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        한국 드라마와 영화 속 약국과 약사의 이미지 고찰

        손현순,안현빈,김현진 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2024 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        BACKGROUNDS Media impacts public perception of professions. This study evaluated the portrayal of pharmacies and pharmacists in movies and dramas and its influence on public image. METHODS On September 15, 2023, ‘pharmacist’, ‘movie’, and ‘drama’ were searched on Naver® and IPTV olleh® TV, a qualitative evaluation was performed on the management and spatial factors of pharmacies, and a qualitative evaluation was performed on the image of professional and human factors of pharmacists, and a quantitative evaluation was performed on the image of pharmacists using an image measurement tool. RESULTS Eight films (3 dramas, 5 movies) were analyzed. The pharmacy mainly provided prescription drug services, and over-the-counter drugs and quasi-drugs were displayed in front and behind the counter. Dispensing areas were not visible, and medication consultations occurred at the counter. In the quantitative evaluation of the pharmacist’s image(5-point scale), role as a health counselor was 3.75 points, the activeness of work performance was 3.0 points, and their accessibility to the general public was 5 points. CONCLUSION The image of pharmacists in the mass media needs to be constantly monitored, and the image of pharmacists we are aiming for should be accurately communicated to the public without distortion so that the professional value of pharmacists can be properly recognized.

      • 우리나라 사회약학 교육 현황 : 전국 34개 약학대학 설문조사 결과

        안상완,노윤하,전하림,이의경,신주영 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2019 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        BACKGROUNDS Despite the introduction of Social Pharmacy in South Korea since the 1990s, there have been no studies on the status of social pharmacy education and research so far. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study is to investigate current status of social pharmacy education and research in South Korea. METHODS A questionnaire was mailed to 35 deans (or professors of Social Pharmacy) at colleges of pharmacy in South Korea. All respondents were asked to provide information regarding the status of their faculties, curriculum and graduate school. To present the result of the questionnaire, the frequencies or percentages of all the questions were calculated as all variable were categorical. RESULTS Over two months, a total of 34 professors participated in the study (97% response rate). Among them, 24 colleges answered that they has full-time faculty members in social pharmacy (71%), and 10 colleges answered that they don’t have full-time professors (29%). The 15 respondents reported that their colleges had graduate school of social pharmacy (44%) CONCLUSION The significant difference among the colleges of pharmacy was shown in the status of social pharmacy faculties, mandatory clerkship, and graduate school. To reduce the gap among the colleges of pharmacy, it is necessary to expand the social pharmacy faculty and develop the infrastructure in the field of social pharmacy.

      • 연령에 따른 우선순위 설정은 사회적 선호를 반영하나?

        배은영 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2020 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Cost-effectiveness is basically based on the principle of health maximization. A decision based on cost per QALY has an ethical implication that 1 QALY incurred by everyone is of equal value. However, many literatures found that the public preferences depend on who the beneficiaries are, and therefore the social values of a QALY are not equal to everyone. This study focuses on the age among the factors that determine the social value of a QALY. It examines the philosophical and theoretical debate that considers age as a criterion of priority setting, including the concept of “fair inning” and outlines the direction of social preference found in empirical studies. In addition, this paper will briefly examine how the prioritization formula proposed in other countries relates to age, and seek policy implications.

      • 국내 단독거주 노인의 과부담의료비와 관련된 요인 분석

        김은지,서혜선 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2020 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        BACKGROUND Korea has reached an aged society, with its population aging rapidly. However, the social policy associated with population aging has limitations of social welfare. Our society has suffered from social problems such as elderly poverty and inequality in old age. Thus, policy to improve these challenges are needed. OBJECTIVE We aimed to provide a basis for healthcare policy decisions by exploring the factors associated with the elderly house-hold facing catastrophic health expenditure. METHOD We examined baseline characteristics of single-living elderly. Moreover, we performed logistic regression analysis to assess the factors associated with the elderly household facing catastrophic health expenditure using the Korea Health Panel Survey data. RESULTS The major factors in the elderly household facing catastrophic health expenditure were elderly poverty, economic activity, severe disease, the share of drug prices, and quality of life. According to the Chi-square results, there was a statistically significant difference between age, sex, insurance type, elderly poverty, economic activity, education level, and presence of chronic or severe disease. CONCLUSION The main factors associated with the elderly household facing catastrophic health expenditure related primarily to economic characteristics. Thus, practical policy decision-making is needed to improve income secu-rity for an aging population.

