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      • KCI등재후보

        Three ORF-Containing Group I Introns in Chloroplast SSU of Caulerpa sertularioides (Ulvophyceae) and Their Evolutionary Implications

        이정호,JamesR.Manhart2 한국조류학회I 2003 ALGAE Vol.18 No.3

        Except for a group I intron in trnL-uaa occuring in eubacteria and plastids, group I introns are rarely documented in plastid genomes. Here, we report that a green alga, Caulerpa sertularioides, contains three group IA3 introns in the 16S gene (cpSSU), CS-cpSSU.i1, CS-cpSSU.i2 and CS-cpSSU.i3. Each intron has an open reading frame with LAGLIDADG motifs. CS-cpSSU.i1orf and CS-cpSSU.i3orf occur at Loop 6 in the intron secondary structure and CScpSSU. i2orf at Loop 8. CS-cpSSU.i1orf and CS-cpSSU.i2orf contain both LAGLI-DADG motifs but CS-cpSSU.i3orf has only one. CS-cpSSU.i1 and CS-cpSSU.i2 share the insetion sites and the ORFs at Loop 6 and 8 with CpSSU·1 and CpSSU·2 introns of Chlamydomonas pallidostigmatica (Chlorophyceae). In contrast, CS-cpSSU.i3, containing 28 copies of GAAATAT at Loop 6, is a novel intron found only in Caulerpa sertularioides. Possible scenarios of the evolution of the three introns and their possible use in systematic research are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        FTIR characterization and antioxidant activity of water soluble crude polysaccharides of Sri Lankan marine algae

        I.P. Shanura Fernando,K. K. Asanka Sanjeewa,Kalpa W. Samarakoon,이원우,김현수,김은아,U. K. D. S. S. Gunasekara,D. T. U. Abeytunga,Chandrika Nanayakkara,E. D. de Silva,이희승,전유진 한국조류학회I 2017 ALGAE Vol.32 No.1

        Polysaccharides of marine algae exhibit different structural characteristics and interesting biological functions. In this study, crude polysaccharides (CP) of eleven Sri Lankan marine algae obtained through hot water extraction and ethanol precipitation were investigated for DPPH, alkyl, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities using electron spin resonance spectrometry and for intracellular reactive oxygen species scavenging activity in the Chang liver cell line. Characterization of CPs was done by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and by analysis of the monosaccharide composition. Time-dependent density functional theory quantum-chemical calculations at the RB3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level for constructed dimeric units of the corresponding polysaccharides were used to resolve the FTIR spectra. CPs from Chnoospora minima showed the highest DPPH and alkyl radical scavenging activities and higher intracellular reactive oxygen species scavenging effects for both AAPH and H2O2 induced ROS production in “Chang” cells. The major polysaccharide constituent in C. minima CP was identified as fucoidan and it displayed a higher sulfate content. The degree of sulfation of these polysaccharides suggests a positive correlation with the observed antioxidant properties.

      • KCI등재

        Revisiting the Parvilucifera infectans / P. sinerae (Alveolata, Perkinsozoa) species complex, two parasitoids of dinoflagellates

        전부성,남승원,김선주,박명길 한국조류학회I 2018 ALGAE Vol.33 No.1

        Members of the family Parviluciferaceae (Alveolata, Perkinsozoa) are the well-known dinoflagellate parasitoids along with Amoebophrya ceratii species complex and parasitic chytrid Dinomyces arenysensis and contain six species across three genera (i.e., Parvilucifera infectans, P. sinerae, P. rostrata, and P. corolla, Dinovorax pyriformis, and Snorkelia prorocentri) so far. Among Parvilucifera species, the two species, P. infectans and P. sinerae, are very similar or almost identical each other morphologically and genetically, thereby make it difficult to distinguish between the two. The only main difference between the two species known so far is the number of sporangium wall (i.e., 2 layers in P. infectans vs. 3 layers in P. sinerae). During sampling in Masan bay, Korea during the spring season of 2015, the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea cells infected by the parasite Parvilucifera were observed and this host-parasite system was established in culture. Using this culture, its morphological and ultrastructural features with special emphasis on the variation in the number of sporangium wall over developmental times, were investigated. In addition, the sequences of rDNA regions and β-tubulin genes were determined. The result clearly demonstrated that the trophocyte at 36 h was covered with 4 layers, and then outer layer of the sporocyte gradually degraded over time, resulting in wall structure consisting of two layers, with even processes being detached from 7-day-old sporangium with smooth surface, indicating that the difference in the number of layers seems not to be an appropriate ultrastructural character for distinguishing P. infectans and P. sinerae. While pairwise comparison of the large subunit rDNA sequences showed 100% identity among P. infectans / P. sinerae species complex, genetic differences were found in the small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences but the differences were relatively small (11-13 nucleotides) compared with those (190-272 nucleotides) found among the rest of Parvilucifera species (P. rostrata and P. corolla). Those small differences in SSU rDNA sequences of P. infectans / P. sinerae species complex may reflect the variations within inter- strains of the same species from different geographical areas. Taken together, all morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular data from the present study suggest that they are the same species.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibition of inflammatory responses elicited by urban fine dust particles in keratinocytes and macrophages by diphlorethohydroxycarmalol isolated from a brown alga Ishige okamurae

