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      • The change of East Asian Monsoon to $CO_2$ increase

        Kripalani, R.H.,Oh, J.H.,Chaudhari, H.S. Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2006 제사기학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        이 연구는 동아시아 (중국, 한국, 그리고 일본) 여름몬순과 그 변동성을 MME (multi-model ensemble)을 이용하여 IPCC AR4 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report) 실험의22개 접합 기후모델 결과 자료로 분석하였다. 결과자료들은 사용 가능한 모든 모델의 평균값을 이용하였다. 여름 몬순 기간 동안 최대 강수를 가지는 연주기는 모델에 의해 모의되었으나 장마(Meiyu-Changma-Baiu) 강수밴드의 이동(북쪽)과 연관되어 7월에 나타나는 최소값은 모의하지 못했다. MME 강수 패턴은 북태평양아열대 고기압과 장마전선대의 위치와 연관된 강수의 공간적 분포를 잘 나타내었다. 그러나 중국, 한반도, 그리고 일본의 동해와 인근 해역의 강수는 과소 예측되었다. 마지막으로 $CO_2$ 농도 배증시나리오의 복사 강제에 대한 미래예측을 분석하였다. MME는 $CO_2$ 농도가 배증될 때 동아시아지역에서 강수는 평균 7.8%로 나타났고, $5{\sim}10%$의 변화폭을 보였다. 그러나 이러한 강수의 증가는 통계적으로 한반도와 일본, 그리고 인근 북중국 지역에서만 중요한 의미를 가진다. 강수 예측에서 나타난 변화는 아열대 고기압의 강도 변화에 비례하는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 봄에서 초가을까지 여름 몬순의 지속기간이 길어짐을 확인하였다. The East Asian (China, Korea and Japan) summer monsoon precipitation and its variability are examined from the outputs of the 22 coupled climate models performing coordinated experiments leading to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) following the multi-model ensemble (MME) technique. Results are based on averages of all the available models. The shape of the annual cycle with maximum during the summer monsoon period is simulated by the coupled climate models. However, models fail to simulate the minimum peak in July which is associated with northward shifts of the Meiyu-Changma-Baiu precipitation band. The MME precipitation pattern is able to capture the spatial distribution of rainfall associated with the location of the north Pacific subtropical high and the Meiyu-Changma-Baiu frontal zone. However precipitation over the east coast of China, Korea-Japan peninsular and the adjoining oceanic regions is underestimated. Future projections to the radiative forcing of doubled $CO_2$ scenario are examined. The MME reveals an increase in precipitation varying from 5 to 10 %, with an average of 7.8 % over the East Asian region at the time of $CO_2$ doubling. However the increases are statistically significant only over the Korea-Japan peninsula and the adjoining north China region. The increase in precipitation may be attributed to the projected intensification of the subtropical high, and thus the associated influx of moist air from the Pacific to inland. The projected changes in the amount of precipitation are directly proportional to the changes in the strength of the subtropical high. Further a possible increase in the length of the summer monsoon precipitation period from late spring through early autumn is suggested.

      • The Natural Environment during the Last Glacial Maximum Age around Korea and Adjacent Area

        Yoon, Soon-Ock,Hwang, Sang-Ill Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2003 제사기학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        This study is conducted to examine the data of climate or environmental change in the northeastern Asia during the last glacial maximum. A remarkable feature of the 18,000 BP biome reconstructions for China is the mid-latitude extention of steppe and desert biomes to the modem eastern coast. Terrestrial deposits of glacial maximum age from the northern part of Yellow Sea suggest that this region of the continental shelf was occupied by desert and steppe vegetation. And the shift from temperate forest to steppe and desert implies conditions very much drier than present in eastern Asia. Dry conditions might be explained by a strong winter monsoon and/or a weak summer monsoon. A very strong depression of winter temperatures at LGM. has in the center of continent has influenced in northeast Asia similarly. The vegetation of Hokkaido at LGM was subarctic thin forest distributed on the northern area of middle Honshu and cool and temperate mixed forest at southern area of middle Honshu in Japan. The vegetation landscape of mountain- and East coast region of Korea was composed of herbaceous plants with sparse arctic or subarctic trees. The climate of yellow sea surface and west region of Korea was much drier and temperate steppe landscape was extended broadly. It is supposed that a temperate desert appeared on the west coast area of Pyeongan-Do and Cheolla-Do of Korea. The reconstruction of year-round conditions much colder than today right across China, Korea and Japan is consistent with biome reconstruction at the LGM.

