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      • KCI등재

        Moderating Effect of Lifestyle on Consumer Behavior of Loungewear with Korean Traditional Fashion Design Elements

        Ko, Eun-Ju,Lee, Jee-Hyun,Kim, Angella Ji-Young,Burns, Leslie Davis Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        Due to the globalization across various industries and cultural trade among many countries, oriental concepts have been attracting world’s attentions. In fashion industry, one's traditional culture is often developed as fashion theme for designers' creation and became strong strategies to stand out among competitors. Because of the increase of preferences for oriental images, opportunities abound to introduce traditional fashion goods and expand culture based business to global fashion markets. However, global fashion brands that include Korean traditional culture are yet to be developed. In order to develop a global fashion brand with Korean taste, it is very important for native citizen to accept their own culture in domestic apparel market prior to expansion into foreign market. Loungewear is evaluated to be appropriate for adopting Korean traditional details into clothing since this wardrobe category embraces various purposes which will easily lead to natural adaptation and wide spread use. Also, this market is seeing an increased demand for multipurpose wardrobes and fashionable underwear (Park et al. 2009). Despite rapid growth in the loungewear market, specific studies of loungewear is rare; and among research on developing modernized-traditional clothing, fashion items and brands do not always include the loungewear category. Therefore, this study investigated the Korean loungewear market and studied consumer evaluation toward loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Relationship among antecedents of purchase intention for Korean traditional fashion design elements were analyzed and compared between lifestyle groups for consumer targeting purposes. Product quality, retail service quality, perceived value, and preference on loungewear with Korean traditional design elements were chosen as antecedents of purchase intention and a structural equation model was designed to examine their relationship as well as their influence on purchase intention. Product quality and retail service quality among marketing mixes were employed as factors affecting preference and perceived value of loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Also effects of preference and perceived value on purchase intention were examined through the same model. A total of 357 self-administered questionnaires were completed by female consumers via web survey system. A questionnaire was developed to measure samples' lifestyle, product and retail service quality as purchasing criteria, perceived value, preference and purchase intention of loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Also, loungewear purchasing and usage behavior were asked as well in order to examine Korean loungewear market status. Data was analyzed through descriptive analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and structural equation model was tested via AMOS 7.0. As for the result of Korean loungewear market status investigation, loungewear was purchased by most of the consumers in our sample. Loungewear is currently recognized as clothes that are worn at home and consumers are showing comparably low involvement toward loungewear. Most of consumers in this study purchase loungewear only two to three times a year and they spend less than US$10. A total of 12 items and four factors of loungewear consumer lifestyle were found: traditional value oriented lifestyle, brand-affected lifestyle, pursuit of leisure lifestyle, and health oriented lifestyle. Drawing on lifestyle factors, loungewear consumers were classified into two groups; Well-being and Conservative. Relationships among constructs of purchasing behavior related to loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements were estimated. Preference and perceived value of loungewear were affected by both product quality and retail service quality. This study proved that high qualities in product and retail service develop positive preference toward loungewear. Perceived value 由于生?的全球化以及?家之?的文化交流, ?方元素越?越吸引世界的眼球. 在??界, 一??????的文化背景往往可以催生新?的??理念, 使他卓?不群. 人??于?方元素的喜?, ?????市???了巨大的商机, ?且把基于文化的??拓展到全球??市?. 然而, 包含????文化的??品牌?有待??. ?了?展有??特色的??品牌, ??人首先要在??服?市?上?同本?文化, 然后才能???外市?. 便服非常适合采???元素, 因???衣服有?多用途, ?容易被?泛接受和使用. 而且, 多用途便服和???衣的市?需求越?越大. ?管便服市?在快速?展, 但是?便服的???究?不多?, 目前在??展中的?代化??服?、???品和品牌的?究中, ?不包括?便服的?究. 因此, 本?文??了??的便服市?, ?究了消?者?含有????????特色的便服的?价. 分析了?于????????元素有??意向的先例之?的?系, ?且比?了不同生活群?的消?目?. ?品?量, 零?服??量, 感受价?以及??有??????元素的便服的喜好被作???意向的先??件. 同?, 本文??了一???方程模型, 用于探???之?的?系以及?????意?的影?. ?品?量和市???中的零?服??量?合在一起, 成?影?人????特色便服的偏好和价?感知的因素. 而且, 偏好和价?感知???意向的影?可以用同一模型???. 通??上??系?由女性消?者完成了一共357?的自?式?卷, ?制定了一????本人群的生活方式、?于?品和??服?的?准、?于??特色便服的价?感知、偏好以及??意向的???卷. 此外, ?卷????便服的采?和使用行?, 以便????便服的市?地位. ?且使用描述性分析, 因素分析, 聚?分析?分析?据, 以及使用AMOS 7.0.??行方差分析和建立??方程模型. ?于??便服市?地位的???果?示, 在我?的?本人群中大多?消?者都??了便服. 便服在目前被??是在家里穿的衣服, 是消?者比?而言投入?低的衣服. 在??中?示, 大多?消?者每年????2到3次便服, 花?在10美元以下. ??便服的消?者?的生活方式共有四?: ??价??向的生活方式, 品牌影?的生活方式, 追求休?的生活方式以及健康?向的生活方式, ?四?共?有12??目. 基于?些生活方式要素, 便服消?者?又可以分???: 安?派和保守派. 文章?量了?含有????????元素的便服的??行?各?成部分之?的?系, ?品?量和零?服??量都?影?到??便服的偏好和价?感知. ???究???明, 高?量的?品和零?服???便服形成??的?先效?. 价?感知和?便服的偏好????意??生??的影?. ???果表明, ?便服所含有的????????因素的强烈偏好和价?感知能增强??意?. 在??不同生活方式的群?(?安?派和保守派)的模型比?中, ?果?示?品?量和零?服??量?安?派群?的偏好和感知价?都有??影?. 然而, ?保守派??, 只有零?服??量?偏好和??意?有??的影?. 由于安?派???意??示出更重大的影?, 包含????????因素的便服品牌???注安?派的?些特征. 然而, 保守派?包含????????因素的便服在偏好和??意?的?系中?得更强. 因此?包含????????因素的便服品牌??, ???把重点放在如何激?保守群?消?者?便服的??偏?上. ?些