        I. P. Shanura Fernando,김현수,K. K. Asanka Sanjeewa,오재영,전유진,이원우 한국조류학회I 2017 ALGAE Vol.32 No.3

        Fine dust (FD) particles have become a major contributor to air pollution causing detrimental effects on the respiratory system and skin. Although some studies have investigated the effects of FD on the respiratory system, their possible effects on the skin remain under-explored. We investigated the FD mediated inflammatory responses in keratinocytes, present in the outer layers of skin tissues and the transfer of inflammatory potential to macrophages. We further evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of the polyphenolic derivative, diphlorethohydroxycarmalol (DPHC) isolated from Ishige okamurae against FD-induced inflammation. Size distribution of FD particles was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. FD particles induced the production of cyclooxygenase-2, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6 in HaCaT keratinocytes and the expression of nitric oxide (NO), inducible nitric oxide synthases (iNOS), PGE2, tumor necrosis factor-α expression in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Further, we evaluated the inflammatory potential of the culture medium of inflammation-induced HaCaT cells in RAW 264.7 macrophages and observed a marked increase in the expression of NO, iNOS, PGE2, and proinflammatory cytokines. DPHC treatment markedly attenuated the inflammatory responses, indicating its effectiveness in suppressing a broad range of inflammatory responses. It also showed anti-inflammatory potential in in-vivo experiments using FD-stimulated zebrafish embryos by decreasing NO and reactive oxygen species production, while eventing cell death caused by inflammation.

      • KCI등재

        Temperature ranges for survival and growth of juvenile Saccharina sculpera (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) and applications for field cultivation

        Soo Hong Kim,Young Dae Kim,Mi Sook Hwang,Eun Kyoung Hwang,유현일 한국조류학회I 2021 ALGAE Vol.36 No.4

        Saccharina sculpera is highly valued for human consumption and value-added products. However, natural resourcesof this kelp have decreased sharply and it is in danger of extinction. Resources recovery through cultivation is beingtrialed to enable the sustainable use of this species. In this study, the temperature range for survival and optimal growthof juvenile S. sculpera was identified and applied to field cultivation. This study investigated the survival and growthof juvenile S. sculpera under six temperatures (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 16, 18, and 20°C) and two light intensities (i.e., 20 and 40µmol photons m-2 s-1) in an indoor culture experiment. In these experiments, the blade length decreased at 16°C underthe both light intensities. The thalli died at 20°C and 20 µmol photons m-2 s-1, and at 18‒20°C and 40 µmol photons m-2s-1. During the field cultivation, early growth of S. sculpera was highest at the 5 m depth and growth decreased as thewater depth increased. When the initial rearing depth was maintained without adjustment throughout the cultivationperiod (from December to October), all the cultivated S. sculpera plants died during August and September. However, S. sculpera plants lowered from 5 to 15 m and grew to 90.8 ± 13.1 cm in July. The seawater temperature at 15 m depth wassimilar to the upper level of thermal tolerance demonstrated by juvenile S. sculpera in the indoor culture experiments(16°C or lower). The plants were subsequently lowered to 25 m depth in August, which eventually led to their matura tion in October. The present study confirmed that improved growth rates and a delay in biomass loss can be achieved byadjusting the depth at which the seaweeds are grown during the cultivation period. These results will contribute to theestablishment of sustainable cultivation systems for S. sculpera.

      • KCI등재

        New distributional record for Pyropia koreana: confirmed to occur on the South Island, New Zealand

        Wendy A. Nelson,Judith E. Sutherland,Mi Sook Hwang,Han-Gu Choi 한국조류학회I 2014 ALGAE Vol.29 No.3

        An epiphytic bladed member of the Bangiales was found growing in Christchurch (South Island, New Zealand). Molecular sequence data and morphological comparisons revealed that the New Zealand specimens belong to the species Pyropia koreana (M. S. Hwang & I. K. Lee) M. S. Hwang, H. G. Choi, Y. S. Oh & I. K. Lee. This is the first record of Py. koreana in the southern hemisphere and a new record of an introduced species in New Zealand.

