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      • 新入生 問題調査 硏究

        高明奎 제주대학 학생지도연구소 1976 학생지도 Vol.4 No.-

        本 調査에서 밝혀진 主要 事實들을 要約하면, 다음과 같다. A. 大學入學의 動機에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 現在 全體 調査者의 32.1%의 學生들은 지성인으로서 人格을 갖추기 위하여, 27.2%는 장래 職業生活의 준비를 위하여, 그리고 나머지 各 11%는 國家發展에 공헌할 지도자가 되기 위하여와 學問硏究를 위하여 入學하였다. B. 學科選擇에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 現在 2志望으로 입학한 學生들은 55.7%이고, 나머지 38.7%는 1志望으로 입학한 學生이다. 2) 現在 38%에 해당하는 學生만이 자기의 興味와 適性에 따라 학과를 선택하였고, 過半數(55.4%)의 學生은 將來의 職業選擇·未開拓分野·高校成績·家庭環境과 父母의 勸誘에 의해서 학과를 선택하였다. 3) 6할 정도의 學生은 학과선택시에 他人의 助言을 받았고, 나머지 4할은 助言을 받지 못했다. 그리고 助言의 경우 家族員(44.2%), 高校敎師(20.4%), 親友(18.0%)이다. 4) 현재 6할 가량의 學生은 소속한 학과에 대하여 無關心·不滿을 表示하고 있고, 나머지 36.6%만이 滿足感을 나타내고 있다. C. 轉科에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 轉科(學)를 희망하는 學生은 전체의 31%이다. 2) 그리고 學生들의 轉科의 理由로서 첫째 興味와 適性에 맞지 않아서(39.5%), 둘째 좁은 地域社會이기 때문에(19.9%), 세째 施設이 貧弱하기 때문에 (10.9%)를 들고 있다. D. 切實한 個人問題에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 學生들이 당면하고 있는 가장 切實한 個人問題로서는 첫째 人間關係 問題(13.8%), 둘째 經濟問題 (12.4%), 세째 將來 職業問題 (11.1%)를 들고 있다. 2) 이러한 切實한 個人的 問題를 갖고 相議하고 싶은 對象은 첫째 親友 (28.4%), 둘째 指導敎授 (17.8%), 세째 父 (11.8%)를 드는 경향이 높다. E. 課外活動에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 향재 58.4%의 學生은 校內外에서 클럽活動을 하고 있고, 나머지 35%만이 活動을 않고 있다. 2) 그리고 앞으로 學生들이 參加하려는 클럽活動의 範圍는 첫째 社會奉仕 (23.6%), 둘째 趣味活動 (19.6%), 및 學術硏究 (18.4%)에 보다 參與意識을 보여주고 있다. F. 通學에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 전체의 43.2% 學生들만이 自宅에서 通學하고 있고, 나머지 50.3%는 自炊·下宿 副職을 갖고 通學하고 있다. G. 우리나라 將來에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 우리나라의 將來에 대하여 希望的·樂觀的인 態度를 보이는 學生은 전체의 66.3%, 나머지 16.2%만이 絶望的·悲觀的인 見解를 表明하고 있다. 2) 그리고 希望的인 見解를 갖는다는 理由는 첫째 經濟的 發展 (69.4%), 둘째 社會的 發展 (22.3%)이다. H. 아르바이트에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 6할 이상의 學生은 아르바이트를 希望하고 있다. 2) 그리고 아르바이트를 希望하는 理由로서는 첫째 雜費를 마련하기 위하여(39%), 둘째 自立精神을 기르기 위하여(38%), 세째 社會生活의 見聞을 넓히고 또 學費를 마련하기 위하여 (각 14%)서라고 한다. I. 將來의 職業에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 學生들이 大學卒業後 가장 憧憬하는 職種의 順位를 보면, 첫째 學者(敎授) (22.1%), 둘째 敎師(17.2%), 세째 行政官(公務員)(10%)으로 뚜렷이 나타나고 있다. J. 大學에 要望事項에서 밝혀진 事實 1) 현재 學生들은 大學當局에 대한 要望事項으로서는 첫째 大學 캠퍼스 統合 및 施設擴張(18.7%), 둘째 充實한 硏究와 誠義있는 講義 (15.7%), 세째 贓書擴保 (13.7%), 네째 敎授와 學生間의 親熟한 紐帶關係(12.3%)를 가장 뚜렷하게 指摘하고 있다.

      • 1972年度 新入生들의 知能分析

        제주대학 학생지도연구소 제주대학 학생지도연구소 1972 학생지도 Vol.2 No.-

        1972年度 新入生 知能分布를 分析한 結果를 簡單히 整理해 보면 다음과 같다. 1) 全 集團의 IQ의 M는 95.3이고, SD는 12.5이다. 이는 理論上의 IQ平均 100, SD 16에 比하면 本 集團은 大學生 標集集團의 平均에 이르지는 못하고, 個人差는 작은 集團이다. 2) IQ의 最高는 126이고, 最底는 62이다. IQ120以上의 學生은 2.5%인 5명이다. 이는 昨年度 120以上인 學生 1.6%인 2명에 比하여 3명이 더 많은 셈이다. 3) 科別로 IQ를 볼때 英語敎育科와 法學科가 各各 103.8, 103.5로 가장 높고, 豫備考査를 거치지 않은 體育敎育科가 85.9로 가장 낮다. 4) SD는 獸醫科·體育敎育科가 14.0으로 가장 크고, 農科園藝 ·科는 0.6, 1.7로 가장 적다. 5) 全 知能分析 點數에 있어서 VR와 FR은 T點數 平均 50에 가깝거나 그 以上이고, 나머지 WU, AR, NR는 平勻에 이루지 못한 要因이다. 이 WU, AR, NR이 今年度 新入生의 안고 있는 問題點이다.

