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        간문화성 배양: 한국어 학습자들을 위한 간문화적 성찰과제 모듈 개발

        이종은 한국언어문화교육학회 2020 언어와 문화 Vol.16 No.4

        . 언어 학습자들의 간문화성 배양을 돕기 위해 문화적 성찰 과정을 위한 논의와 학습주제, 활동과제, 능력평가 등을 개발하는 것은 언어학습에 못지않게 중요하다. 그 이유는 간문화성은 학습자들의 목표언어능력과 목표문화사회에서의 단기간 경험을 통해 자동적으로 형성되는 것이 아니기 때문이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 한국어 교과과정에 간문화성을 체계적으로 도입하고 간문화적 성찰과제 모듈 개발을 통해 한국어 유학생들의 간문화능력을 배양시키는 방안을 살펴 제안하였다. 모듈 개발을 위해 세 가지의 의사소통 전달 매체 -상호작용, 발표, 해석-, 표준외국어학습 목표 –문화표준-, 간문화적 표준학습목표 (Can-Do Statements)를 교수법적 기본틀로 삼아 간문화적 성찰을 위한 대주제 항목을 선정하고, 이를 바탕으로 소주제 항목과 성찰과제를 설계하였다. 대상 학습자들은 유학 과정 동안 간문화적 성찰과제들을 수행하고, 유학 후에 간문화적 능력 측정항목을 토대로 자가평가하였다. 또한 학습자들의 간문화적 성찰내용을 통해 간문화 능력의 향상과정과 교육적 함의를 함께 논하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Castaways, Missionaries and Diplomats - An Overview of the Origins and Development of Korean as a Foreign Language Education and Korean Studies in the West -

        Michael C. E. Finch 한국언어문화교육학회 2012 언어와 문화 Vol.8 No.1

        서양인에 의한 외국어로서의 한국어교육과 한국학의 발단은 최초의 한국과 서구의 접촉으로 거슬러 올라간다. 첫 번째 단계에서는 13세기에 유럽인들이 몽골제국과 접촉함으로써 한국의 존재를 알게 된다. 두 번째 단계에서는 일본에 있던 천주교 선교사와 네덜란드의 선원들이 16-17세기에 한국을 방문하여 한국인들을 직접 만난다. 세 번째 단계에서는 유럽의 해군들이 한반도를 둘러싼 바다의 지도를 만들고, 프랑스의 천주교 선교사들이 목숨을 걸고 한국에서 선교활동을 하였으며, 불어나는 개종 신도들에게 목회를 한다. 네 번째 단계에서는19세기말에 개신교 선교사와 외교관, 상인과 여행자, 여자들을 포함한 많은 서양인들이 한국과 서양 국가들과의 조약에 의해 입국한다. 다섯 째 단계에서는 군대와 관련된 젊은 서양 학자와 여러 종류의 선교단체와 평화 봉사단이 한국을 방문한 후 서구에 한국학과 외국어로서의 한국어교육의 기반을 마련한다.

      • KCI등재

        표류자, 선교사와 외교관―서양에서의 한국학과 외국어로서 한국어교육의 근원과 발전에 관한 개요

        마이클핀치 ( Michael Finch ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2012 언어와 문화 Vol.8 No.1

        서양인에 의한 외국어로서의 한국어교육과 한국학의 발단은 최초의 한국과 서구의 접촉으로 거슬러 올라간다. 첫 번째 단계에서는 13세기에 유럽인들이 몽골제국과 접촉함으로써 한국의 존재를 알게 된다. 두 번째 단계에서는 일본에 있던 천주교 선교사와 네덜란드의 선원들이 16-17세기에 한국을 방문하여 한국인들을 직접 만난다. 세 번째 단계에서는 유럽의 해군들이 한반도를 둘러싼 바다의 지도를 만들고, 프랑스의 천주교 선교사들이 목숨을 걸고 한국에서 선교활동을 하였으며, 불어나는 개종 신도들에게 목회를 한다. 네 번째 단계에서는19세기말에 개신교 선교사와 외교관, 상인과 여행자, 여자들을 포함한 많은 서양인들이 한국과 서양국가들과의 조약에 의해 입국한다. 다섯 째 단계에서는 군대와 관련된 젊은 서양학자와 여러 종류의 선교단체와 평화 봉사단이 한국을 방문한 후 서구에 한국학과 외국어로서의 한국어교육의 기반을 마련한다.

