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      • ASEM의 미래

        이지연 이화여자대학교세계지역연구회 1996 세계지역연구 Vol.- No.1

        The first Asia-Europe Meeting(ASEM) was held in bangkok, Thailand on March 1, 2. This meeting whose title was "Asia-Europe Partnership for Greater Growth" had 26 member: European Commission and leaders from 15 countries of the EU, 7 countries of the ASEM, plus China, Japan and South Korea. The first summit of the ASEM was meaningful, not only because inter-regional cooperation started beyond differences of their historical and geographic backgrounds, but because channel for resolving can advance promptly. Also, the ASEM has rounded off basic inter-regional cooperation among North America, Europe and Asia which make up the political and economic tripolar system in a global scale. Now, what we have to notice is the ASEAM countries giving conspicuous activities in the process of opening the ASEM. Southeast Asian nations, which were in the colonial status of Europe even after W.W.Ⅱ, belong to the periphery of world system. Yet these countries represented by ASEAM are raising their political and economic positions through positive activities on the basis of a rapid development of industrialization and intergovernmental cooperation among them. From this view, it is probable to expect that the ASEAM would play an important role in the future of the ASEM as we ascertained it in the course of the first ASEM. Meanwhile, South Korea has been determined to host the third ASEM in 2000. Although South Korea joined lately in the first place, she made a springboard to promote her position in the world by taking leadership in the ASEM in parallel with playing a role as a mesotron in the APEC. Of course, the future of the ASEM is not prospective yet. Asia and Europe made only a first step toward, cooperation. Europe has a fear of the US' intention to control the Asian market through APEC as well as regret for her ignorance of "an emerging continent, Asia". Asian countries also need Europe in order to check the US' walkover and secure the routes of investment and importing technology. Therefore, the interests of two sides realized the ASEM. But it has many complicated problems; Europe with unification of politics and economy is pursuing prompt liberalization of trade while Asia, which has diverse historical and cultural backgrounds, has rejected it. But the prospect of the ASEM is not merely bleak in that both sides absolutely agree to necessity of cooperation. In case that the developing ASEAM countries and South Korea participate with positive strategies, the ASEM will be a institutional condition to improve the relationship between Asia and Europe. The time is that a map of the world is being re-formed. A new order of the world is being made through mutual competition and cooperation beyond restriction of individual countries. Asia, a locomotive of economic development of the world, is emerging as a heroine of future history from stillness for centuries.

      • APEC 회원국간의 갈등구조

        박명희 이화여자대학교세계지역연구회 1996 세계지역연구 Vol.- No.1

        The principal purpose of this study is to explain the significance of an Asian and Pacific Community and Korea's policy in this region. Regionalism is becoming a major feature of new political and economic world order, and formation of regional economic bloc receives worldwide attention in 1990s. After the decline of cold war system which was the backbone of the post World War Ⅱ capitalist world, Regionalism has emerged as effective instrument in managing the diverse and extensive international community. The European Union which was established in the 1950s was recognized as a succeccful model in the early 1960s and regionalism began to gain popularity. The European Union expect to complete its integration by the end of 1992, and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been established, which makes a serch for a new mechanism for regitonal integration in the Asian and Pacific region inevitable. In this contition, APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) is established. There are various views on nature and scope of an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. The following must be noted for guessing the future of APEC First, the major obstacle in APEC is the lack of a sense of common bonding among nations in region. In oter words, there is lack of a sense of community, which reflect the heterogeneity of this region in its history, culture, religion, language and ethinic background. Second, political and military conflict interupt the process of establishing an Asia Pacific Community. Japanease military expansionism, and China's participation in the Asian Pacific Era may bring forth a new form of political and military conflict within this region, rather than solidifying it. Third, the establishment of an APEC is including the ASEAN. The ASEAN supports the formation of community that contribute to matenance of its neutrality and cohesion. Forth, the broad scope of goal of an APEC make the basic preparation of its establishment a painstakeing and time consuming task. In order to tacle the above mentioned issue, an atmospere that ensures the activity paticipation of all nations must be cultivated. In Korea's part, It is important for us presently to support the basic principles that sustain the world trade order such as multilateralism, free trade, fair trade etc in this region Because this region is where our largest trade partners U.S.A and Japan are included and where there is high dependance on resources, technology and finance. Looking at this point of view, It is necessary for Korea to actively participate in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation from the start in order that Korea may develope as the main force in this region.

      • WTO체제와 지역주의화와의 갈등과 공존

        김승희 이화여자대학교세계지역연구회 1996 세계지역연구 Vol.- No.1

        The Uruguay Round breaks new ground. The completion of the Uruguay Round of global trade talks was in many respects an outstanding achievement. The culmination of more than seven years of negotiations involving 125 governments, the final 424-page document extended multilateral fair-trade rules to most every area of international commerce. Two of the most distorted areas of trade in goods, agriculture and textiles, have been brought squarely within the rules-based trading system. Comprehensive agreements were also reached on trade in services and trade related aspects of intellectual property, both of central importance in globalising world economy. The Uruguay Round broke new ground in bringing international trading rules. The Uruguay Round participants decided to replace the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT), still a provisional legal entity nearly half a century after its creation in 1947, with a more powerful World Trade Organization(WTO). The main functions of the WTO, which in October 1995 had over 100 members, are : to supervise implementation of the various Uruguay Round accords ; to act as a forum for continuing multilateral trade negotiations; and to settle disputes using a strengthen semi-judicial disputes procedure which no longer allows trade offenders to block decisions against them. These are important achievements. But on their own they are not sufficient to put the world trading system on a firm multilateral footing in the light of changing circumstances and new challenges. The WTO operates on the basis of consensus and its authority essentially derives from its member's readiness to respect the rules. The WTO thus needs the backing of members, especially the leading trading powers, to enforced the Uruguay Round agreements are extend the reach of multilateral rules to new areas such as investment and competition policy. The Uruguay Round negotiations were, paradoxically, accompanied by an upsurge of interest in regional trade arrangement. Over 100 such deals had been notified to the GATT by 1994, nearly one-third of them in the previous five years. Most WTO members are members of one or more, since many overlap. So far, in the WTO's judgement, regional arrangements have not damaged the multilateral trading system and in some cases they may have helped to accelerate the push towards freer trade on a global level by lowering barriers faster. However, there are reasons to think that this benign coexistence may be coming to an end. Regional ambitions are becoming grander. Several mooted free-trade areas involve huge swathes of the world. The USA and EU may launch a study on a transatlantic free-trade area. The EU, which is the process of sewing up the whole European and Mediterranean region with a multitude of preferential trade deals, recently concluded a free-trade agreement with MERCOSUR, the custom union liking Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) forum envisages free trade by 2020 among its 18 members, which include the USA, Japan and Canada. The WTO needs more powerful support. Globalism and Regionalism are not separated. World search for new rules in trading market, and the WTO plays an important role in the world economy. The WTO is not opposite to regioalism. We, Korean expect the new rule of world economy, WTO, can help us. And also, we really need a good regional professional.

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