      • 濟州大學生의 價値觀과 새마을運動 奇與度 測定硏究

        韓昌榮,高明奎,姜柄燦 제주대학 학생지도연구소 1972 학생지도 Vol.2 No.-

        New Community movement extending on a national scale is becoming the matter of concern among teachers, dwellers and students. Jeju islanders are confined within historical, geographical, social and economic characteristics in Jeju-Do. Therefore the students of Jeju College have Particular values and Patterns of behavior compared with those of students in the mainland. The objects of this survey are teachers in middle and high schools, dwellers in many villages and students of Jeju college. Amd the problems of this survey are as follows : A. Problem of Values B. Problem of Modernization C. Problem of New Community Movement D. Problem of Leaders of New Community Movement E. Problem of Students' Intention to Village and their Contribution to the Development of Village after their Graduation F. Problem of Service to Community. The data of the survey was collected by the stratified random sampling approach and analyzed by the method of percentage ststistics. The aim of this essay is to seek for a desirable guidance programme in order that students of Jeju college should enact their role for the spreading Of New Community Movement. Many propositions are to be championed on the basis of the results of analyzing the data obtained by the survey. Some of which I regard most important in each problem are as follows: A. On the problem of Values. 1. to improve the environment and education at home. 2. to reinforce the cultural guidance and mass education for student's character building. 3. to seek for the guidance plan getting rid of mammonism. 4. to find out the guidance programme for the exercise of "Ru1e of Ritual Standards" in consideration that students give their enthusiastic support to that rule. B. On the Problem of Modernization. 1. to teach "General Theory of Leadership" to students as cultural subjects. 2. to teach more agricultural technic than ever. 3. to reinforce the guidance for we-feeling groups. 4. to upbring local colleges. 5. to find out reciprocal guidance between the improvement of life and the increase of farmer's income. C. On the Problem of New Community Movement. 1. to guide students in the direction of the inspiration of self-helf spirit. 2. to make the pattern of the concrete programme for the Practice of New community Movement. 3. to make a good guidance plan building up the harmonized link between society, mass communication and students. 4. to make a good guidance plan for beautification of city. D. On the Problem of Leaders of New Community Movement. 1. to guide students in order to make them a leader who has knowledge, sound judgement and ambitious intention for the development of the community, and enjoys the confidence of the dwellers. E. On the Problem of Students' Intention to Village and their Contribution to the Development of Village after their Graduation. 1. to exploit the sense of Participation of students. 2. to guide students in the way that they are bound to work in the village as leader. 3. to guide students in the way that they have a preference for the village. F. On the Problem of Service to Community. 1. to reinforce the Summer Service t o community and to encourage the service groups composed of many departments. 2. to change a labour Service to community into technic service to it. In Short, it goes without saying that New Community Movement will be accelerated if students participate actively in New Community Movement.

      • 新入生 實態調査 硏究(1972년도)

        高明奎 제주대학 학생지도연구소 1972 학생지도 Vol.2 No.-

        The present survey was designed to collect basic informations about freshmen of '72. with a questionnaire consisted of items covering such aspects as their motives for college entrance, the department choice problem, the transfer problem, student's urgent Present problem, student's extra-curricular activities, the problem to go to school. student's social participation. "arbeit", student's future vocation and their wishes to the college authorities. Responded to the questionnaire were 215 students ie., 71.2% of the total number of the freshmen. The brief results of the survey are as followings: 1) 27.4% of the responded freshmen chose the admitted college for the cultivation of personality with intelligence, and 25.1% of them, for the prospect for vocational placement after graduation. 2) 43.3% of the responded students chose their majors according to their interests and aptitudes. 3) 27.9% of the students had experiences of being advised in choosing the departments, 38.3% of them were advised by their family members, 28.3% by their own will, and 14.1% by their high school teachers. 4) 45.1% of the students expressed wishes to transfered to other departments, when possible. Major reaons were that their interests and aptitudes are not suitable for the admitted departments. 5) The most urgent problem of them was the economic problem, next was their future vocation, and third, their health and human relation. 6) 61.4% of them insisted to participate in extra-curricular activities. 7) 43.7% of them were those who go to college from their homes. 8) 63.2% of them expressd positive attitude toward social participation, and only 1.9% of them showed negative. 9) Most of the students want to have "arbeit". Because the major reasons are: that they cultivate their spirits of independence and they earn their school expenses. 10) After graduation, 34.4% of the responded students want to be teachers, and 13.5% professors. 11) Most of them want a unified campus which has laboratory rooms and various audio-visual equipments.

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