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      • WTO체제하의 충남지역 경제의 활성화 방안 : 중소기업 육성여건을 중심으로

        최광덕 충남대학교 경영대학원 1994 忠經 Vol.- No.6

        우리 經濟는 지난 30여년동안의 고도성장기를 거치면서 눈부신 發展을 이룩하였다. 그러나 한편으로는 地域間 不均衡이라는 構造的 問題點을 드러내었다. 또한 최근에는 전반적인 景氣沈滯 속에서 中小企業의 連鎖不渡 등 심각한 經濟的 危機를 맞고 있다. 여기에 전개되고 있는 國際秋序 속에서 開放化, 國際化의 물결이 밀려오고 있어 우리 經濟의 어려움은 날로 더해가고 있다고 할 수 있다. 地域經濟는 國家經濟의 한 부분으로서 地域經濟가 낙후되고서는 한 나라의 經濟가 發展될 수가 없는 것이다. 또한 地方 中小企業은 地域經濟이 가장 중요한 主體라고 할 수 있으므로 地域經濟의 活性化를 통해 우리나라의 經濟를 되살리리 위해서는 중소기업의 育成이 불가피하다고 할 것이다. 따라서 忠南은 國土의 중심부에 위치하고 있으며, 西海岸을 끼고있어 中國과의 수교에 따른 西海岸時代의 돌입등에 따라 매우 유리한 立地的 條件을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 상당히 落後된 地域經濟 水準을 보이고 있다. 그 이유는 地域經濟에 필수불가결한 人的·物的資源이 首都圈에 集中되어 있기 때문이기도 하지만, 보다 근본적인 이유는 忠南이 傳統的으로 農業中心의 1次産業적인 産業構造를 가지고 있어 육성한 中小企業이 成長 發展할 수 있는 바탕이 마련되지 못했기 때문이라 할 수 있다.

      • 經營者開發의 理論과 展開方向에 관한 考察 : 大田地方의 企業體를 中心으로 Based on the enterprise firms in Daejon area

        김선돈 충남대학교 경영대학원 1978 經營學論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The contemporary business administration is characterized by the fact that it is divided into three parts the capital provider who is in charge of financial resources, the working rank who provides management and labor, and the administrator who is in charge of executive funciton. From the administrator's point of view, the owner manager of the earlier capitalistic economy has been replaced by the "employed manager". And in addition to the factors mentioned above, other factors such as ever-changing situations from outside of the business and the tendency toward the division and specialization of task have forced the "professional manager" to come into existence. Korea, for one thing, has seen its industrial structure under way to rapid change and expansion with remakable rapidity as the result of the four Five-Year Economic Development Plans. However, the training of qualified business administrators is still short of fulfilling the task of producing enlightened man-power for business administration. This task is urgent since the modernization of the administration is essential to effective business management. This treatise conists of five chapters and eight sub-chapters, in which the writer tried to propose a principle of Business Administrative Development and its progressive course. I . Preface. Emphasis was laid on the necessity of training specialized business administrators who can cope with the rapidly changing situation both from outside and within the business firms themselves and on the need for establishment of preparedness for the international competition. Ⅱ. On Theoretical Disclosure of Business Administrative Development. In this chapter, the writer attempted to describe theoretically the importance of Business Administrative Development and its procedures in terms of technical aspect. Ⅲ. A Pragmatic Study of Business Administrative Development. In this chapter, the writer disclosed the results of his survey on the current trends of business administrative development in the manufacturing firms in Daejon Area. He also tried to analyze the outcome of the research survey. The problems found through the research-survey are as follow. The first is that the business administrative development is not realized as a way of coping with the depressive economy. The second is that the program for Business Administrative Development is not as effective as it should be. The third is that Business Administrators find too little time for participating in Educational Projects for Business Administration. Ⅳ. The procedure of Business Administrative Development. This chapter is devoted to the remedial ways found in the research-survey mentioned in the chapter Ⅲ, in order to propose effective procedural development programs which correspond to the enterprise environment. Ⅴ. Conculsions: This is a condensed summary of the treatise. Eight points for the improvement of the Business Administrative Development are provided in this chapter. The first is that the opportunity of participating in the administrative education program should be opened to all in management. The second is that a long-term man-power promotion program should be maintained in order to meet future demands. Thirdly, it is required that activities of an organization in charge of Administrative Education Program be strengthened. The forth is that The Education Program should be improved by means of case-study rather than class room lectures. The fifth is that specialized educators are required in the field of education mentioned above. The sixth is that a complementary measure should be also used to promote the participation by every member of the firm in management with a systematic purposes presented. The seventh points to the fact that desire for self-development on the part of the administrator himself is indispensable to the Administrative Education Program. And finally, there should be the Reviewing Program regularly into the results of the education. The education should be continuous and be repeated on regular intervals.

      • 錦江의 本流와 支流의 魚類相에 關한 比較 硏究

        許英叔,崔信錫 충남대학교 교육대학원 1983 碩士學位論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        In order to analyze the fish distribution of the Geum river and its tributary, the common species, rare species, species richness, and species diversity were studied from May 1980 to May 1982. 1. 52 species in 9 families were collected in the main stream, whereas 32 species and 8 families in the tributary. Zacco platypus showed the highest value in relative abundance at both the main stream(16.5%) and the tributary(33.8%). The log-normal line of relative abundance in the main stream and the tributary were all belong to C class. 2. Zacco platypus, Hemibarbus longirostris, Pseudobagrus emarginatus, Psedogobio esocinus, Opsarichthys bidens, Paracheilognatus rhombea, Coreoleuciscus Splendidus and Microphysogobio yaluensis were common specis in the main stream. Zacco platypus and Cobitis koreensis were common species in the tributary. 3. In the upper and the middle river, the species diversity, species richness of the mein stream were higher than that of the tributary. In the lower river, the species diversity, species richness of the main stream were lower than that of the tributary. 4. It was found that the species diversity was not significantly related to the dominance index in the main stream. But the dominance was inversely related to diversity in the tributary. The species diversity was rather high in the main stream, but there was not any apparent dominance species. The species diversity of the tributary was rather low. But it was apparent that there were several dominant species in the tributary.

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