      • 일반인들의 지역약국 약사서비스에 대한 기대 : 설문조사

        윤덕용,하정은,손현순 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2017 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        OBJECTIVE This study was conducted to investigate the purpose of pharmacy visit, service satisfaction, and the expected services from community pharmacy. METHODS Twenty eight-items questionnaire verified through a pilot test was used. Adults over the age of 20 were enrolled by convenience sampling during July 17 to 24, 2017. The data were analyzed descriptively by using Microsoft Excel program. RESULTS Of 119 respondents, about two thirds were younger than 40, educated above college, and lived in Seoul and Incheon/Gyeonggi. During the last 3 months, 70.5% and 66.4% of respondents visited community pharmacy for prescription drug dispensing and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs purchasing, while only 16.8% and 3.4% of them visited for health functional food (HFF) purchasing and health promotion counseling (HPC). The main reason of low HPC service uses was lack of awareness about its availability in community pharmacy. They were highly satisfied with pharmacy services for prescription drug, OTC, HFF, and HPC (92.8%, 86.1%, 90.0%, and 100.0%), respectively. Their expected services from community pharmacy were the management of safe drug use, sufficient provision of product information, support for selecting products, and counseling for general health-related problems. CONCLUSION This study suggests that community pharmacy should actively let the general publics know diverse pharmacy services and strengthen pharmacist’s roles in primary care. The value of community pharmacy will be enhanced by satisfactorily providing the services expected by general publics.

      • 일부 외국의 외래약제비 본인부담 차등화 사례 및 정책적 시사점

        김성옥 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2012 한국보건사회약료경영학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.1

        약제비 본인부담제도는 많은 국가에서 환자의 도덕적 해이를 방지하고, 약제비절감을 위해 시도되어 온 정책이다. 우리나라에서도 외래 30%, 입원 20%의 정율부담금 제도가 있으며, 소액진료비 등에 대한 정액부담제 변화 및 암환자 및 희귀난치성 환자등의 중증질환자에 대한 본인부담 경감제 등 정책적 변화가 있어 왔다. 이 연구는 외래약제비 본인부담 및 본인부담 차등화의 효과를 외국의 연구 를 통해 살펴보고 정책결정에서 본인부담 증가로 인한 부작용으로 의약품 순응도 감소, 의료서비스 이용의 증가 가능성, 저소득층 및 건강취약 환자의 필수의약품 이용 감소 가능성 등이 있음을 확인하였다. 특정 국가 사례로 살펴본 벨기에, 프랑스, 핀란드는 의약품 특성별로 본인 부담금 차등화 방안을 시행하고 있으며, 덴마크의 경우 의약품 비용별 차등 화 방식을 적용하고 있다. 특히 벨기에, 덴마크, 프랑스는 의약품 특성별(혹은 비용별) 차등화 본인부담방식과 더불어 참조가격제를 동시에 적용하고 있어, 다양한 본인부담금 제도의 병행적용을 시도하고 있음을 시사하고 있다. 본인부담금 제도를 변화시켜 적용함에 있어 성공적인 정책운영을 위해서는 벨기에, 덴마크, 핀란드 등의 예에서 볼 수 있듯이 중앙화된 처방전 감시체계가 필요하다.

      • 조현병환자의 복약이행도 개선전략: 요인별 분석

        성혜빈,홍송희 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2020 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        BACKGROUND Medication nonadherence of the schizophrenic puts the patient in harm’s way and may bring the society to dangers. A summary of the existing literature on ways to improve the medication nonadherence would help protect the patient. OBJECTIVE This study aimed 1) to identify the list of reasons of medication nonadherence, 2) the list of strategies to alleviate medication nonadherence among the schizophrenic, and then 3) to assess how effectively each strategy addresses the specific reason of medication nonadherence. METHODS The reasons of medication nonadherence were identified from a most recent study of systematic review. For each identified reason, the strategies for improving the medication nonadherence were identified from a PubMed search of the studies published for the past 5 years. The effectiveness assessment of the strategies in addressing each reason was based on a 5 point-scale. RESULTS The number of reasons of medication non-adherence identified was 11, categorized into intentional vs. non-intentional ones. The number of strategies to improve the nonadherence was categorized into 6; pharmacist intervention, drug formulation, side effects, socio-cognitive behavioral modification, economic incentives and use of technology. While quite a few strategies aimed at addressing the problems of cognitive impairments, social support, and medication belief, few addressed the problems related to insight and social stigma. CONCLUSION This study found that strategies to improve the medication nonadherence work only when they target specific reasons. The study results inform healthcare providers of the importance of tailoring the medication nonadherence improvement strategy to each patient’s needs.

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