      • KCI등재후보

        울릉도에서 분리한 토착 미세조류 Coelastrella rubescens KNUA201의 배양 및 생화학적 특성 연구

        구기연,도정미,윤호성 한국조류학회I 2023 수생생물 Vol.3 No.2

        미세조류는 광합성을 통해 고속 성장을 이루며 동시에 고부가가치 산물을 생성할 수 있는 특징을 지니고 있다. 이러한 특징으로 인해 최근의 탄소중립시대에 말미암아 에너지 응용 산업에서 다양한 주목을 받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대한민국 울릉도에서 토착 담수 미세조류 생물자원 배양주를 확보하였으며, 형태학적 및 18S rRNA, ITS, tufA 서열을 이용한 분자생물학적 동정 결과를 바탕으로 순수 분리된 KNUA201 균주가 Coelastrella rubescens임을 밝혔다. C. rubescens KNUA201 균주를 BG-11 배지에서 1~3%의 CO2를 공급하여 7일간 배양하였으며 이를 통해 1.34 g L–1의 건중량을 확보하였다. 7일 배양 후 수확한 바이오매스는 동결건조 후 원소분석을 진행하였으며 결과적으로 25.1 MJ kg–1로 확인되어 곡물계 및 목질계와 같은 이전세대 바이오매스보다 상대적으로 높은 열량값을 지니고 있음을 확인하였다. 생화학적 조성분석에서 약 59%의 높은 단백질 함량을 지닌 것으로 파악되었으며, GC/MS를 이용한 지방산 결과에서는 상업적으로 이용가능성이 높은 알파 리놀렌산(C18:3 (ω3))의 성분이 30.6%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과들을 토대로 울릉도에서 순수분리된 C. rubescens KNUA201 미세조류 균주는 차세대 바이오 에너지 연료, 식품 첨가물, 기능 식품 원료를 공급할 수 있는 생물자원으로서 다양한 활용 가능성에 대한 토대를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Microalgae have characteristics of the capability of achieving rapid growth through photosynthesis and also could generate high-value products. Owing to these characteristics, microalgae are considered promising candidates in the energy application industry, particularly in the recent era of carbon neutrality. In this study, we identified indigenous sample collected from Ulleungdo Island fresh water pond as Coelastrella rubescens based on morphological feature and ITS, tufA, 18S rRNA sequences analysis from isolated strain KNUA201. 1.34 g L–1 of C. rubescens KNUA201 biomass was obtained which was grown in BG-11 media with 1~3% of CO2 for 7 days. We verified that the biomass sample, which was freeze-dried for elemental analysis after 7 days of incubation, has 25.1 MJ kg–1 of high calorific value exceeding former generation biomass such as crops and woods. Besides, mass percent of protein was 59% by biochemical analysis, α-linolenic acid (C18:3 (ω3)) accounts for 30.6% which was the highest content result from GC/MS fatty acid analysis. Based on our screening of isolated C. rubescens KNUA201 from Ulleungdo Island, we consider isolated strain have numerous usability as next generation bioenergy fuel, food additive, raw material for functional food.

      • KCI등재

        Taxonomic revision of the genus Herposiphonia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Korea, with the description of three new species

        고영호,김명숙 한국조류학회I 2018 ALGAE Vol.33 No.1

        We examined the species diversity of Herposiphonia on Korean coasts, based on a combination of morphology and molecular analyses of the mitochondrial COI-5P DNA barcode marker and plastid rbcL gene. We report the presence of eight species including three novel species: H. donghaensis sp. nov., H. jejuinsula sp. nov., H. sparsa sp. nov., H. caespitosa, H. fissidentoides, H. insidiosa, H. parca, and H. subdisticha. Specimens were separated into eight clades in both the COI-5P and rbcL gene analyses, with 1.3-19.6 and 6.6-15% interspecific sequence divergence, respectively. These eight species are also distinguishable by several morphological characteristics such as: branching pattern (d/i pattern in H. donghaensis sp. nov. and H. sparsa sp. nov.; d/d/d/i pattern in others), shape of determinate branch (ligulate in H. fissidentoides; terete in others), number of vegetative trichoblasts (1-2 in H. insidiosa and H. sparsa sp. nov.; 3-4 in H. caespitosa; absent in others), and number of segments and pericentral cells in determinate branches. About three novel species revealed by our analyses, H. donghaensis sp. nov. is newly discovered, and H. jejuinsula sp. nov. and H. sparsa sp. nov. were previously reported in Korea as H. nuda and H. secunda, respectively. Our results show that DNA barcoding and rbcL analyses are useful for delimiting species boundaries and discovering cryptic species diversity in the genus Herposiphonia.