      • KCI등재

        Marketing Standardization and Firm Performance in International E.Commerce

        Fritz, Wolfgang,Dees, Heiko Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        The standardization of marketing has been one of the most focused research topics in international marketing. The term "global marketing" was often used to mean an internationally standardized marketing strategy based on similarities between foreign markets. Marketing standardization was discussed only within the context of traditional physical marketplaces. Since then, the digital "marketspace" of the Internet had emerged in the 90's, and it became one of the most important drivers of the globalization process opening new opportunities for the standardization of global marketing activities. On the other hand, the opinion that a greater adoption of the Internet by customers may lead to a higher degree of customization and differentiation of products rather than standardization is also quite popular. Considering this disagreement, it is notable that comprehensive studies which focus upon the marketing standardization especially in the context of global e-commerce are missing to a high degree. On this background, the two basic research questions being addressed in this study are: (1) To what extent do companies standardize their marketing in international e-commerce? (2) Is there an impact of marketing standardization on the performance (or success) of these companies? Following research hypotheses were generated based upon literature review: H 1: Internationally engaged e-commerce firms show a growing readiness for marketing standardization. H 2: Marketing standardization exerts positive effects on the success of companies in international e-commerce. H 3: In international e-commerce, marketing mix standardization exerts a stronger positive effect on the economic as well as the non-economic success of companies than marketing process standardization. H 4: The higher the non-economic success in international e-commerce firms, the higher the economic success. The data for this research were obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted from February to April 2005. The international e-commerce companies of various industries in Germany and all subsidiaries or headquarters of foreign e-commerce companies based in Germany were included in the survey. 118 out of 801 companies responded to the questionnaire. For structural equation modelling (SEM), the Partial-Least. Squares (PLS) approach in the version PLS-Graph 3.0 was applied (Chin 1998a; 2001). All of four research hypotheses were supported by result of data analysis. The results show that companies engaged in international e-commerce standardize in particular brand name, web page design, product positioning, and the product program to a high degree. The companies intend to intensify their efforts for marketing mix standardization in the future. In addition they want to standardize their marketing processes also to a higher degree, especially within the range of information systems, corporate language and online marketing control procedures. In this study, marketing standardization exerts a positive overall impact on company performance in international e-commerce. Standardization of marketing mix exerts a stronger positive impact on the non-economic success than standardization of marketing processes, which in turn contributes slightly stronger to the economic success. Furthermore, our findings give clear support to the assumption that the non-economic success is highly relevant to the economic success of the firm in international e-commerce. The empirical findings indicate that marketing standardization is relevant to the companies' success in international e-commerce. But marketing mix and marketing process standardization contribute to the firms' economic and non-economic success in different ways. The findings indicate that companies do standardize numerous elements of their marketing mix on the Internet. This practice is in part contrary to the popular concept of a "differentiated standardization" which argues that some elements of the marketing mix should be adapted local

      • KCI등재

        Influences of Firm Characteristics and the Host Country Environment on the Degree of Foreign Market Involvement

        Maktoba, Omar,Nwankwo, Sonny Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2009 마케팅과학연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Against the backdrop of the increasing trend towards economic globalisation, many international firms are indicating that decisions on how to enter foreign markets remains one of the key strategic challenges confronting them. Despite the rich body of literature on the topic, the fact that these challenges have continued to dominate global marketing strategy discourses point to someevident lacunae. Accordingly, this paper considers the variables, categorised in terms of firm contexts (standardisation, market research, competition, structure, competitive advantage) and host country-contexts (economic development, cultural differences, regulation and political risk), which influence the degree of involvement of UK companies in overseas markets. Following hypotheses were drawn from literature review: H1: The greater the level of competition, the higher the degree of involvement in the overseas market. H2: The more centralised the firm's organisation structure, the higher the degree of involvement in the overseas market. H3a: The adoption of a low cost-approach to competitive advantage will lead to a higher degree of involvement. H3b: The adoption of an innovation-approach to competitive advantage will lead to a higher degree of involvement. H3c: The adoption of a market research approach to competitive advantages will lead to a higher degree of involvement. H3d: The adoption of a breadth of strategic target-approach to competitive advantage will lead to a lower degree of involvement. H4: The higher the degree of standardisation of the international marketing mix the higher the degree of involvement. H5: The greater the degree of economic development in the host market, the higher the degree of involvement. H6: The greater the cultural differences between home and host countries, the lower the degree of involvement. H7: The greater the difference in regulations between the home country and the host country, the lower the degree of involvement. H8: The higher the political risk in the host country, the lower the degree of involvement. A questionnaire instrument was constructed using, wherever possible, validated measures of the concepts to serve the aims of this study. Following two sets of mailings, 112 usable completed questionnaires were returned. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data. Statistically, the paper suggests that factors relating to the level of competition, competitive advantages and economic development are strong in influencing foreign market involvements. On the other hand, unexpectedly, cultural factors (especially individualism/collectivism and low and high power distance dimensions) proved to have weak moderating effects. The reason for this, in part, is due to the pervading forces of globalisation and the attendant effect on global marketing. This paper has contributed to the general literature in a way that point to two mainimplications. First, with respect to research on national systems, the study may hold out some important lessons especially for developing nations. Most of these nations are known to be actively seeking to understand what it takes to attract foreign direct investment, expand domestic market and move their economies from the margin to the mainstream global economy. Second, it should be realised that competitive conditions remain in constant flux (even in mature industries and mature economies). This implies that a range of home country factors may be as important as host country factors in explaining firms' strategic moves and the degree of foreign market involvement. Further research can consider the impact of the home country environment on foreign market involvement decisions. Such an investigation will potentially provide further perspectives not only on the influence of national origin but also how home country effects are confounded with industry effects.

