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      • 太陽레이저의 分解率硏究

        盧弘均 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1981 基礎科學硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The effective concentration of incident light flux on conic and parabolic collecting devices was derived. The dissociation rate as a function of radius from the axis in the laser tube and that on the axis derived. And incident ratio(the ratio of incident light flux by the chopper to full incident flux) was discussed to study the rise time.

      • 韓國産 나리類에서 分離한 바이러스에 관한 硏究 : Ⅱ. Lily Symptomless Virus 및 Tulip Breaking Virus Ⅱ. Lily Symptomless Virus and Tulip Breaking Virus

        朴禹源,尹泰圭,張茂雄 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1987 基礎科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        黃色 모자이크, 壞疽條班, 縮葉의 病徵을 나타내고 있는 나리類를 韓國의 南部地域에서 採集하였다. 電子顯微鏡에 의해 2種의 바이러스 粒子가 分離되어 이들의 寄主範圍, 진딧물의 傳搬性, 感染細胞內에 있어서 바이러스 粒子의 所在樣式에 의하여 다음과 같은 2種의 바이러스를 同定하였다. ① Lily symptemless virus (LSV): 바이러스는 汁液接種에 의해 백합에서만 感染이 확인되었으며 복숭아혹진딧물에 의해 쉽게 傳搬되었다. 바이러스 粒子의 形態는 直徑 約 13nm, 길이 約 650nm의 絲狀形이다. 病葉切片의 電子顯微鏡的 觀察에서는 모든 細胞의 細胞質內에 바이러스 粒子의 散在像, 集團像 및 結晶配列像이 확인되었다. ② Tulip breaking virus (TBS): 이 바이러스는 汁液接種에 의해 백합과 튜울립에서만 感染이 확인되었으며 복숭아혹진딧물에 의해 쉽게 傳搬되었다. 바이러스 粒子의 形態는 直經 約 12nm, 길이 約 820nm 의 絲狀形이다. 病葉切片의 電子顯微鏡的 觀察에서는 모든 細胞의 細胞質內에 바이러스 粒子의 散在像, 集團像과 TBS의 感染에 의해 生成된 細胞質封入體(pinwhcel, scroll, ring, bundle, tube)가 확인되었다. Samples showing yellow mosaic symptom of Lilium spp. with necrotic fleck, and malformation were collected from lily-growing areas in the southern part of Korea. Two kinds of viruses were distinguished under the electron microcope based on host ranges, types of aphid transmission, and relations with cells and tissues were examined. Lily symptomless virus(LSV) was transmitted by sap-inoculatin only to Lilium spp. and by the aphid, Myzus persicae. Electron microscopic examination of negatively stained preparation showed that the virus is filamentous particles of aout 650nm long and 13nm in diameter. In ultrathin sections of LSV infected tissues, individual, small groups, and crystalline array of virus particles are found in the cytoplasm of common cells and meristematic cells. Tulip breaking virus(TBS) was transmitted by sap-inoculation to both Lilium spp. and Tulipa spp. and by the aphid, Myzus persicae. Electon microscopic examination of negatively stained preparation showed that the virus is filamentous particles of about 820nm long and 12nm in diameter. IN ultrathin sections of TBS infected tissues, occasional random distributions of individual and small groups of virus particles were observed throughout the cytoplasm of all the cells and sometimes within plamodesmata. Also we recognized as cytoplamic inclusions in forms of pinwheel, bundle, and tube.

      • d-Cinchonine을 환경물질로 한 [Co²(acac)₂(tn)] 착물의 Pfeiffer 효과

        吳昌彦,金洋,崔正鎭 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1987 基礎科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The Pfeiffer effect of bis(acetylacetonato) trimethylenediaminecobalt(Ⅱ) complex was examined with d-cinchonine as an environment substance is CH₂CI₂, CHCI₂, and CHCI₃-CCI₄ (20%(v/v)CCI₄) mixed solvent. It was found that the chiral equilibrium of [ ?? ] is displaced in favour of its ?? -enantiomer in the presence of d-cincho-nine. The rate of appearance of the Pfeiffer effect (antiracemization rate) was also measured for the [ ?? ]-d-cinchonine system in organic solvents. The antira-cemization rate constants( ?? ) in CH₂CI₂, CHCI₃, and CHCI₃-CCI₃ were ?? , ?? , and ?? , respectively. And it was seen that the rate of antiracemization ws more enhanced by the lower polar solvent than by the higher one. However, the degrees of optical resolution ( ?? at 550nm) in each solvent were -1.62, -1.37, and -1.17, respectively, and it was more resolved in higher polar solvent.

      • Potassium 9-s-Amyl-9-boratabicyclo〔3.3.1〕nonane의 합성과 환원 특성

        車震淳,尹末淑,李光雨 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1987 基礎科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        A new reducing agent, potassium 9-s-amyl-9-boratabicycol[3. 3. 1]nonane (K0-s-Amyl-9-BBNH) was prepared from the reaction of excess potassium hydride and B-s-amyl-9-BBN, which was synthesized by hydroboratind 2-methyl-2butene with 9-BBN. The reducing charcteristics of the reagent to the repressentative organic compounds have been studied systematically under the standardized conditions (0C, THF, H-/compound=4 : 1). The reagent appeared as a relatively mild selective reducing agent. Thus, aldehydes, ketones, acid chlorides, and epoxides are reduced rapidly to the corresponding alcohol stages, while aromatic amides, aromatic nitriles, and esters are reduced only slowly. In addition to that, it exhibits remarkably high stereoselectivity in the reduction of monocy-clic and bicyclic ketones.

