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        日本におけるコンベンション産業の效率性 -運營主體別の比較分析-

        주영민 ( Young Min Joo ),김진만 ( Jin Man Kim ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2007 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 자료포락분석법을 사용해서 일본의 컨벤션을 대상으로 경영효율성을 측정함과 동시에 민영화된 컨벤션을 운영주체별로 주식회사와 재단법인의 2개의 그룹으로 분류해서 각 그룹의 효율성을 비교함으로서 어떤 운영주체가 컨벤션 시설을 효율적으로 운영하고 있는가를 검증하였다. 분석의 결과, 적정 산출물량에 대한 실제 산출물량의 비율에 있어서 주식회사 운영의 컨벤션이 재단법인 운영의 컨벤션과 비교하여 2배에 가까운 비율을 나타내고 있고, TE, PTE, SE의 모든 효율성에 있어서 주식회사 운영의 컨벤션이 재단법인 운영의 컨벤션과 비교하여 양호한 결과를 내고 있다는 사실로부터 컨벤션 운영에 있어서는 주식회사가 운영하고 있는 컨벤션이 효율적이라는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 재단법인이 운영하는 컨벤션이 비효율적인 이유로서 다음과 같은 것들이 생각되어진다. 첫번째로 지방자치단체가 많은 인원을 직원으로 파견하고 있기 때문에 직원들의 직무에 대한 전문성이 결여되어 있다. 두 번째로 수입의 큰 부분을 지방자치단체로부터의 보조금에 의존하고 있기 때문에 효율적 운영을 위한 경영노력이 부족하다. 세 번째로 시장규모가 작은 중소도시에 입지하고 있기 때문에 컨벤션에 대한 수요가 부족하다.

      • KCI등재

        이벤트 학술지의 연구동향과 비판적 고찰: 『이벤트컨벤션연구』지(誌)를 중심으로

        손선미 ( Seon Mi Son ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2010 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.6 No.1

        Event study has gradually evolved more quantitatively, however the identity and coverage of event studies have not been well established in the academic field in Korea. This paper explored the research trend through an in-depth content analysis on 78 referred articles published by the academic journal of Event & Convention Research. Objectives of this paper is to analyse research area, research method, researcher and references of the sample journal since it`s first publication. The result reveals that more than fifty percents of the papers were subjected with the industry field of MICE and festivals. Whereas, the research areas have been identified as visitor behavior(41.0%), event marketing(16.7%), event operation(15.4%), event human resources(9.0%), event evaluation(6.4%), sponsorship(5.1%), risk management(2.6%), finance management(2.6%) and others(1.2%). The sample papers mainly employed quantitative research method with on-site Likert-scaled questionnaire survey technique and parametric statistical tools. By analysing the sample papers several points of further dispute were indicated for designing research, numerous unnecessary hypothesis, analysing mistakes and uncertain references. This paper provides the insight of the trends of event studies and event research in Korea for further discussion and development of the related research areas.

      • 日本におけるコンベンション産業の効率性-運営主体別の比較分析-

        주영민,김진만 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2007 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.3 No.1

        . 본 연구는 자료포락분석법을 사용해서 일본의 컨벤션을 대상으로 경영효율성을 측정함과 동시에 민영화된 컨벤션을 운영주체별로 주식회사와 재단법인의 2개의 그룹으로 분류해서 각 그룹의 효율성을 비교함으로서 어떤 운영주체가 컨벤션 시설을 효율적으로 운영하고 있는가를검증하였다. 분석의 결과, 적정 산출물량에 대한 실제 산출물량의 비율에 있어서 주식회사 운영의 컨벤션이 재단법인 운영의 컨벤션과 비교하여 2배에 가까운 비율을 나타내고 있고, TE, PTE, SE 의 모든 효율성에 있어서 주식회사 운영의 컨벤션이 재단법인 운영의 컨벤션과 비교하여 양호한 결과를 내고 있다는 사실로부터 컨벤션 운영에 있어서는 주식회사가 운영하고 있는 컨벤션이 효율적이라는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 재단법인이 운영하는 컨벤션이 비효율적인 이유로서 다음과 같은 것들이 생각되어진다. 첫번째로 지방자치단체가 많은 인원을 직원으로 파견하고 있기 때문에 직원들의 직무에 대한 전문성이 결여되어 있다. 두 번째로 수입의 큰 부분을 지방자치단체로부터의 보조금에 의존하고있기 때문에 효율적 운영을 위한 경영노력이 부족하다. 세 번째로 시장규모가 작은 중소도시에입지하고 있기 때문에 컨벤션에 대한 수요가 부족하다.