      • KCI등재

        International Success the Second Time Around: A Case Study

        Colley, Mary Catherine,Gatlin, Brandie Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        ?是一家私人, 第三代家族?有的公司, Boom Technologies 公司(BTI). ??力?施提供?品和服?的供?商, 通信和承包商的市?,不??步的出口. ?管在2008年出口??只占?收入的5%, BTI已形成了一?完整的出口部?. 他?的出口部?的?行董事揭示了一家私?公司的??和??以及他??成功的海外市?的疑?. 自成立以?, BTI始?相信?最大的??是?的雇?. ?出口??因?缺乏?略和方向而???, BTI?其出口部?雇了一位董事??理. 在BTI?裁和??理的??下, 他??好的利用了??部?的技能和知?. ?向海外?展他?的市???, 增加出口??他??行了机??整. ?果就是, 出口??增加了4倍, ?家的地??理增加了, 同?成功?成了分?渠道??. 有?, 由于公司的??, 收入形成???定. 因此, 在1996年, 出口部?重??有限?任公司. ?使得公司改?收入和?用. 最初, 80%的BTI出口???自???家;因此,最初在海外出?的方法??有?到?期目?. 然而, 所做的修改, 使得?在公司 ??, ??超?80??家. ??理指出主要有三?出口??挑? 1. ?品和船?―BTI主要障碍是?品?配. 最初, 大多?的?品被聚集在美?, ?增加了??包??用. 有??多的部分指定??, ?多次定的?西到的?候有些零部件都?失了. 失踪的零件价?上万美元. ???些失踪的部分也花?成千上万的美元, 外加一?延?交???六到八周, 所有的?用都由BTI出. 2. ?品适?―在BTI80?出口?家中, 每??家的安全, ?品?准都不同. 重量, 特殊?, ?品的?格要求, ?量系?的?定性, ??都?因??而不同. 作?一?准入障碍,以致??使?品适?. 技?和安全?准的障碍, 作?一?保?????的方法, 可以阻碍成功的?入外?市? 3. 市?的挑?―分?的重要性?BTI??了?多挑?,因?他???根据他?的分?系???定每??家如何操作. 有些?家已??一?小的???手, 只生?一?具有??力的?品而?具??力. 而BTI制造超?100?的?品. ???料是?一?BTI所?心的, 因?他??????商推???成本. ???和文化差?的角度, 合适的市????料可能?花??多. 此外, 美?的??大小不同于?的一些?家, ????制相同的布局和???, 就?出??多??. 分?已?成?BTI所面?的挑?之一, 公司宣?他?的分???是他?的????之一, 因?他?的分?商的位置和名字都是保密的. ?外, BTI每年有?次奉?: 培?分?商一年, ?一?是分?商??. ?品, 航?, ?品适?性, ???些挑?,?些海外市?????需要??和耐心. ?一?????是BTI的??到?墓的策略, 他?遵循?品??到?的最?安息地, 无???是出租或??新的或用?的. 他???公司??或租?之前的?品都提供服?和??????和一???的?用分析. ?大海外?是?面?挑?. 如??理?, "如果??有耐心(出口??), ?最好做?的事." 知道如何快速适?提供必要的技能, 适?每??家的不同需求, 以及?特的挑?, 使他?能?保持??力. A privately held, third generation family owned company, Boom Technologies, Inc. (BTI), a provider of products and services to the electric utility, telecommunications and contractor markets, continues to make progress in exporting. Although export sales only equaled 5% of total revenue in 2008, BTI has an entire export division. Their export division's Managing Director reveals the trial and errors of a privately held company and their quest for success overseas. From its inception, BTI has always believed its greatest asset is its employees. When export sales struggled due to lack of strategy and direction, BTI hired a Managing Director for its export division. With leadership and guidance from BTI's president and from the Managing Director, they utilized the department's skills and knowledge. Structural changes were made to expand their market presence abroad and increase export sales. As a result, export sales increased four-fold, area managers in new countries were added and distribution networks were successfully cultivated. At times, revenue generation was difficult to determine due to the structure of the company. Therefore, in 1996, the export division was restructured as a limited liability company. This allowed the company to improve the tracking of revenue and expenses. Originally, 80% of BTI's export sales came from two countries; therefore, the initial approach to selling overseas was not reaching their anticipated goals of expanding their foreign market presence. However, changes were made and now the company manages the details of selling to over 80 countries. There were three major export expansion challenges noted by the Managing Director: 1. Product and Shipping - The major obstacle for BTI was product assembly. Originally, the majority of the product was assembled in the United States, which increased shipping and packaging costs. With so many parts specified in the order, many times the order would arrive with parts missing. The missing parts could equate to tens of thousands of dollars. Shipping these missing parts separately in another shipment also cost tens of thousands of dollar, plus a delivery delay time of six to eight weeks; all of which came out of the BTI's pockets. 2. Product Adaptation - Safety and product standards varied widely for each of the 80 countries to which BTI exported. Weights, special licenses, product specification requirements, measurement systems, and truck stability can all differ from country to country and can serve as a type of barrier to entry, making it difficult to adapt products accordingly. Technical and safety standards are barriers that serve as a type of protection for the local industry and can stand in the way of successfully pursuing foreign markets. 3. Marketing Challenges - The importance of distribution creates many challenges for BTI as they attempt to determine how each country prefers to operate with regard to their distribution systems. Some countries have competition from a small competitor that only produces one competing product; whereas BTI manufactures over 100 products. Marketing material is another concern for BTI as they attempt to push marketing costs to the distributors. Adapting the marketing material can be costly in terms of translation and cultural differences. In addition, the size of paper in the United States differs from those in some countries, causing many problems when attempting to copy the same layout and With distribution being one of several challenges for BTI, the company claims their distribution network is one of their competitive advantages, as the location and names of their distributors are not revealed. In addition, BTI rotates two offerings yearly: training to their distributors one year and then the next is a distributor's meeting. With a focus on product and shipping, product adaptation, and marketing challenges, the intricacies of selling overseas takes time and patience. Another competitive advantage noted is BTI's crad

