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        한국사전학회 20년과 한국 사전학의 과제

        남길임,안의정 한국사전학회 2022 한국사전학 Vol.- No.40

        본 연구는 2003년 한국사전학이 발간된 이후부터 현재까지 『한국사전학』에 등재된 논문들을 분석함으로써 한국의 사전학이 변혁기를 거쳐 온 과정과 발전상을 고찰하고, 이를 통해 한국의 사전학의 발전 방향성을 논의하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 우선, 2003년 한국사전학회의 창립 전후부터 지금까지 한국사전학이 도출한 성과를 양적으로 분석하고(2장), 사전학 관련 논문에서 사전학의 연구 경향을 각각 거시구조적 측면과 미시구조적 측면에서 살펴봄으로써(3장), 최근 20년간의 연구의 경향성을 분석한다. 이를 통해 본 연구에서는 한국 사전학계가 말뭉치 혁명과 컴퓨터와 IT의 발달, 사용자의 참여 확장 등 사회 변화에 따른 요구를 한국사전학계가 어떻게 수용해 갈 것인지를 함께 논의한다. 본 연구의 대상은 『한국사전학』에 등재된 모든 논문이 주요 대상이나, 『한국사전학』 이전에 사전학 전문지로서 관련 주제들을 담당했던 『사전편찬학연구』와 이외 KCI 학술지 중 현대 한국사전학의 주요 성과를 모두 포함한다. 또 분석의 체계는 사전학 이론의 내적 체계인 이론사전학과 사전편찬학의 체계를 따르는 한편, 국내외 사전학계의 주요 연구 동향을 참고하기 위해 한국사전학회, 아시아사전학회, 유럽사전학회의 주요 연구 분야를 고려하여 논의한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습사전의 현황과 과제 - 국립국어원 『한국어기초사전』을 중심으로 -

        이윤미(Lee, Yoonmi) 한국사전학회 2023 한국사전학 Vol.- No.41

        이 글의 목적은 첫째, 국립국어원 『한국어기초사전』을 기존에 이루어진 한국어 학습사전의 요건에 대한 논의와 비교하여 분석하는 것이고, 둘째는 분석한 것을 바탕으로 앞으로 한국어 학습사전에서 고려되어야 할 점이 무엇인가를 짚어보는 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 『한국어기초사전』의 거시 구조와 미시 구조를 면밀히 분석하였다. 이때 한국어 학습사전의 요건에 대하여 다룬 기존의 논의를 살피며 이 요건에 얼마나 부합하는지를 확인하였다. 특히 미시 구조에서 뜻풀이와 용례를 일반 국어사전인 『표준국어대사전』과 비교하여 분석하였다. 끝으로 『한국어기초사전』의 거시 구조와 미시 구조를 분석한 내용을 바탕으로 앞으로 한국어 학습사전을 편찬할 때 고려해야 할 점을 살펴보았다. The purpose of this article is, first, to compare and analyze National Institute of Korean Language Basic Korean Dictionary with existing discussions on the requirements of Korean learner’s dictionaries, and second, based on the analysis, what should be considered in future Korean learner’s dictionaries. To this end, the macro- and micro-structures of the Basic Korean Dictionar y were analyzed closely. At this time, by examining the existing discussions on the requirements of Korean learner’s dictionaries, it was confirmed how well they met these requirements. In particular, the definitions and usage examples in the microscopic structure were compared and analyzed with Standard Korean Dictionary , a general Korean language dictionary. Lastly, based on the analysis of the macro- and micro-structures of the Basic Korean Dictionary , we looked at the points to be considered when compiling a Korean learning dictionary in the future.

