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      • Detection of pathologic prion protein in the olfactory bulb of natural and experimental bovine spongiform encephalopathy affected cattle in Great Britain.

        Lee, Y H,Simmons, M M,Hawkins, S A C,Spencer, Y I,Webb, P,Stack, M J,Wells, G A H American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2009 Veterinary pathology Vol.46 No.1

        <P>To investigate the relative involvement of the olfactory region in classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), immunohistochemical labeling of prion protein scrapie (PrP(Sc)) was scored in the brainstem, frontal cerebral cortex, and olfactory bulb of cattle with natural and experimental clinical cases of BSE in Great Britain. The intensity of immunolabeling was greatest in the brainstem, but PrP(Sc) was also detected in the olfactory bulb and the cerebral cortex. A diffuse, nonparticulate labeling, possibly due to abundance of cellular PrP, was consistently observed in the olfactory glomeruli of the cases and negative controls. Involvement of the olfactory bulb in BSE and other naturally occurring TSEs of animals raises speculation as to an olfactory portal of infection or a route of excretion of the prion agent.</P>

      • Reproduction of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in pigs by prenatal porcine circovirus 2 infection and postnatal porcine parvovirus infection or immunostimulation.

        Ha, Y,Lee, Y H,Ahn, K-K,Kim, B,Chae, C American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2008 Veterinary pathology Vol.45 No.6

        <P>Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) was reproduced in prenatally porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2)-infected pigs by either postnatal infection with porcine parvovirus (PPV) or by immunostimulation. Twenty-four randomly selected piglets from 3 sows, which had been experimentally infected during gestation with PCV2, were randomly divided into 3 groups; group 1 (prenatal PCV2 infection, with postnatal PPV infection), group 2 (prenatal PCV2 infection, with postnatal keyhole limpet hemocyanin, emulsified in incomplete Freund's adjuvant [KLH/ICFA] injection), and group 3 (prenatal PCV2 infection only). Twenty-four randomly selected piglets from 3 uninfected sows were randomly divided into 3 groups; group 4 (no prenatal infection, with postnatal PCV2 and PPV infection), group 5 (no prenatal infection, with postnatal PCV2 infection), and group 6 (negative control pigs). Body weight in negative control pigs (group 6) was increased significantly compared with pigs in groups 1, 2, and 4 at 49, 52, 56, 59, and 63 days of age. The granulomatous inflammatory reaction and lymphoid depletion that are typical lesions in pigs with PMWS were observed in the lymph node of piglets in groups 1, 2, and 4 at 63 days of age. Pigs in group 3 had significantly fewer PCV2-positive cells than those from groups 1, 2, 4, or 5. When the prenatally PCV2-infected pigs were infected with PPV or injected with immunostimulant in the postnatal period, they developed PMWS. Thus, factors that potentiate the progression of prenatal PCV2 infection to PMWS are postnatal infection with PPV or immune stimulation.</P>

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