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      • 家庭资本与学历层次如何对个人就业产生影响

        唐雪(Xu Tang),黄蓉(Rong Huang),张琪仁(Qiren Zhang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.2

        家庭资本与学历层次都是影响个人就业的两个重要因素。本研究采用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2017 的调查数据,利用 SPSS26.0 作为主要研究工具,探索以客观因素为代表和家庭资本和以主观因素为代表的学历层次对个体就业产生的影响,以及,家庭资本与学历层次之间是否也存在相关,从而叠加影响个人就业。研究发现,家庭资本和学历层次都对个人就业有显著的正向影响,家庭资本与学历层次之间也呈正相关。家庭资本、学历层次和个人就业两两之间均具有紧密联系。个人可以利用家庭资本的优势,或通过自身努力获得更高学历以弥补家庭资本的劣势,从而获得更好的就业机会。 Both family capital and education level are important factors that affect individuals’ employment. This study used survey data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) 2017 and conducted descriptive, correlation, and regression analyses on the data using SPSS 26.0 as the main research tool. It was found that both family capital and education level had a significant positive effect on individual employment, and there was also a positive correlation between family capital and education level. There is a strong connection between both family capital, education level and individual employment. Individuals can make use of the advantage of family capital or make up for the disadvantage of family capital by acquiring higher education through their own efforts, so as to obtain better employment opportunities.

      • 江西书院文化负载词英译研究——以鹅湖书院为例

        余颖华(Yinghua Yu),周蕗(Lu Zhou) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.3

        本研究以江西的鹅湖书院为例,探讨了书院文化负载词的英译问题。书院作为中国传统文化的重要载体,蕴含了丰富的历史、哲学、教育和地方特色等元素,这些元素在英译过程中往往面临诸多挑战。首先对书院文化负载词进行了分类并结合翻译理论和实践探讨了文化负载词的翻译策略,包括直译、 意译、释义等方法,旨在保持原文文化内涵的同时,确保译文的准确性和可读性。 This study takes Goose Lake Academy in Jiangxi Province as an example to explore the English translation of culture-loaded words in the academy. As an important carrier of Chinese traditional culture, academies contain rich elements of history, philosophy, education and local characteristics, which often face many challenges in the process of English translation. Combining translation theory and practice, this study explores the translation strategies of culture-loaded words, including literal translation, free translation, paraphrased and other methods, in order to maintain the cultural connotation of the original text and ensure the accuracy and readability of the translation.

      • 群像特征、潜存风险与价值引领: 2023 年度热词背后的青年社会心态研究

        李白(Bai Li),张静敏(Jingmin Zhang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.3

        年度热词具有总结和预测作用,是考察青年社会心态的重要维度。2023 年度热词反映出当代青年普遍关注国家社会发展大势与科技前沿动态,他们的数字和科技素养普遍提升;拥有热爱生活和积极向上的乐观心态;具备一定的自我调节能力。同时,青年群体在后疫情时代显现的新型消费理念传达出正向心态变化。但是,部分负面热词也暴露了青年的社会心态偏差,他们对当下现状表示无力和焦虑、 存在社交孤闭和社交标签化的困境、受到了盲从心理的侵扰、部分负面热词的使用暴露出不良宣泄倾向等。规范热词使用、推广正面典型、直触现实问题,对于加强青年价值引领、纠正青年社会心态偏差、 构建青年正向社会心态具有重要意义。 Annual hot words have a summarizing and predictive role, and are an important dimension for examining the social mentality of young people. The hot words of 2023 reflect that contemporary youth are generally concerned about the national social development trend and cutting-edge technological trends, and their digital and technological literacy has generally improved; Having a love for life and a positive and optimistic attitude; Having a certain level of self-regulation ability. At the same time, the new consumption concepts that have emerged among young people in the post pandemic era convey positive psychological changes. However, some negative hot words also expose the social mentality bias of young people, who express powerlessness and anxiety towards the current situation, face difficulties in social isolation and labeling, are disturbed by blind obedience psychology, and the use of some negative hot words exposes negative venting tendencies. Standardizing the use of hot words, promoting positive examples, and directly addressing real-life issues are of great significance for strengthening the guidance of youth values, correcting deviations in youth social attitudes, and building positive social attitudes among young people.

