. In any case the forest owners had a higher status than the planters, judging from the fact that the forest owners controlled the planters life and took a practical action against them if the contract was broken. Next, I looked at why planters of forestry diligently cultivated mountainous areas, but that they had no choice but to make a living. The planters of forestry who became members of the minorities society in Jinping County had to face the long cycle of forestry. Afforestation through making the forestry tenancy contract was an important thing for them, but they needed to produce cereals for livelihood during the growth of the trees. Once the trees had grown, however, the land couldn’t be arable. So it was impossible for them to maintain their livelihood. They eventually had to make the periodic move to other regions after selling timbers that reached Chenglin. In addition, the ratio of division of profits changed from 1:1 to 3:2 as time went by. In this condition the planters, who experienced lack of food, were compelled to sell timbers to secure food. Furthermore, most of the planters seems to have been treated unfairly in the process clan-organized(宗族化) of minorities society in Jinping County. The majority of the planters in Wendou Village and Pingao Village, who didn’t have the surname of Jiang(姜), had to submit to lower ratio of division of profits than Jiang family planters. Also, It seems that most of the planters failed to become forest owner. Only a few planters whose surname were Jiang rose to forest owner. In other words, the planters of forestry had to face not only the long cycle of forestry but also clan-organized minorities society. To ...

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