      • KCI등재

        Organizational Buying Behavior in an Interdependent World

        Wind, Yoram,Thomas, Robert J. Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        The emergence of the field of organizational buying behavior in the mid-1960’s with the publication of Industrial Buying and Creative Marketing (1967) set the stage for a new paradigm of thinking about how business was conducted in markets other than those serving ultimate consumers. Whether it is "industrial marketing" or "business-to-business marketing" (B-to-B), organizational buying behavior remains the core differentiating characteristic of this domain of marketing. This paper explores the impact of several dynamic factors that have influenced how organizations relate to one another in a rapidly increasing interdependence, which in turn can impact organizational buying behavior. The paper also raises the question of whether or not the major conceptual models of organizational buying behavior in an interdependent world are still relevant to guide research and managerial thinking, in this dynamic business environment. The paper is structured to explore three questions related to organizational interdependencies: 1. What are the factors and trends driving the emergence of organizational interdependencies? 2. Will the major conceptual models of organizational buying behavior that have developed over the past half century be applicable in a world of interdependent organizations? 3. What are the implications of organizational interdependencies on the research and practice of organizational buying behavior? Consideration of the factors and trends driving organizational interdependencies revealed five critical drivers in the relationships among organizations that can impact their purchasing behavior: Accelerating Globalization, Flattening Networks of Organizations, Disrupting Value Chains, Intensifying Government Involvement, and Continuously Fragmenting Customer Needs. These five interlinked drivers of interdependency and their underlying technological advances can alter the relationships within and among organizations that buy products and services to remain competitive in their markets. Viewed in the context of a customer driven marketing strategy, these forces affect three levels of strategy development: (1) evolving customer needs, (2) the resulting product/service/solution offerings to meet these needs, and (3) the organization competencies and processes required to develop and implement the offerings to meet needs. The five drivers of interdependency among organizations do not necessarily operate independently in their impact on how organizations buy. They can interact with each other and become even more potent in their impact on organizational buying behavior. For example, accelerating globalization may influence the emergence of additional networks that further disrupt traditional value chain relationships, thereby changing how organizations purchase products and services. Increased government involvement in business operations in one country may increase costs of doing business and therefore drive firms to seek low cost sources in emerging markets in other countries. This can reduce employment opportunitiesn one country and increase them in another, further accelerating the pace of globalization. The second major question in the paper is what impact these drivers of interdependencies have had on the core conceptual models of organizational buying behavior. Consider the three enduring conceptual models developed in the Industrial Buying and Creative Marketing and Organizational Buying Behavior books: the organizational buying process, the buying center, and the buying situation. A review of these core models of organizational buying behavior, as originally conceptualized, shows they are still valid and not likely to change with the increasingly intense drivers of interdependency among organizations. What will change however is the way in which buyers and sellers interact under conditions of interdependency. For example, increased interdependencies can lead to increased opportunities for collaboration as well as confli 20世?60年代中期, ?着1967年 ${\ll}$????和?造??${\gg}$的出版, ????行??一?域的?起?企?如何在市?中?作提供了新的思?方式, 而不只是?最?用?服?. 无?是 "工???" 或 "企???"(B-to-B),??的??行?仍然是???域的核心. 本文探?了??因素的影?,影?了????彼此相?的迅速增?的相互依存,反???影???的??行?. 文章?提出了一???,????行?的?念模型,在一?相互依存的世界是否仍然?在??充?活力的???境中引??究和管理的思想,. 本文提出?探索三??于??相互依存的??: 1.?些因素和????了??的相互依存的?起? 2.在?去半?世?中?展起?的????行?的主要?念模型仍然适用于今天??相互依存的??的世界?? 3.?究中??的相互依存的?示是什?? ????行?的??活?是什?? 考?到???系中????的相互依存的因素和??和5?????因素有??影?他?的??行?:加速全球化, 平整的????, 破?价??, 强化政府的介入, 不??分客?需求. ?五?相通的相互依存和?在的技?上的??可以改??????品和服?的市?中保持??力的?系. 在一?客???的??策略背景下, ?些力量影?三??次的?略?展: (1)?化的客?需求, (2)?生的?品/服?和解?方案以?足?些需求, 和(3)的??能力和工?制定和?施了以?足需求. ??中相互依存的五???因素在他?影???如何???不需要?立的操作. 他?可以相互作用和更加有效的影?????行?. 例如,加速了全球化的影?,出?了新的???一步破???价??之?的?系, ?而改?机???的?品和服?. 提高政府??可能?增加成本,因此在其??家的新?市??公司做生意?求低成本的?源. ?可以?少一?的就?机?增加?一??家的就?机?, 在?一方面, ?而?一步加速全球化. 第二?主要的??是相互依存的五???因素?????行?的核心?念模型有什?影?. 考?三?在 ${\ll}$????和?造??${\gg}$ 和 ${\ll}$????行?${\gg}$ ?籍中?展的?念模型:?????程, ??中心,以及??的情?. 回??些核心模型, 作?最初的?念,他?仍然是有效的, 而且不可能改?. 在?家和?家相互依?的情?下, 什??改????方相互作用的方式. 例如,增加了相互依?的机?可能?致增加?作以及??之?的?突的??,?而改????程. 此外,??中的?通?程的重要性作?一?成功的???系的判?依据?增加. 第三?????些????行?的?系的影?和意??行了探?. 以下是本文所考?到的: ?了增?????????行?的影?的理解,需要增加了解所扮演的角色之?的信任, 增强在???境中如何管理????的理解的需要, 需要增加了解在价???中的客?需要,?且需要增加了解新?的商?模式?????行?的影?. 在?多方面,?些?增加的??的相互依存派生出?的需要是????行????念的?展. 在1977年,Nicosia 和Wind建?把焦点集中在???而不是???部?点,自1990年以?, ????的???强. ?于管理者??,也想在越?越相互依存的世界中生存,他??需要更好地了解??如何??一??相?的??性. ???的相互依存的?点已??始,必?不?地?展提出一???些重要的?系改?的理解. 互相依?的???点的??需要?多??界人

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        Relationships among CEO Image, Corporate Image and Employment Brand Value in Fashion Industry

        Ko, Eun-Ju,Taylor, Charles R.,Wagner, Udo,Ji, Hyun-Ah Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        The CEO and the Corporate Image is considered very important in the aspect of marketing. The fact that CEO image itself influences the company or value of the product directly and indirectly has been verified through many cases. Recently, the differentiation of products and services between companies became difficult because the disparity in technique between companies retrenched. As a result, the rate of people who decide to purchase or invest their money based on the corporate image or reputation has been increased. Also in the knowledge society like today, the talented employees are the company's customer and the company's necessity for managing those brains of marketing perspective on how to satisfy and attract the customers is being embossed. The Fashion industry is one of the most value-added industry and in those value-added businesses, the most important factor is the human resources' knowledge power. However the study of the relationships among the CEO image, the corporate image and employment brand value in fashion industry has not been carried out yet. This research considers that dynamic relationship exists among the CEO image, corporate image and employment brand value that affects a company's main goal of pursuing benefits and intends to investigate the relationships of the three concepts. The specific purposes of this study were, 1) to analyze the impact of CEO image on a corporate image, 2) to analyze the impact of corporate image on employment brand value, 3) to analyze the impact of CEO image on employment brand value, 4) to analyze whether corporate image plays a mediating role in the relationship between CEO image and employment brand value or not. A survey design with a structured questionnaire was employed for this research. A convenience sample of 398 subjects was selected from two groups, which are university students majoring in fashion and practitioners working in fashion industry. For the data analysis, descriptive statistic (i.e., frequency, percentage), factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used by utilizing SPSS 12.0 for Windows program. The results for this research are as follows, first, the study of the impact of CEO image (i.e., Managerial Competence, Reliability/Leadership, Personal Attractiveness) on corporate image (i.e., Product Image, Corporate Social Responsibility Image, Corporate Cultural Image) brought conclusion that the CEO image generally affected the corporate image in fashion industry. Managerial Competence and Reliability/Leadership affected Product Image, Corporate Social Responsibility Image and Corporate Cultural Image. However, while CEO's Personal Attractiveness affected Product Image and Corporate Social Responsibility Image, it did not affect Corporate Cultural Image. Second, the study of the impact of corporate image on employment brand value brought conclusion that corporate image (i.e., Product Image, Corporate Social Responsibility Image, Corporate Cultural Image) affected employment brand value. Corporate Cultural Image affected employment brand value the most and then the Corporate Social Responsibility Image and Product Image. Third, the study of the impact of CEO image on employment brand value brought conclusion that CEO image (i.e., Managerial Competence, Reliability/Leadership, Personal Attractiveness) affected the employment brand value. CEO's Reliability/Leadership affected the employment brand value the most and then CEO's Personal Attractiveness and CEO's Managerial Competence. Forth, the study examined whether corporate image plays a mediating role in relationship of CEO image and employment brand value and concluded that it does. Corporate image played a full mediating role between CEO's Managerial Competence and employment brand value while it played a partial mediating role between CEO's Reliability/Leadership and CEO's Personal Attractiveness. This study is meaningful in a sense that it examines the relationship among the CEO image, co

