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        Monographic treatment of <i>Paraholosticha muscicola</i> (Ciliophora, Keronopsidae), including morphological and molecular biological characterization of a brackish water population from Korea


        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P> <I>Paraholosticha muscicola</I>, type species of <I>Paraholosticha</I> Wenzel, inhabits mainly terrestrial habitats, but also freshwater. A brackish water population from Korea is described, the first record from such a habitat. Principal component analysis shows that this population is more similar to a terrestrial population from Denmark than to a population from Antarctic soil. Keronopsids have two strong morphological/ontogenetic apomorphies (frontal corona formed from anlagen I–III; division in cysts). However, the SSU rRNA sequence of the Korean population does not cluster with that of the Antarctic population in the phylogenetic tree, but both branch off consecutively and immediately before a mixture of other non-dorsomarginalian hypotrichs, including two further keronopsids. Furthermore, the keronopsids cluster in the phylogenetic network, providing phylogenetic conflicts, which cannot be exemplified in the conventional gene tree. To complete the picture of <I>P. muscicola</I>, we provide a detailed overview about nomenclature, history, taxonomy, and its geographic distribution. From the four synonyms proposed so far, we tentatively accept only <I>P. lichenicola</I> and <I>P. ovata</I>. <I>Paraholosticha algivora</I> is likewise very similar. Thus we propose to include these three taxa as members of the <I>P. muscicola</I> complex. <I>Stylonethes sterkii</I> and <I>P. algivora</I> are transferred to <I>Paraholosticha</I> Wenzel. A key to the <I>Paraholosticha</I> species is provided.</P>

      • Lithium down-regulates the expression of CXCR4 in human neutrophils

        Kim, H.K.,Kim, J.-E.,Chung, J.,Park, K.H.,Han, K.-S.,Cho, H.-I. Gustav Fischer 2007 Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology Vol.21 No.3

        The CXC chemokine receptor CXCR4 and its unique ligand SDF-1 (stromal-derived factor-1) play critical roles for the retention of hematopoietic cells within the bone marrow (BM) and for their mobilization into the circulation. Lithium often produces neutrophilia in psychiatric patients, but the mechanism of mobilization related to neutrophilia has not been fully clarified. We showed here that lithium dose-dependently reduces the levels of surface CXCR4 protein and mRNA in neutrophils, but not in lymphocytes. The chemotactic migration of neutrophils in response to SDF-1 was reduced after a pre-incubation with lithium. We provide evidence that lithium down-regulates the CXCR4 expression of neutrophils and it attenuates their responsiveness to SDF-1. Our studies support the concept that down-regulation of CXCR4 is one of the mechanisms by which causes neutrophilia.

      • Performance IQ in children is associated with blood cadmium concentration in early pregnancy

        Jeong, K.S.,Park, H.,Ha, E.,Hong, Y.C.,Ha, M.,Park, H.,Kim, B.N.,Lee, B.E.,Lee, S.J.,Lee, K.Y.,Kim, J.H.,Kim, Y. Gustav Fischer 2015 Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology Vol.30 No.-

        Objective: To investigate whether performance IQ in children is associated with maternal blood cadmium concentration in early pregnancy. Method: The present study is a component of the Mothers' and Children's Environmental Health (MOCEH) study, a multi-center birth cohort project in Korea that began in 2006. The study cohort consisted of 119 children whose mothers underwent testing of blood cadmium during early pregnancy. All children were evaluated using the Korean version of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, revised edition (WPPSI-R), at 60 months of age. Multivariate linear regression analysis was performed to analyze the correlation between IQ in children and maternal blood cadmium concentration in early pregnancy, after adjustment for covariates. Results: Maternal blood cadmium concentration during early pregnancy was inversely associated with performance IQ, after adjustment for covariates such as sex, educational levels of both parents, family income, and maternal BMI. Maternal blood cadmium concentration, however, was not associated with cognitive IQ. Conclusion: Performance IQ in children is associated with maternal blood cadmium concentration in early pregnancy.

      • Gender difference in blood cadmium concentration in the general population: Can it be explained by iron deficiency?

        Kim, S.H.,Kim, Y.,Kim, N.S.,Lee, B.K. Gustav Fischer 2014 Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology Vol.28 No.3

        Introduction: Gender differences in blood cadmium concentrations and the effect of iron deficiency on blood cadmium levels were analyzed in a representative sample of Koreans assessed in the Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008-2011. Methods: A rolling sampling design was used to perform a complex, stratified, multistage probability cluster survey of a representative sample of the non-institutionalized civilian population in South Korea. Serum ferritin was categorized as low (<15.0μg/L), low normal (15.0-<30.0μg/L for females and 15.0-<50.0μg/L for males), and normal (≥30.0μg/L for females and ≥50.0μg/L for males), and its association with blood cadmium levels was assessed after adjustment for various demographic and lifestyle factors. Results: The geometric mean (GM) of the blood cadmium level was significantly higher in females than in males, and significantly higher in older individuals for both genders. After controlling for covariates, multiple regression analysis with interaction terms showed that blood cadmium was correlated with serum ferritin levels only in pre-menopausal females. Discussion: Iron deficiency is associated with blood cadmium levels in a representative sample of pre-menopausal females, as evaluated in KNHANES. Gender differences in blood cadmium concentration may not be due solely to an iron deficiency-associated increase in blood cadmium.