      • 中国式现代化视域下中国共产党青年工作的历史演进、核心要义及其现实启示

        庄晓鹏(Zhuang Xiaopeng) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.3

        国家的希望在青年。中国共产党始终将青年视为实现国家富强、民族繁荣和推动国家现代化发展的中坚力量。历经百年探索,党的青年工作目标从培育思想进步的“新青年”、培育社会主义建设“三好”学生、培育社会主义“四有”青年、实现“五个成为”、培育“四个新一代”到培育“有理想、 敢担当、能吃苦、肯奋斗”的新时代好青年,党的青年工作在实践中不断调整与发展。其中党的青年工作始终都坚持以理想信念为指引,工作结合时代要求不断传承创新,致力于实现青年全面发展的宏伟目标。党的青年工作百年经验为新时代开展青年培育工作实践以重要启示,即要强化科学理论武装,筑牢青年理想信念;担当民族复兴大任,引领青年赓续时代使命;实现青年全面发展,助力青年锻炼卓越本领。 The hope of the nation lies in the youth. The Communist Party of China has always regarded young people as the backbone of a strong and prosperous country. After a hundred years of exploration, the goals of the Party’s youth cultivation are from cultivating ideological progress of “new youth”, cultivating socialist construction “three good” students, cultivating socialist “four good” youth, realizing “five become”, cultivating “four new generation” to cultivating “ideal, dare to take responsibility, able to bear hardships, willing to struggle” good young people in the new era. The Party’s youth cultivation thoughts are constantly developing in the adjustment. Among them, the Party always adheres to the guidance of ideals and beliefs in the cultivation of young people, the cultivation of ideas combined with the requirements of The Times, and is committed to realizing the grand goal of all-round development of young people. The century-old experience of the Party’s youth training provides an important inspiration for the practice of youth training in the new era, that is, in the new era, we should strengthen the armed force of scientific theory, build up the youth and firm their ideals and beliefs; To undertake the great mission of national rejuvenation and lead the youth to continue the mission of The Times; We will achieve all-round development of young people and help them develop their outstanding skills.

      • Realism Reimagined: Navigating Socialist Realism from Marx to the Digital Era

        张哲蓄(Zhexu Zhang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 International journal of Marxism studies Vol.1 No.1

        本文全面审视社会主义现实主义的关键逻辑节点和发展里程碑,深入阐述其本质,揭示其中固有的问题,并对导致这些挑战的因果因素进行细致分析。随后,本文探讨在文化数字化和人工智能迅猛发展的新时代下,社会主义现实主义在引领美学方面所蕴含的巨大潜力。在此基础上,本文提出应重新审视社会主义现实主义的作用,突出强调其在人工智能时代塑造文化叙事方面的科学引导意义。 This article comprehensively examines the pivotal logical junctures and developmental milestones of Socialist Realism, offering an in-depth elucidation of its essence, identification of inherent issues, and a nuanced analysis of the causal factors contributing to these challenges. Subsequently, the study endeavours to explore the often-overlooked potential of Socialist Realism within the contemporary landscape characterized by cultural digitization and rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. In this context, the article proposes a revaluation of Socialist Realism, highlighting its potential resurgence and novel guiding significance in shaping cultural narratives in the era of artificial intelligence.