      • KCI등재

        뉴 미디어 <미스터 션샤인>을 활용한 한국 언어문화 교육의 병행적 학습 모형 연구 - 가치 문화를 중심으로-

        김해옥 ( Kim¸ Haeok ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.3

        This study was intended to examine the educational utility and utilization of new media in the digital environment, paying attention to the popular culture production and communication methods of < Mr. Sunshine >. According to this goal, linguistic informatics as a quantitative study and text interpretative method as a qualitative study were applied to verify the educational utility of < Mr. Sunshine > as a media text and to present a specific classroom teaching model based on this data. The Korean value culture education plan considering the learner characteristics of Koreans, foreigners, and overseas Koreans was constructed as a class model and data. This can be seen that there is a continuous need for research on ways to present interpretation and critique of media content in the field of teaching and learning and to use it educationally. (Yonsei University)

      • KCI등재

        한국문화학 교육체계에 따른 학습내용에 관한 탐색적 연구

        김영순,정지현 한국언어문화교육학회 2015 언어와 문화 Vol.11 No.3

        This study provides each applied learning content of three educational system of Korean culturology. For this study, we interviewed educators of Korean language education field through e-mail and the questions were about adequate learning contents fitted each educational system of Korean culturology. Based on interviews, we described similarities and differences of culture education contents they provided. Especially, common learning contents play an important role for the building the system of Korean culturology. These contents were provided research participants. We emphasize that Korean culture education has to assume both Korean and international students as a learner. In this context, Korean culturology focused on the contents centered in ethnology, in socio-culture and in Korean studies. Our assumption is valid to the contribution of developing Korean culturology education.

      • KCI등재

        1950-60년대 학습자가 인식한 한국어교육 환경 연구 -개신교 선교사 학습자를 중심으로-

        강병헌,강승혜 한국언어문화교육학회 2017 언어와 문화 Vol.13 No.2

        Kang, Byoung Houn․Kang, Seung Hae. 2017. A Study on Korean Language Education Environments of 1950-60s Based on the Learners’ Perception –Focusing on Protestant Missionaries-. The Language and Culture 13-2: 1-26. This study is to present a vivid picture of the Korean language education environment in the 1950-60s, particularly from the learners’ perspective. An in-depth interview was adapted as the research method. Since the majority of Korean language learners during this period were Protestant missionaries from the USA, six former missionaries who participated in Korean language education at formal Korean language institutions were interviewed respectively. Among the participants, two of them were with the Korean Language School(KLS) in the 1950s and the remaining four with Yonsei Korean Language Institute(KLI) in the 1960s. The interviews revealed three major agents of Korean language education environment during this period that had influenced the participants’ learning experience: the missionary orientation programs in the USA, Korean language institutions in Korea and the language committee of the various mission organizations in Korea. Firstly, the participants’ experiences with the above mentioned agents were elaborated to describe the ‘macro view’ of the Korean language education environment. Secondly, the features of the two domestic Korean language education programs during this period were analyzed to present the ‘micro view’ of the Korean language education environment.(Yonsei University)

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육능력검정시험의 한국문화 영역에 대한 비판적 고찰

        최정경 ( Choi¸ Jungkyung ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to analyzed the validity of the past questions in the “Korean Culture” area of the Korean Language Education Test in to guidelines for the test(question’s ratio and content aspects). And examined whether the questions were appropriate for evaluating Korean teachers cultural teaching competency. As a result of review, it was found that the large deviation in the ratio of the questions in each subject and there were many questions that did not meet the intention of the test. Also, most of the contents did not reflect evaluation of the ‘intercultural perspective’, which is the purpose of cultural education in the Korean language curriculum. Accordingly, this study proposes as follows. First, the Korean culture area showed different aspects from the standard of the examination in both question’s ratio and content aspects and was still biased toward traditional culture, which has not reflected the current trend in the Korean language education field. Therefore, proposed to reduce the area of Korean culture, which was about only simple knowledge questions, and proposed reconsideration of current subject classification. Second, existing multiple-choice questions hard to check identify the intercultural perspective, reasoning ability, and understanding of multiculture of Pre-service Teachers. Therefore, emphasized the need to reform the question type. Third, suggested to develop items that can evaluate the affective competence and functional competence among Korean culture teaching competencies. (Pusan National University)