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        It Doesn't Taste the same from Someone Else's Plate: The Influence of Culture in Interpersonal Retail Service Evaluations

        Spielmann, Nathalie,Kim, Ju-Ran Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        This study reviews the influence of culture in interpersonal servicescapes by examining the restaurant retail setting. Two cultures (Canada and France) are surveyed in order to better understand their retail expectations towards interpersonal servicescapes. Using Hofstede's (1991) cultural dimensions to explain some of the differences between Canadian and French restaurant patrons, this study demonstrates a potentially interesting research avenue in the field of cross-cultural interpersonal services marketing. It demonstrates that cultural dimensions do not operate independently but interdependently. Understanding this can help retailers better explain complex service interactions between countries that may appear similar in terms of various socio-demographic features. In this exploratory research, a measure via exploratory factor analysis was developed, one that encompasses both the physical and service aspects common to interpersonal servicescape by using personality traits. This measure was tested in order to better understand the service expectations between two cultures, Canada and France. Five dimensional structures were uncovered in both cultures but with different traits and groupings. The differences between the traits uncovered and the overall Canadian and French personality structures find some explanation using Hofstede's (1991) cultural dimensions. The results of this survey point to a possible explanation as to why when services are transferred between cultures, the perceptions of them can be different and sometimes even lead to service failure. There are clearly some cultural differences between the Canadian and French consumers and their overall expectations regarding their consumption experience. Reviewing the first factor of the French and Canadian personality structures shows that the individualist/collectivist differences are apparent between the Canadian and the French cultures. The second dimension also has quite a few traits in common, five, all of which have the personal treatment aspect of the restaurant experience that a service provider would be responsible for: polite, respectful, and dedicated. Notable is that the French dimension does not include the authenticity or the hospitable aspect of the experience but includes even more features that are inherent to the personal interaction, such as charming and courteous. The third dimension of the Canadian and French structures reflects completely different expectations. Whereas the French dimension centers around energy and enthusiasm, the Canadian version is more laid-back and relaxed. There is extroversion in the French dimension to introversion in the Canadian dimension. This could be explained by differences on the Uncertainty Avoidance dimension as outlined by Hofstede (1991). The fourth dimension seems to confirm previously outlined cultural differences. Whereas Canadians, being a bit lower on uncertainty avoidance and power distance, prefer an intimate and private experience, the French continue to expect extraversion and inclusive features to their experience. The fifth dimension is in the French personality structure a clear expression of the high power distance society, where the roles of the players in the restaurant experience are clearly defined and the rules of engagement preserved. This study demonstrates that different cultures clearly do relate to different expectations regarding interpersonal services. This is apparent in the dimensions that come up in both the French and the Canadian personality structures, not only in terms of how different they are but also in with which cultural dimensions these can be explained. For interpersonal servicescapes, the use of personality traits is interesting as it allows for both physical and service features to be accounted for. Furthermore, the social component inherent to interpersonal servicescapes surfaces in most of the dimensions of the service personality structures. The quality of social exc ??究通???餐?零??置回?了文化?人?服?的影?. ?更好的理解他??人?服?的期望我??究了??文化(加拿大和法?). 利用Hofstede的(1991)的文化?度之?的不同的解?加拿大和法?餐??客的不同, ??究?明一??在的有趣的?究?域: 跨文化的人?服???. ?表明文化?度?不?立?行,但三者互?依托. ?可以?助零?商更好理解解???的服?之?的相互作用. 在??探索性?究,?探索性因子分析,?制出了一?包含生理和服?方面普遍?用人?服?的人格特?. ??措施是?了更好的理解?行??文化(加拿大和法?)之?的服?的期望,. ??文化中均有五???, 但是他?有不同的的特征和群?. 我?揭示了?些特征的不同. 利用Hofstede(1991)的文化?度解?了整?的加拿大人和法?人的人格??本?究?果??服??移到不同的文化中他?的感知?不一?甚至?致服?失?的原因提供了一?可能的解?. ??然, 在加拿大和法?消?者之?有一些文化差?和根据他?他?的消???的??期望的不同. 回?法?人和加拿大人人格??的第一?因子表明在加拿大和法?文化中?人主?/集?主???然不同. 第二?度也有不少的特点是相同的, 五?, 所有?一切都有?人的待遇方面的??告?我?, 一?餐?服?提供商???: 有?貌, 尊重和奉?. ?得注重的是, 法??度不包括??性和好客方面的??, 但包含更多所固有的人?互?的特性, 例如迷人, 彬彬有?. 第三?度的加拿大和法?的??反映了完全不同的期望. 法??度的中心是能量和?情, 在加拿大的?度是更加平易近人的?爽. 在法??有外向性?度, 而加拿大有?向性?度. ?可以用Hofstede (1991)所提出的不?定避免?度的不同?解?. 第四?度似乎可以???括的文化差?. 加拿大人, 在不?定性?避和?力距?上?低, 更喜??密和私人??, 法?人??期待外向性和包容的特征. 第五?度是在法?的人格??中有??的表?, 在高?利距?社?中, 餐?所扮演的角色的??有明?的?定和??. ???究表明不同的文化??涉及到不同方面的人??系的服?. ?在法?人和加拿大人的人格???度中?明?, 不?是他?是多?不同,他?都?可?文化?度去解?. ?于人?服?, 性格特征的使用?有趣, 因??可以解???和服?特征. ?外, ??社?所固有的人?服?包含了服?人格??的大部分?度. 社?交流是非常重要的, 尤其在跨文化的情?下. ??究表明, 通?使用Hofstede(1991的)范式, ?不是所有的社?都有相同的期望?人??系的服?. ?外, ??的?型的服?也可以影????之?的不同服??价和文化. 然而, 用人格特?可能也允?零?商, 看看??服?特点是常?的在??或??以上文化的地方. ?果表明, 集?主?和?人主?的重要性, 人?人之?的服?的?度. ??加拿大人和法?人人格??的差?在最主要的?度上是?而易?的. ?果在解?零?商能如何?移然后?量跨文化人?服?方面有?助.