      • KCI등재

        게임 이벤트 품질요인이 참여자의 만족도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 고찰

        송방호,김진희,이철영 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2019 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.15 No.2

        Purpose – The game market is one of the fastest-growing sectors along with the development of the media industry. Accordingly, a game has become a major tool for sales promotion as the market grows fast. Although companies need more promotion activities using a game, there have been few studies on this topic. In this respect, We try to conduct an initial study on the quality factors of a gaming event. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to confirm what factors are important in planning and producing a gaming event and to find the factors and the values that the participants recognize in the gaming event by analyzing the factors and the values that they expect. Furthermore we examine the effect of the awareness of the quality factors on satisfaction and purchase intention. Design, data, and methodology – For a gaming event, We selected 5 quality: physical service facility, provision of service, service for users, access to information, and reliability of service to measure the quality of a gaming event. Each of them was measured in two dimensions(importance and satisfaction) according to IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis). For analysis, the data was collected from the participants in Google Play Town through self-administered survey. Result – We found out information security is the most important quality factor in a gaming event and it is followed by the professionality and responsiveness of an event operator, the pleasant atmosphere of the video arcade, and information acquisition. In addition, the correlation analysis showed that there is a statistically positive relationship Conclusions – The significance of this study lies in that it is an exploratory study to analyze the expectation factors and experiential values of the participants in a gaming event between the importance of the quality factors and customer satisfaction, likewise between customer satisfaction with the quality factors and purchase intention, and between customer satisfaction and purchase intention.and that an in-depth analysis on the relationship between their awareness of the quality factors and customer satisfaction, aw well as on the relationship between that and purchase intention. It is hoped that this study would shed a light into how a game event can be successfully planned and produced in the future 본 연구에서는 게임 이벤트 품질 요인에 대한 참가자들의 기대와 이벤트 참가 후에 느끼는 요인별 만족도를 비교함으로써 각 품질 요인의 중요도와 만족도를 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 통해 게임 이벤트 품질에서 중요한 요인이 무엇인가를 확인하고자 하는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 게임 이벤트 참가자들을 대상으로 자기기입실 설문조사 방법을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. IPA 분석기법을 통해 기대요인과 요인별 만족도를 비교하였으며, 상관관계 분석을 통해 품질 요인에 대한 중요도와 만족도가 고객만족과 구매의도와 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 확인하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 게임 이벤트 품질 요인에서는 첨단 게임이나 기술성이 높은 게임에 대한 관람 및 체험, 이벤트 현장에서 느끼는 체험의 편이성과 몰입성, 전문성의 확보, 다양한 프로그램과 부대행사, 이벤트 현장에서 운영진들의 대응 등이 중요한 요인인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 게임 이벤트 품질 요인에 대해 지각하는 중요도는 고객만족과 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 만족도는 구매의도와 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구를 통해 게임 이벤트가 추구해야 할 이벤트 품질이 무엇인가를 확인함으로써 향후 게임 이벤트 기획 및 제작의 방향성을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재


        김형오 ( Hyeong O Kim ),주영민 ( Young Min Joo ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2007 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 관광객의 욕구에 관계된 제 문제에 대해서 소비자행동 연구와 마케팅의 시점에 서 이벤트시장을 세분화하는 것과 관광객이 이벤트의 어떤 요인에 만족을 느끼는지를 밝히는 것과 세분화된 시장과 만족이 어떤 관계에 있는지를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 관광객의 편익에 의해 이벤트시장이 어떻게 세분화되는가를 검증하기 위한 분석의 결과, 이벤트에 참가하는 관광객 중에서 가장 높은 비율을 차지하는 것이 명확한 의사를 가지고 적극적으로 이벤트에 참가하는 「활동추구형」의 관광객이고 그들은 「접근성」보다는 「문화적 체험」, 「행사내용」을 더 중시하고 있다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 그리고 이벤트의 분위기를 만끽하고 기분을 전환한다고 하는 막연한 목적으로 이벤트에 참가하는 「비일상추구형」의 관광객은 그 인원수도 적고 이벤트에 대한 만족도도 낮기 때문에 이벤트관광에 있어서 주요한 표적이 되기 어렵다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 마지막으로 본 연구는, 이벤트의 주최자는 접근성을 향상스켜서 집객 면에서의 성공을 도모하는 것도 중요하지만 그것보다도 이벤트의 행사내용에 대해서 더욱 충실을 기할 필요가 있다는 사실을 시사하고 있다.