      • KCI등재

        『한국외래어사전』(1970)의 구조 및 의의

        김아영(Kim, Ayoung) 한국사전학회 2023 한국사전학 Vol.- No.41

        이 글에서는 『한국외래어사전』(배양서 1970)의 거시 구조와 미시 구조를 분석하고 그 의의를 고찰해 보았다. 이종극의 『모던조선외래어사전』(1937) 이후 첫 외래어 사전인 『한국외래어사전』은 1960년대의 외래어 사용 현실을 충실히 보여 주는 자료적 가치가 있다. 『한국외래어사전』은 일정한 기준에 따라 표제어를 선별하기보다 유입 시기, 분포 등에 관계없이 당시에 사용되던 외래어를 망라하였다. 1만1000여 표제어를 평음, 경음, 격음의 구분이 없는 순서로 배열하였다는 특징이 있다. 현실 발음을 반영하여 순음 뒤의 ‘우’ 표기, 경음 표기를 하고 장모음은 표기하지 않음으로써 표기와 발음을 최대한 일치시키고자 하였다. 의미 기술에는 유의어 제시, 서술형 풀이 등 다양한 방식을 활용하였다. 간접 외래어의 경우 차용 경로를 상세히 밝히는 등 원어 정보를 충실히 제공하고자 하였으며, 다양한 전문 분야 표지를 제시하였다. This study aims to analyze the macro-structure and micro-structure of Korean Loanword Dictionary , published by Pae, Yang-seo in 1970, and to consider its significance. Korean Loanword Dictionary , the first loanword dictionary since Lee Jong-geuk’s Modern Joseon Loanword Dictionar y(1937), is valuable enough as research material since it shows the reality of loanword usage in the 1960s faithfully. It listed loanwords used at the time regardless of the time of introduction and distribution, rather than selecting headwords according to certain standards. About 11,000 headwords are arranged in order without distinction between plain, tensed, and aspirated consonants. Reflecting the actual pronunciation, u(우) was written instead of eu(으) after the labial sound, tensed consonants ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ were used, and the long vowel was not marked. In this way, it was tried to match the notation and pronunciation as much as possible. For semantic description, various methods such as the presentation of synonyms or descriptive expressions were used. Information on the original language was faithfully provided, including the detailed description of the borrowing path of indirect loanwords. In addition, field labels of various terminology were presented.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        외국인을 위한 한국어사전 개관 (pp.7-51)

        배주채(Bae Juchae) 한국사전학회 2009 한국사전학 Vol.- No.14

        Korean dictionaries for foreigners(hereafter KDF) has a long history of 900 years or so, if Gyerimyusa(鷄林類事) is considered the first of them. But many of us would be stricter about the qualification for a KDF so that one of New Korean-English Dictionary(1968), Cosmos Korean-Japanese Dictionary(1988), Shogakukan Korean-Japanese Dictionary(1993), Learner’s Dictionary of Korean (2006) should be the first one. The first three are bilingual dictionaries and the last is a monolingual dictionary.Learner’s Dictionary of Korean(2006) was made with the help of two corpus-based Korean dictionaries for Koreans(hereafter KDK), i.e. Yonsei Korean Dictionary(1998) and Standard Korean Language Dictionary(1999). So it has many good points that the preceding KDKs didn’t have. But its Achilles’ heel is that it was written only in Korean, so most of Korean learners below advanced level cannot understand the dictionary texts. It is urgent to translate it into foreign languages. In addition to this regular KDF, many special KDFs have been published home and abroad since 2000. There is a good outlook for KDF.

      • KCI등재

        『한국어기초사전』의 구 단위 표제어 선정 방안 연구

        손연정(Son, Yun Jung),강현화(Kang, Hyoun Hwa) 한국사전학회 2023 한국사전학 Vol.- No.41

        본 연구는 『한국어기초사전』에 수록할 ‘구’ 단위 표제어 목록의 구체적인 선정 범위와 선정 방법을 논하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위하여 한국어 교육용 구 단위의 유형을 분류하고 각 유형의 특성을 밝히고자 한다. 아울러 구 단위 표제어의 범위를 정하기 위한 선정 기준과 방법, 절차를 살피고자 했다. 우선, 구 단위의 유형은 ‘문법적 구 단위’, ‘관용어 구 단위’, ‘담화 표지적 구 단위’, ‘어휘적 구 단위’로 구분할 수 있었다. 이들 모두는 한국어 교육이라는 목표에 부합하는 단위로 설정할 수 있었다. 둘째, 선정 범위를 정함에 있어서 『한국어기초사전』의 편찬 지침은 명확하지 않았으며, 유의미한 목록 산정을 위한 단계적 접근이 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다. 이에 본고는 선행 목록을 바탕으로 하여, 사용 빈도, 연어성, 복합성 등의 준거를 바탕으로 한 1차 평정과, 교육적 적용성을 판정하기 위한 한국어 교육 전문가 집단의 2차 평정을 거치는 목록 평정을 제안하였다. 연구의 결과, 총 3848개의 구 단위를 선정하여 제안하였다. 구 단위 사전 표제어 선정에 대한 논의가 부족하고, 한국어 교육에 특정한 연구가 없었다는 점에서 본 연구는 기초 연구로서의 의의가 있다고 하겠다. The purpose of this study is to examine the types of phrase for Korean language education to be included in the Basic Korean Dictionary, to identify the characteristics of each type. Also, to discuss the specific methods, procedures and scale for these phrases is the purpose of this study. To this end, the types of phrase were classified and the scale for the Basic Korean Dictionary was organized. The types of phrase could be divided into grammar phrase, idiom phrase, discourse marker phrase, and vocabulary phrase. In addition, referring to the compilation guidelines of the Basic Korean Dictionary, it was examined whether each type is suitable for the Basic Korean Dictionary, although it was difficult to limit the scale of phrase for Korean language learning. Since it is difficult to set standards on what vocabulary is necessary for foreign learners, the scale can be limited through the evaluation of a group of Korean language education experts. As a result of the study, a total of 3,848 phrases were selected for the Basic Korean Dictionary. This study is meaningful in that there has been no study on the entire phrase in the learners dictionary, and the list of phrase for the Basic Korean Dictionary was selected.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어사전 편찬의 현황과 이론적 전개