      • Spore-Pollen Specters of Deed Turnn Lake Terrace, Darkhad Depression, Mongolia

        Punsalpaamuu, G. Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2003 제사기학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Pollen and spores as well as their morphological characteristics are biological stability materials in which contains historical information about vegetation and climate changes. As noted researcher Neishtadt in 1971, the lake and swamp deposits were developed only in Holocene period. The geological history of Darkhad depression which is situated in the Northern end of Mongolia from ancient time become under scientific interest of many researchers. Our investigation was focused on pollen analysis of lake sediment of Darkhad depression which caused bottom of paleolake. In Mongolia the palynology science is beginning to develop since 1990 and in 2000 the laboratory of palynology was established at the department of Biology, State Pedagogical University of Mongolia. Researchers from this laboratory working on pollen morphology of present flora in order to classify plants taxonomy. Another part of our investigation is mellitopalynology, which is studying of pollen grains in a honey. Although, this research has been extending by pollen analysis of sediment and lake deposits in past few years on the basis of high sensitive microscope and modem technology.

      • Past and Future Regional Climate Change in Korea

        Kwon, Won-Tae,Park, Youngeun,Min, Seung-Ki,Oh, Jai-Ho Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2003 제사기학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        During the last century, most scientific questions related to climate change were focused on the evidence of anthropogenic global warming (IPCC, 2001). There are robust evidences of warming and also human-induced climate change. We now understand the global, mean change a little bit better; however, the uncertainties for regional climate change still remains large. The purpose of this study is to understand the past climate change over Korea based on the observational data and to project future regional climate change over East Asia using ECHAM4/HOPE model and MM5 for downscaling. There are significant evidences on regional climate change in Korea, from several variables. The mean annual temperature over Korea has increased about 1.5∼$1.7^{\circ}C$ during the 20th century, including urbanization effect in large cities which can account for 20-30% of warming in the second half of the 20th century. Cold extreme temperature events occurred less frequently especially in the late 20th century, while hot extreme temperature events were more common than earlier in the century. The seasonal and annual precipitation was analyzed to examine long-term trend on precipitation intensity and extreme events. The number of rainy days shows a significant negative trend, which is more evident in summer and fall. Annual precipitation amount tends to increase slightly during the same period. This suggests an increase of precipitation intensity in this area. These changes may influence on growing seasons, floods and droughts, diseases and insects, marketing of seasonal products, energy consumption, and socio-economic sectors. The Korean Peninsular is located at the eastern coast of the largest continent on the earth withmeso-scale mountainous complex topography and itspopulation density is very high. And most people want to hear what will happen in their back yards. It is necessary to produce climate change scenario to fit forhigh-resolution (in meteorological sense, but low-resolution in socio-economic sense) impact assessment. We produced one hundred-year, high-resolution (∼27 km), regional climate change scenario with MM5 and recognized some obstacles to be used in application. The boundary conditions were provided from the 240-year simulation using the ECHAM4/HOPE-G model with SRES A2 scenario. Both observation and simulation data will compose past and future regional climate change scenario over Korea.

      • The Representation of the Neolithic Rock Art of Bangu-dae, South Korea

        Lee, Sang-Mog Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2004 제사기학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The rock engraving of the Korea are dated by a very few direct archaeological contexts by linking their images to objects of known prehistoric date-although many of the figures are 'abstract'. This paper focuses on the rock art of Bangu-dae, located in the south-east of Korea. I try to the date of engravings from their contexts and the ways in which they can be studied.

      • The Environmental Change of Korea based on the Isopollen Map during the Holocene

        Yoon, Soon-Ock Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2008 제사기학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Vegetation change reconstructed by pollen analysis is effective to clarify natural conditions such as climate and soil as well as intensity of human activity. Pollen analysis in Korea is difficult to obtain peaty soil sedimented by low relief geomorphollogically and formation age is usually confined to obtain information during young Holocene as well as little absolute age data. Isopollen map was constructed in order to analyze the change of vegetation environment time-spatially during Holocene based on the 30 data with age dated from 78 results from pollen analysis in Korea. The indicatives for vegetation environment were the main trees in Korea such as Alnus, Pinus, Quercus and AP/NAP during the periods of 6,000 y.BP, 4,000 y.BP, 3,000 y.BP, 2,000 y.BP, 1,000 y.BP. As a result, the regional time-spatial patterns of vegetation distribution appeared clearly on the isopollen map. The dominant vegetation stage was repeated in the different pattern e.g. the dominance between Alnus and Quercus at West Coast and between Pinus and Quercus at East Coast competitively.