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        Media Habits of Sensation Seekers

        Blakeney, Alisha,Findley, Casey,Self, Donald R.,Ingram, Rhea,Garrett, Tony Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Understanding consumers' preferences and use of media types is imperative for marketing and advertising managers, especially in today's fragmented market. A clear understanding assists managers in making more effective selections of appropriate media outlets, yet individuals' choices of type and use of media are based on a variety of characteristics. This paper examines one personality trait, sensation seeking, which has not appeared in the literature examining "new" media preferences and use. Sensation seeking is a personality trait defined as "the need for varied, novel, and complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences" (Zuckerman 1979). Six hypotheses were developed from a review of the literature. Particular attention was given to the Uses and Gratification theory (Katz 1959), which explains various reasons why people choose media types and their motivations for using the different types of media. Current theory suggests that High Sensation Seekers (HSS), due to their needs for novelty, arousal and unconventional content and imagery, would exhibit higher frequency of use of new media. Specifically, we hypothesize that HSS will use the internet more than broadcast (H1a) or print media (H1b) and more than low (LSS) (H2a) or medium sensation seekers (MSS) (H2b). In addition, HSS have been found to be more social and have higher numbers of friends therefore are expected to use social networking websites such as Facebook/MySpace (H3) and chat rooms (H4) more than LSS (a) and MSS (b). Sensation seekers can manifest into a range of behaviors including disinhibition,. It is expected that alternative social networks such as Facebook/MySpace (H5) and chat rooms (H6) will be used more often for those who have higher levels of disinhibition than low (a) or medium (b) levels. Data were collected using an online survey of participants in extreme sports. In order to reach this group, an improved version of a snowball sampling technique, chain-referral method, was used to select respondents for this study. This method was chosen as it is regarded as being effective to reach otherwise hidden population groups (Heckathorn, 1997). A final usable sample of 1108 respondents, which was mainly young (56.36% under 34), male (86.1%) and middle class (58.7% with household incomes over USD 50,000) was consistent with previous studies on sensation seeking. Sensation seeking was captured using an existing measure, the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (Hoyle et al., 2002). Media usage was captured by measuring the self reported usage of various media types. Results did not support H1a and b. HSS did not show higher levels of usage of alternative media such as the internet showing in fact lower mean levels of usage than all the other types of media. The highest media type used by HSS was print media, suggesting that there is a revolt against the mainstream. Results support H2a and b that HSS are more frequent users of the internet than LSS or MSS. Further analysis revealed that there are significant differences in the use of print media between HSS and LSS, suggesting that HSS may seek out more specialized print publications in their respective extreme sport activity. Hypothesis 3a and b showed that HSS use Facebook/MySpace more frequently than either LSS or MSS. There were no significant differences in the use of chat rooms between LSS and HSS, so as a consequence no support for H4a, although significant for MSS H4b. Respondents with varying levels of disinhibition were expected to have different levels of use of Facebook/MySpace and chat-rooms. There was support for the higher levels of use of Facebook/MySpace for those with high levels of disinhibition than low or medium levels, supporting H5a and b. Similarly there was support for H6b, Those with high levels of disinhibition use chat-rooms significantly more than those with medium levels but not for low levels (H6a). The findi ???和?告?理??, 理解消?者的偏好和使用的媒??型是非常有必要的, 尤其是在如今市??分的情?下. ??的理解能?助?理更有效的??合适的媒?. 而且由于性格特征的不同, ?人?媒??型的??和使用都不相同. 本文??了一?性格特征, ?感知追求. ?是在?? "新" 媒?偏好和使用的文?中?未出?的. 感知追求是被定?? "一???化, 新?和??的感?的需要和??. 以及?承??些??愿意承受生理的和社?的??" (Zuckerman 1979). 根据文?回?, 我?提出了6?假?. 我?尤其?注使用??足理?(Katz 1959), ??理?解?了?什?人???媒??型和他?使用不同媒??型的?机的原因. 目前的理?表明高感知追求者(HSS), 由于他??新?, 激?和非??的?容和想象的需要, 他??更多的使用新媒?. 因此, 我?假?高感知追求者比低感知追求者(LSS)(H2a)或中等感知追求者(MSS)(H2b)?更多的使用??而不是?播(H1a)或印刷媒?(H1b). ?外, 高感知追求者有更多的社交活?及朋友, 因此他??比低感知追求者(a) 和中等感知追求者(b)更多的使用社交????例如Facebook/MySpace(H3) 以及聊天室(H4). 感知追求者可以?示出一系列的行?包括抑制解除. 我???具有高水平去抑制的人?比低水平或中等水平的人??更多的使用社交??如Facebook/MySpace (H5) 和聊天室(H6). 我?的?据?源于??加?限??的??者的?上??. ?得到??群?的信息, 我?使用雪球?本技?的提高版, ???推?方法????答者. ??方法被??是??藏人群?行有效?算的方法(Heckathorn, 1997). 最?的有效?本包括1108名?答者. 主要是年?人(56.36%在34?以下), 男性(86.1%)和中???(58.7%的家庭收入超?50,000美元). 我?用???本??行感知追求的?究. 我?用?要感知追求量表???感知追求(Hoyle et al. 2007). 我?用自我?告使用?的不同媒??型??量媒?使用. ?果?不支持H1a和b. 高感知追求者??有更多的使用????的媒?. 事?上, 同其他的媒??型相比, ??平均水平是?低的. 高感知追求者使用最多的媒??型?印刷媒?, ??明了一??主流的反抗. ?果支持H2a和b. 高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用??. ?一步的分析揭示了在高感知和低感知追求者之?在使用印刷媒?方面有?著不同. 高感知追求者在他?感?趣的?限??方面?追求更??的印刷出版物. 假?3a和b 揭示了高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用Facebook/MySpace. 在使用聊天室方面低感知和高感知追求者之??有?著差距. 所以?果也不支持假?H4a, 但是H4b的?果是?著的. 不同抑制解除水平的?答者被??使用Facebook/MySpace 和聊天室的水平也不同. 去抑制水平高比低水平或中等水平的使用Facebook/MySpace的水平高. 所以H5a和b 被支持. ?似的, H6b也被支持. 去抑制水平高的人?使用聊天室的?率?著多于中等水平的但?不多于低水平的人?(H6a). ?些?果?管理者提供了一些有趣的?解. 第一, ?管高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用在?媒?, 但他?使用在?媒?仍然少于印刷或?播媒?. ?告?行者?不?????重要的客?群?分的强?在?媒?. 第二, 社交媒?, 例如Facebook/MySpace和聊天室?是接近??群?的有?力的方法. 最后, ?去抑制水平高的群?, 有公共?系方面的?示. ?些??更?向于一些社???的行?. ?些直接的?示包括因特?捕食者和未?的雇主. 本?究的一?不足是受?