      • KCI등재

        한국문화교육에서의 문화지능 적용 연구 - ‘문화적 선입견 다루기’전략을 중심으로 -

        이명애,박광옥,이지양 한국언어문화교육학회 2016 언어와 문화 Vol.12 No.4

        This study aims to apply cultural intelligence (CQ: Cultural Quotient) which is a more developed concept from intercultural competence to Korean Culture Education. CQ is the capability to enhance your effectiveness working and living in culturally diverse situations. CQ is something to be developed and learned through education. To prove this, we conducted an experimental class in korean culture education. How to manage our cultural stereotyping was the topic of the class, as stereotyping is one of the main issues to be handled in culture education. Participants took a CQ test before and after the class. As a result of the experiment, participants showed the significant improvement of the scores of their cultural strategy and total CQ. As an efficient addressing method of diversity in this ‘Glocalization’ world, CQ deserves to be more systematically researched and adapted in Korean Culture Education.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어교육 전공 학과 교육과정 분석 연구

        김재욱 한국언어문화교육학회 2009 언어와 문화 Vol.5 No.1

        Kim, Jae-wook. 2009. The Study on the Curriculum of Departments of Korean Language Education. The Language and Culture 5-1: 23-41. This study investigates Korean language education curriculums which are offered in 17 departments of Korean language education at the undergraduate level. The goal of the study is to analyze current major Korean language education courses and to provide the basis for designing an ideal curriculum of Korean language education at the undergraduate level. The study focuses on the analysis of existing courses of Korean language education departments, which were offered after establishing the fundamental law for the Korean language. Compared the existing major courses with compulsory credits and courses required to obtaining the certification of Korean language teacher, it reveals that the courses of ‘domain 3’ are not enough for students to take because the offered courses are just compulsory ones. On the contrary, the ‘domain 4’ provides students with more courses than compulsory courses prescribed in the fundamental law for the Korean language. What this shows is the lack of teaching faculty who can be in charge of teaching Korean as a foreign language. Furthermore, since the current compulsory credit system is graduate-centered, it is unnatural that the system can be applied to undergraduate curriculum. This study is aim to consider the revision of the existing compulsory credit system in the fundamental law for the Korean language. On the basis of the result of the study, it requires that the curriculum of Korean language education at the undergraduate level be more elaborated. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

      • KCI등재

        <미생>과 <송곳>에 나타난 집단 감성과 언어문화 교육 방안 - 조직문화를 중심으로-

        김해옥 ( Kim Hae-ok ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2017 언어와 문화 Vol.13 No.1

        The study examined collective emotions of texts, mainly concentrating on medium characteristics of drama and identified the characteristic of Korean organizational culture. In particular, Hofstede’s < World’s Culture and Organization > concretely looked into measures to educate collective emotions and organizational culture of Korean culture, by specifically examining how usefully cultural index such as collectivism, authoritarianism, femininity, long-term orientation, avoidance of uncertainty are reproduced which were discussed as characters of Korean organizational culture. This study would propose specific class models that can be utilized to Korean and Korean culture education, by applying Dramas, < Misaeng > and < Drill >, which realistically realize survival issues of temporary employees who work in a multinational workplace in the era of globalization as cultural, educational contents. Based on this educational applicability, the study aims to specifically discuss cultural, educational measures to understand Korean collective emotions and organizational culture by utilizing multi-media in a multicultural age where the number of business in international commerce is increasing. < Misaeng > dramatically reflects the change in modern organizational culture which were formed collectivism, authoritarianism, femininity, long-term orientation, becomes intermingled with individualistic non-authoritarian tendency and changes in perception of Women's social activities. < Drill > expanded diverse social and individual problems that labor environment has confronted in a modern society, into a social discussion, by realistically covering specificity of labor’s daily life and union activity. The study examined the applicability of multi-media as language culture educational contents in a diversified modern society through class lecture model. Drama is a multi-media of two-way communication, of which educational usefulness has been verified by its ability to cultivate and improve vocabulary ability, Korean communication skills and understanding ability of Korean culture. (Yonsei University)

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