      • Marine Terraces of the Eastern Coast of Korean Peninsula

        Park, Seong-Gil Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2003 제사기학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        In South Korea, marine terraces have been well developed along the eastern coastal zone, and previous researches on the marine terraces have also been focused on to this coastal zone. The marine terraces of the eastern coast of South Korea had been classified into three terrace groups, that is, the higher, middle, and lower surface ones, according to the heights of marine terraces by previous studies(Oh, 1981 ;Chang, 1987 ;Yoon et. al, 1999, 2003 ; Hwang and Yoon, 1996 etc.). Recently, however, it tends to classify the marine terraces based on the concept of geomorphic surface units(Lee, 1987 ; Kim, 1990 ; Choi, S. 2003; Choi S. et. al 2003a,b, etc). For example, it was proposed that the marine terrace surfaces of Eupcheon coast of the southeastern coastal area of Korea could be classified into 16 geomorphic surfaces, i.e., Eupcheon 1terrace(former shoreline height of 160m), 2(153m), 3(140m), 4(130m), 5(124m), 6(115m), 7(100m), 8(92m), 9(82m), 10(71m), 11(62m), 12(53m), 13(43m), 14(35m), 15(18m) and 16(10m) surfaces, in descending order, according to the former shoreline heights(Choi, S, 2003 ; Choi, S. et. al, 2003a,b). Among these terraces, Eupcheon 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 surfaces had not been reported in previous works. Among the above mentioned marine terraces, Eupcheon 15 terrace, the most widely and continuously distributed marine terrace have been identified as marine terrace of the Last Interglacial culmination period(oxygen isotope stage 5e) which was based on amino acid dates(124∼125ka BP) and geomorphological features such as red soil, pollen analysis, fossil cryogenic structures and crossing terrace concept. Eupoheon 15 terrace surfaces have also been proposed as the key surface for the identification and correlation of the so-called '5e' marine terrace in the eastern coast of South Korea. This terrace was reconfirmed as the Last Interglacial culmination period, which was based on the identification of Ata tephra, one of the wide-spread marker tephra which indicates the Last Interglacial culmination period in Japan by Sasaki et. al(2002). It was thought that marine terraces of the eastern coast of South Korea had been formed by the steady-state uplifting during the Quaternary glacio-eustatic sea level changes(Choi, 1997). The uprift rate of 10cm/1,000years had been proposed in the eastern coast of South Korea based on the former shoreline altitude(18m) of the above Eupcheon 15 terrace. Therefore, it can be estimated that Eupcheon 1 terrace had been formed in the early Pleistocene from the above uprift rate. The OSL dating for the samples of Eupcheon 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16 terraces and identification of marker tephra in the terrace deposits are in progress. It is expected that more elaborate chronology on themarine terraces of the eastern coast of South Korea could be established by these absolute dates and marker-tephra.

      • Post LGM Fluvial Environment and Palynological Changes of South Korea

        Kim, Ju-Yong,Yang, Dong-Yoon,Bong, Pil-Yoon,Nahm, Wook-Hyun,Lee, Heon-Jong,Lee, Yung-Jo,Hong, Sei-Sun,Lee, Jin-Young,Kim, Jin-Wkan,Oh, Keun-Chang Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2003 제사기학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        In Korea terrestrial fluvial sequences can be used as pedological and sedimentological markers indicating a millenium-scale environmental and climatic changes imprinted in fluvial sub-environments, which in turn are represented by the cyclicity of fluvial sands, backswamp organic muds, and flooding muds intercalations of frostcracked or dessicated brown paleosols. Post LGM and Holocene fluvial and alluvial sedimentary sequences of Korea are formed in such landscapes of coastal, floodplain, backswamp and hillslope areas. Among them, the most outstanding depositional sequences are fluvial gravels, sands and organic mud deposits in coastal, fluvial, or alluvial wetlands. The aim of this study is to explain the sedimentary sequences and palynofloral zones since the last 15,000years, on the basis of organic muds layers intercalated in fluvial sand deposits. Jangheung-ri site of Nam river, Soro-ri site of Miho river, Youngsan rivermouth site in Muan, Oksan-ri site of Hampyeong and Sanggap-ri site of Gochang are illustrated to interpret their sedimentary facies, radiocarbon datings, and palynofloral zonation. Up to the Middle to Late Last Glacial(up to 30-35Ka), old river-bed, flooding, and backswamp sequences contain such arboreal pollens as Pinus, Abies, and Picea, and rich in non-arboreal pollens like Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Ranunculaceae, and Compositae. During the LGM and post-LGM periods until Younger Dryas, vegetation has changes from the sub-alpine conifer forest(up to about 17-11Ka), through the conifer and broad-leaved deciduous forest, or mixed forest (formed during 16,680-13,010yrB.P), to the deciduous and broad-leaved forest (older than 9,500yrB.P). In the Earliest Holocene flooding deposits, fragments of plant roots are abundant and subjected to intensive pedogenic processes. During Holocene, three arboreal pollen zones are identified in the ascending order of strata; Pinus-Colyus zone(mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest, about up to 10Ka), Alnus-Quercus forest (the cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, about 10Ka-2Ka), and Pinus forest (the conifer forest, about after 2Ka), as examplified in Soro-ri site of Cheonwon county. The palynological zonations of Soro-ri, Oksan-ri, Sanggap-ri, Youngsan estuary, and Gimhae fluvial plain have been recognized as a provisional correlation tool, and zonations based on fluvial backswamp and flooding deposits shows a similar result with those of previous researchers.