        The life history strategy of Penthorum chinense: Implication for the restoration of early successional species

        Yang, Y.Y.,Kim, J.G. GUSTAV FISCHER VERLAG 2017 FLORA -JENA- Vol.233 No.-

        The ecological importance of early successional ecosystems has received little attention. Especially, few studies have reported the life history traits and management of early successional herbaceous plant species in riparian zones. Our study was designed to determine whether: (1) the riparian pioneer herbaceous plant Penthorum chinense has tolerance to droughts and floods as pioneer tree species and (2) P. chinense is highly capable to resist infertile soil to avoid low light conditions due to weaker competitive ability than pioneer tree species. We performed mesocosm experiments and field surveys to understand the tolerance to stressful environments and the ecological niche of P. chinense. The following parameters showed the plant's stress tolerance: (i) Root mass fraction and N concentration of stem to nutrient deficit. (ii) Root mass fraction, chlorophyll amount, and N concentration of stem to drought. (iii) Root dry mass and N concentration of stem to waterlogging. (iv) Height per total plant mass, specific leaf area, time to flowering, seed mass fraction, rhizome mass fraction, and chlorophyll amount to submergence of 15days. The results indicate that P. chinense shows tolerance to nutrient deficit, drought, waterlogging and submergence of 15days. Also, P. chinense has a narrow realized niche that requires oligotrophy and disturbance. The restricted distribution of P. chinense to low-productive infertile soils might be a strategy to reduce competition for light. Moreover, P. chinense has the strategy to increase survival in habitats that have alternate occurrences of flooding and drought. Herein, we suggest translocation of P. chinense, assessed as a least concerned species in Korea and a vulnerable species in Japan, to sandy soils that include gravel in waterside environments or shallow waters with periodic flooding for restoration.

      • Toenail mercury and dyslipidemia: Interaction with selenium

        Park, K.,Seo, E. Gustav Fischer 2017 Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology Vol.39 No.-

        <P>Discussion: We confirmed the beneficial effects of selenium against the harmful effects of mercury in humans with relatively high consumption of fish. Our finding has important implications in making dietary recommendations regarding optimal levels of fish and selenium intakes. Further studies are warranted to determine the appropriate level of fish consumption, considering both methylmercury and selenium exposure, in a larger prospective cohort or RCT. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.</P>


        Colonoscopy tutorial software made with a cadaver’s sectioned images

        Chung, Beom Sun,Chung, Min Suk,Park, Hyung Seon,Shin, Byeong-Seok,Kwon, Koojoo GUSTAV FISCHER VERLAG JENA 2016 ANNALS OF ANATOMY Vol.208 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Novice doctors may watch tutorial videos in training for actual or computed tomographic (CT) colonoscopy. The conventional learning videos can be complemented by virtual colonoscopy software made with a cadaver’s sectioned images (SIs). The objective of this study was to assist colonoscopy trainees with the new interactive software. Submucosal segmentation on the SIs was carried out through the whole length of the large intestine. With the SIs and segmented images, a three dimensional model was reconstructed. Six-hundred seventy-one proximal colonoscopic views (conventional views) and corresponding distal colonoscopic views (simulating the retroflexion of a colonoscope) were produced. Not only navigation views showing the current location of the colonoscope tip and its course, but also, supplementary description views were elaborated. The four corresponding views were put into convenient browsing software to be downloaded free from the homepage (anatomy.co.kr). The SI colonoscopy software with the realistic images and supportive tools was available to anybody. Users could readily notice the position and direction of the virtual colonoscope tip and recognize meaningful structures in colonoscopic views. The software is expected to be an auxiliary learning tool to improve technique and related knowledge in actual and CT colonoscopies. Hopefully, the software will be updated using raw images from the Visible Korean project.</P>


        <i>Tuberlatum coatsi</i> gen. n., sp. n. (Alveolata, Perkinsozoa), a New Parasitoid with Short Germ Tubes Infecting Marine Dinoflagellates