      • KCI등재

        Unveiling mesophotic diversity in Hawai‘i: two new species in the genera Halopeltis and Leptofauchea (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta)

        Erika A. Alvarado,Feresa P. Cabrera,Monica O. Paiano,James T. Fumo,Heather L. Spalding,Celia M. Smith,Jason C. Leonard,Keolohilani H. Lopes Jr.,Randall K. Kosaki,Alison R. Sherwood 한국조류학회I 2022 ALGAE Vol.37 No.4

        Two genera of the Rhodymeniales, Halopeltis and Leptofauchea, are here reported for the first time from the Hawaiian Islands and represent the deepest records for both genera. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), rbcL, and large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU) sequences for Hawaiian specimens of Leptofauchea revealed one well-supported clade of Hawaiian specimens and three additional lineages. One of these clades is described here as Leptofauchea huawelau sp. nov., and is thus far known only from mesophotic depths at Penguin Bank in the Main Hawaiian Islands. Leptofauchea huawelau sp. nov. is up to 21 cm, and is the largest known species. An additional lineage identified in the LSU and rbcL analyses corresponds to the recently described L. lucida from Western Australia, and is a new record for Hawai‘i. Hawaiian Halopeltis formed a well-supported clade along with H. adnata from Korea, the recently described H. tanakae from mesophotic depths in Japan, and H. willisii from North Carolina, and is here described as Halopeltis nuahilihilia sp. nov. H. nuahilihilia sp. nov. has a distinctive morphology of narrow vegetative axes that harbor constrictions along their length. The current distribution of H. nuahilihilia includes mesophotic depths around W. Maui, W. Moloka‘i, and the island of Hawai‘i in the Main Hawaiian Islands. Few reproductive characters were observed because of the small number of specimens available; however, both species are distinct based on phylogeny and morphology. These descriptions further emphasize the Hawaiian mesophotic zone as a location harboring many undescribed species of marine macroalgae.

      • KCI등재

        Bioaccumulation of copper and zinc by the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera

        La Kenya Evans,Matthew S. Edwards 한국조류학회I 2011 ALGAE Vol.26 No.3

        This study examined the bioaccumulation of the heavy metals copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) by the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, by exposing meristematic kelp tissue to elevated metal concentrations in seawater within laboratory aquaria. Specifically, we carried out two different experiments. The first examined metal uptake under a single, ecologically-relevant elevation of each metal (30 ppb Cu and 100 ppb Zn), and the second examined the relationships between varying levels of the metals (i.e., 15, 39, 60, 120, 240, and 480 ppb Cu, and 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, and 600 ppb Zn). Both experiments were designed to contrast the uptake of the metals in isolation (i.e., when only one metal concentration was elevated)and in combination (i.e., when both metals’ concentrations were elevated). Following three days of exposure to the elevated metal concentrations, we collected and analyzed the M. pyrifera tissues using inductively coupled plasma atomic emissions spectroscopy. Our results indicated that M. pyrifera bioaccumulated Cu in all treatments where Cu concentrations in the seawater were elevated, regardless of whether Zn concentrations were also elevated. Similarly, M. pyrifera bioaccumulated Zn in treatments where seawater Zn concentrations were elevated, but this occurred only when we increased Zn alone, and not when we simultaneously increased Cu concentrations. This suggests that elevated Cu concentrations inhibit Zn uptake, but not vice versa. Following this, our second experiment examined the relationships among varying seawater Cu and Zn concentrations and their bioaccumulation by M. pyrifera. Here, our results indicated that, as their concentrations in the seawater rise, Cu and Zn uptake by M. pyrifera tissue also rises. As with the first experiment,the presence of elevated Zn in the water did not appear to affect Cu uptake at any concentration examined. However, although it was not statistically significant, we observed that the presence of elevated Cu in seawater appeared to trend toward inhibiting Zn uptake, especially at higher levels of the metals. This study suggests that M. pyrifera may be useful as a bio-indicator species for monitoring heavy metal pollution in coastal environments.

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