      • Age Dating and Paleoenvironmental Changes of the Kunang Cave Paleolithic Site

        Yum, Jong-Kwon,Lee, Yung-Jo,Kim, Jong-Chan,Kim, In-Chul,Kim, Ju-Yong Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2003 제사기학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The Kunang cave paleolithic site is located at Tanyang [$N37^{\circ}2'$, $128^{\circ}21'E$], Chungbuk Province, which is in the Central part of the Korean peninsula. The cave is developed at 312 amsl in a karstic mountainous area. The South Han River flows across this region and other caves can also be found near the river. The site was discovered in 1986 and excavated 3 times by the Chungbuk National University Museum until now. The cave was wellpreserved from modem human activities until the first discovery. The full length of the cave is estimated to be ca. 140 m. However, a spacious part up to 11 m from the entrance has been excavated. Eight lithological units are divided over the vertical profile at a depth of 5 m. Each unit is deposited in ascending order as follow: mud layer (Unit 9), lower complex (Unit 8) which is composed of angular blocks and fragments with a muddy matrix, lower travertine layer (Unit 7; flowstone), middle complex (Unit 6; cultural layer) which is composed of fragments with a muddy matrix, middle travertine layer (Unit 5; flowstone), yellowish muddy layer (Unit 4), upper complex (Unit 3; cultural layer) which has a similar composition to Unit 8. the upper travertine layer (Unit 2; flowstone), and finally surface soil layer (Unit 1). The most abundant vestiges in the cultural layers are the animal bones. They are small fractured pieces and mostly less than 3 cm in length. About 3,800 bone pieces from 25 animal species have been collected so far, 90 percent of them belonging to young deers. Previous archaeological study of these bone pieces shows thatprehistoric people occupied the cavenot for permanent dwelling but for temporary shelter during their seasonal hunting activity. More extensive studies of these bones together with pollen analysis are in progress to reconstruct the paleoenvironment of this cave. Only a single date (12,500 BP) obtained from a U-Th measurement of the upper travertine layer was previously available. In spite of the importance of the cave stratigraphy, there was no detail chronological investigation to establish the depositional process of the cultural layers and to understand the periodic structure of the cave strata, alternating travertine floor and complex layers. We have measured five 14C age dating (38900+/-1000, 36400+/-900, 40600+/-1600, more than 51000 and 52000 14C BP) using Seoul National University 14C AMS facility, conducted systematic process of the collagen extraction from bone fragments samples. From the result, we estimate that sedimentation rate of the cave earth is constant, and that the travertine layers, Unit 2 and Unit 3, was formed during MIS 5a(ca. 80 kBP) and MIS 5c (ca. 100 kBP) respectively. The Kunang Cave site is located at Yochonli of the region of Danyang in the mid-eastern part of Korea. This region is compased of limestones in which many caves were found and the Nam-han river flows meanderingly. The excavations were carried out three times in 1986, 1988, and 1998.

      • Global and Korean Peninsula Climate Changes and Their Environmental Changes

        Yi, Hi-Il,Shin, Im-Chul Korea Association For Quaternary Research 2007 제사기학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The modern foraminiferal distribution patterns and species diversity in surrounding seas of Korea are controlled by winter monsoon and characteristics of water masses. Abrupt climate change, Younger Dryas cold episode" is identified in Korea. The Younger Dryas is characterized by local extinctions of foraminifera. Several record-breaking climate phenomena observed in Korea, especially September, 2007.

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