        유현경(Yoo Hyunkyung) 한국사전학회 2011 한국사전학 Vol.- No.17

        This paper is aimed at describing the trends and prospects for lexicography of Korean dictionary and examining the theoretical background of lexicography of Korean dictionary. This study examines the practice of lexicography of Korean dictionary from medial 19th century to the present and the theoretical problems in lexicography of Korean dictionary that have been accumulated in the compiling process. Lexicography of Korean dictionary was started as a bilingual dictionary around the time of enlightenment. The first half of the 20th century, lexicography of Korean dictionary was planned and discontinued because of political and social causes. In this time lexicography of Korean dictionary was a cultural event to not only the academic world of Korean linguistics but also the whole society along with unification of notation. From the end of 19C to the present lexicography of Korean dictionary, including 〈Keunsajeon〉, has been related to the identity of Korean people and Korean culture and the work that arranges and unifies Korean was materialized by lexicography. These academic discussions about the dictionary continued while compiling dictionary and also after publication. Especially, the study of theoretical lexicography and practical lexicography centered on the laboratory performed the crucial role in raising Korean lexicography to academic level. After 2000, The Korean Association for lexicography was founded and it has contributed to the theoretical development of Korean lexicography. From now on web dictionary will be the mainstream among Korean dictionaries and recently it is a trend that mobile dictionary growing fast.

      • KCI등재

        국어 사전과 '사전 문법' : 사전 문법학의 정립을 위하여

        이희자(Lee Hee-Ja),남길임(Nam Kil-Im) 한국사전학회 2003 한국사전학 Vol.- No.1

        The purpose of this study is to look into the role of grammar when editing dictionaries, and to show importance of grammatical approaches in lexicography. We will call grammar related to dictionaries "Lexicographical grammar" in this paper. Grammar is a rule system of syntactic, morphemic phenomena. So a linguistic dictionary as a dictionary representing essence and actual uses of a certain language, should show linguistic knowledge of native speakers who use the language. Grammar plays important roles in various steps while we edit dictionaries, from selecting words of entries, arranging entries to describing each words. As a consequence, we scrutinized various grammatical factors as elements of lexicographical description, as a result we theorized the roles and charasrestics of "lexicographical grammar."

      • KCI등재

        한국어 사전 편찬 작업의 회고와 반성 : 연세대학교 한국어 사전 편찬 작업을 중심으로

        박형의(PAK Hyong-ik) 한국사전학회 2009 한국사전학 Vol.- No.13

        Korean-Korean dictionaries have been published in Korea for the past eighty years. The history of compiling korean-korean monolingual dictionaries is not long compared with that of compiling korean encyclopedia and bilingual dictionary. In this paper, we examine in brief the historical development of korean-korean dictionaries, and we introduce some problems of korean lexicographic traditions in practice. In particular, we elaborate a critical point of view about the making of Korean-Korean dictionary entitled 'Yonsei Korean Contemporary Dictionary' following 'Yonsei Korean Dictionary' published in 1998. We note the history traditional of the dictionary making at Yonsei University and the attitude of the lexicographer who work in the Institute of Language and Information Studies of Yonsei University. We also referred to the object of compiling the dictionaries, the questions affecting the lexicographer and the reading public.

      • KCI등재

        한국어학습자를 위한 『한국어기초사전』 구축 방안 연구

        강현화(Kang, Hyoun-Hwa),원미진(Won, Mijin) 한국사전학회 2012 한국사전학 Vol.- No.20

        This paper explores the compiling method of the Korean Basic Dictionary and the controversial issues on the process of selecting the main entries and providing definitions and examples. The number of main entries is around 50 thousand words, which covers the need for advanced vocabulary for Korean language learners. Nevertheless, in order to finish the selection procedure of the entries, additional lists considering the macro structure of the dictionary should also be included. First, the special words such as proper nouns, postpositional words, and the conjugational parts of verbs, need an appropriate selection method. Second, additional selection of derivate words or related words of main entries is still under process and will continue to be until this dictionary has been fully compiled. In defining words, two issues that must be addressed are controling the vocabulary levels and avoiding translation misunderstandings because the basic purpose of this dictionary is to offer the model of multi-lingual translation. Finally, providing useful examples is the most important issue. Thus, the examples have been revised based on the validity of grammatical, semantical, and pragmatical function. The final result of this process ultimately needs to verified by Korean language learners through real time use of this dictionary.

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