      • 新时代中国共产党文化叙事的三重维度

        杜雅君(Yajun Du) YIXIN 출판사 2024 International journal of Marxism studies Vol.1 No.1

        进入新时代,中国共产党持续推进文化传承发展,形成了多维度的文化叙事图景。从激活传统维度看,重在以创造性转化和创新性发展激活中华优秀传统文化的时代价值;从立足现在维度看,重在以“两个结合”持续推进马克思主义中国化理论;从面向未来维度看,指向实现中华民族伟大复兴和促进人类持久和平共同繁荣的美好愿景,呈现为从铸牢中华民族共同体的民族性叙事向构建人类命运共同体的世界性叙事的升华。厘清新时代中国共产党文化叙事的三条叙述脉络,对于讲好中国共产党故事、提升百年大党的叙事能力具有重要意义。 Entering the new era, the Communist Party of China has continued to promote the development of cultural inheritance and development, forming a multi-dimensional the picture of cultural narratives. From the perspective of activating tradition, it focuses on activating the contemporary value of excellent traditional Chinese culture through creative transformation and innovative development; from the perspective of basing itself on the present, it focuses on continuing to promote the theory of the sinonization of Marxism with “two combinations”; and from the perspective of facing the future, it points to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the promotion of lasting peace and common prosperity for mankind, presenting a beautiful vision from forging a national narrative of the Chinese national community to building a global community of human destiny. From the future-oriented dimension, it points to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the promotion of the common prosperity and lasting peace of mankind, which is a sublimation from the national narrative of forging the community of the Chinese nation to the global narrative of building a community of human destiny. Clarifying the three veins of the cultural narrative of the Communist Party of China in the new era is of great significance to telling the story of the Communist Party of China well and improving the narrative ability of the centennial party.

      • 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想世界观和方法论的形成逻辑、科学内涵与实践要求探析

        陈云(Yun Chen),王刚武(Gangwu Wang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 International journal of Marxism studies Vol.1 No.1

        世界观和方法论是哲学命题,“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想世界观和方法论”这一命题的提出标志着中国共产党人在哲学上的深度思考,这无疑是马克思主义中国化和中华优秀传统文化时代化的最新理论探索,更是使中国更加中国化的鲜明理论特色,为推进中国化时代化的理论创新提出了“两个结合”“六个必须坚持”等方法路径与实现原则。本文试图探究习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想世界观和方法论的形成逻辑,把握其科学内涵,深刻领会理论创新的原则路径,以期自觉运用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论指导实践。 Worldview and methodology are philosophical propositions. The proposition of “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Worldview and Methodology” marks the in-depth philosophical thinking of the Chinese Communists. This is undoubtedly the sinicization of Marxism and the excellent Chinese tradition. The latest theoretical exploration of cultural modernization is a distinctive theoretical feature that makes China more Chinese. It proposes methods and implementation principles such as “two combinations” and “six musts” to promote the theoretical innovation of Chinese modernization. This article attempts to explore the formation logic of the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, grasp its scientific connotation, and deeply understand the principal path of theoretical innovation, in order to consciously use the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to guide practice.

      • 中国式现代化背景下加强社会工作者学习习近平文化思想的思考

        成群鹏(Qunpeng Cheng) YIXIN 출판사 2024 International journal of Marxism studies Vol.1 No.1

        习近平文化思想是对马克思主义文化观的继承和升华,彰显了中国文化走向世界的自信心,体现了中国特色社会主义文化建设的使命担当。文章论述了习近平文化思想对于中国社会工作事业的意义、功能及启示,分析了当前推进社会工作者文化教育面临的挑战以及习近平文化思想的应对启示,在探讨社会工作者学习习近平文化思想必要性的基础上,提出社会工作者学习实践习近平文化思想的具体路径。 Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is the inheritance and sublimation of Marxist cultural views, showcasing the confidence of Chinese culture in going global and reflecting the mission and responsibility of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics. The article discusses the significance, function, and inspiration of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture for social work, analyzes Xi Jinping Thought on Culture faced by promoting cultural education for social workers, and provides insights for cultural thought response. Based on the analysis of the necessity for social workers to learn Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, the article aims to enhance the specific path for social workers to learn and practice Xi Jinping Thought on Culture.