      • 기업내부이벤트 커뮤니케이션이 조직 갈등해소에 미치는 영향

        박옥필 ( Ok Pil Park ),이경모 ( Kyong Mo Lee ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2013 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This study explores the importance of internal communication through corporate event. Today’s business environment of a corporate has become increasingly competitive and struggling to survive in the market. Therefore, improvement of a corporate’s position in their business environment is crucial, and effective communication in an organization represents the role of enhancing the organization’s competitiveness. In this research, it is revealed that how the communication function of corporate event may influence on the resolution of conflicts within an organization. Through previous research, five key factors of corporate event communication function have been generated as information sharing, cooperation, communication, interpersonal relationship and atmosphere. Whereas, key factors of organizational conflict resolution were found as collaboration and consolidation, persuasion and compromise, and problem solving. With these factors on questionnaire, data were collected from 230 participants of a corporate event while they were to leave the venue after their experience and activities at the event. A total of 223 responses among 230 samples were analysed by SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 for verifying the hypothesis. Findings were 1. The organizational conflict resolution factor of ‘collaboration and consolidation’ was mainly affected by the event communication factors of ‘cooperation’, communication, and ‘interpersonal relationship’, 2. The organizational conflict resolution factor of ‘persuasion and compromise’ was mainly influenced by the event communication factors of ‘information sharing’, ‘cooperation’, and ‘communication’, 3. The organizational conflict resolution factor of ‘problem solving’ was affected by ‘cooperation’, ‘communication’, and ‘interpersonal relationship’. Thus the event communication factors of ‘cooperation’ and ‘communication’ were the most influential factors to resolve the organization’s conflict by the means of corporate event communication functions.

      • KCI등재

        이벤트 스폰서십 추구편익에 관한 연구

        성은희 ( Eun Hee Seong ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2005 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify sponsorship benefit factors for the sponsor of event and to find differences between benefit factors and characteristics of the sponsors including the types of events. Analysis of sponsorship benefits factors extracted 6 factors including marketing effects, gaining predominant position in sales and market, improvement of the relationship with employees, hospitality to and improvement of the relationship with customers, recognition of the corporation, and factors caused by competitors. As the result of variance analysis, it was found that there were significant differences between characteristics of the sponsor and sponsorship and benefit factors. This study provides event organizers with basic data for the strategy of marketing for the successful event.

      • 광고전략 모델을 적용한 이벤트 전략 모델에 관한 연구

        최광환 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2007 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.3 No.1

        This paper was written to provide some efficient execution methods, the standards to decide upon the successfulness and failure, and the methods to a systematic accumulation of the know-how and experience of an event to set forth a theory to event. The major task to solve the above-mentioned questions is to establish the event strategy model which everyone can share and apply. As the event strategy model renders the common perspectives and decision standards, it enables to provide the standards to judge the success and failure of events and the basis for accumulating event know-hows. As a result on a persuasive communication basis, the factors that construct an ad strategy has proven to be practical to substitute in to the factors, for an event strategy model. To add, it is better in terms of efficiency to apply the distinct factors of an ad strategy on the basis of a USP Discipline on an event strategy model than applying various ad strategic models. This study is aimed that understand experience orientation of potential visitors and find relations between program preference, physical elements importance, visiting intension with experience orientation. Visitor's experience orientations not only have direct effect to visiting intension, but also have indirect effect through the program and physical elements. Therefore, all six hypotheses are adopted. The implication of this study is that must provide distinct experience according festival resource type and program specific character because experience orientation influence differently to program and festival type. I suggested operation devices on relation of the program and the physical element, and as program preference influence strongly to visiting intension, I emphasized importance of program. Also, I showed the result that have to design distinct program on each festival event type.

      • KCI등재

        이벤트기업의 재무구조관리에 관한 연구 - C,K 기업을 사례로 -

        이미혜 ( Mi Hye Lee ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2005 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.1 No.-

        The enterprises have faced with turbulent environmental changes. Therefore event enterprises have exerted all possible efforts to raise the real value of a event enterprise than the growth in quantity of assets. The purpose of this study was to find out the problem on financial structure and present the improvement plan of financial structure management on the basis of financial statement analysis of event enterprises. This study was conducted by case analysis focusing on C and K enterprises in the field of PR and mega-events. Financial structure analysis of C and K enterprises had assets composition, stability, leverage ratio, profitability, growth rates. As a result of financial structure analysis, the findings indicated that C enterprises have stabilities of financial structure because leverage ratio is low and assets ratio is high. Then C enterprises is well worth investment. But K enterprises have unstabilities because leverage ratio is high and profitability ratio is very low as well as high financial rates change. The problem of C enterprises are found to financial structure ratios are growing down and especially profitability ratios. Therefore, suggests that need financial structure management bases on enlarging net worth to assets and profitability ratio.

      • KCI등재

        광고전략 모델을 적용한 이벤트 전략 모델에 관한 연구

        최광환 ( Kwang Whan Choi ) 한국이벤트컨벤션학회 2007 이벤트 컨벤션 연구 Vol.3 No.1

        This paper was written to provide some efficient execution methods, the standards to decide upon the successfulness and failure, and the methods to a systematic accumulation of the know-how and experience of an event to set forth a theory to event. The major task to solve the above-mentioned questions is to establish the event strategy model which everyone can share and apply. As the event strategy model renders the common perspectives and decision standards, it enables to provide the standards to judge the success and failure of events and the basis for accumulating event know-hows. As a result on a persuasive communication basis, the factors that construct an ad strategy has proven to be practical to substitute in to the factors, for an event strategy model. To add, it is better in terms of efficiency to apply the distinct factors of an ad strategy on the basis of a USP Discipline on an event strategy model than applying various ad strategic models.

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