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        Electronic Word-of-Mouth in B2C Virtual Communities: An Empirical Study from CTrip.com

        Li, Guoxin,Elliot, Statia,Choi, Chris Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        ??社?(virtual community, VC)今年??展迅速, 越?越多的人??到??社?中交?信息和分享?点. ??社?是通??算机布告板和???行非面?面的知?和?言交流的一?大?集合?. B2C?子商??站??社??是商?性的??社?, 通?培?信任?境?促?消?者在??站的??行?. B2CVC通?信息交流, 如推?, ??, ?者??者??等, ?建立社?性的??. 目前, ?然??界已???到B2CVC的重要性, 但是?于社?成?的口碑?播行?的?究?不充分. 本?究提出了一?理?模型, 探?在B2C?站社?中??度, ?意度, 信任度, 粘度和口碑?播之?的?系. 本?究的目的有三?: 1, 通?整合信念, ?度和行?的?量?????B2C?站社?模型; 2, 更好地理解各因素?口碑?播的影??系; 3, 更好地理解B2C?站社??度在CRM??中的作用. ?究模型包含以下要素: 1, 社?成?的信念?量, 通???度??量; 2, 社?成?的?度?量, 通??意度和信任度??量; 以及3, 社?成?的行??量, 通??站?度和口播?播意愿??量. ??度是消?者在??社?的???机. ?于社?成???, 信息的??和?布是他???到社?的主要目的. ?意度是成??社?整??价的重要指?, 反映了成??社?的交互程度. ??社?的形成??展依?成?分享信息和服?的自愿程度. ?究者已???信任是促?匿名交互的??, 因此?建信任被看作是??社?的重要?究??. 此外, ??社?的成功依?成?的粘度?提高???力. 社?成??的?点交流和信息交?代表一? "?作式" 的口碑?播. 因此口碑?播是推?B2C??社?在互??上?散的主要因素之一. ?究模型及假?如?一所示. 本?究通?????中?携程旅游???社?成????模型. ?据收集?程中共?放243??卷, 其中有效?卷204?. 通????据??了??度, ?意度和信任度影?粘度和口碑?播之?的假??系. ??方程模型(SEM)方法用??行?据分析. 模型的?合指??果?χ2/df 是2.76, NFI是 .904, IFI是 .931, CFI是 .930, 以及RMSEA是 .017. ?果表明, ??度??意度具有?著的影?(p<0.001, ${\beta}$=0.809). ??度可以解??意度的方差比例超?50%, ?整R2?0.654. ??度?信任度具有?著影?(p<0.001, ${\beta}$=0.751), 解?率?57%, ?整R2?0.563. 此外, ?意度??度的影??著(${\beta}$=0.514), 但是信任度??度的影??不?著(p=0.231, t=1.197). ?度?口碑?播的影??著, 且解?率超?80%, ?整R2? 0.846. ?之, ?究?果支持了大部分的?究假?, 但是信任度?著影?粘度的假??有得到支持. 本?究?富了?子商??站??社?的???究成果, 深入探?了在B2C?子商??境下的用?信念, ?度和行?等因素. ?究成果有助于??者?行更有??性的?源??和市??拓. ????人?可以??B2C?站社??有??性地制定??策略, 如?于??旅游??, ??人?可以??中?的B2C?站社?用??展??活?, 如?活?的用?提供特殊折?以及?早期??者提高社??度定制????等. 未?的?究??拓展社?成?行?的?究, ?在不同的行?, 社?和文化背景下?展?究. Virtual communities (VCs) have developed rapidly, with more and more people participating in them to exchange information and opinions. A virtual community is a group of people who may or may not meet one another face to face, and who exchange words and ideas through the mediation of computer bulletin boards and networks. A business-to-consumer virtual community (B2CVC) is a commercial group that creates a trustworthy environment intended to motivate consumers to be more willing to buy from an online store. B2CVCs create a social atmosphere through information contribution such as recommendations, reviews, and ratings of buyers and sellers. Although the importance of B2CVCs has been recognized, few studies have been conducted to examine members' word-of-mouth behavior within these communities. This study proposes a model of involvement, statistics, trust, "stickiness," and word-of-mouth in a B2CVC and explores the relationships among these elements based on empirical data. The objectives are threefold: (i) to empirically test a B2CVC model that integrates measures of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors; (ii) to better understand the nature of these relationships, specifically through word-of-mouth as a measure of revenue generation; and (iii) to better understand the role of stickiness of B2CVC in CRM marketing. The model incorporates three key elements concerning community members: (i) their beliefs, measured in terms of their involvement assessment; (ii) their attitudes, measured in terms of their satisfaction and trust; and, (iii) their behavior, measured in terms of site stickiness and their word-of-mouth. Involvement is considered the motivation for consumers to participate in a virtual community. For B2CVC members, information searching and posting have been proposed as the main purpose for their involvement. Satisfaction has been reviewed as an important indicator of a member's overall community evaluation, and conceptualized by different levels of member interactions with their VC. The formation and expansion of a VC depends on the willingness of members to share information and services. Researchers have found that trust is a core component facilitating the anonymous interaction in VCs and e-commerce, and therefore trust-building in VCs has been a common research topic. It is clear that the success of a B2CVC depends on the stickiness of its members to enhance purchasing potential. Opinions communicated and information exchanged between members may represent a type of written word-of-mouth. Therefore, word-of-mouth is one of the primary factors driving the diffusion of B2CVCs across the Internet. Figure 1 presents the research model and hypotheses. The model was tested through the implementation of an online survey of CTrip Travel VC members. A total of 243 collected questionnaires was reduced to 204 usable questionnaires through an empirical process of data cleaning. The study's hypotheses examined the extent to which involvement, satisfaction, and trust influence B2CVC stickiness and members' word-of-mouth. Structural Equation Modeling tested the hypotheses in the analysis, and the structural model fit indices were within accepted thresholds: ${\chi}^2^$/df was 2.76, NFI was .904, IFI was .931, CFI was .930, and RMSEA was .017. Results indicated that involvement has a significant influence on satisfaction (p<0.001, ${\beta}$=0.809). The proportion of variance in satisfaction explained by members' involvement was over half (adjusted $R^2$=0.654), reflecting a strong association. The effect of involvement on trust was also statistically significant (p<0.001, ${\beta}$=0.751), with 57 percent of the variance in trust explained by involvement (adjusted $R^2$=0.563). When the construct "stickiness" was treated as a dependent variable, the proportion of variance explained by the variables of trust and satisfaction was relatively low (adjusted $R^2$=0.331). Sa