      • 영지버섯 栽培에 있어서 푸른곰팡이 병균의 生長에 미치는 要因과 防除法

        李鍾縕,張茂雄,李在成 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1986 基礎科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        本 實驗은 우리나라의 霙芝 버섯의 포트 栽培에서 發生하는 푸른곰팡이병의 原因茵의 규명과 그 防除法을 확립하고져 실시하였다. 實驗結果는 곰팡이 3種과 細茵 3種의 分離되었다. 이중 푸른곰팡이 症狀의 原因茵은 Trichoderma Roningi, T. lignorum, 未同定 1種임이 확인되었고, 발생빈도는 각각 60%, 30%, 10%이었다. T. lignorum은PDA 배지 Waksman's and Richard's solution에서 생장이 좋았고, 중성-알카리성에서는 生長이 不良한 반면 산성에서 生長이 좋았으며, 최적산도는 pH4였다. Trichoderma spp. 는 70℃에서 60分間, 80℃에서 30分間 열처리하므로서 완전히 사멸되었다. Three species of Trichoderma causing green mildew of Ganoderma lucidum were isolated from 6 spots of G. lucidum growing areas in Dae Gu. These are T. roningi, T. lignorum, and an unidentified species, and their frequencies of occurrence are 60%, 30%, and 10%, respectively. All of these species grew well in potato dextrose, Waksman's and Richard's solution, and preferred acidec(pH4.0) to neutral condditions. T. lignorum was killed when exposed for either 60minutes at 70℃, or for 30minutes at 80℃.

      • 리튬-보란계에 의한 유기화합물의 선택환원

        尹末淑,金永植,車震淳 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1986 基礎科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        A systematic study on the reaction of the lithium-borane system in tetrahydrofuran with representative organic compounds under standardized conditions (THF, 0℃, H?/compd=4/1) has been carried out in order to characterize the reducing characteristics and entity of this reducing system. Most aldehydes and ketones are reduced rapidly to the alcohol stage. Carboxylic acids and acid chlorides are rapidly reduced to corresponding alcohol stages are reduced only slowly. Nitro compounds are very slowly reduced and sulfur compounds are essentially inert to this reducing system. Consequently, this system possesses both reducing characterictics of borane, an acidic type, and lithium borohydride, a basic type.

      • 초연신 폴리프로필렌/폴리에틸렌 블랜드의 물리적 성질

        金鳳植,李圭完,崔鉉國 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1987 基礎科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Films of the ultrahigh molecular weight isotactic polypropylene and high-density polyethylene blends (i-PP/HDPE) were produced from the dilute solution by the gelation/crystallization. The maximum draw ratio of the dried polyethylene gel film obtained was 168 from the solic-state extrusion at 110C. At this value, tensile strength and the Young's modulus appeared to be the maximum values of 13 and 63.5 GPa, respectively, at room temperature.

      • 多環芳香族炭化水素類에 의한 화학발암의 양자생화학적 해석

        朴柄珏,都聖鐸,徐萬哲 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1986 基礎科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        The interaction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) with deoxyrkbonucleic acid(DNA) were studied by means of extended Huckel method. Assuming that the formation of a loose molecular complex between each PAH and DNA is the first step of chemical carcinogenesis, the plausible orientation of the complex formed between the PAH and the the adenine-thymine pair or the guanine-cytosine was figured out. On the basis of the most probable orientation, the charge transfer quantities of the DNA bases (A-T pair and G-C pair) and PAH complexes were calculated and compared with carcinogenicity. It was found that the parallel relationship between charge transfer quantity of the G-C pair and PAH complex and carcinogenicity exists, but not between that of the A-T pair and PAH complex and carcinogenicity. Thus, the interaction of the G-C pair with the carcinogens seems to play an important role in the carcinogenesis.

      • Malachite Green유도체의 합성과 그 항균성에 관한 연구

        金浩植,金鍾大,金在根,韓文洙 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1986 基礎科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        Malachite Green derivative bearing butyl group was prepared in the form of Leuco base, 4-butyl-4'. 4"-bis(dimethylamino) triphenylmethane, by the condensation reaction of N,N-dimethylaniline with the formyl derivative of butylbenzene, which had been obtained from butylbenzene by chlormethylation followed by oxidation. The butylbenzene was prepared by the alkylation reaction of benzene with n-butyl choride which had been obtained from n-butyl alcohol and zinc chloride. The antimicrobial and antifungal activity of buty-Malachite Green was evaluated in terms of minimum inhibitory concentration by the dilution method. The butyl-Malachite Green showed considerably increasing activity. This activity was stronger than that of hexyl-Malachite Green. This phenomenon suggested that the activities of the alkyl derivatives increase with decrease in the number of carbon in the alkyl group.

      • 여러가지 전해질-금속이온의 착물화(제2보),수용액중에서 Poly(ethyleneimine)-Ni(Ⅱ),-Cu(Ⅱ)및-Pd(Ⅱ)이온의 생성상수

        김동수,조태섭 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1985 基礎科學硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The Complexation of poly (ethyleneimine) (PEI) with copper (Ⅱ), nickel(Ⅱ) and palladium(Ⅱ) ions was studied in 1M KCL at 25℃. The potentiometrically determind logarithms of the overall formation constants (log ??) at 6.0 and 10.0 mole ratio of PEI/M(Ⅱ) was as follows: 13.94 and 11.20 for log K₂ of PEI ??, 18.97 or log K₃ and 12.12 for log K₂ of PEI ??, and 13.98 and 11.08 for log K₂ of PEI-??, respectively The order of successive formation constants was increased as follows: when mole ratio of PEI/M(Ⅱ) is 6.0, Ni<Cu<Pd for log k₁ and Pd<Cu<Ni for log k₂; when mole ratio of PEI/M(Ⅱ) is 10.0, Pd??Cu<Ni for log k₁ and log k₂.

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