      • 世界历史理论视域下《马克思恩格斯论中国》对新时代建设“人类命运共同体”的启示

        李婧雅(Jingya Li),王志中(Zhizhong Wang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.3

        《马克思恩格斯论中国》阐释了近现代世界历史的形成,并探讨了近现代中国在国际视野中的发展路径,其论述中体现出的世界历史理论为我们提供了阐述新时代构建“人类命运共同体”在唯物史观下根本遵循和理论视角。本文首先分析了马克思恩格斯的世界历史理论形成的学理逻辑,然后阐述了中国特色社会主义新时代下构建“人类命运共同体”的理论基础和可行性实践探索,认为“人类命运共同体”是运用世界历史理论对以往国际政治经济秩序中资本主义逻辑的严肃批判和对“全人类共同价值”的目标升华,是对马克思主义唯物史观和“共同体”概念的继承和创新性发展。《马克思恩格斯论中国》对构建当代“人类命运共同体”有重要的启示和借鉴意义。 Abstract: Makesi Engesi Lun Zhongguo explains the formation of modern world history and explores the development path of modern China from an international perspective. The world historical theory reflected in its discussion provides us with Basically theoretical perspective under historical materialism to elaborate on the construction of the “community with a shared future for mankind” in the new era. This article first analyzes the academic logic of the formation of Marx and Engels’ world history theory, and then elaborates on the theoretical basis and practical exploration of building the “community with a shared future for mankind” under the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It believes that the “community with a shared future for mankind” is the application of world history theory. The theory’s serious criticism of the capitalist logic in the past international political and economic order and the sublimation of the goal of “common values for all mankind” are the inheritance and innovative development of Marxist historical materialism and the concept of “community”. Makesi Engesi Lun Zhongguo has important enlightenment and reference significance for building the contemporary “community with a shared future for mankind”.

      • 银发一族智慧社区养老服务参与意愿影响因素研究

        李超阳(Chaoyang Li),牛凯宁(Kaining Niu),任玉璐(Yulu Ren),梁洁(Jie Liang),曹露浩(Luhao Cao) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of China Studies Vol.2 No.3

        随着全球人口老龄化速度日益加快,解决养老问题成为一大难题,基于大数据及互联网技术的智慧社区养老服务应运而生。为进一步探析老年人对于智慧社区养老服务参与意愿的影响因素,首先通过从智慧社区养老和参与意愿两个方面梳理相关文献研究,为本文提供理论依据;其次,为实现研究的典型性,以潍坊市作为研究试验点,通过发放问卷的方式收集关于老年人智慧社区养老服务参与意愿的调研并采用单因素分析进行因素筛查,将筛查后的结果通过二元logistic 回归方法进行分析;再次,得出结果主要从三个方面分析,个体因素中年龄、户口类型、职业;家庭内部因素中居住状况、家人是否支持您参加社区养老以及外部因素中邻里关系、暴露隐私是老年人对智慧社区养老的参与意愿的影响因素;最后,通过讨论发现现存问题所在并提出通过提供以需求为导向的智慧社区养老服务、更新养老观念、营造良好外部环境等举措来提高老年人智慧社区养老参与意愿。 With the accelerating global aging population, solving eldercare issues has become a significant challenge, and smart community elderly care services based on big data and internet technology have emerged as a response. To further analyze the factors influencing the elderly’s willingness to participate in smart community elderly care services, this study first reviews relevant literature from the perspectives of smart community elderly care and willingness to participate, providing a theoretical basis for this paper. Next, to ensure the typicality of the research, Weifang City is selected as the study’s experimental site. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data on the elderly’s willingness to participate in smart community elderly care services, and univariate analysis was conducted for factor screening. The screened results were then analyzed using binary logistic regression. The results are mainly analyzed from three aspects: individual factors such as age, type of household registration, and occupation; family internal factors such as living situation, family support for participating in community elderly care, and external factors such as neighborhood relationships and exposure to privacy. These factors influence the elderly’s willingness to participate in smart community elderly care. Finally, through discussion, the study identifies existing problems and proposes measures to improve the elderly’s willingness to participate in smart community elderly care, such as providing demand-oriented services, updating elderly care concepts, and creating a favorable external environment.

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