      • KCI등재

        Surrogate Internet Shopping Malls: The Effects of Consumers' Perceived Risk and Product Evaluations on Country-of-Buying-Origin Image

        Lee, Hyun-Joung,Shin, So-Hyoun,Kim, Sang-Uk Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        互??快速增?, 已?成?一?重要的零?渠道, ?出?了各?互??零?商, 又??子零?商. 一??上代?店蓬勃?展起?, 吸引了??市?的消?者. ?是一??特的?子零?商, 他??全球????市??未?口的名牌?品, 寄??人??者, ?收取服??. 有些消?者喜?高端?特但无?口?格的品牌, 却因付款??或??的寄送????直接?海外零?商???. 在??, ?上代?店的?量和??量快速增?-2008年??有超?430?活?商店和5000????, 需要??代?服?的消?者?量也在急?增加. ???子零?的?念源于 "代理中介采?" -?存在已久的形式和?容多?化的代?. 通常市???者面?的是??者的代表人而非本人, 由消?者?定的代理??者影?越?越大. ?多市???和心理??域的?者都?究?代理?消?者???定的影?范?. 然而, 在互??商?方面却?有深入的?究. 此外, ?上代?店作?代理??者, ?海外品牌或零?商同??消?者?接起?. ?有一?特点, 代理???, ?代?商品所在?的形象?消?者的?度和???向有重要影?, ??影?消?者在?行信息?理?所感知的???度. 然而, ?管?原??不同?度的影?已有?多?究, ????容的相??究却?少. 已有?究?明, 原??信息作??品制造情?的?索?消?者的?价有正面影?, 但???形式下??代理???的形象和?品?价之?的?系?行的?究却?少. 因此, 作者????具?的零?渠道??得?究, 重点???的系??系以及各自不同的路???得探索. 已有?究?明代?原??, 也就是代?店??商品所在地的形象, 不??消?者的?品?价(包括?度和??意向)有正面影?, ??感知??的三??度有?面影?: ?品相?, 行?相?, 以及??后的??. 在所有的感知??中, 由于??品性能的高度不?定性, ?品相?的??受?面形象的影?最大(${\beta}$= -.30), 其次是航?相???(${\beta}$= -.18)和??后的??(${\beta}$= -.15). ??品?度(${\beta}$= .10)和???向(${\beta}$= .14)也有一定影?. 此外, ??明, 感知??的三??度通???品的?度作?中介, ????向有?面的的影?(${\beta}$= -.57: ?品相???${\rightarrow}$ ??品的?度; ${\beta}$= -.24: 航?相???${\rightarrow}$ ??品的?度; ${\beta}$= -.44: ??后??${\rightarrow}$ ??品的?度). ?更多的分析可以看出, 消?者?理信息的路??因其??品知?的等?不同而改?. 新手??者知?等??低, 只?考?感知??, 而知?等??高的?家??者??考?到代理???的形象和感知????方面, ??品形成更准?更系?的?度和?定. ?同之前的?究相一致. 本?究提出一些理?和??的建?. 代理???的形象?影?消?者的??感知和行??果, 因此?????代??家, 如果??新型的零???快速?展起?, ?控制好消?者的??, 无?是新手或?家. ?外, 由于消?者各自知?等?不同, ?理信息的路?也不?相同, ??不同消?者?形成成熟的市???手段. 新手??者需要??消?方面的建?, 以?助他?形成更好的?度, 而?家??者???更好更??的?家?行代?. 消?者可以使用?保策略?促使在??物的?利?行. 本?究?有拘于?括性等限制. 在今后的?究中, ??一步??比?有相???的不同?子零?商. Internet has grown fast and become one of the most important retail channels now. Various types of Internet retailers, hereafter etailers, have been introduced so far and as one type of Internet shopping mall, 'surrogate Internet shopping mall' has been prosperous and attracting consumers in the domestic market. Surrogate Internet shopping mall is a unique type of etailer that globally purchases well-known brand goods that are not imported in the market, completes delivery in the favor of individual buyers, and collects fees for these specific services. The consumers, who are usually interested in purchasing high-end and unique but not eligible brands, have difficulties to purchase these items overseas directly from the retailers or brands in other countries due to worries of payment failure and no address available for their usually domestic only delivery. In Korea, both numbers of surrogate Internet shopping malls and the magnitude of sales have been growing rapidly up to more than 430 active malls and 500 billion Korean won in 2008 since the population of consumers who want this agent shopping service is also expending. This etail business concept is originated from 'surrogate-mediated purchase' and this type of shopping agent has existed in many different forms and also in wide ranges of context level for quite a long time. As marketers face their individual buyers' representatives instead of a direct contact with them in many occasions, the impact of surrogate shoppers on consumer's decision making has been enormously important and many scholars have explored various range of agent's impact on consumer's purchase decisions in marketing and psychology field. However, not much rigorous research in the Internet commerce has been conveyed yet. Moreover, since as one of the shopping agent surrogate Internet shopping malls specifically connect overseas brands or retailers to domestic consumers, one specific character of the mall's, image of surrogate buying country, where surrogate purchases are conducted in, may play an important role to form consumers' attitude and purchase intention toward products. Furthermore it also possibly affects various dimensions of perceived risk in consumer's information processing. However, though tremendous researches have been carried exploring the effects of diverse dimensions of country of origin, related studies in Internet context has been rarely executed. There have been some studies that prove the positive impact of country of origin on consumer's evaluations as one of information clues in product manufacture descriptions, yet studies detecting the relationship between country image of surrogate buying origin and product evaluations rarely undertaken regarding this specific mall type. Thus, the authors have found it well-worth investigating in this specific retail channel and explored systematic relationships among focal constructs and elaborated their different paths. The authors have proven that country image of surrogate buying origin in the mall, where surrogate malls purchase products in and brings them from for buyers, not only has a positive effect on consumers' product evaluations including attitude and purchase intention but also has a negative effect on all three dimensions of perceived risk: product-related risk, shipping-related risk, and post-purchase risk. Specifically among all the perceived risk, product-related risk which is arisen from high uncertainty of product performance is most affected (${\beta}$= -.30) by negative country image of surrogate buying origin, and also shipping-related risk (${\beta}$= -.18) and post-purchase risk (${\beta}$= -.15) get influenced in order. Its direct effects on product attitude (${\beta}$= .10) and purchase intention (${\beta}$= .14) are also secured. Each of perceived risk dimension is proven to have a negative effect on purchase intention through product attitude as a mediator (<T

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