        Jeon, Boo Seong,Park, Myung Gil GUSTAV FISCHER 2019 PROTIST -JENA- Vol.170 No.1

        <P>Perkinsozoa is an exclusively parasitic group within the alveolates and infections have been reported from various organisms, including marine shellfish, marine dinoflagellates, freshwater cryptophytes, and tadpoles. Despite its high abundance and great genetic diversity revealed by recent environmental rDNA sequencing studies, Perkinsozoa biodiversity remains poorly understood. During the intensive samplings in Korean coastal waters during June 2017, a new parasitoid of dinoflagellates was detected and was successfully established in culture. The new parasitoid was most characterized by the presence of two to four dome-shaped, short germ tubes in the sporangium. The opened germ tubes were biconvex lens-shaped in the top view and were characterized by numerous wrinkles around their openings. Phylogenetic analyses based on the concatenated SSU and LSU rDNA sequences revealed that the new parasitoid was included in the family Parviluciferaceae, in which all members were comprised of two separate clades, one containing <I>Parvilucifera</I> species (<I>P</I>. <I>infectans</I>, <I>P</I>. <I>corolla</I>, and <I>P</I>. <I>rostrata</I>), and the other containing <I>Dinovorax pyriformis</I>, <I>Snorkelia</I> spp., and the new parasitoid from this study. Based on morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular data, we propose to erect a new genus and species, <I>Tuberlatum coatsi</I> gen. n., sp. n., from the new parasitoid found in this study. Further, we examined and discussed the validity of some diagnostic characteristics reported for parasitoids in the family Parviluciferaceae at both the genus and species levels.</P>


        Characterization and assessment of two biocontrol bacteria against <i>Pseudomonas syringae</i> wilt in <i>Solanum lycopersicum</i> and its genetic responses

        Durairaj, Kaliannan,Velmurugan, Palanivel,Park, Jung-Hee,Chang, Woo-Suk,Park, Yool-Jin,Senthilkumar, Palaninaicker,Choi, Kyung-Min,Lee, Jeong-Ho,Oh, Byung-Taek GUSTAV FISCHER VERLAG JENA GMBH 2018 MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Vol.206 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P> <I>Pseudomonas</I> and <I>Bacillus</I> species are attractive due to their potential bio-control application against plant bacterial pathogens<I>. Pseudomonas aeruginosa</I> strain D4 and <I>Bacillus stratosphericus</I> strain FW3 were isolated from mine tailings in South Korea. In these potent bacterial strains, we observed improved antagonistic activity against <I>Pseudomonas syringae</I> DC3000. These strains produced biocatalysts for plant growth promotion, and <I>in vivo</I> examination of <I>Solanum lycopersicum</I> included analysis of disease severity, ion leakage, chlorophyll content, and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> detection. In addition, regulation of the defense genes pathogen-related protein 1a (PR1a) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) was compared with treated plants and untreated control plants. The results suggest that these two bacterial strains provide protection against plant pathogens via direct and indirect modes of action and could be used as a bio-control agent.</P>


        Fine-scale genetic structure in populations of the spring ephemeral herb <i>Megaleranthis saniculifolia</i> (Ranunculaceae)

        Chung, Mi Yoon,Nason, John D.,,pez-Pujol, Jordi,Chung, Jae Min,Kim, Ki-Joong,Maki, Masayuki,Chung, Myong Gi GUSTAV FISCHER VERLAG 2018 FLORA -JENA- Vol.240 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS) in plants occurs primarily through restricted seed dispersal. Analyses of FSGS have been used retrospectively to infer seed dispersal and other ecological processes. The spring ephemeral <I>Megaleranthis saniculifolia</I>, endemic to Korea, is insect-pollinated and has no special seed dispersal mechanism, and its seedling recruitment is quite low. Given these ecological and life-history traits, we expect that there would be significant FSGS in juveniles, which would persist into adult stage. Since <I>M. saniculifolia</I> is self-compatible and many adults produce 2–3 inflorescences, we expect considerable inbreeding. To test these predictions, we used allozyme-based <I>Sp</I> statistics to compare two undisturbed populations on Mt. Deogyu (DEO) and Mt. Taebaek (TAE), as well as between juveniles (J) and adults (A) stages. We also measured genetic diversity and inbreeding in each population. The two populations exhibited significant FSGS in both life stages. Although the strength of FSGS was reduced with increasing stage (J, <I>Sp</I> = 0.0313; A, <I>Sp</I> = 0.0178 in DEO and J, <I>Sp</I> = 0.0502; A, <I>Sp</I> = 0.0286 in TAE), differences in FSGS between stages and between populations were not significant. Within-population genetic diversity (mean <I>%P</I> = 27.0, <I>A</I> = 1.27, <I>H</I> <SUB>e</SUB> = 0.116) was relatively low and comparable to reference values for both endemic and narrowly-distributed plant species. Genetic differentiation between sites, however, was high (<I>F</I> <SUB>ST</SUB> = 0.465), and the two populations exhibited a significant deficit of heterozygotes (mean <I>F</I> <SUB>IS</SUB> = 0.289), primarily due to selfing and biparental inbreeding (effective selfing rate was ∼0.40). Our results revealed that the magnitude and spatial scale of FSGS in <I>M. saniculifolia</I> is strong and does not differ significantly with life-history stage. The strong FSGS, low within-population genetic variation, high between-population genetic differentiation, and high inbreeding are consistent with the species’ limited seed dispersal and a mixed mating system.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We studied change of fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS) with life stage in two populations of <I>Megaleranthis saniculifolia</I>. </LI> <LI> The two populations exhibited significant FSGS in both life stages. </LI> <LI> However, differences in FSGS between stages and between populations were not significant. </LI> <LI> Low population densities of adults and juveniles would attribute to the similar magnitude and spatial extent of FSGS between stages. </LI> </UL> </P>

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